Here it is! So sorry about the wait. My copy of the episode, Voyage of the Damned, stopped working and youtube was being unreliable. And I wanted to make sure of some things from the episode before I officially started posting. My schedule is very busy these next few weeks. I have a sibling about to be married so that's where all my free time is being spent. I will try to update as often as possible though. Thank you to everyone who has stuck by me. You are all fantastic.

Enjoy the prologue to The Old Team's Voyage!

Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who or anything related. That goes to the BBC.

As Rose Tyler lay in bed she thought about her life thus far. About her childhood. Her troubled youth. And that fateful day in Henricks when everything changed.

If you had told Rose Tyler when she was a little girl, that someday she would be living with a time traveling alien in his time/space ship, she would have laughed and called you barmy. Although, secretly, she would wish with all her heart that it could be true.

If you had said the same to a teenage Rose Tyler, she would have just rolled her eyes and told you to, "piss off."

Of course, now that Rose Tyler was twenty-oneish, (Honestly, do you know how hard it is to keep track of your own age while living in a time machine?!) she couldn't imagine living her life any other way.

It was a magical life. One filled with wonder and beauty and sometimes love. There were the downsides though. For every good thing, there seemed to be something equally bad. Horrible things. Often torturous things. The stuff of nightmares, some might say. But as Rose was once told, "The Doctor is worth the monsters."

And as Rose Tyler, age twenty-oneish, looked over at the sleeping man next to her and ran her hand down his bare chest, she thought, "Oh yes. The Doctor is definitely worth the monsters."

Please Review! xoxo