Chapter 10

Jura grunted as she followed Loki. Lenora walked along behind them, growling occasionally. Jura looked back at her dragon worriedly a few times.

"This would be FASTER if we flew," she said to Loki.

"Forget it," Loki snapped. "I am not trusting that beast or you." Lenora growled VERY low in her throat and stomped her foot, making a loud thud. Loki shot her a glare.

Lenora, could you please keep a lid on your fury? Jura hissed in her mind, despite feeling very much the same.

Jura he is insulting me! I do not CARE if he is the only way to get us home; I am one more insult away from eating him! Jura personally thought that she wouldn't mind that, but still. She wanted to get back home to Laufin and currently the only way for that to be possible was if they helped Loki. Lenora growled, but Jura could tell that next time, no cajoling and convincing on her part would keep Lenora from tearing Loki apart.

"Isn't there a faster way?" Jura finally snapped after they had been walking for several hours. "Can't you simply use magic?"

"I could, but SHIELD has detectors that can pick up my magic signature, and they would be on us in seconds." Jura grumbled to herself and Lenora snorted.

"This is your magnificent portal?" Jura said, unimpressed.

It's a cave, Lenora snorted, broadcasting it to everyone, including Loki.

"It's inside the cave," Loki said with a tone that stated, can they get any more idiotic? Jura gritted her teeth.

"Well hurry up then," she snapped. "I want to get home." Loki gestured for her to go first and she reluctantly did so. He followed and then Lenora after her, though it was a tight fit for the dragon. They emerged into a large chamber that held…nothing. "Impressive," Jura said sarcastically. Loki rolled his eyes at her and tossed a rock at the far wall. It vanished with a spark of rainbow light.

"Get up enough speed and you go through," Loki said. "Don't and you die."

"WHAT?!" Jura shouted. "BUT…THIS…HOW…I MEAN…" she continued to splutter. "WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO ABOUT IT?!"



"Then help her with magic." Jura stomped around, furious.

Can you BELIEVE him?! She snapped to Lenora.

We don't have much of a choice.

But there is no way you can get enough speed!

You must help me than. Think of a spell, there is something that you can use surely.

I can try, but I don't know…

Jura, if we don't try we might as well die. You saw what those humans did to us!

I know…but we could die and that is not something to take lightly.

We must try. It is our honor to. Jura sighed and nodded.

"Alright Loki, we'll help you. Get on." She mounted Lenora and Loki got on behind her. Lenora flew up to the top of the cavern and twisted her head to look at Jura who nodded and began to speak in the ancient language. "Flauga, thrysta vindr! (Fly, compress the air!)" She continued to chant and Lenora dove towards the wall and the magic shoved her forwards, helping her to achieve greater speed than she could have achieved on her own. She soared towards the wall and…sailed through into clear blue skies. Jura stared and looked around. They were soaring over a large forest and in the distance was a golden city and a giant ocean.

"It's gorgeous," Jura gasped and Lenora hummed in agreement.

"Land in that clearing," Loki said in a bored tone.

"And why would I?" Jura said, pulling Istalri from its sheath and twisting so that it was against Loki's neck. "We're here now and I think that I can convince someone else to help us more easily than that other world."

"Not very many people speak the tongue of the ancients."

"We'll find someone."

"They'll kill your dragon on sight."

"I doubt if they could."

"Odin would catch and imprison you."

"Not if I brought you back to the ruler of this land, who I am guessing is Odin." Loki's eyes narrowed and he snapped his fingers. Jura screeched in pain as the bonds he had put on her racked her form with excruciating pain. Lenora roared in pain and quickly landed. She twisted her head and picked up the back of Jura's clothes in her teeth before putting her down on the ground gently. She then lifted her head and snarled at Loki, slowly walking towards him.

"Another step and she dies," Loki warned Lenora, not backing up. The dragon growled again in warning and opened her mouth. Loki snapped his fingers and Jura screamed again. The glow of fire in Lenora's throat slowly subsided and she closed her mouth with a loud snap. "Good choice," smirked Loki. "Now then, let's go get my revenge shall we?" Lenora, who had spread her wing over Jura, looked at him with a penetrating glare and snorted.

There ya'll go! My latest chapter of this story! Thank you so much for your reviews and support it means a lot! Critique is very welcome! Please continue to read, review, follow and favorite!