After the rain

Chapter 4

"Sempai!" It was all he could say to her… What could he say, this was the girl, that for the last day had invaded his every thought. He was overwhelmed by an urge just to touch her, his right hand reaching up to gently cup her cheek. As he struggled to fight back the tears of joy at just seeing her. The feel of the softness of her skin reminded him of some long lost memory that he could just not piece together. For eternity…If I could, I would holder her for an eternity, were his thoughts as he took in the sight of her beauty and felt the lifting of a deep and long suffered loneliness.

Saeko was not sure of what to say next as the warm hand caressed her cheek. It was all so foreign to her to be touched like this, yet there was this deep down feeling of she wanted this, she wanted him, needed him and no other. She gently snuggled into the hand on her face, placing her own hand onto it holding it in place in fear he would let go. She was also having the strangest of urges for this hand to grasp her breast and for him to say that he accepts her.

Closing her eyes so she could concentrate on his touch she tried to clear her mind. Not this time… I will not let you go again, never again, were the thoughts that ran through her mind, as she struggled to come to terms with why she wanted to be like this with him. He was a boy she had just met yet she felt such calm around him.

They had stayed like that frozen in time, not a single word was uttered. Until the loud ringing of the school bell sounded letting them know it was lunch break. Forty minutes already. Takashi thought still unable to take his eyes off of her until a single idea popped into his head. "Sempai would you like to have lunch with me?"

"Hmmm," was the reply, not quite hearing him? She opened her eyes to look at him again, letting go of his hand, allowing it to drop back down. It was at this point the sudden realisation of what she was doing and where she was hit her… she was sitting with her bare feet behind her, straddling the young man's waist almost positive that she could feel something hard beneath her. I hope that is just something in his pocket, she mused. Not that she would get upset at this, she was aware of young men and their reactions. If anything it was a bit funny and strangely inviting. Her face blushed as she gave her answer "Sorry what did you say?"

Takashi noticed the blush then looked down to where she sat. Oh crap, was the embarrassed thought as he notice himself growing to the occasion, feeling the warmth of her against his manhood. "Err, sempai I was just asking if you would like some lunch?"

She was looking down at him when he asked her, still trying to decide if she should stand up or not. "That would be agreeable…but it is normally customary to at least tell me your name first before a date," she said with a cute smile.

Don't think sexy thoughts, was Takashi's main thought as he struggled to wish away his erection. This is going to get extremely embarrassing when I have to stand up. "Ah yes, sorry I'm Komuro Takashi Class 2,b."

It is him! The man from my dreams, she thought as her mind was assaulted by the images of what happed in the dream, small moments of times that they shared together. One in a dark candle lit room as he held her close in a moment of despair, another as they made love in a strange bedroom and the last her holding him as he was dying in her arms, the falling rain soaking her. She tried to shake off the images as she answered him in kind, "Hello Komuro-kun I am Busujima Saeko, class 3,C please don't think this as forward of me, but how do I know you?"

Looking up at her, he could not help but feel confusion at her question. She could not know him, they had only just met. Shure he knew who she was because of her status and fame in the school kendo team and any time he had passed her they had always exchanged pleasantries. However this feeling of loss that he had and the feeling of comfort she gave him, just by being so close was just too startling. First a dream…but now she is here I feel… well I feel complete… Damn it I'm going to try something! "Busujima-sempai… forgive me, but I have to."

He pushed himself up, so that his face was level with hers and looking directly into her eyes to see if she would protest. Once he was sure there was none, he pushed forward the last few inches and in one fluid motion, kissed her, claiming her lips for himself. It was to him a firm forceful moment of madness, that would ether grant him something more, or have her beat him half to death.

The kiss was warm and inviting, in this cold world that Saeko mused. As a feeling of want flooded her mind, making her eyes widen in surprise, then soften, slowly closing as she relaxed into the kiss wanting more.

Her lips tasted sweetly of some sort of cherry lip balm and the way she trembled slightly to his touch was sending Takashi into a cuteness overload as he enjoyed this one little moment.

They broke for a second, each gasping for a quick breath before continuing on, as they tested each other's limits and resolve, the kiss deepening into one of pure passion and lust for each other. Hands began moving, as both of them went to explore each other's bodies. His hand stroking through her hair, around her neck and down to the small of her back, as he toyed with her purple tresses, only to rise back up and start again. He was not alone in this as she found her own hands grasping the back of his neck pulling him in for more, the other placed lovingly on his chest.

The two teens sat passionately kissing and exploring each other, for what felt like an eternity to them. Finally they stopped parting for air, both panting and faces blushing a deep red.

"Well Komuro-kun that was not the answer I was looking for… but it worked." She giggled a little trying to regain her normal composure.

Still looking at her he finally managed to answer her question, "Well Busujima-sempai if I told you…you will probably think I'm crazy, insane, a lyre or something." Thinking hard to himself as he waited for her to answer he concluded, So I tell her about my dream, and she thinks I'm nuts, then so be it nothing ventured nothing gained at least I got a kiss.

Calming down she took a few seconds to answer him. "After the day that I have been having… I could do with a little crazy and you may call me Saeko."

"Ok Saeko-sempai…well you see last night I had this dream about you…"

Cocking her head as she recognised what he said to her. Saeko rapidly got to her feet and stepped back from him. "What did you say?"

Startled by her fast reaction of practically diving off of him, Takashi had to fight to form the words he was going to say part in fear that she was about to beat the shit out of him and part at how fast she had moved. "T…that…I…I had a dream about y…you." He then got up himself so that he could face her. Putting his hands up to defend himself, until he remembered about his man moment and his hands flashed down to cover his pride. "It was nothing perverted, if that's what you are worried about…"

Smirking a little at his reaction she tried to calm him down. She had also noticed that he was trying to cover his male pride she spoke in what she thought was a calming tone. "I did not think it would be perverted…but tell me Komuro…was it raining in your dream?"

How the hell does she know that? he thought, his eyes widening. Reaching a hand to his abdomen, he remembered the pain from this morning as confused look spread over his face. "Yes…But how can you know that?"

Saeko gasped at the revelation, her skin paled as her hand reached across her mouth "Because I had a similar dream last night and this morning. But in my dream you…you…you died!" she struggled to say the last part of her sentence as a feeling of cold lonely dread washed over her.

"Well it's probably just a coincidence." Takashi tried to reason as he closed some of the growing gap between them, and then continued on. "How about you tell me everything in your dream, then I will tell you all about mine. Maybe then we can work something out." I hope.

Looking the boy up and down she stepped forward a bit more, inwardly trying to resist the urge to do more kissing. Urgh that can wait for a bit until we clear this up. Saeko mentally slapped herself for her lack of discipline and clarity of mind. She took a deep breath, and then began telling him about her dream, leaving out a few of the racer details, whilst thinking, I have already kissed him within minutes of meeting; I don't want this man to think I'm a loose woman.

Taking in the information, Takashi stood dumbfounded at the startling similarities to both of their dreams. From the encounters in the candle lit room, to him lying down in the mud, but he had more detail about some events than she did not or could not describe. "Saeko-san." he interrupted having heard enough. "My dream was almost as you describe yours. Just a few…other things happened."

Not sure if she wanted to hear what those other things where or not, she gave into her curiosity and nodded to him "Like what?"

"Well…it's…err…um…well it's like…no." Unable to find the words Takashi kept stuttering around what he wanted to say. How do you say to a woman, that you have had sex with her in a dream and not sound like a big fucking pervert? Takashi's mind raced until he gave a frustrated sigh.

"Komuro-kun….it is not attractive for…a man…to sigh…" Saeko suddenly interrupted the last part of her sentence trailing off.


"Nothing. It was a bit of Déjà vu, like I have said that to you before." Looking a bit perplexed she shook off the feeling with a small shiver. "But anyway…I think I know what you are on about and yes I dreamed that also. So you don't need to say it."

"That we had sex." Takashi blurted out unable to control himself. Only to see Saeko scowl and clench her fists at the outburst.

"KOMURO!" she almost shouted at him angrily, "I said don't!" She felt like slapping him round the head. "I am a girl that has never done things like that yet…wait why am I telling you this?" she stopped and turned her face away embarrassed about what she had just said in that little outburst.

Not quite sure what to think, Takashi stood in stunned silence. Stunned at the fact that their dreams where almost identical and at the fact that Busujima Saeko-sempai, had just informed him that she was indeed a virgin.

So Takashi did what he did best. He did not think he just acted. Walking over to the, now bright red girl, and pulling her in to a hug. He quietly spoke to her "I'll forget that Saeko-san…as long as you call me Takashi."

"Deal…never mention it again Takashi-kun." Not knowing why she wrapped her arms around his neck returning the embrace. Then whispered back to him. "Thank you."

"Think nothing of it."

Pulling away from him Saeko then asked, "So what do you think about us having the same dream?" It was in her opinion an answer that she needed, to help her decide what to do next. There was also the issue of what her aunt would say, but that can wait until then.

Silence descended, as the pair stood looking to each other for some sort of answer. Takashi was in conflict as he did not know what he wanted. He was sure he wanted Saeko, but was all this just an impulse from convenient dream they had both had? "Well Saeko-san to be honest with you I don't know what to think…" pausing for a second he looked away trying to order his thoughts. "But what I do know is, that every time I have thought of you today, and trust me that has been a lot, in fact I have thought of not much else, I have wanted to be with you. Then, the one time that I had seen you this morning, all I have felt is nothing but a need to be with you." Turning to look back at her so he could finish, he noted that neutral expression she was famous for, the look of Busujima Saeko the famous Ice Queen that could make any man tremble. "What about you?"

His words did something to her that she had never felt before, they calmed her inner demon. It actually quietened down this whole time, allowing her to have some clarity, which it rarely permitted her to have. "Takashi-kun there are some things about me that you may not like." Am I going to do this? Am I actually going to allow myself to feel this way? Do I deserve this? Saeko thought as her insecurities began to surface at what she was about to do. "I do not believe in coincidences, everything happens for a reason and sometimes we may not know or understand that reason. But I am willing to act on this if you will allow me. But there are two conditions though."

Looking at how serious she was, as she stood there speaking with hard tone of voice, he began wondering where she was going with this. "What is that?"

"The First is; that you do not confess your love, until you know all about me. The second is;" pausing for a second as her heart giggled at the stupidity of this request. But she is a girl and girls like to be asked out and Saeko was no exception to this. "That you ask me out formally."

Realising the request and recognising the question she wanted. He accepted her reasoning. Hell the way I figure it it's a small price to pay to date with the great Busujima Saeko-sempai. Grasping her hand he looked her in the eye and with all the courage he could muster he made his decision. "Saeko I would like to date you… if you will let me?" Feeling relieved for some reason Takashi mused. God that was easier than I thought.

As she was asked the words she had waited to hear, her gaze softened and she took a deep breath noting the warmth of his hand in hers. Her spirit lifted as she allowed herself to feel happiness. "Yes, I will date you Komuro Takashi-Kun." Saeko gave him a loving smile as she pulled him in for another simple, but affectionate kiss.

After the kiss he held her tight not wanting to say anything and again the bell rang letting them know that lessons will start again in ten minutes.

Saeko pulled back, but still held his hand and with a mischievous grin she asked. "So now that we are dating…who was that other girl you where kissing? Hmmm?"

Suddenly a feeling of panic swept across him as his mind raced to find an answer sighing in defeat he looked back up "You ready for a long story Saeko-san."


Sitting at her desk, Rei watched as Saya came back from wherever she had been. Probably been to see Takashi. She inwardly smirked as she noticed his desk was empty.

Well you can have him, the indecisive ass that he is. She was bitter at him for making her wait for so long for the confession that at the time she so desperately wanted and waited for. Just to hear him utter those three words, but it was never to happen. Then last year when she needed him the most, he still did not ask her. Preferring instead to still be lazy and take her on half assed dates. She had felt like he was taking her close friendship and admiration for granted.

The few times she tried to talk to him about it, he would just seem so uninterested, and that just made her blood boil.

So in the end, when it all had finally gotten to her she broke down from the news that she will be held back a year regardless of her achievements, she had never seen her father so angry or cry and that destroyed some of her soul. So In her time of need she went to the one place that she thought that Takashi would be, only to find that he had gone home braking yet another promise to walk home together that afternoon after school,

Standing distraught her knees buckled under her. As her Heart shattered Rei sank to the ground and wailed in pain, as she sobbed for a man that was supposed to be her strength now seemed so uninterested in her. It was also the feeling of betrayal to a stupid promise she had made as a five year old girl stung the most.

As Rei she reached her lowest, even contemplating jumping from the stairwell she felt a warm hand on her back. At first she was surprised thinking that maybe he was just late, until a soothing voice asked her what was wrong. But when she looked up it was not Takashi.

Knelt beside her was a man she knew, his amber eyes looking into hers "Hisashi?"

It was after that she started to get closer to Hisashi he would listen attentively showed interest and would never let her down when she needed him.

So when Hisashi confessed, she accepted thinking that she had waited long enough for Takashi to make his mind up.

Rei did regret what she had done to Takashi, when he found out in what was probably the worst way possible, catching her sharing an intimate moment with Hisashi. They had gone out on a mini date after school and were spotted outside an ice-cream parlour. When she noticed him looking, from across a rail crossing, she felt embarrassed that she could do that to him. But also furious that he would not have even noticed when Hisashi confessed to her. He was in the same room at the time for god sake! But that was Takashi, through and through dense to anyone but himself she thought.

As she began forgetting about Takashi and concentrating on the class, a note landed on her desk. Opening it up Rei read the message.

Want to go out after school to get coffee?

Love Hisashi.

Carefully folding the note, she placed it in her bag and looked over her shoulder at her boyfriend, to see him looking in her direction. Giving him a smile and nodded. She watched him for a few seconds more as he grinned, and went back to his work. Yes I have made the right choice she thought as she went back to the English lesson.


After Saelo was satisfied with Takashi's explanation of his kissing with Saya Takagi, and having lots of fun at his expense as she toyed with his stuttering. Takashi invited her on a date only to fumble on a choice of what to do. So taking charge, as she was primarily the reason for him not to come up with anything, she invited him to walk her home and to have dinner at her home. He's a student, it's not like he will have a lot of money to take me out anywhere, she reasoned as she walked back to the dojo.

On entering she began the work she had originally come to do. Setting out the various equipment's for the trials that would start later in the week. After she was satisfied that all was in order, she walked over to the notice bored. She stood looking at the lists to check the scheduled time that the Kendo club would be permitted. Reading the list she felt grateful that they had been granted three sessions a week, Tuesday evening, Wednesday afternoon and Friday after school.

After she had written in her note book the timings, she looked up who would be this year's Kendo advisor and the Club president. The advisor was to be sensei Teshima. At last a physical education teacher with at least a 3Dan in kendo! She happily thought. After last year's advisor tuned out to be the English teacher, Sensei Klodo this was a pleasant surprise. After all no offence to Sensei Klodo, But he only knew the basics of the sport and ended up relying more on Saeko and Ezio for information he needed.

The Club president position, traditionally in this school went to a second year and the name surprised her, as she read it out. "Miyamoto Rei, Sojutsu club." The surprise came from the fact that this girl had been held back a year. How can anyone, that has dishonoured themself like that, get such a position? Saeko thought as she wondered how it happened. But, there was some rumours going around about that. Well no matter, she has the position it is up to me to follow her direction. I shall have to see her before I go home for the day. I hope Takashi doses not mind waiting while we talk.

Thank you to the readers and reviewers.

For the Rei fans I will not be going down the easy rout and bashing her character or making her bitchy so don't worry about that.

Next update will take a while as I have real life concerns to deal with first