AN: Finally i was able to update the story. I have actually almost given up on it but again my Beta SexyBVirgo -thanks so very much- encouraged me and motivated me with kind words and also inspired me with her stories so here I am! back on track again :)

A special Thanks as well to all of the reviews faves and alerts that you bestowed on my simple story. Hope you enjoy this chapter like i did writing it.


Chapter 5

The pureblood urged me to sit down, without letting go of my hands. The moment of awe was gone and was replaced with anxiousness, rendering me at loss on what to say. I just stared at the prince and I detected amusement on his part, his blue eyes shining with glee.

"So," He started, squeezing my hands, "First off I would like to apologize if it took this long for you to get here. We need to secure some loose ends to ensure that our marriage will run smoothly".

All of a sudden I felt a lump on my throat and I swallowed upon hearing the word marriage pass his lips. The reality of the situation is starting to dawn on me and it did not help with my already shaky nerves. Senri seemed to have felt the tension on my part as he let go of my hand and instead ran his fingers across my cheeks in a soothing motion. "It's a bit stuffy in here, don't you think? Would it be better if we talk about marriage plans outsideā€¦ in the garden perhaps?"

"N-no it's okay," I stammered, like a fool and the soothing motion on my cheeks must have left me blushing, as I felt heat coming out from my skin.

"You look cute when you blush," The brunette suddenly declared and laughed. I've never been called cute before and I should have been offended, but I was not. Instead I can't help but grin myself upon hearing his infectious laughter.

He stared at me for a while after recovering from laughter. "There, I think you have calmed down a bit now. I know this must be overwhelming but since we don't have much time I will discuss what will happen from now until the date assigned for the union." I nodded and he went on. "If you feel that you need a breather just tell me so I will stop, okay?"

I nodded and my mate to be discussed what would happen in the next two days like it was a casual thing; like a trivial date being planned. I've got to say his attitude is not what I expected. It was refreshing.

"So there," He summed up. "Can you kindly tell me what you remembered?" He asked then winked at me.

I smiled widely. His attitude was just like a teen's. "Yeah, so you're going to take me to the council's meeting tomorrow so you're subjects can meet me and then some last minute preparation and then the wedding the day after!"

"Simple right?"

I nodded. Deep in my heart I know it isn't. The council will not easily give in especially since their soon to be king is marrying the lowest of the low. I stared at my companion's eyes and hoped against hope that he will be able to execute this smoothly. I'm starting to feel doubts and uncertainties and I'm afraid that they might overcome my goal.


I wasn't able to sleep, all I have in my mind was the meeting with the ancient beings ruling the council tomorrow. What will happen if they show resistance? What if they were able to convince Senri that marrying me is a folly? What will happen to me then? To my family?

I quit trying to sleep and opened the window to my balcony. It's was useless to even lie down. Not with a bunch of worries in my mind. As I was staring into blank space, for some reason, I thought of Kaname. I missed him. He might be an ass most of the time and Senri is way kinder than him but for some reason, there is a gentleness in Kaname that seemed to ease my burdens.

And as if there was some magic in my thoughts, Kaname materialized in front of me. He had the prince's stallion with him. I ran like a child, hurrying to be where he was and greeted him with a fierce hug.

I saw Kaname's shocked look when I stepped back from the embrace. After a few seconds though, a trace of smile curved in his lips. "That was quite the greeting. Anyway since it looks like you were unable to sleep; would you like to roam the garden atop of Kiseki?"

I answered him with an excited nod and patted the horse. "So your name is Kiseki huh. We are going to breeze around here, kay?" I said and rode atop of it while Kaname was holding its reins, guiding us on our late night stroll.

"Kaname, will you be... joining us tomorrow?" I asked.

Kaname did not look at me and instead just went ahead and guided kiseki as we stroll. "I'm afraid I can't. I have a mission tomorrow evening. We're going to raid a suspected lair of level E's."

I halted kiseki and I got down, facing Kaname. "Can I go?" I asked excitedly.

Kaname pinched the bridge of my nose. "You can't silly. That's the night before the union." The brunette's aura then turned serious. "Is there something bothering you Zero? Tell me and I'll help."

That must be it. The tone of voice that seemed to calm me. The reassurance, the security that it brings. I wrapped myself around Kaname, wanting to feel more.

"Who would have thought," Kaname whispered, as if talking to himself, "That I'd feel this towards you," He said and before I knew it, he lifted my chin up and he lowered his face towards mine. I closed my eyes. I can feel my heart thumping wildly, as if it's going to burst out of my ribcage. I can feel his breath as he moved closer...closer...

"What are you two doing?" The moment was broken as Senri popped up out of nowhere. I was out of Kaname's embrace in an instant and he was bowing down gracefully at Senri, as if nothing happened.

"Forgive me. I was just accompanying Zero since he mentioned he cannot sleep." Kaname answered. Senri had the look of disbelief in his eyes, but he then took a deep breath and moved towards the direction of the horse. No words are said as we quietly observed Senri soothing the stallion. There were sadness and longing in his eyes as he were doing so. We knew without doubt that he remembered his dead lover. Kaname approached me and patted my shoulder, clearly conveying the message that I should stay with the prince. "I'm going now Senri-sama, Zero-san. I bid you goodnight." There is nothing I wanted more than to follow him and ask him a lot of things about what just transpired but I couldn't. He wanted me to stay.

With my soon to be mate.

Senri once again caressed my cheeks as he turned to me and I don't know why, but it had the opposite effect. It didn't calm my nerves this time.

I'm clearly torn at the moment.


As planned, Senri bought me to the place where the council meeting was held hand in hand. I was greeted with raised eyebrows from female vampires, curiosity (as if I was a circus freak) and yes; even contempt. Senri had me sat at his side as he stood an addressed his people.

"Please hear me since what I would be saying won't be long." He started, and all eyes were focused on him now to my relief. "I decided, as part of my oath to bring peace to both ours and the hunter clan, to marry the son of the current leader of the hunters. He is now with me." He then extended his hand and brought me closer to him as he continued, "Zero Kiryu will be my mate and that will be finalized on a union that will be held tomorrow night." As soon as he mentioned the word union the entire room went into chaos, some of the vampire knocked the table and the females lashed out on Senri while the others stood. I looked at Senri, hoping he would calm down the room. To my surprise he turned his boyish grin on me just before getting back at them. "My decision is irrevocable and there is nothing that you could do or say that will overturn it. I just announced it here out of respect." The room quieted down and the pureblood took the opportunity. "Now that I have announced it we have no more business here. You can go back to the agenda." He held my hand as we exited the room but just before he did he left some parting words. "By the way, anyone who wants to stop me is welcome to try. But don't blame me for the consequences of your actions." Then we left the room in silence. As the prince mentioned his parting words the easy going Senri vanished, replaced by a person with authority, one whose anger are laced with venom. I was absorbed by that difference.

The blue eyed noble then led me to the waiting limousine. As the automobile sped up I turned to my companion and to my surprise, his eyes were closed, as if he were fighting a headache.

"I-I'm sorry Senri-san, If I caused trouble for you." I muttered.

The pureblood then opened his eyes and chuckled, pulling me down to him. "Are you kidding me? You actually did a favor for me. The look on those old snobs faces were priceless!" He said then kissed my forehead. "Don't worry about anything Zero. We are going to protect you and your family. I'll strengthen it tomorrow with the vampires and your clan as our witness." He then tipped my chin and stared directly at my eyes, an odd look on his face. He looks like he was having second thoughts; he held my face as if he was testing something. Then, as I somehow expected, he pressed his lips onto mine. His lips were soft as it brushed my own but when he pulled my face closer to his, I felt like I was stung. I gently pushed him away.

I looked down and saw my hands fidgeting on my lap. "I-m sorry. I'm not yet ready for this."

Senri turned away from me. "I understand it now Zero. So don't worry." He whispered and silence greeted us, the meaning of his words lost on me.


Kaname was assembling a group of vampires when we got back at the mansion. Everyone bowed at the sight of their leader as he entered. Kaname then approached us. "Senri-sama, we are ready, we leave in an hour. We will make sure to be back by tomorrow to witness the union.

Senri patted my back. "Take Zero with you. I'm sure he wants to go."

Kaname's eyes widened. "B-but he can't, the preparations..."

The prince shook his head. "No need for you to worry about it. I've got it covered. Besides going there will help ward off some wedding jitters right?" He replied, turning on his careless smile once more.

"B-but Senri-sa.."

"This is not up for discussion, Kaname." The blue eyed brunette cut off his right hand and walked away. "Take him with you, protect him, make sure he is entertained. And that's final." Senri parted before heading towards his room. Kaname sighed and turned to me.

"Let's get you prepared, then Zero."


I thought I will be part of the mission but Kaname seems to be bent on not including me. Here I was; a few meters away from the lair and being supervised by a female vampire as if I was a child that needed protection while Kaname and his team are raiding and possibly having a battle with a group of level E's. It was unfair. I was fuming with anger and I wrapped my fingers around bloody rose. It's been a while since I've used it and I thought this was the perfect time. Damn Kaname.

I was about to give up and sleep off my frustration when the vampire that was guarding me suddenly had a call. It seems like she wasn't hearing the voice on the other end well since she had to step away from the car. Seizing the opportunity, I slipped away like a thief and went straight to the lair. It was a vast horse stable and it has two floors. To my surprise, no one seemed to be around on the first floor. There were no traces of Kaname nor the other vampires so I decided to go straight to the second floor. The entire area was oozing with a decaying smell. As I move around a bit I noticed all kinds of dead animals laying on the floor, they must be the food for the bastards. I roam a bit more and found a body laying in the dried grass. He was lying on his side and I can see the mop of brown hair from afar.

It was Kaname.

My body shook with fear for Kaname's life and I forced my legs to run to where he was. 'Please let him be alive' was the only thing on my mind. I needed to save him. Tears were starting to form in my eyes at the possibilities. Then a few steps away from Kaname, I heard a shriek at my back. Five level E's were approaching me, they were at a perfect distance so it was not an effort to kill all of them with my rose. As I aimed at the fifth E though, I felt a presence on my side and a sudden flash of agonizing pain on my forehead. Blood was starting to flow on my face so all I did was shield myself from anymore attacks. None came and all I saw was a body, mangled in front of me and a sword.

Kaname was the one holding it.

Soon a bunch of E's advanced from where they were hiding but was cornered by Kaname's people who had surrounded the entire floor. I didn't give them anymore notice as Kaname ran to me. Tears fell from my eyes and had mingled with my blood. He was well. I was beyond relief. Kaname locked me in his embrace the moment he reached me. "You're so stupid, stupid! I told you to stay away, but you didn't listen to me. What were you thinking?" Kaname's voice was as shook as the rest of him as he held me. Instead of explaining myself though, I just leaned on my saviour's chest and savored the warmth. The pain in my head disappeared.

Kaname carried me and I let him, closing my eyes as he darted me away, after giving out instructions at the vampires left in the area. The next thing I felt was the wind on my face and then a soft mattress cushioning my body. When I opened my eyes Kaname was there; looking at me tenderly. When he saw that I was awake, he bit on his wrist and offered it to me. "Drink. It will make the wound heal faster." I wasn't need to be told twice. I grabbed his wrist and suckled away on his blood while maintaining eye contact with him as I do so. Kaname soothed my hair as I drink from him, he even kissed my forehead,urging me to go on. "I thought they got you Zero. Everything was planned that's why I didn't include you. But you can't seem to control yourself can you?"

I stopped drinking and licked his wound. "You were laying there and I thought...I thought..." I cannot explain it. The sorrow that hit me when I thought he was badly injured...dead.

He took a deep breath and gathered me in his arms. "That was orchestrated. Please don't do this again Zero, I can't bear the thought of you..."

Whatever he was about to say was cut off since I pulled his face to mine and kissed him. I was inexperienced in this so I crumbled when Kaname reciprocated my kisses, tracing his tongue over the crease of my lips. I longed to feel more and I boldly sought his tongue and entwined it with mine. Kaname took over as he too sought every corner of my mouth, filling it with heat and the sweetness coming from him. When he nipped my bottom lip with his sharp teeth, a hoarse cry escaped from me. I pressed my body closer to his, seeking more contact, rubbing every inch onto his while I playfully bite the end of his tongue. Kaname grabbed my buttocks and I ground my hips into his when I felt the proof of his arousal, twin moans coming from the both of us this time.

"Kaname... more," I begged, letting go of his mouth. I travelled down his neck and scraped my fangs on the tempting vein. I was about to sink my fangs in, but before I could, Kaname held my face and sunk his fangs on my throat. I screamed in ecstasy as a sudden jolt of pleasure traversed down from my throat to my sex and I held on to Kaname like crazy, clawing at his back as I thrust my groin at his clothed erection. As the pleasure built, so did my thrusts until I came, intertwining my legs with Kaname's as the force of my release hit me like a crashing wave.

My arms splayed to my sides after my first orgasm, I looked at Kaname with hazy eyes when he withdrew his fangs, some of my blood still visible on them. When he stared at my eyes though his face suddenly changed, his sienna orbs widening. He sat, bringing me along with him.

"What have I done?" his whispered, his voice barely audible. "You are marrying.. and yet I..."

I was silent, the transition from pleasure to guilt took time and I wasn't able to do anything but hold his face.

"Zero..." He continued, "I-I'm sorry... This is wrong."

"No!" I snapped. What we shared couldn't be wrong." I lightly shook Kaname and bore my eyes into his. "I'm going to call off the union Kaname."

Kaname stood. "No, you won't Zero. We just got carried away. You can't be with me. I can never protect your family. Not in the state that I am now."

I gripped the sheets in anger. "This is the best fucking moment that I have experienced in my life and you call it a spur of the moment thing?" I fumed. "Of course I know that you don't have the power like Senri has. But I cannot marry him anymore, Kaname I can't!"

Kaname turned away and I can see him curling his fists into balls. "Zero think of your family; think of your father...Ichiru. Think about what will happen to them if you let this opportunity go. When you have calmed down and thought about it with a clearer head, we'll talk again." He then left me.

I don't know why I have to think this through. Yes, my family is the main reason I'm here, but as time goes by I'm convinced that we will be able to get by even without the union. I know there is selfishness involved but I can't bear getting married to Senri when I know that I won't be able to keep any promise that we'll make during our union. I want to be fair with him. I don't want to use and then discard him. My pride won't allow it.

With this decision firm in my mind I left the room which I found to be Kaname's and went ahead to the end of the mansion where Senri's room was situated. I got ahold of myself and knocked, praying Senri was there.

As if on cue, Senri answered. "Come in Zero."

He was looking outside, his back at me, surrounded by curtains that was whisked off by outside's gentle breeze. I waited for him to say anything but he remained silent.

I gathered my courage. "Senri-san... I can't go through with the marriage." I hugged myself after the declaration, afraid of the prince's reaction.

To my surprise though, he took it calmly. "I know," he said in a gentle voice then faced me.

Senri's face was soaked in tears. "Senri-san...I"

"Let me speak Zero." He wiped off his tears and continued." I have stolen everything from Kaname; His identity, his birth right, the power that should be his...I even shared the affection from his mother that should have been his alone. And you...I know how Kaname feels about you and stealing you, the person that he cares for is something that I cannot do anymore."

My entire body froze. I didn't know where this was going. "W-what do you mean?" I ask, my lips quivering. I don't know what answer to anticipate.

In my back I can hear Kaname shouting stop but Senri went on.

"Zero I'm not the pureblood prince. Kaname is."


Additional AN: So someone guessed it right! but there are lots more to reveal.. Hope you stay tuned!