Diva Swans

Disclaimer: don't own anything mentioned in the following chapters belong to their rightful owners.

Edward's Pov

I promised Bella I would see her again and I would. I convinced my adopted parents Esme and Carlisle to send me to la Push Boarding school for boys.

They agreed immediately and we all moved they enrolled me and my little brother Ben; along with James who was part of the band we formed.

I was tempted to call and even text Bella but I was planning something better, as soon as we got to our house all unpacked, Dad got a job at the hospital while mom did her online magazine thing.

I hacked into dad's files when I went to help him carry stuff to his office and while he was tending some patients I found out where Bella lives.

I was nervous as hell…and I don't even know why.

I knocked, I heard voices and the door opened to a blond with blue eyes she looked at me up and down as if I were a piece of meat, "can I help you" she said seductively and licked her lips. If I didn't love Bella I would totally fuck her…but since I do love Bella, "im looking for Bella" I told her.

She frowned; "come in" she said, "who's this" another blonde with strawberry highlights asked the blonde form the door.

"Edward!" I heard Bella scream; I love making her smile, I kissed her until the two blonde's interrupted us. Bella blushed more than ever and the blondes were giving her the bitch brow.

"Aren't you going to introduce us Isabella" the strawberry highlight blonde said a little harshly; she is so lucky she's a girl.

"Rosalie, Tanya this is Edward" Bella pointed to each of the blonde's I just nodded, "Edward these are Rosalie and Tanya my older twin half-sisters"

"You never told me you had sisters?" I said slightly confused n why she would lie to me, she looked down, and 'I have my reason"

I was about to ask what reasons when the door opened, a middle aged man with tan skin brown eyes and hair as Bella came in, he did a double look at me.

"Hello" he said I heard the curiosity and possibly threat in his voice, "Hello sir, and im Edward Cullen, and Bella's boyfriend" I said politely, Parents love me.

He showed confusion in his expression then looked at Bella, "you never said you had a boyfriend, you Isabella" he said to her.

"Yeah why have you been hiding him?" Tanya said as she touched my arm, I flinched and moved away from her.

"So Edward are you hear for the weekend or what?" Bella's dad asked me.

"No sir, I'll be attending La Push boarding school" I said in full authority"

"Good school" Charlie said, "will you be staying for dinner Edward?" Bella asked me, they all looked at me, and "maybe next time, love, I should be getting back to my parents" I said to her. She walked me to the door and I kissed her hand good-bye, she blushed.

Bella's Pov

"Why didn't you mention having a boyfriend, young lady" dad ambushed me as I made my way to the kitchen to start dinner.

"Because you guys would scare him away" I said innocently, something I learned from Edward.

Dad gave up my puppy dog look, "did you know he was coming?" Rose asked me, I shook my head, as I put the casserole in the oven to bake.

"no he surprised me" I said happily, "maybe that's why he didn't text me last night' I was so happy nothing could ruin my happiness, "see Tanya Edward would never cheat on me….he came all this way just to see me and attend that Boarding School his parents have been trying to send him too" I pointed out.

She gave me her bitch face.

I spent all night texting to Edward that I woke up late for school, I dressed in a maxi skirt some sandals underneath it and a long button sleeve shirt with a belt around my waist with my messenger bag and I was good to go.

Rosalie scoffed, "what?" I asked, "your outfit its…" she was cut off my Tanya, "it's for the summer Isabella not for Forks" she insisted.

I shrugged, "I don't care, im the one wearing it not the people of forks" I said as we got into Rosalie's car.

Everyone looked at me or whistled as I walked by, I didn't look at them or gave them nay ideas; I became friends with a girl in my French class her name was Angela and she didn't seem to judge me at all.

We got lunch and headed outside to the benches, "So" a girl around barely 5 feet came up to us with her posse and interrupted my conversation with Angela.

"Can I help you?" I asked a little rudely.

"My name is Alice Brandon and im the fashion queen around here got it" she sneered. Damn for being little bitch got attitude.

"Okay miss fashion queen" I said ending our conversation and went back to talking about the dancing coming up.

"You aren't seriously going to that are you?" the fashion bitch said going into our conversation, "your still here" I pointed out.

She grinned and sat down in front of us, "only lame people go to school dances" Alice pointed out, "thanks for the 411" I said making it clear that I didn't want to talk to her anymore….she didn't get the fucking memo.

"Why bother going you won't win the being queen of the dance anyway" Alice said with a smug smile on her face.

"Remember when I asked for your opinion, yeah me neither" I talked back, "let's go Angela" I grabbed Angela's hand and we left a stunned little girl with a posse.


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