Author's Note:

In this chapter I write about the coronation of a British monarch. While much of what occurs during the coronation ceremony is based the real happenings of a British coronation ceremony, I have also cheerfully ignored some aspects of the ceremony when it suited me to do so.

However all the facts about past monarchs are true: William IV DID compare riding in the Gold State Coach to being on a ship enduring angry waves and Queen Victoria did complain about how bumpy and unpleasant the coach was and King Edward I did commission the Coronation Chair to hold the Stone of Scone. And all the crown jewels, oaths and ornate garments held, taken and worn by Arthur are real crown jewels, oaths and garments held, taken and worn by the British monarch during their coronation.

If you have any further queries about British coronations, I'd be happy to answer them. Alternatively, you can look on Wikipedia, which is responsible for relying most of the information contained in this chapter to me. Wikipedia, I'd be lost without you.

Although a new epilogue to The Prince's Boyfriend will be released soon, I'm happy and saddened to be wrapping up this tale. I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you all for your kind reviews.

- VioletRose136

One year, four months and eighteen days later

Arthur was crowned on the second day of June the following year: Which just so happened, Merlin realised as he woke up, to be today.

Today: Today, his husband would be crowned King. True, that wouldn't change much in terms of their day-to-day life; Arthur had already been King for just over eighteen months. But there was something legitimate about it, there was something different about being a crowned King as opposed to being a King who had merely succeeded their father. Today the entire nation would be celebrating the day… the day where Arthur sat on King Edward's chair and was crowned.

Merlin looked beside him to see that the man of the day was still sound asleep. That was okay: The coronation was due to start at eleven. Arthur would have to be up soon so that he might put on his official military uniform and scarlet robe which he would wear into the abbey to be crowned. But the coronation itself would not begin until eleven. Merlin flopped back down to the pillow and stared at the ceiling.

When they had returned to Britain, there was some speculation that there was trouble in the royal marriage, but Mordred had kept his silence and so had St. James' Palace: The speculation blew over within a matter of weeks.

Of course, Merlin hadn't really been able to focus on that, for within a matter of weeks something else had happened: His sister was born. Born a week early at a hospital in Oxfordshire, Amelia Lucinda Williamson made her way into the world and was a joy to all of her family members: Taking a week away from public appearances, Merlin had at once gone home to help his mother and Adam with their new baby.

Amelia was healthy: Hunith, being in her early forties had raised concerns when she had decided to continue with her pregnancy. Hunith however had always been confident that the baby she carried would be healthy: Hunith took good care of her body and thus was rewarded with Amelia. And Merlin had never seen a happier or more flamboyant baby: She had dark hair like Merlin's and her eyes were almost as blue. Adam had a place in her ears and nose, sparing her the famous Emrys Dumbo-ears.

The press had of course, been distracted from their concerns about Arthur and Merlin's marriage with the arrival of Amelia: In order to keep the public away from his mother and stepfather and half-sister, Merlin had convinced Hunith to allow him to release a photo of him and Hunith and Amelia and another of him and Arthur (who had come up to Oxfordshire as soon as he could) holding Amelia. The photos had satisfied the public who accepted Merlin's request for privacy for his family. The photos had also made the public start to speculate about whether or not Merlin and Arthur would start a family: The question plagued Merlin—there were a number of ways to do it, he supposed. Adoption was one option: But people might object to the royals adopting a child into their family even if it was made clear that the child would have no rights to the throne. Or… they could have a child with the right to the throne, Merlin supposed: If Morgana provided the egg and he provided the sperm, the child would be an heir. But he didn't know how he felt about it: He knew that many people who weren't royal went to family members for eggs or sperm, but there was something about it which made him cringe.

But, maybe he'd feel differently in a few years: At twenty six, Merlin was in no hurry for children. He and Arthur would be celebrating their second wedding anniversary in a month and half… Merlin couldn't believe how long he'd been married.

Since they'd returned home he had started a physics Masters programme at Queen Mary University London and enjoyed it immensely: It turned out that people were remarkably okay sitting in lectures next to the husband of the King of England. Of course, there were security concerns, but Merlin loved it. He'd made a few friends separate from Arthur's upper-class crowd and was often found out in the pubs with them, occasionally with Arthur and occasionally without.

Paparazzi loved how often Merlin was out and about, but Merlin didn't mind when they showed up. He made sure that whenever he went out he always limited himself to two drinks, knowing that nothing bad could happen on two drinks. Merlin was learning to love his public image and had found that when he announced which charities he was going to be a patron for that he actually could do a lot more for the charities than just show up. When he wasn't doing university work, he was working on fundraising programmes and developing programmes organised and used by the charities themselves. He almost could see a time where working with charities and hosting fundraising dinners might fulfil him completely—almost.

Arthur mumbled something and rolled over to face Merlin. "Hi." He mumbled sleepily, squeezing his eyes and stretching.

Merlin smiled at his husband. "Hi yourself," He said warmly, leaning over and kissing him. "How do you feel, Your Majesty?"

"Mmmph, no coronation, just sleep." Arthur mumbled, pulling Merlin towards him. Merlin laughed, savouring the feeling of Arthur's smooth skin beneath his own.

"C'mon, we have to get up and be ready by the time the prep team gets here." Merlin laughed, nudging his husband playfully. He slid out of bed and slid a dressing gown on over his nude form: It was summer. It was more comfortable to sleep naked. And some mornings, Merlin found that his nudity was very convenient. Not this morning, however: Arthur had to be up and ready, he couldn't linger in bed with his husband like a star-struck newlywed.

Arthur slid his own dressing gown on and they headed downstairs to their bright and open living room. Their apartments had been completely finished by Christmas last year and they had moved in in February. Merlin was even more thrilled with these rooms than he was with the ones at Clarence House: He had spent a great deal of time between when they returned and when his Master's programme had started in the autumn and had had a say in how every room turned out.

It was a huge apartment, with seven bedrooms. Of course, it was home to a King, so Merlin hadn't spared any expense when it had come to remodelling it: It was modern with an elegant twist. The entrance hall was white and black marble—Merlin had taken inspiration from their home at Saint John's Wood (which they still owned) and the living room had crown mouldings and a big bay window. The place was huge: It even had an indoor swimming pool and a gym. Merlin loved it.

They padded across the entrance hall and into the kitchen. Merlin put the coffee put on and Arthur mixed up the batter for waffles. It was so normal that Merlin could hardly believe that today was coronation day.

Arthur wrapped his arms around Merlin as he stood pouring coffee. "I love you so much, you know that, right?"

A flood of warmth spread over Merlin. "I love you too, Arthur."

"Why? Because I'm King?"

"No," Merlin murmured, turning around to face his husband. "Because you're you: Because you're handsome and kind and you make me want to be a better person. You just… I love you so much."

Arthur smiled and leaned kissed Merlin. "I'm so freaking glad that I married you."

They ate breakfast in the dining room and then went upstairs. After they had showers in their two person shower, Merlin threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Arthur did the same—obviously they wouldn't wear that to the coronation, but they wanted to look fairly dressed by the time the prep team showed up to prepare them.

And the prep team did show up: Several of Britain's best hairdressers and clothes designers came in and whisked Merlin off to a guest bedroom. Merlin was going to be crowned that day too in a simple ceremony following Arthur's coronation. For that, he intended to wear a simple suit and robes which resembled but were somewhat more elaborate than the robes worn by the peers. He would also wear no coronet but would wear the crown which had been made for him.

It was fifteen minutes before eleven when Arthur came down from their apartments and to the entrance hall of Buckingham Palace. Seeing Arthur descend those stairs was breath-taking and an image which would stay with Merlin for the rest of his life: Arthur had opted to wear an Irish guard's uniform for his coronation—and so his jacket was red. He wore black trousers with gold seams along the side. Behind him, several pageboys held up his magnificent scarlet robes of state. The Robe of State was an ermine cape with a long a crimson velvet train lined with further ermine and decorated with gold lace. Arthur wore white gloves and shined shoes. The ropes of the Robe of State were gold.

Wow, I really am married to a King. Merlin thought to himself. It was easy enough to ignore Arthur's position as head of one of the oldest royal dynasties in the world: Most of the time he wore suits or other attire… but today… Arthur had never looked more kingly. As he approached Merlin (who wore his own scarlet robes, although they were not nearly as elaborate as Arthur's) the Duke of Oxford felt a weird urge to bow.

"What do you think?" Arthur asked. "It's all a little ridiculous, isn't it?"

"Arthur… you… you're a King."

Arthur raised his eyebrows and nodded slowly. "You've just figured that out, have you?" He mocked lightly. "I suppose it's better late than never."

"No, I mean… you look so regal, Arthur."

He smiled. "So do you, love."

"Your Majesty; Your Royal Highness, it is time for us to head to the abbey for the ceremonies." A herald informed them. The pageboys followed Arthur out into the yard where the magnificent Gold State Coach was waiting. Built for George III, it was not completed in time for his coronation, but had been used at every coronation since.

The coach was huge and magnificent: With golden moulding and paintings by Giovanni Battista Cipriani, the coach weighed four tons and had to be pulled by eight horses. It was about twelve feet tall. Merlin had been told that there were three painted cherubs on the roof and he could see at every one of the four corners was a triton, which represented Britain's magnificent imperial power.

It was also apparently going to be rather uncomfortable to ride in, Queen Victoria had hated the old thing and William IV had compared riding in the coach to be like being on a ship enduring rough seas. Even though King George V had the coach overhauled after the Second World War to rubberise the iron-bound wheels, King Uther had complained about the uncomfortable ride it promised for its rider. Arthur had never ridden in it before—and neither had Merlin (obviously)—but both were wary of the uncomfortable trip ahead of them.

But still, today was coronation day and the Gold State Coach was an integrated part of the day. Before stepping into the coach, Arthur took a moment to thank the four postilions', nine walking grooms, six footmen and the four Yeoman of the Guard who would be accompanying the coach to Westminster Abbey. Of course, there would be other Yeoman of the Guard (who were the Monarch's private bodyguard) stationed throughout the streets. Some would have the traditional red uniform on while others would disguise themselves among the crowd. It was always stressful for their security to have Arthur be around big crowds, but they had managed it for other monarchs and they would manage it for Arthur.

Arthur entered the coach first and Merlin helped him pull his robes into the cabin. The carriage jerked to life and he found that Queen Victoria had been right in complaining of the 'distressing oscillation' of the cabin: Merlin found he was quite distressed. And it was very uncomfortable. But he did his best to ignore it as they rode out into the streets of London and down the mall.

The ride took longer than it would have in a car, but it was not long until the towering spirals of Westminster Abbey came into view. The carriage slowed and stopped. A footman stepped to the door and opened it and Arthur emerged. Several pages immediately helped Arthur smooth out his Robe of State. The roar of the crowd was deafening and Merlin knew that they were seeing what he had seen: A young and handsome King who was more than ready to take his place upon the throne.

Merlin's coach door was also opened and he waved to the crowds as he stepped out. He made his way quietly around and walked slowly behind Arthur as Arthur made his way into the abbey. There, Arthur paused and spoke briefly to the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Dean of Westminster.

From there, he walked through the abbey, nodding here and there to guests who they had invited: There were over three-thousand guests and Merlin was pretty sure that Arthur knew who every single one was. The coronation theatre was near the high altar of the abbey: They approached it slowly in a long procession. Merlin was again struck with the majesty of the occasion. The place was filled with crimson robes and cornets. Merlin remembered that this was a once in a lifetime sight, for he only wanted one King to be ruling during his lifetime.

Upon a podium sat King Edward's Chair, an ancient chair which had been commissioned by King Edward I to hold the Stone of Scone. The first time Merlin had seen it, the chair had been minus the Stone, but it had been brought down from Scotland a few days before and now sat in its designated place below the seat. Beyond that was a smaller podium with a kneeler and an ornate crimson chair. The chair was the Chair of Estate where Arthur would sit during the oath and Holy Communion. It was ornate with gold framework and crimson cushioning.

King Arthur took his seat upon the Chair of Estate and his robes were smoothed by pages. Merlin withdrew to his designated seat facing Arthur: He would remain there until his crowning at the end of the coronation ceremony. Once Arthur was seated and the pages had withdrawn, the Garter Principal King of Arms, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Great Chamberlain, the Lord High Constable and the Earl Marshal retreated to the east, west, north and south corners of the abbey.

The Archbishop of Canterbury turned first to the north, calling upon them to recognise King Arthur. ""Sirs, I here present unto you Arthur Uther Lawrence Harold of the House of Pendragon: your undoubted King. Wherefore all you who are come this day to do your homage and service, are you willing to do the same?"

The north assembly of men responded together, "I accept Arthur Uther Lawrence Harold of the House of Pendragon as my undoubted King: He is due and will receive my homage and service."

The north, south, west and east all said the same: No one doubted Arthur's right to the throne. Merlin hadn't expected them to.

Once they had all recognised Arthur as their true King, the Archbishop returned to stand before Arthur and the Chair of Estate.

He spoke, his voice echoing out around the abbey. "Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the Peoples of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, Pakistan and Ceylon, and of your Possessions and other Territories to any of them belonging or pertaining, according to their respective laws and customs?"

Arthur's voice was clear and sure, "I solemnly promise so to do."

"Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgments?"

"I will."

"Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel? Will you to the utmost of your power maintain in the United Kingdom the Protestant Reformed Religion established by law? Will you maintain and preserve inviolable the settlement of the Church of England, and the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government thereof, as by law established in England? And will you preserve unto the Bishops and Clergy of England, and to the Churches there committed to their charge, all such rights and privileges, as by law do or shall appertain to them or any of them?"

Arthur took a deep breath. "All this I promise to do. The things which I have here before promised, I will perform, and keep. So help me God."

Communion was began, but Merlin knew that it would be interrupted to allow for the anointing and crowning.

A Bible was passed to the Moderator of the General Assembly who stepped forward and presented it to Arthur. He bowed, saying as he did, "Here is Wisdom; This is the royal Law; These are the lively Oracles of God."

Arthur accepted the Bible and it was carried away by a page. And then the Robe of State was removed and so were the crimson military jacket which Arthur wore and the spotless white gloves. All he was left in was his crew-collar linen shirt. Standing there, looking so bare and without ornate decoration, Arthur looked bare and innocent: It reminded the nation that he was a man and then a King. He was helped into the anointing gown and the moment of bareness was ended.

Upon a dais of several steps stood the Coronation Chair and it was now that Arthur turned to face it. Merlin wondered what Arthur would say to him if he could speak to him. Arthur's public face was firmly in place today, but there was something personal which was his own there, too. This was no public appearance: This was his coronation. He could not fully conceal who he was, because today was exploiting part of who he was: It was exploiting that he was a King.

It took a matter of seconds for Arthur to reach the chair and settle within it. A crimson canopy was brought to conceal Arthur. Merlin guessed that Arthur would say nothing to him if he could: The moment was sacred and one that he could share with no living person. No one knew what it was like to be anointed as King of England.

The Dean of Westminster poured consecrated oil from an eagle shaped ampulla into a filigreed spoon and while Merlin couldn't see what was happening, he knew well enough: The Archbishop of Canterbury would press his thumb into the spoon and press his thumb against Arthur's hands, head and heart. The filigreed spoon was Merlin's favourite crown jewel: It was the only crown jewel which had survived the commonwealth.

The Archbishop, having finished his anointing, stepped away from Arthur and recited a blessing: The language he used was old and decorated, but it asked God to guide Arthur through a sparkling reign and to help him be a just and fair ruler. Arthur rose from King Edward's Chair and was invested with the colobium sindonis robe which was a loose white undergarment of fine linen cloth edged with a lace border, open at the sides, sleeveless and cut low at the neck. It symbolised the derivation of Royal authority from the people. Over that, the supertunica was placed: It was a long coat of gold silk which reached to just above Arthur's ankles. It had wide flowing sleeves and was lined with rose coloured silk. The trimming was gold lace which was interwoven with national symbols. The supertunica was fastened by a sword belt.

The sense of sacredness fell over Merlin as he watched his husband being invested with these age-old symbols of sovereignty.

Arthur returned to the chair and was presented certain spurs by the Lord Great Chamberlin and swords by the Archbishop and other various important church clergy. Merlin knew that the swords represented something, but hadn't cared to find out. Now, he wished he had as he watched the figures withdraw from Arthur.

Again, Arthur stood and was endowed with the further robes which he would wear for his crowning, first the Robe Royal was placed upon him: It was a magnificent piece of a four-square mantle, lined in crimson silk and decorated with silver coronets. Again, Merlin saw that national symbols and silver imperial eagles where embroidered in all four corners. Finally, the Stole Royal was placed on Arthur. The Stole Royal was an ornate golden silk scarf. It was richly embroidered with gold and silver thread and was set with jewels and was lined with rose-coloured silk and had gold fringing.

Merlin dared not breathe: The entire abbey—nay, the entire country—was anticipating the next few moments.

The Archbishop picked up the Orb and presented it to Arthur. "This represents Jesus' rule on earth." The Orb was returned to the altar.

Next a ring was presented to Arthur. From the distance Merlin was at, he could not see the ring properly, but he knew what it looked like: He had helped Arthur design it. The ring was a Celtic design, with a vine-line pattern surrounded by what looked like a rope which interlined at the top. It was silver and represented a 'marriage' between Arthur and the United Kingdom.

Arthur then received the Sceptre with the Dove—representing the Holy Spirit—and the Sceptre with the Cross which incorporated a rare diamond known as Cullinan I. It represented power and majesty, Merlin guessed (Wikipedia hadn't been able to talk him through that part).

The crowning itself was burned into Merlin's mind: A photogenic image for Merlin's not-so-photogenic memory. The sceptres must have been heavy, but Arthur held them steadily as the Archbishop of Canterbury placed Saint Edward's Crown onto his head. After a moment, the Archbishop of Canterbury stepped aside, revealing the King of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Commonwealth Realms in his complete divine glory. Merlin caught his breath.

Arthur had never looked less human… or more beautiful. The light coming through the abbey's ornate windows lit up the gold in Arthur's garments, making them sparkle, making Arthur shimmer. He sat tall, with the backdrop of the ancient chair and abbey behind him. Light danced off the jewels on his crown and off of the sceptres he held.

The moment made Merlin believe completely in the Divine Right of Kings. Of course Arthur had been chosen by a power bigger than himself, bigger than anyone—to rule. It was not by coincidence that he had been born as heir to the throne. Arthur was divine: ordained by God himself. Merlin cast his eyes upward and returned them to Arthur for one final moment, drinking in the power and divinity radiating off of him. He didn't look human: He looked gold.

And then the moment was broken. Arthur was King, but was no longer divine. The silence was broken by the deafening cheer from outside and inside the abbey.

"Long live the King!"

"Long live the King!"

"Long live the King!"

Caps and cornets were placed on heads all around him: Arthur sought out Merlin in the crowd and their eyes met. Arthur smiled and Merlin was at last able to recognise the man he had woken up with and who had made him waffles that morning beneath all the ornate robes.

There was some more of the ceremony yet to go, where the Archbishops and Bishops swore their loyalty to Arthur. The peers and clergy swore their loyalty: Merlin barely listened to it, for he was drinking in Arthur's appearance. The touch of divinity was gone, but Merlin still felt as if he was being slapped in the face every time he looked at Arthur: In the Coronation Chair, he expected to see a man he did not know, a man whose face he would recognise from history books… he did not expect to see his own husband.

He was married to a King.

Finally, all those who were required to swear their fealty to Arthur withdrew. The Archbishop turned and held his hand out to Merlin. Merlin rose and some page boys rose with him: Like Arthur, he wore military gear, but unlike his husband, he wore a Standard English uniform which was a blue-grey colour. His robes were purple velvet and lined with ermine. Although his robes were not nearly as long as Arthur's, they still required help from the page boys. He made his way past the Coronation Chair (only Monarch's would sit there, not consorts) and up to the Chair of Estate. Beside the Chair of Estate was a Kneeler which like everything else in the ceremony—was crimson. Merlin knelt on the Kneeler—that was what the Kneeler was for after all, kneeling—and waited. Passing off the sceptres to be returned momentarily to the altar, Arthur stood and ascended the podium, standing before Merlin.

The canopy was brought back and Merlin was anointed, this time by Arthur himself. Up close, Merlin could see that Arthur was sweating under the many heavy layers. He longed to say something to his husband, but remained silent, hoping his eyes conveyed his sympathy. The anointing was finished and the Archbishop of Canterbury offered a blessing: Hoping that Merlin would help Arthur and support him in his reign. It sounded a lot like a modified marriage vow.

Arthur stepped back. "Bring me the crown." He ordered.

A page boy who was about sixteen stepped forward with a crown on a pillow: It was not as fine as the crown Arthur wore, but it was still pretty amazing in its own right: Consisting of red velvet and ermine, it bore a cross on the top made from silver and was jewelled with diamonds. It had been made especially for Merlin.

Arthur picked up the crown, holding it carefully as he held it over Merlin's head. "By the holy powers vested in me, I crown you Prince Merlin, Prince Consort of the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland and the Commonwealth Realms."

The crown was nestled onto Merlin's head and the crowds cheered. Arthur then picked the sceptres back up and the procession into Saint Edward's Chapel began: preceded by the bearers of the Sword of State, the Sword of Spiritual Justice, the Sword of Temporal Justice and the Sword of Mercy, Arthur and Merlin slowly made their way through.

It was in the chapel that Saint Edward's Crown was removed from Arthur's head and he laid it and the sceptres at the altar. The fine robes were removed from his person and replaced with the Imperial Robe of purple velvet which was eighteen feet long. His red Irish officer's coat was also returned to his person. At the base of the train of the Imperial Robe were the letters AR: Which stood for Arthur and the Latin translation of Regent which Merlin did not know. Saint Edward's Crown was replaced with the Imperial State Crown and Arthur took the Orb and Sceptre with the Cross into his hands and left the chapel. As he passed the altar, Arthur placed the Orb and Sceptre with the Cross upon it: It was not deemed safe to take them from the abbey. However, the Imperial State Crown remained on his head.

Merlin saw that Arthur was tired, but he stood tall and bravely as they exited the abbey and for the first time stepped into daylight as England's rulers. They made an uncomfortable way back to Buckingham Palace.

Once within the palace and away from the public, Arthur embraced Morgana and a few of his cousins. Finally, he turned to Merlin who stood beaming at him. Kissing Merlin full on the mouth in front of everyone, Arthur smiled. "Didn't do too badly, did I?" He asked quietly.

Merlin shook his head. "No, you… you were amazing."

Arthur smiled. They were called into the throne room for photographs: It really was like their wedding, except different. There were photographs of Arthur, photographs of Arthur and Merlin… photographs of everyone they thought the public might want to see.

"I cannot tell you how tired I am." Arthur told Merlin at one point: He had removed the Imperial State Crown and the Imperial Robes—he would put them back on before they appeared on the balcony, but for the moment was happy to rest simply in his Irish Guard's uniform. With his right thumb, he rubbed his coronation ring.

Merlin interlinked his hands with Arthur's. "It was amazing, Arthur… you're meant to be King. Your rule is going to be fantastic. You're going to redefine what it means to be King. I just… it was amazing."

Arthur chuckled at Merlin. "I don't think opening up a few bridges is going to redefine the monarchy, Merlin… but I appreciate your faith in me." He added, smiling.

Merlin didn't say anything, but he truly believed it: He believed Arthur would redefine the monarchy, that what it meant to be King would be changed by Arthur. Maybe he was biased, because he was so utterly in love with Arthur, but Merlin felt that Arthur was going to be the greatest King Britain had ever—and would ever—know.


It was past one when Merlin and Arthur stumbled into their apartments in Buckingham Palace. The dinner and ball which had followed the coronation had been long and drawn out. It had felt like there was an endless list of people to talk to and dance with. Merlin hadn't eaten until an hour ago and his feet felt like they were about to fall off. Arthur had replaced his Irish Guard's Uniform and crown with a tuxedo and had now replaced that outfit with nothing as Arthur fell into bed.

Merlin fell into bed and rolled over, facing Arthur. Normally, they slept back to back—but for the moment, Merlin wanted to look at his husband. Arthur had yet to turn out the light and lay with his head on the pillow, looking at Merlin.

"It's been a long day." Merlin said softly, "A big one, too."

Arthur closed his eyes and smiled and opened them again. "Do you really think I can do it, Merlin? Do you think I can make a difference in the world?" Merlin hadn't told him what he thought about Arthur's potential, but he knew Arthur had mulled it over in his mind enough to come up with these questions. "Do you think we can? Together?"

"You know what?" Merlin murmured, reaching out for Arthur's hands and moving his face so he was inches away from Arthur.


"I think together, we can do anything."