Like a fearsome, hungry beast, neither broken bones nor loss of blood could keep him from rising. His eyes would blaze like hellish purple fire, smoke billowing around him like a poison vapor, weapons glinting like gilded snakes in the low light, and in such a setting he would become a living, breathing nightmare that would first destroy his opponent's sanity before finally, mercifully bringing them to their knees and showing them the waiting mouth of the Sanzu.

That was the Hibari Kyouya that Sawada Tsunayoshi had become so in awe of. The wild creature that would sooner tear off someone's hand than wear a collar was more than a fascination; he was a mesmerizing fate to which the Vongola Decimo had been drawn, and even in the slow, insufferable moments of pain, his eyes would turn to that monster. He was tragically, hopelessly enamored; escape was futile. Even if he were to run from his predator, those bloody fangs had already tasted him. Like a craving, he would seek the pain… and the beast would seek the pleasure.

Tsuna couldn't even find it in himself to want the demon all to himself; his heart didn't even conceive the idea that the terrific Hibari would submit his heart, or any other part of himself, into the mafioso's hand.

Even in the deepest, most longing part of his heart, Tsuna knew that Hibari would be free. He was that elusive cloud, forming and transforming, there and gone and back again in the sky. If he were the type to change, the Cloud Ring would not have suited him so well.

So when the mesmerizing beast has a thirst to blood, he will appear at the window; silently, like a starving shadow, he will advance on his prey. In the thin moonlight leaking between the curtains, Kyouya will charm him in an instant, and devour him long, and slow, and without any thought to his pain or pleasure. He will feast upon the body of his "master" until even his bones are gone, and then he will disappear into the waking sun as if he'd never come.

AN: Another experimental piece. I quite like fiddling around with atmospheres and guessing at what certain relationships would, realistically, be like. All critiques appreciated. Flames not welcome, and neither are those who give them. I hope you have enjoyed!