AN: I own nothing! And thank you all for the reviews! I really appreciated them! I'm probably not going to be able to reply to them for awhile, I'm kinda rushing this chapter, but I'll try to next time, happy reading!


I let out a loud groan as I cracked my eyes open, before getting up off the couch at The Blaze. After we had spent a day never leaving Brina's side, we were all forced to go home except for Lily, who was somewhat useful.

"Well, good morning Jasy-Boo." Sirius cooed, as he walked down the stairs, clad in the old t-shirt and sweats that he had slept in.

"I have to say, I'm a bit sad that your pajamas aren't as…interesting as last time." He mocked, before ruffling my hair and heading over to the coffee maker. I just scowled.

Thankfully, this time, I was prepared to run into the guys into the guys in my pajamas, and had worn long plaid pants and a long sleeved T-shirt.

"What are you even doing up? It's like six a.m." I groaned, rolling off the couch and plopping on the ground.

"I could ask you the same thing, and Remus talks in his sleep sometimes." Sirius chuckled, before going back to figuring out the coffee machine.

"Remus sleep talks?" I snickered, getting up to help him.

"Here, you put this in here," I explained, taking the K-cup (AN: I don't quite know how to spell the name of those, but England has those self coffee machines, right?) from his hand and placing it in the slot, before closing the lid and pressing the brew button.

"Um, thanks." He said awkwardly, before stepping back to lean against the counter.

"No problem." I mumbled, before grabbing a cup for myself to fill once his was done.

"I think he does it when he's worried." Sirius suddenly said.

"What?" I asked.

"Remus, he sleep talks when something's bothering him. He was really worried about Brina, I mean." He finished, interrupted by the spluttering sound of the coffee machine.

"Oh, well, he shouldn't worry, the doctor said Lily did an excellent job, Brina should wake up soon and be able to go back to school with us." I said, knowing that I was trying to convince myself as much as I was Sirius. I quickly busied myself by taking out Sirius's coffee cup and setting mine up.

"Thanks." he said again, awkwardly taking the steaming cup from my hand.

We lapsed into another awkward silence, and it wasn't until I had my full cup in my hand that he spoke again.

"Do you really believe she's going to be okay?" He asked me abruptly.

"Who, Brina? Why wouldn't she be?" I asked, heading over to sit on the couch, Sirius plopping down next to me.

"Come on Barton, she lost her arm. People at school are going to be asking questions, plus there's all the emotional trauma, and she has to learn how to survive with one hand." he explained.

I crossed my legs Indian style on the couch and took a sip of coffee before replying.

"First off, she lost half of her arm, it got cut off above the elbow." I corrected, to which he just rolled his eyes.

"And, I don't know if she is going to be okay, but she's stronger than she looks, she can get through it." I said with a nod, convincing myself as I spoke.

Sirius nodded before continuing.

"That may be the case, but things aren't going to go back to normal right away."

"I get that, but it doesn't mean that it won't eventually go back to normal, this has to end sometime right?" I said, looking up, hoping for him to agree. I wasn't so lucky.

"Jay, we're in the start of a war, things aren't going to be normal for a long time." Sirius said, finishing off the last of his coffee.

"I know, but that doesn't make any of this easier." I groaned.

We were interrupted a few seconds later however, as Potter dashed down the stairs.

"Is Lily back yet?" He questioned, but froze as we stared at him with raised eyebrows. "-with Sabrina? You didn't let me finish." He scowled, crossing his arms.

"Sure mate, sure." Sirius snickered, getting up from the couch, walking past James as he moved toward the kitchen.

"You're so losing this bet." He snickered under his breath, before James gave him a sharp kick to the shins.

"Oi!" he yelped, hopping to the kitchen and returning to the couch with two donuts.

"Two? Better watch it there porky, we still have quidditch.' I mocked him, but he just shook his head.

"Nope, Ones for you." he said, dropping it in my lap.

"I don't eat sugar in the mornings." I argued, trying to pass it back, but he refused.

"Nope, I don't know why you so strongly dislike breakfast. But since Sabrina's not here, I'm making sure you eat, so scarf that sucker up!" He cheered, before shoving his entire donut into his mouth at once. I almost gagged.

"Aww, mate, I think we're grossing out the lady." James laughed, sitting on one of the chairs.

I just stuck my tongue out at the two of them before slowly eating the donut, hating the sweet taste as it hit my tongue.

Satisfied, James waited until I swallowed before asking his question.

"So, what's on the agenda today?" I sighed, and was about to reply when my phone went off. I glanced down at it to see a next from one of the students at the dojo.

"Hey, what time are we on for?" -Luis

"Shoot." I grumbled, finishing off the disgusting donut and climbing to my feet.

"What's wrong?" James and Sirius questioned together.

"Well, I told Lily I'd stop by to meet her and bring her something to eat, but I just remembered I'm supposed to meet Luis at the studio to help him train for a tournament." I groaned, taking mine a Sirius's empty cups to put in the dishwasher.

"Who's Luis?" Was the first thing out of Sirius's mouth. James just awkwardly coughed into his sleeve.

"He's a twelve year old boy?" I said, phrasing it as a question. Sirius just nodded before sending a glare at James, who looked as if he were about to bust out laughing.

"Okay, well I guess I'll cancel on Luis, I can't just abandon Lily with no food." I sighed, taking my phone out to text Luis.

"No no, you go help Luis, I'll take Lily her food. But You should be out alone since you can't apparate there, take Sirius with you." James said, climbing to his feet as Sirius and I both began to protest.

"No arguing guys, we shouldn't be taking any risks after Brina." He said, ending the argument effectively.

"Fine, let me go change." I grumbled, leaving the boys to talk while I went upstairs, grabbed my uniform and belt, and went to the bathroom so I wouldn't wake Remus and Peter.

"Brina." Remus whimpred in his sleep as I walked past. I sighed sympathetically as I shut the bathroom door. The first thing I did, however, was grab my toothbrush and head over to the toilet.

"Down you go." I whispered, before shoving the toothbrush to the back of my throat.

Sirius POV

As soon as Jay's footsteps died, James turned to me, a wicked grin on his face.

"Looks like you have some competition with this Luis, ey mate?" He laughed. I chucked a throw pillow at his head.

"Shut it you prat, I'm just in it for the bet." I fired back. His face suddenly grew grim.

"Speaking of which, would you pipe down about that, she probably heard you!" he snapped, chucking the pillow back at me. I just grinned.

"Not my fault Evans has you whipped." I mocked

James turned red.

"I am not whipped! I'm just a bit worried for her well being, and-" He was silenced by Jay's returning footsteps.

"Okay, you two go change, I'll leave a note for Remus, Peter and Dessah." She said, grabbing a pen and paper as Sirius and I made our way to the stairs.

Remus POV (starting when Jay went upstairs)

I awoke to the sound of a squeaking bathroom door, and judging by the sound of the to light footsteps, it was Jay. I felt dread wash over me as I used my werewolf senses to hear her vomiting, most likely over a toilet. I just wish I could understand why she was doing this to herself. I couldn't pin point why, but something about her behavior seemed somewhat familiar…

I suddenly heard Jay exit the bathroom, and I quickly pretended to be asleep.

I was going to find out what was wrong with Jay, and then I was going to fix her.


"You ready Black?" I asked, walking out of the kitchen after I taped the note up on the fridge.

"Yup." he said, popping the 'P' as he and Potter entered the room once again.

"Great," I said dryly, before turning my attention to Potter. "Okay James, I'm counting on you here, make sure this food gets to Lily, and try not to annoy her, she's probably going to be cranky, she's been up all night." I instructed, handing him a brown paper bag filled with Lily's favorite foods.

"Alright, lunch, Evans, got it." He said with a nod.

"Cool, now let's get moving, Black." I said, grabbing my black coat and school scarf, hat and gloves, along with my gear bag.

"See ya later mate, and try to keep an eye on him, Barton." James laughed, doing one of those weird bro hug things with Sirius.

"Oi! I can take care of myself!" Sirius pouted. I snorted.

"Sure you can, now let's go already." I laughed, before heading out the door to the trunk.

Lily POV

I let out a relived sigh as I sank in a chair next to Brina's bed. It had taken a lot out of me, but I had saved her. I was interrupted from my thought however, as a knock sounded on the door and James pocked his head in.

"Hey." He said softly, stepping in, a brown bag in his hand, which I hoped was food.

"Please tell me whatever's in that bag is edible." I groaned, voicing my thoughts.

"Of course it is, otherwise the stupid security people wouldn't have let me through." He laughed, walking in and handing me the bag before pulling up a chair next to me.

"Is she going to be alright?" James asked, staring at Brina with a concerned look. I sighed as I pulled out a cup of coffee from the bag, along with a muffin.

"Physically, she's going to be fine, thank goodness she's right handed, but it's traumatic, and she's going to learn how to cope." I said, looking over Brina.

She was incredibly pale, covered in bruises and cuts from the rest of the fight.

"You did good, Evans." James said, but once again, I just sighed.

"Not good enough."


"Okay, you stay here, I'm going to go change." I instructed Sirius, before heading to the back of the building towards the training room.

I quickly pulled on my black pants, tucked in a school shirt, and tied my belt on before heading back out, only to see that Sirius wasn't alone.

"Luis! Get over here you little brat!" I laughed, before jogging up to meet the boy.

"Hey Ms. Jay." He laughed as I pulled him into a side hug.

"Hey, this isn't class, don't Ms. me, you ready to get started?" I asked, pulling away and heading over to the mat.

"I'm always ready." Luis laughed, following me.

"Okay, where do you want to start?"

"Well, I want to work on my combat weapons for awhile…."


Sirius POV (an hour later)

"Good Luis, but this time I want you to flex your foot more when you kick, so your heel will do most of the contact.

"Got it."

I watched with fascination as Luis measured up to the board before going back to his spot. He took a deep breath before doing a quick spin and launching into the air. His heel shattering the board as he came down.

"Luis that was fantastic!" Jay cried, giving him a hi five as soon as he landed.

"Well you're a great teacher, thanks Jay." He laughed.

Just then, I got a beep from my phone, I quickly slid it out, and after another two minutes, I finally figured out how to open the text message, which was apparently from James.

"Brina's awake and wants to see everyone." -Prongs

I shut the phone and looked up to see Jay jogging back to the changing rooms and Luis walking over to his gear bag on the seat next to me.

"Hey good job mate." I congratulated as he neared.

"Thanks, I'm just glad Jay was able to help me though." He chuckled as he sipped up his bag and slung it over his shoulder.

"Does she meet with people like this a lot?" I asked him curiously. It was no secret at Hogwarts that Jay could fight, I just hadn't known how involved in this that she had been.

"Oh yeah, mainly in the summer, but she schedules some appointments here and there. We had all honestly expected her to make a career out of it. But she's so busy at her school she can't come down here as much as she used to." He said sadly.

"That's to bad." I said, feeling slightly awkward.

"Yeah, well if anyone can pull it off, she will, she's pretty bloody stubborn." He snickered, before checking his phone.

"Oh, my mom's outside, nice to meet you mate." He said, before walking out, just as Jay re entered the room.

"Ready to go back?" She asked, I just shook my head.

"Not quite, Brina's awake and wants to see us." I told her. Her face immediately lit up.

"Well let's get moving then, I'll text Dessah on the way to get ready." She said excitedly, rushing out the door.

I just shook my head and followed.

Jay Barton was a very unique person for sure.