Disclaimer: I do not own the vampire diaries characters.

"Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn't stop for anybody."

― Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Damon's POV

August 16,2013

"Ladies and Gentlemen as we have commenced our final descent into Mystic Falls, Virginia would you please return to your seat and fasten your seat belts..." blah, blah, blah is all I hear as the flight attendant calls over the speaker.

"Mmm... guess that means I have to go back to my seat," the redhead I was making out within the planes' bathroom moans.

"Hmm.. guess so," I say smirking.

"K, here's my number baby, call me." The redhead purrs as she gives me a final sloppy kiss, and leaves, leaving me inside the small bathroom alone. Yup I'm all alone...

"Bye whatever your name is," I mutter while rolling my eyes.

God can these girls get any more pathetic , I swear they jump you without even giving you their name. Not that I'm complaining, I mutter as an afterthought... Yup I've definitely changed, I think, as I look at myself in the small mirror above the sink. I don't wear those big ass round glasses thanks to my contacts. I no longer wear striped shirts, nor do I wear those hideous baggy pants. My hair is still the same jet black, except now instead of being brushed to the side it falls in locks over my forehead.

Though, I have to admit that I look good, not to sound self-centered or anything. Who am I kidding not only my appearance changed but also my personality. I'm not that same shy, awkward, antisocial kid I was. It feels like forever since I've seen Mystic Falls, when really it's only been around a year and a little more.

"This is the captain speaking, just about ready for landing thanks for flying with us," I hear over the speaker. Finally, I can leave this plane, and show mystic falls the new Damon. Especially show her, how she made a mistake. Ah no, I think, I can't think about her especially after what she did to me.

I'm searching for my best friend Alaric at the airport, but can't seem to find him. All I see are unfamiliar faces and then some.

"Damon!" I turn around to where I heard the voice and the person standing in front of me is unrecognizable. No, it can't be.

"Alaric ?" I question.

"You're not the only one with a new look Salvatore," he responds back.

And just like that we hug , a manly hug mind you. God I haven't seen my best friend in over a year. Like me he now doesn't wears glasses , and he's not wearing those shorts that reached up to his stomach. I guess a lot of things/people change.

"Come on let's go home, your mom's been waiting for you," Alaric says as he unlocks his black ford. Yup things definitely change, a year ago we would take the bus to school, and have to ask our parents to drive us. Now my friend here is picking me up, and looking completely different.

"So how's she been ? My mom after everything," I ask because before I left, one of the reasons why actually, my mom and I weren't exactly what you would call on good terms.

"Same old , same old," Alaric finally replies, turning on the music at the same time.

"Well the complex still looks the same," I say as I get out of the car. It still has the same entrance with the security guard and her permanent scowl asking you what apartment you're going to. Mom's parking space occupied with her white van that she's had for almost 10 years now. And little kids playing in the small playground, swinging on the swings, reminding me of when I use to do that when I just needed to be alone.

Finally when we go inside and all I can do as I'm going up the elevator is count down the numbers in my head in silence. Alaric knows how anxious I'm feeling now , that I'm scared for a lack of a better word to face everybody, especially her. Though I have time to deal with that later , now I just have to see my mom. One, two , three I count as I pace back and forth. Okay I'm ready, I finally decide to stop being a coward, the coward that I am, and knock. One, two, three seconds I count, and finally my mom opens up, god I've missed her so much. She still looks the same as she did a year ago, short black hair up to her cheekbones, beautiful comforting blue eyes that make you feel safe. I practically throw myself at her like a little kid, hugging her, and kissing her forehead since I'm now taller than her.

"Mom I've missed you," I say like a little kid who hasn't seen their mom in years, which I haven't.

"Oh Damon , I've missed you too, I'm so sorry ,"she says with tears streaming down her face.

I finally turn around to let Alaric come inside with some of my bags, and let him feel at home.

Soon were all eating in the kitchen table like we used to do, and all telling stories of the past year. Being here with my mom and Alaric really brings back memories of last year, when they were all I had, still only have. Yes, I did made new friends this past year, but it's not the same.

Only later as I'm in the living room alone, watching the most boring commercial, something about Rosetta Stone and learning English, I suddenly hear the door bell. That's strange, I think to myself, it's almost 2 in the morning, who would be knocking here at this hour? So I get up and open the door without thinking and, that's when I see her. Elena, as beautiful as ever with her long brown hair, I feel my mouth widen in awe, then I immediately close it not wanting her to think that I missed her. I look at her and see her chocolate brown eyes staring back at me, slowly tearing up, eyes that I considered home and now are vacant. Her small pink lips pursing into a thin line, holding in the sobs she's yet to release, her little nose sniffling. I don't let myself continue looking at her, I make my eyes look up at hers and I see her looking me up and down, all I can do is grimace and swallow back the lump stuck in my throat. When finally, all I manage to ask is, "Elena?"

Now updated A/N: Hi, so this is my first fan fiction ever and to be honest I'm nervous about it. This first chapter is the prologue, but the second chapter will go back around 2 years. So if you liked it or didn't like it please leave a review. Constructive criticism allowed, insults/mean comments are not... :)