When the barrier shattered the cursed fringe of the transported town, things began to look up for the Dark One and his love. On that night the encapsulated magic was sundered from the world, the beauty and the beast were wedded.

The wedding was a small, impromptu affair, tucked away in the county register by an official awoken in the gray, snowy night and a very frightened pastor to oversee their strange union.

For Rumpelstiltskin, the vows spoken beneath the naked light bulb above them in a dusty government building upon an icy winter's night was the grandest moment of his long, long life. Even in the dimness of the flickering bulb his Belle looked stunning to his eyes, more finely gowned than any bride attired in white. Her love was her veil and her beauty the gown that shone radiantly in his eyes.

Tears of joy, instead of the sadness he often coaxed by his foolishness and temptations to her brilliant azure depths, brimmed in her eyes and flooded his heart with utmost jubilation.

Truly now, she was his all and forever, not by a deal of a desperate kingdom, or a gang lords bribery to a poor librarian, but tethered by the unbreakable, inseparable bonds of love woven about their hearts.

That night, with the snow falling in a whispering hush, the Dark One took her to his home and for one glorious night they were one flesh. Flames danced upon their fingertips and passion scourged their hearts in a blaze. Sweet words erupted from their lips and declarations of ardor whispered against one another's flesh.

At last they sealed their eternal bond, binding them with their final consummation that melded the links of love. Forever.

When dawn kissed the sky the next day and they awoke messily in one another's arms with kisses and smiles aplenty, then truly their quest began. All the recourse from his life as a gang lord bent to the task of finding his boy. Others in his gang placed tactfully around the world and even Emma Swann was commissioned to seek his beloved boy he'd lost so long ago.

For days the Dark One danced upon eggshells, worried to locate his son. Would he still hate him for letting go? Would he have resigned the errors that occurred so long ago and forgive his father? Was he even still alive?

Through his blistering, scathing turmoil, Belle was there to see him through. Her love and reason was an anchor to his ship rocked by large waves of doubt crashing over the vessel of his heart in the storm of despair.

She stayed his quaking nerves and while he did slip with his powers once or twice, he kept his magic's pent up to show he was trying. Tendrils of lavender often blotted the tips of his fingers, on the very precipice of enacting his dreaded powers, but he held back, for his wife. Even Bae, his reckoned hopefully, would see he was trying to make a difference.

For long weeks the search for Bae was an arduous one. Results ended up nowhere, and trails remained cold and barren. Despair coiled tightly about his heart, squeezing all promise his boy was alive.

And then, by some miracle, or perhaps fate was smiling upon them, Balefire was located closer than anyone could have predicted.

Not only was he found, a strong, young lad in his late 20's, but filled with three lifetimes of adventure and loathing for his father, but he was also the sire of Henry, the boy that connected them all in a web of deceits and family ties.

With the news of her new family, Belle was thrilled to be a grandmother of sorts and in the depths of his black heart so was the Dark One. It felt good to have a family of sorts again, though most of that family hated him with a burning loathing that melted away any kinship at all.

As their lives slowly evolved with his son in the picture, their adventures were not even close to over. Regina's cunning never did cease, and neither did the Charming's quest to be in their rightful home.

Through battles and turmoil and strife, and one curse breaker, in time, they were taken back to their rightful land.

Joy gushed over the land of the newly returned peoples to their rightful home. They were all prodigals back to their rightful place and habitats, one more their own kind rather than humans warped by some foul enchantment. Dwarves were dwarves, fairies were fairies, giants were giants and all was set aright. But even with their return happiness lay marred with the black stains of those responsible. Those who had done the crime of making their live miserable were in need to pay.

Regina was banished to her black, jutting castle for the rest of her days, content to live her life from the presence of the rest of the world all for the exception of her son. Solitude was her penance and she had no qualms with such a sentence. A grove of dark, twisted trees, nearly impenetrable by normal means and enchanted by the fairies surrounded the black fortress in a sea of midnight pines. Only her son was given the special rune to teleport their from time to time through the coppices of gnarled forest to visit a mother he still cherished. With that Regina was satisfied to live out her days, bearing the burden of all she had done alone, and perhaps at peace.

For Rumpelstiltskin, the punishment was slightly different.

Dedicated to his vow to abstain from magic, he allowed himself to be chained and caged and held trial by those he had harmed the most. No longer did he wish to be seen as the Dark One though his gray-gold skin was returned with their entry into the world of their forbears.

The Charming's wished him to stand trials for all his evils done, though they were dubious he would put himself on their level. Surprisingly, to all involved, he did bow to their rules and mandates. Unbound, with Belle in tow, he went to his old cell kept in the base of the castle of his own free will.

Always by his side, Belle remained in the same cell. She could have returned to her father's palace, or even petitioned Snow for a room in the castle, but the beauty was ever loyal, even to stay at his side in the blackness of a fetid cage. Though luxury could have been afforded her, she was happy just to be with him. To have him near was a better comfort than any plush bed or padded pillow.


"What do you think will happen to us, Rum?" Belle queried sleepily from the pile of filthy, matted straw in the dark cell.

Darkness coated the room in oily blackness save for a few lowly guttering torches down the desolate, craggy tunnel leading to the cell. Ebony smoke stains covered the rafters of the rocky walls and enchanted steel with odd patterns and magical traps sat prone and hidden down the long corridor to await any tricks the Dark One had planned. Water plinked intermittently into a shallow pool somewhere in the caverns far below the grand castle, sending hallow echoes down the maze of black tunnels.

Dank firelight from the insipid torches glittered off the slimy walls and the Dark One's renewed scaly skin as he shifted from the enveloping shadows. Sleepily, he pried open an eye and snuggled deeper against his love's body. "We?" The word drawled sleepily from his lips in an impish, jaw creaking yawn. "What makes you think they will sentence us both?" He smiled into the crook of her neck. "You are innocent in these dealings; they will not sentence you."

"Do you think I would leave you?" She grinned determinedly into the darkness and shifted herself comfortable against his skin. "Where you go I go."

"To the end of the world?" He chortled manically.

"And beyond." She declared softly, determination steeling her tone.

A frown creased his lips at the thought. Magic spurted to life in his blood, eager to cause mischief and destruction. Though he was trying to do good in keeping the festering, additive power under his thrall, his death nor hers by their hands would never occur. If he was sentenced to death he would not subject his Belle to demise nor himself to the hangman's noose.

Though he was in the cage, his captors held only an illusion of power compared to his own. If they were too stupid to realize that, then what they received from his ire was their own fault.

He was as an adult playing "jail" with children who thought themselves in control. All they could do was pretend to keep him locked up, but in the end he could stop the game whenever he chose simply by waving his hand.

Even as the thoughts dashed through his mind, forming ideas into pawns in the chess board that was his ancient mind, boots thundered down the long corridor. Contemplations forgotten for the moment, the fiend sat upright, to look into the dimness.

Steel glinted in the guttering flames, dancing with the filthy illumination. The razors edge of a sword appeared through the brackish light, brandished warily in the dankness.

"It's time." Grumpy declared roughly as he appeared down the hall. His sword point was dipped to the stone as he fumbled for the key to the cell of the beast and his beauty.

Rising from the litter of soft straw, the pair clasped hands as they slipped from the magical bars. While the surly dwarf could have led them in chains, he was no fool to think Rumpelstiltskin lacked power. Small links of iron would be useless against the Dark One who still held his magic though for some reason refused to use his dark gifts for freedom.

Staring at the pair disapprovingly, the dwarf nudged his head the way he had came. His lips curled into a sneer beneath his curly beard as he turned. "Follow me." He order lowly and stomped away.

Endless tunnels led them through the labyrinth of dungeons and caverns. The dwarf's knowledge of the earth was impeccable. Through twists and turn he led the pair till they reached a secret door leading right to the court.

The sound of merry music echoed dully from behind the thick portal. Cheers and well-wishes rang out and glittering glasses clinked in jubilation. For a sentencing, their seemed to be a ball sprung up from that fact as well.

Light stung their eyes as Grumpy opened the thick door and the pair stepped out into the brightness of the grand court.

Once more restored to the happy court of Queen Snow and King James, the lands about the kingdom were again ripe and fruitful and drowned with happiness wrought forth from the just rulers of the land who'd endured so much. The grand, creamy hued marble of the balustrades and the floor and the spiral steps had been scrubbed clean, leaving the court in a brilliant luster. The ivory columns lining the stately court stood tall and proud. Suspicious dwarves and angry men and other folk clustered behind the round columns like animals behind copses of white trunks, their eyes following the three.

Vapidly the pair walked behind the dwarf. Their footsteps echoed about the domed, high roof and the endless columns. All eyes pinioned upon them, leaving no move unseen. The fairies hovered above the heads of courtiers and onlookers, their wands bright and brandished.

Trepidation welled in the Dark One. Their eyes stapled upon him, making the magic in him roil. Power stirred in him like a dragon awakened from his den and ready to rain havoc. Low growls rumbled from his throat like a wild beast put on display. He liked things his way, not shown out to an entire court like some novelty.

Belle squeezed her love hands tight, goading him to be strong in the face of their spectators. The temptation for using magic must have been gnawing away at his heart, she supposed sadly wishing to comfort him, but having no means other than a loving look and a strong heart.

Casting a glance her way, the fiend smiled widely. His eyes showed no fear or battle with the darkness roaming in him. Strong, he whispered inwardly to dampen the magic. For her he could be strong.

As the dwarf halted, so too did the murmurings of the creatures gathered to see justice meted out to the Dark One.

"Rumpelstiltskin." James spoke the long moniker sternly. The name echoed away into obscurity, settling like the last of a storm.

Arms spread wide, the fiend dipped a low bow in his ever flamboyant manner. "At your service your majesty." He grinned madly, ever the chuckling imp.

"Your stand before this court for crimes against these realms and many more. For murder, theft, and horrible acts against all creatures of this world." Snow declared regally, her voice soft but carrying authority. Chin high, she was the perfect mixture noble and normal. Courtly grace settled upon her alabaster cheeks and righteous judgment that non could deny danced in his eyes.

"And my sentence?" The beast inquired softly, all puerile impetuousness gone from his scaled visage.

The rulers turned to their daughter standing by their side. Staring coolly at the Dark One, the now princess returned to her rightful home picked up where her parents lefts off for her first royal duty.

"There has been a lot of discussion. A lot of bickering, yelling, and opposing discussion on how to deal with you." She explained in her blunt way. "There really is no way we can stop you. Even now I think you could leave that cell whenever you wanted too. But for some reason…." Her eyes clandestinely flickered to Belle then back to the fiend. "For some reason you've chosen to voluntarily do things right. Still that doesn't change the fact of all the things you've done."

Taking a deep breath, she steadied herself for the sentence. "So Rumpelstiltskin, you are hereby banished from the realm and those of our allies, to live out your days in the infinite forest. The people are prohibited from making deals with a criminal. You are hereby an outlaw of the realms and should you break the sentence we've given rest assured we will take action."

Surprised murmurs rankled from the crowd at the declaration. The judgment bordered upon clemency! Dwarves and fairies stared at one another and humans whispered amongst themselves in a thunder of skepticism and gossip.

Beside Emma, Bae, his boy, stared down at his papa from the dais. Regret for the decision glinted in his cold brown eyes, but he held his tongue behind a grim frown. There was too much his father had done not to pay for his actions.

In time, they had found a mutual way to make peace with all he had done, but that did not imply he would simply get over what his father had done, even centuries before.

"Let's go Rum." Belle gripped his hand once more, to guide him to the exit. Where they would go, she did not know, perhaps the Dark Castle, but she wasn't certain he was willing to go there with such temptations and bad memories lingered in the drafty corridors and swept through every room.

"This doesn't apply to you, Belle." Emma voice rose behind them, over the dull thunder of gossip. "If you choose you will be granted steward of the library here in the kingdom."

Instantly all voice halted their talk of the Dark One and his sentencing. Belle was a different story. Many in their cursed states had known her, and she was a good woman, albeit with a strange taste in mates. The rumor was she had wedded him, though if that was fact, none could testify to the union.

Turning about, the beauty stared at the royal dais thoughtfully. A trace of wistfulness passed in a wink against her lovely features but left quicker than the want came. The offer hung temptingly in the air, like some intangible, succulent fruit. Once that had been her dream….

Every eye turned to them, greedily soaking in the interaction.

The beauty chanced a shrug, not showing a hint of want to see the greatest library of their old world. "He's my love. I'll follow him anywhere. His path his mine." She declared stubbornly, her timbre not housing a hint of regret.

"Think about this, Belle." Emma cautioned. "We've sentenced him to banished solitude. To be with the Dark One is a crime. You'll be setting yourself up for a life with little peace. Someone who dwells in the forests of the wilds no kingdom will claim as theirs. We can't stop others who he's wronged from going after him, or those he loves. You could have peace here."

"I'll never renounce him." Belle's cobalt eyes glittered defiantly.

The blonde nodding stiffly. "From now on." Emma began dryly. "Rumpelstiltskin and Belle, daughter of King Maurice are banished from the kingdom."

"Belle you don't have to do this." The Dark One whispered softly to his love. Taking her hand, he held them close. "Think about this."

Though she was ever faithful, she was on the precipice of a life she did not want. All she wished for, longed for, stood before her ready to be plucked up, but with him was only darkness and hardships littered with his faults. That was no life for an angel.

Freely shaking her head she sidled close by him, her hand entwining with his gangly talons. "I would rather live the rest of my life as an outlaw with you, than able to go anywhere I want without you by my side."

Though he knew she would not leave his side, he was always surprised by her ardor for him. Did she care so much for him, horrid, ugly beast that he was?

As though hearing his silent inquiry of amazement, the beauty pecked his scaled cheek with a kiss. "Always." She whispered lovingly, settling his emotions into a graceful peace.

Love bloomed wildly in his heart with such a simple gesture. With all his worries and faults she knew him so well and still excepted him for who he was.

As they exited the castle, both stared at the wild land beyond the huts and wattle and daub buildings about the castle walls. The forestland was dark and untamed, rife with adventure and danger and wildness they would have to grow accustomed to.

"You know, if you'd like, I could turn them all into snails." He sighed wistfully, a smile spitting his face.

Forcing down a giggle, Belle shoved his arm playfully. "No. We have a chance to do things right."

Even if their new life was banishment, it was a new start, a fresh page not littered with darkness or crimes or deals. Perhaps, even this banishment was a blessing hidden beneath the folds of punishment.

For the first time there would be nothing hold them back. Completely, utterly, with nothing, they were truly free.

"Well, shall we begin forever?" He arched a brow her way, his obsidian black eyes glinting with mischief.

Belle smiled as she leaned into him. Arm slipping into his, she leaned her head on his shoulder, her body radiating peace. "Married, in love, fighting darkness, yes I think we are ready now to begin eternity together."

Hand in hand they disappeared into the wilds, outcast, criminals, but together where they belonged at last.


A/N: Thanks for reading and reviewing everyone. I had a wonderful time writing this and I hope you enjoyed reading! With that being said...


Ready yourselves, Once Upon a Time is coming :3. 2 hour premier so it's on an hour earlier than usual!