This story is dedicated to my friend Rachel. Thanks for your motivation to get me to finish it!

I don't own any of these characters or the worlds they are interacting with.

Loki stumbled through the halls of the dungeon, he could hear heavy footsteps of soldiers growing nearer coupled with the ferocious rattling of their armor and weapons. Heart pounding against his chest he wove his way deeper into the labyrinth, desperate to find refuge from the oncoming capture.

The trickster sat in his cell, his back pressed heavily against the wall behind him. He could feel them, the runes the All Father had carved into the walls of his prison; with shallow breaths a veil of sweat clinged to his skin as his magic was slowly stolen from his body, drawn to Odin's spell.

His escape had surprised even him, having not expected the guard to enter his cell concerned for the health of the prisoner at the sight of his pallor. Upon approaching him Loki lunged suddenly, the guard moved to draw a blade but he was too quick his fingers diggings viciously into the mans eyes.

With a wild gaze the trickster let the soldier fall from his grip, rushing with unsteady steps out of the cell.

Loki braced himself against the wall, glancing back for any signs of being followed. The pull of the All Father's spell was still clinging to him, desperate to escape it he pressed on distancing himself from the source.

He turned every corner until finally he felt a weight lift from his chest, staggering slightly at the sudden sensation he took a moment to compose himself. It was a recovery he knew would not be quick, still the need to escape was far greater than the fatigue that plagued him. Reaching deep within himself he found a shred of magic remaining, untouched by Odin's greedy hand. Pulling it free from it's place of retreat he ripped open a portal, the darkness on the other side having never been more inviting in his life.

Urgently he stumbled through the dark abyss, the sensation of wild winds whipping their way around him as he fell to his knees against a hard stone surface. Glancing up from the earth beneath him Loki was met with the view of a vast planet, unrecognized by him.

Khan crouched deep within the cavern, his eyes closed heavy breaths escaped him as his mind flooded with violent thoughts. He had been unable to save them, locked deep within the Enterprise his crew was beyond his reach leaving him to escape alone.

Finding refuge once more in the out lands of Kronos he hid deep within the darkness, the collection of caverns creating a nightmarish maze of protection. It would take an average man days before they'd find him which would allow him more than enough time to escape.

Still the feeling of loss hung heavily over him, with no resources at his disposal he was left stranded on the planet left with nothing but his vengeful desires. A viciously sharp stone was clutched in his hand, he scraped away at the edges sharpening it's sides in a makeshift spear head. Dropping the rock he was sharpening against he places the weapon in his jacket pocket, pulling the garment closed around him he stood and made his way down through the network of tunnels.

The sound of his heavy footsteps echoed off the walls, it was the only sound accompanying him on his excursion through the stone sanctum. A bitter taste filled his mouth at the thought of wasting away here, hiding like a child from the threatening hand of his captors. Pushing the idea from his mind he lost himself in the rhythmic sound of his steps, letting out a deep breath he paused a moment a frown creasing his brow as he heard a soft shuffle from the tunnel ahead.

His body tensed, rushing quickly he stepped behind a large stone protruding from the wall. Pressing his back against it his hand found the makeshift weapon in his pocket, pulling it free he gripped it tightly at waited poised and ready for an attack.

The sound slowly approached, an uneven shuffling noise, it would pause ever so often causing Khan to grit his teeth in frustration. Finally he heard the sound level out with his position, pushing himself further into the shadows of the cavern he waited watching.

A look of confusion overcame him when he saw the noise's source, a tall man shuffled awkwardly down the tunnel, a mane of dark black hair cascading over his frail shoulders.

Waiting for him to pass Khan stepped out from his place of hiding, approaching him from behind he extended his arm containing the weapon; pressing it hard into the stranger's back his free hand came around to grip the front of the man's throat halting him in his tracks.

"Who are you?" Khan demanded, pushing the blade harder against the man's spine.

The stranger gasped, arching himself away from Khan.

"I will cut out your spine."

"My name is Loki," Khan could feel the man's weight begin to lean against him "where am I?" the question was barely a whisper before Loki lost consciousness, sliding from Khan's grip.

Dropping the spearhead Khan reached out, catching the man before his face hit the stone floor. He held the man there, eyes scanning him in complete confusion, he was unsure of what to do with the stranger. Reluctant to take him back to his place of hiding he decided to use one of the other caverns, retrieving his fallen weapon he pocketed it before hoisting Loki over his shoulder and marching through a dark tunnel.

The journey was short, deciding to use a spacious cavern off to the right placing the man down onto a flat portion of the stone he took a step back. His mind worked to try and make sense of this, what would this person be doing here? A man of his health should never have made it past the first tunnel yet here he was, halfway down the shafts barely able to walk.

Khan could see this man wasn't entirely human, he was concerned with the possibility of this man being a threat but if ever that were to happen it would not be in the immediate. Running it over in his head he decided to wait, when the man awoke he would question him to decide whether or not to kill him.

Loki awoke against a hard surface, he could tell the floor should feel cold but his body temperature was too low to feel it. Opening his eyes slowly he scanned the area in front of him, slowly he shifted causing his entire body aching with the movement.

A small huff of breath left him and he heard something shift behind him, sitting up he turned slowly to face a man. Clad in black the man approached Loki, towering over him dangerously.

"What are you doing here?" Khan demanded

The trickster took a moment to gaze up at him, scanning the man's face before glancing around at the cavern surrounding them.

"Where are we?"

Khan gritted his teeth in irritation "You failed to answer my question,"

Loki sighed, leaning back against the cavern wall he quirked a brow up at Khan "I can't very well tell you what I'm doing here if I don't even know where /here/ is."

"We're on Kronos" he admitted quickly.

The god considered this a moment, he had never heard the name before nor had he read of any worlds similar to what he had seen earlier.

"Is this planet a part of Yggdrasil?" he began to push himself up with a certain urgency, using the wall as a support his eyes met Khan's with a frantic look.

Khan frowned, meeting the man's gaze he watched with curiosity as Loki questioned him.

"I've never heard of Yggdrasil, where are you from?"

"What other planets are in this galaxy?" Loki took an unsteady step towards Khan, "please I must know where I am."

"You have a nasty habit of answering my questions with one of your own." Khan took a quick step towards the man, a hand against Loki's chest prevented him from moving closer.

Loki's eyes widened, Khan's hand slid upwards, his grip tightening around Loki's throat before slamming him back against the cave's wall, his head making hard contact with the stone.

"Who are you?" The trickster gasped, a choking noise escaped him as Khan clutched tighter. Loki finally blurted the answer, "Asgard. I am from Asgard".

"There is no such place."

Struggling for breath Loki shook his head "I would have said the same of Kronos if I were not here, according to you."

"What did you say your name was?"

The god slid a hand up, attempting to pry the grip off of his throat. Khan released him, allowing Loki a moment of gasping breaths.

"I am Loki, God of Mischief."

A scoff made Loki frown, glancing up at his attacker "does that amuse you?"

"You are no god," Khan smirked "you can barely stay on your feet."

"I was a prisoner" the smile on the mans face faded and the god proceeded "I have magic, and it was stolen from me. They drained me of it for months, leaving me like this."

"What was your crime?"

"Exacting revenge on those who wronged me."

Khan turned from him, pacing the room slowly. Loki watched, a curious look in his eyes as he continued to speak.

"I ran from them, using the last of my abilities to open a portal here. I have never seen this planet before, although you look human. Do you know of earth?"

The mention of earth set Khan on edge, whipping to face Loki with a scowl "I know it."

"Does it belong in this galaxy?"

He was hesitant to answer the man's questions, unsure of the consequences of divulging information.

After a moment of silence he answered quickly


Loki sighed, a look of relief washing over him.

The two men sat in silence, Loki had returned to a seated position on the cavern floor while Khan continued to pace the empty space evenly.

"Tell me about your 'magic'."

The trickster was startled by the sudden request, much to his frustration the fatigue was setting in once more.

"Do all the people of your world have such abilities?"

Loki shook his head "no, just myself and a few others."

"What can you do with your 'magic'?"

There was a hint of scepticism in his voice but still he was curious about what the man had to say, he was in no position to deem this untrue without any proof.

"There are very few limitations," the god paused a moment "I feel it is unfair for me to answer so many questions without knowing who you are."

Khan stilled, his back to Loki.

Loki noticed the reaction, starting slow with his inquiries "is this your home?"

The answer was quick "no."

"What is your name?"

"John Harrison"

The trickster paused, eying the other man he smirked "in my home they had a name for me,"

Khan did not egg him on but did however turn an ear to Loki.

He continued, pushing himself up off the ground once more he stood to his full height the best his could "they called me the liesmith, an unfortunate description of my character but it was unfalteringly right about one thing."

The superhuman turned to face the god, a frown etched into his features.

"I always know when someone tells a lie."

The two men stood in silence a moment, a quiet wheezing breath accompanied the quick rise and fall of Loki's chest as he squared off with Khan.

"I have told you what you have asked of me, I'd expect only the same in return."

Khan scoffed "how am I to know that everything you've told me is not a lie?"

"The same way I am to know what you've told me is truth, trust I suppose." he chuckled to himself, causing Khan to frown "something I've never had a fondness for."

"Something we have in common."

There was a moment of understanding between them, still Khan had his suspicions but the curiosity for this man was overpowering them insisting that he learn more.

"I am Khan, I'm of Earth but not a human. I am more advanced, a genetically engineered superhuman, in a technical classification."

Loki wore a look of interest "why are you here and not your home?" he probed, his curiosity peaking.

Khan ignored his reluctance and answered "your story of being imprisoned is something I am far too familiar with, however I was forced to escape without my family whom they still hold hostage." he was shocked by the anger welling suddenly in his chest "and I am trapped here while they are entombed in a 300 year slumber beyond my reach." he turned to the trickster, his gaze hardened "if I learn that any of what you told me is untrue, I will cut your tongue from your mouth in pieces."

The god was unfazed by the man's threat, "you cannot ask a man to go against his true nature."

"It is your choice, whichever you value more. Your lies, or your life."

Please review! I spent time writing this, I'd really appreciate it if you could do the same!