
"Thank you. See you later." Remus thanked Hestia and Dedalus who had come to relieve him and Tonks from their guard duty, over a farmhouse in the middle of a barren field.

They turned and started to move in the direction of the Apparition point.

"You still won't talk me?" Remus called over to Tonks who was walking ahead of him, resolutely staring ahead. It had been an uncomfortable night; it was mostly Remus who used to avoid her, but this time it was her turn.

And she had every right to do so.

"Tonks… Please stop," he requested, selfishly hoping she would trip in dark, sunlight was yet to come, and he would have a chance to catch up with her.

"Nymphadora..." he said, hoping that she would turn around and yell at him not to call her Nymphadora.

She still didn't stop.

She was angry. No, angry was a small word, she was heartbroken, and the blame was all his. For one whole year he had turned a deaf ear on her pleas, though he wasn't sure he had been entirely successful in doing so. Still, it had been good to pretend for a while - pretend that her every look didn't pierce his soul, that her every tear didn't make his heart clench, that her every brown strand of hair didn't make him worry.

She'd kept following him, and now he supposed it was time for him to follow her. Since the hospital wing incident, she had avoided and ignored him adamantly. And now, days later, on the night before - or maybe morning - of Dumbledore's funeral, they were here, returning from guard duty, partnered together after almost a year.

"Dora…" His voice was small and it was the last try.

She stopped.

Surprised, he covered the three steps between them quickly and stopped just behind her. Fearing that she would change her mind and walk away, he grabbed her turquoise coat's sleeve. He didn't touch her skin, fearing he would lose all semblance of calm at the contact.

"Give me at least a chance…"

"A chance to do what?" Her voice was quiet, yet steady. She was still facing away from him so he tugged at her sleeve, urging her to face him. Somewhere far away, a bird hooted, indicating the sun would rise soon.

He looked into her eyes. The urge to look away in shame was strong, but he maintained eye contact. He had to make sure that she saw the sincerity in his eyes.

"A chance to explain."

"Explain what?" she hissed, her eyes burning. "That you are wrong for me? I did everything I could to convince you…"

"Say it again," he told her, looking down when the fierceness in her eyes became too much to bear. He had it coming, he knew it, had known for a long time that he wouldn't last long in front of her, but he had to try. He loved her too much not to try. He had tried to dissuade her, but she had held her ground. Even after a year.

"Say what?" she spoke, uncertainty suddenly coloring her tone.

"Say that you don't care that I am poor, that I am a werewolf…" He looked up and took a tiny step ahead. His fingers touched the back of her hand lightly. He felt a small shiver at the touch.

She bit her bottom lip, as if unable to decide what to make of his request. "I don't care, Remus. I never have… I know after years of rejection it is hard for you to accept that, but I truly don't care. I never will."

He swallowed, realizing that whenever she had told him this, he hadn't heard her while looking into her eyes. There was not a chance, simply not a chance that he could have misread the certainty in those eyes. This woman - this wonderful, amazing woman - was the most loyal person he had ever met. And it was his fortune that she chose to dedicate this unwavering loyalty to him.

"How do you do it?" he whispered, daring to touch her cheek lightly. His other hand was still holding her sleeve. "I never told you how I felt… how - how did you keep your faith in me?" He swallowed, silently berating himself that he'd never got around to telling her how much she meant to him.

She took a shuddering breath at his touch. "Then tell me now…" Her voice dropped to a whisper as if hoping that he would hear her and not hear her at the same time. It looked as if she was hoping against hope. His heart clenched painfully. How did he - Remus Lupin, the unworthy, unclean- ever get to have so much effect on someone? It scared him, the power he unknowingly seemed to have over her. But, he reflected, she held the same power over him.

"I love you."

She let out a choked sound, it might have been a sob, but before he could figure it out she had him in his embrace.

He released a long breath as her arms closed around him, as if a lump had been removed from his throat and he could finally breathe freely.

Encircling his arms around her, he pulled her against him.

"Say it again." This time her voice shook.

"I love you." He murmured into her neck, his nose pressed against her jaw. "I love you." He inhaled her scent deeply.

"Again, say it again."

He pressed his lips below her ear, realizing it was the most he had touched her in a year. She shuddered.

"I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you…love."

She let out a strangled chuckle. "Love you love?"

"I'll work on my… sobriquet suavities…"

"It's too bloody early and I am too sleep deprived to understand such extensive vocabulary, with alliterations as well." She spoke in a thick voice, her breath fanning his hair.

Placing his hand behind her neck, he gently pulled her face closer.

It was the most beautiful sight to behold. Her lashes were wet, but somehow her face was mostly dried. "You didn't say it back," he told her.

"You fool. What else have I been doing for a year?" She gave him an exasperated look. "I love you too, you silly man."

He looked at her for a long time, trying to decide if she had always managed to evoke such feelings inside him. He realized, she had.

As the first light of dawn hit them, he pressed his lips to hers. He had kissed her before, once, but there had been guilt, chagrin, along with the exhilaration of touching her in this way.

This time, as his lips glided delicately over hers, parting them with insistence, he noticed that the guilt or any other negative feeling was gone.

It was very apt that this wasn't just the beginning of a new day. It was also the beginning of a new chapter in his - their lives; a chapter full of elation and euphoria... and love. The fear would come later, maybe, but right now he just wanted to enjoy her embrace.

Hello everyone once again. I wrote this one shot for rt_morelove Twelfth night tales event; the prompt was dawn.

Also, I have been reading this fic from chapter one and after so seeing so many mistakes, I literally cringed. It's a wonder so many of my lovely readers managed to read this at all! In one of the chapters I had written chess board as chest board- imagine my horror! I am so tempted to delete earlier of my fics as I am almost afraid to re-read them but one day I am going to edit and rectify the mistakes.

I have edited all the chapters to the best of my abilities but I am sure many mistakes still remain, however atleast it is more readable now.

That said, I am in need of a beta-reader for my new story. If anyone is interested or if you know someone who might be interested, please, please PM me, it is really important.

Thank you :)