I was writing a chapter for 'I Know What You Are But What Am I?' and was trying to find pick up lines. So I decided every country should have at least ten of them! Original idea by AmazonPro.


1. You must have been born in Pearl Harbor, because baby you're the bomb!

2. My name is America, but you can call me tonight!

3. Life without you would be like an empty fast food bag...pointless

4. If you were a burger at McDonalds you would be the McSexy.

5. Are you related to Tony? Because you abducted my heart.

6. Can I take your picture? I want Santa to know what I want for Christmas.

7. Dude, did you fart because you blew me away.

8. I wish you were the Statue of Liberty so I can look at you everyday.

9. I'll be Burger King and you'll be McDonald's. I'll have it my way and you'll be lovin it.

10. I can't think of anyone else I would survive a Zombie Apocalypse with.

America's were quite easy, so that means I'll have a harder time with England. WARNING: References used.


1. You're so beautiful that I forgot my pick up line.

2. I'm not drunk, I'm just intoxicated by you.

3. My name may not be Luna, but I sure know how to Lovegood! (Harry Potter reference)

4. Are you a Tardis? Cause when I look into your eyes I feel like I'm flying around the universe. (Doctor Who reference)

5. Do you have a map? I'm lost in your eyes.

6. Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?

7. I never need to see the sun again because your eyes light up my world!

8. I love you so much, I'll never cook for you!

9. You must be one of my magical friends because there is no way you could be real!

10. You're so beautiful I'm surprised France hasn't checked you out. (This one was kind of stupid)

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