Several months passed. Kim was dealing with her mother's death, but she had no one. Her dad was in Jail. She did have Grandma Crawford…

Someone knocked on Jack's door, where Kim was staying. Some one stepped inside, and requested to see Kim. Jack took two stairs at a time, and went into his room.

"Kim, Some old lady is here to see you."

Kim questionably looked at him, but followed him. Down stairs, a not-so-old woman stood, "Kimberly!" She cried.

"Grandma Crawford?"

"Oh, it's been so LONG! Oh we must catch up at once! Oh, Kimberly!" She pulled her into a tight embrace.

Grandma Crawford insisted on staying at a hotel 5 minutes away and being at the Brewer's house from dawn to dusk. So during that fateful dinner on that fateful Wednesday, Grandma Brewer asked, "Kimberly, would you like to live with a proper guardian?"

The Brewer's could have immediately taken offense, but they didn't.


"Kim" (She had finally learned she went by Kim, not Kimberly) "You could come live with me! We could go to knitting club meetings together!" (Lets just say that she isn't… Well… Fun.)

Kim said that she would think about, and then later refused. Several days later, the same offer stood, but Kim declined. So the day after when instead of the little boring grandma, it was the police.

Grandma Crawford had all the papers. Kim would be hers as long as she lived, or until her son came out of Jail.

Kim remembered what Jack had said on the plane. She just hoped it was true. "Kim. What ever happens, I'll always be at you side."