'Soubi? What are you doing here?'

Ritsuka asked with a twitch of a cat ear.

'Ritsuka,' Soubi said, 'Good afternoon.

'I had to see you, because soon

'wouldn't – couldn't come soon enough.'

Long fingers gently caressed the fluff

of a black ear that swiftly drew away.

'Is that really all you have to say?'

The teen asked with a peevish pout.

'Don't pretend I didn't throw you out!

'I warned you last night not to kiss me again.'

Kneeling down, Soubi spoke, 'Then,

'Ritsuka, punish me how you see fit.

'Or forbid me from kissing you. Order it.

'If you do, I won't kiss you any more.'

Embarrassedly, Ritsuka looked at the floor.

'Soubi, you don't ever listen to me.

'You never care when I say "Let me be!"

'So don't kiss me. I order you to stop.'

In the silence, Soubi felt his heart drop.

His Sacrifice really felt like this?

He would now have to give up that bliss?

Then the Fighter, like only he could,

hid his great sorrow to reply: 'Understood.'

'From now on,' Ritsuka stammered, all red,

'you'll ask me to give you a kiss instead.'


Author's Note: Thank you for taking the time to read my silly thing. I was in a mood to play around with rhyme. :)