Summary: Natsu and Lucy dated in High School, Lucy broke up with Natsu when she found out Natsu was cheating on her with Lisanna. Lucy left and Natsu rejects everything and becomes depressed. Six years later Lucy comes back as a model, and actress for Erza's birthday party. When Natsu saw her, he tries to get back with her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Lucy POV

I ran out of the school, thinking what I saw it made my heart break in to pieces. Thinking of him kissing Lisanna no wait, making out with her. I was running as fast as I can. Until I heard footsteps and someone yelling my name. I turned around and saw Natsu panting trying to catch his breathe. I stood there dumbfounded and was about to turn and run for it. when I was about to turn, Natsu grabbed my wrist his grip hurt a lot I knew it was going to leave a mark. Tears were forming in my eyes I just wanted to run home and cry in my bed. Yeah how pathetic. "luce..." his voice was full of regret. I stared at the ground not trying to look his face.
"I-I'm s-sorry, please don't leave me, I reject everything I was doing. Just plea-" I interrupted "No shut up, just p-please stop saying lies to me." I pleaded I continued " Your just making me feel worse... with your excuses." I knew he was staring at me. I felt anger and mix of sadness inside me. "But luce-" "Why were you cheating any ways?
If you unhappy why didn't you ended everything?" I snatched my hand from his grip. And looked up at him and gave him a sad smile, tears falling from cheeks. " It's over Natsu..."
He looked shocked what I've just said. " Luce please- I put my finger in the lips and shushed him.

"It's over Natsu" I repeated.

Natsu POV

My heart broke when I heard those three words. when Lucy left, I heard Lisanna's voice behind me. "Babe your okay? I so happy you've broke up with her. At least we can do what want not hiding the not so secret we've been going." I hated that voice so much right now, I knew it's my fault for cheating on someone love so much. I've felt arms around my shoulders. "You know we can do some stuff at your place~" Her breath was breathing in my neck it made shivers on my back. "No." I said coldly turning around to walk home to my apartment. "But Babe why your so cold?" she was clinging in my arm. I turned around I looked at her coldly that made shivers in her back. "Leave. Me. Alone." I glared at her. She frowned and said "I can give you a good time than that slut." I flinched and grabbed her wrist tightly she winced in pain. " Say that one more time and I'll cut your throat." I let her wrist go and left.

I slammed the door hard and went the my bedroom grabbed my clothes and toke a shower. Water dripping on my body, I was clenching my fists so hard my nails were digging in my skin it was it about to bleed. Honestly I didn't fuck it. I was so depressed, I felt like I've lost the most precious thing in the world to me. I'm just mad at myself I just couldn't look at myself in the mirror. Why the fuck I cheated? I've dated her since the first year of high school. And tomorrow is the last day of high school. I don't want go to school and see her depressed cause of me. I grabbed the towel and dying myself. I put on my clothes and lied down to my bed and grabbed my phone next to me. I looked through our text messages and pictures of me and lucy together. When I saw my favourite picture of her. It was when we were at park in benches, She was smiling happily I was next to her grinning. She was wearing a black tank top and fainted jeans with white sandals, her hair was in a messy bun. She looked gorgeous, her smile was breathe taking. I felt the luckiest guy in the whole Earth to have her until, Lisanna came in. Lisanna was my childhood friend, I've had a tiny crush on her when I was younger but when Lucy came in, I've felt love in first sight when I saw her. She became jealous but I ignored it... I remember I used to be shy around her, I was too shy to talk to her, one time I was staring at her for the whole period Mr. Gildarts called my name, everybody and I mean everyone was staring at me I felt like a idiot, Lucy was staring a me giggling while blushing, I turned red like tomato And I had detention after school. Yea Great day I've thought she never noticed me but since I'm the most popular boy at school she did. But that was past...

I even found out Karen, Angel the seniors back then were Lucy's older step sisters and worse of all Laxus, and Sting were Lucy's older brothers too. Laxus was a buff blonde guy and really tall he's like 6'5 and I'm like 6'1 he reminds me of King kong for some weird reason. He has cocky personality it's annoying as fuck. And Sting is another blonde ignorant bastard that thinks he can beat anybody up and thinks he can get what he wants. Thank god Lucy wasn't like them.

Then the break up reminded me again, my heart swollen. "WHY?!" I gritted my teeth. Anger rises in my body I got up from my bed and punch my wall, I knew I made a hole in the wall. I didn't gave a shit that. I cried for a several hours until I fell asleep.

Hey Guys this is my first fanfiction story. ._. I'm not really good a writing... Should I continue? If it's bad then its okay I'll delete this shit.