A/N Like all good things they have to come to an end, I enjoyed writing this story and wish to thank the following who have supported me through it with their wonderful reviews. LadyDragonsblood, Shyann, KaneCenaZombie12, Bingobaby, CelticChocolateLover, Nancy, tanya2byour21, soagirlforever, lilasskickersmom, .7902, TakersSoulMate, RandyOrtonRules62 if I have missed any out thank you to you all xxx
It was the day of the Christmas show, squeals from children as they saw their parents walking up the snow covered path into the school. John, Mel and the teachers had made the front into a Winter Wonderland, with twinkling lights, Christmas trees, a gift for every child had been placed under the trees, so they could open them after the show had finished. Mel wiped at her tears, her class looked so adorable, little faces full of cheer, so proud they were performing in the school play.
"Miss" feeling a tug on her red velvet skirt, her outfit resembled more of Mrs Christmas with her red jumper, edged in white soft like feathers, to her black boots, even her hair had sparkling ribbons and tinsel in, Mel looked down at her daughter, a smile across her face.
"Yes sweetheart" she bent down as Lilly whispered in her ear
"Do I look ok? Will my daddy's be able to hear me, from where they are?" Mel's heart melted, Lilly was so unsure after all that had happened those few dark days, yet she was getting better. It had scared her how bad her daddy's were, frightened that she could have lost them. Mark had come out of the darkness four days after the incident, Glenn around two, it had been hard going for them all. Mel had been informed of Grahame's death by her now good friend, who was due to give birth to the bastard's child in a few weeks. They had spoken at the funeral, yes she went, not to mourn him, but to check he was really dead. She had spotted Debbie surprised she wasn't upset, as the woman made her way to Mel.
"Mel all I can say is how sorry I am"
"What for you got the worst of it" Debbie went on to tell her the hell she had been in, the threats he had made to her, should she walk away. She also told her that the spa weekend gave her the freedom to think without fear, had given her the courage to walk away. Hugging her Mel sympathised, she never knew how bad Grahame was until he attacked her, her heart went out to her friend. They became closer that day, as Debbie was over the moon the evil shit was dead, and who ever had done it deserved a damn medal. They had spent the rest of that afternoon catching up, over coffee, happy to be talking again. Coming out of her memory she ruffled Lilly's hair
"They sure will sweetheart, just make sure you are loud and clear ok. That applies to you all, loud and clear, Right sweethearts it's our time to shine, Come on" Walking her class into the hall, she glanced over the very proud parents of the school, her eyes seeking out the ones who were in her class. The best was seeing a smiling Miss Thomas, she had been in recovery for a few days and they had allowed her a day out to see her son. Catching Mel's eyes she mouthed a thank you to her, grateful for the teacher who had helped her unbeknown at the time to her. As Claire looked around, she saw Lilly's two daddy's sat at the back, away from the crowd. Nodding at them both, she smiled too, they weren't weird at all they were the nicest men she could ever meet, if it wasn't for them she wouldn't be here, they had convinced the rehabilitation centre to allow her a day away. Mark and Glenn were very, very proud parents, there was their little sweetheart, they heard every word. She looked so sweet as Mary, and Nathan as Joseph, she had been practicing so hard at home, and it all came together for them all. As the play all came to an end there was a standing ovation, for all the children. Each teacher came up to thank the parents and the children for all their hard work, each one given a gift from the Headmaster as a thank you for all the effort that had been put in. Then it was Mel's turn, she nervously walked up as John gave her a gift voucher from all the teachers.
"Well school as we all know Miss Lane was involved in a terrible incident within our small school, and I know how each of you were worried about her, she has been working a few hours a day within her class, yet whilst you have been working Mel, the teachers pupils and I have been making this for you" handing her the biggest Get Well/ Christmas card she had even seen, tears filled her eyes.
"Oh thank you, thank you so much, this…." Trying to control her emotions, looking at all the smiling faces, her gaze landed on the two out of the three most important people in her life. Both mouthed they loved her as she took a deep breath.
"This is the best card I have ever had, thank you all"
"Mel that isn't all" handing her an envelope, she slowly opened it unsure of what it was. Her eyes almost popped out of her head, in her hand was a contract for the next five years, confirming her job, status in the school. They had renamed her position, as Deputy Head, looking at John then at her colleagues she didn't know what to say. It was something she had wanted to work up to and now she had her dream job.
"I would like you all to welcome our new Deputy Head, not only has Mel helped a lot of parents with situations. I know both your children and you the parents have spoken highly of Miss Lane, how you can talk to her without her judging. We feel in the school, there would be no one better for the role" as the parents clapped, Mel was so happy, nothing could top this, nothing.
Mark and Glenn were so proud of both their daughter, and their partner, she had worked hard for what she did, and this job title was most fitting for their little one. As the hall cleared and Mel took her pupils back to the class, she was stopped with a soft hand on her arm.
"Miss Lane, can I just say thank you for all your help, even the help you kept hidden, without you I would not be here, well without your partners. I believe Nathan has been invited to yours over Christmas, again thank you. I look forward to seeing you soon, and congratulations on your new job, no one deserves it more than you."
"Claire, you are more than welcome, all I ask keep up the good work and we are very blessed to have Nathan over Christmas, he is a wonderful little boy, and thank you. I look forward to seeing you soon" heading after her children, she helped them get their outfits off.
"Right sweethearts, You have done wonderful all of you, and seeing as today is our last day for our Christmas break, both myself and the teachers have organised a Winter Wonderland for you all to wonder around., and if you check under the trees, there is a little gift for each of you with your names on. Ensuring the children were wrapped up warmly she guided them outside, seeing their little faces light up at the twinkling lights, the Christmas trees. The parents were in the hall eating mince pies and drinking mulled wine or hot chocolate. Mel smiled to herself knowing Mark and Glenn would be on the hot chocolate. Pulling her hat over her ears, the snow had not stopped falling all day, which made it all the more special for their pupils.
"Miss, Miss look I think this is mine? Is it?"
"Yes Colleen sweetheart that has your name on it and it's for you. Pop to Jess over there and she has a gift from both myself and her"
"Thank you so much Miss" hugging her tightly she kissed her cheek
"We will see you in the Christmas break ok sweetie. I have spoken to your mum and it is all sorted, Sleep over and snowball fights" seeing the huge smile on the little girls face, she nodded skipping off to the teaching assistant. It took around 20 minutes for all the children to locate their gifts, to say bye to Mel, the ones who were coming for the sleep over couldn't wait. Eventually it was just Lilly left, she looked so forlorn, where was her gift, all the other children had one, but there was nothing for her. As she searched high and low her bottom lip trembling, she didn't notice Jess say goodbye and wishing Mel a wonderful Christmas leaving her small gift for both Mel and Lilly. She wasn't aware her daddy's were stood watching her, as most of the parents had left the school closing down for the winter holidays.
"Misss… Lan…." Looking up at Mel tears in her eyes. The three adults hearts broke, they hadn't wanted to upset her.
"What is it honey?"
"Did Santa forget me? I can't find my gift" Mel moved forward as she wrapped Lilly in her arms
"No Santa would never forget a special little girl like you, let's see where would he put a gift for a very special little girl?"
"Daddy he forgot me" then suddenly she saw a shining star at the top of a small tree, with an envelope attached to it.
"is that it oh mummy is that mine?" seeing her eagerness both men smiled, neither knew what was in the envelope only that it was something very special from Mel.
"Well I don't know why don't we ask daddy to grab it from the tree then we can see" Mark walked over as he read the card
"It's address to Lilly Jacobs- Calaway, and I know only one beautiful princess with that name" handing her the envelope they waited to see what was in it, both had their arms around Mel, stealing kisses now no one was here to see.
"Oh my, daddy's, it says. Mummy is this true, it says hello to my big sister I cannot wait to meet you in eight months time" both men looked at Mel, then at their daughter. Mel nodded, wondering if they were happy that their little family was now complete.
"Well sweetheart you did ask for a little sister, whilst I don't know what bump is yet i am sure we will love and care for it" Mark was the first to pull out of his shock, pulling Mel into his hard body
"Oh wow darlin a little one, I love you so much, so damn much" his lips took hers in a heated kiss, Glenn picked Lilly up in his arms, swinging her around, they were going to be one happy family he could see that.
"baby I love you so much and if my husband will allow you to leave his arms then I would like to kiss you" Mark gently pushed their lover, into Glenn's arms, as his husband took her lips in another heated kiss. As he swept Lilly in his arms
"daddy this is the best Christmas gift ever"
"It sure is darlin" looking at the twinkling lights, the dusk was coming in, he wanted to get home and cuddle with his family, play in the snow, enjoy the brightness of Christmas. The darkness had well and truly gone, Vince had listened to Glenn and told them they were not needed on the tour, he didn't want either suffering again. The men had been through enough, they deserved their happiness, they had found it in the small village they now lived in, with a school teacher. He promised when the tour came to the UK he would visit with their friends, and they would always be there for them.
"I hate to interrupt Mel I need to close the school down"
"Of course, yes sorry, let me help you"
"Mr Edwards I'm going to be a big sister" John looked at Mel, Mark and Glenn, what a wonderful ending for them all. Pulling Mel into his embrace, he congratulated them all. As they shut the school up, he watched the happy family head to their car, they deserved the happiness. Driving home to his family it was going to be a wonderful Christmas.
1 year later
"Oh wow Mel it is so good to see you honey. You have been missed" Hugging John, it was good to see him.
"I'm sure the school is being run by you John, and no cheeky I am not coming back earlier I wanted to show off our little additions"
"Oh wow you brought the twins in? Where are they?" asked Jackie one of the stand in teachers
"Lilly didn't mention you would be in" another said, the crowd getting larger around Mel, she loved her work friends, most of them had visited over the last few months after she finished work on maternity leave, and then when she had the twins. They only found out a month before she gave birth that they had two wonderful gifts.
"Here they are" all looked up as Mark and Glenn walked in each carrying a small baby. The crowd went soft over the scene the men had them protected within their strong arms, the love and happiness clear on all their faces.
"So what did we decide on in the end, Mel? Last time I popped to yours, none of you had made up your minds"
"Well we have at last, this little one is Thomas William after his two daddy's, and this little one is Rebecca, after a wonderful lady" It took Mel awhile to convince the men to call their son after them, at first they wanted Mel to pick something different. She told them in no uncertain terms their son was having their middle names and that was it, and Rebecca was soon shortened to Becky. Mark saw his daughter in her, from her little button nose, to her emerald eyes, she was the spit of Lilly's mummy and he would tell Lilly with pride in his voice how wonderful her mummy was.
They all stayed and had a drink with the staff, as Mel sorted out her dates to come back. John wanted her back as soon as possible the parents, teachers, and pupils missed her so much. Mel told him she would be back when the twins were 6 months old, he would take that now better than her leaving. He honestly thought once she had the twins she would leave, but Mel enjoyed her job too much. Taking the twins from her lovers, she walked to her old pupils new class. Looking through the window she saw all the children entranced by Claire. Miss Thomas had studied teaching whilst in recovery, she was on a course, and every few days she was allowed to take the class for an hour, it was part of her training. The school bent over backward to help her, and all was looking good. As Miss Thomas saw a figure at the door, she broke into a smile, glad to see her friend back. They had become close once her recovery programme had ended.
"Look who is here children"
"Miss Lane!" they all shouted as Mel walked into the classroom with her babies
"Oh wow your brought the twins, Lilly your sister and brother are so sweet you are lucky" Lilly knew how lucky she was, with her daddy's, mummy and Santa's special gifts.
"Lilly, can I kiss your sisters cheek she looks so cute" Nathan asked he was close to Lilly, and her siblings, his mummy had Thomas in her arms cooing over him
"Mel you are so lucky no matter how many times I see them they get more gorgeous each day"
"Thanks Claire, it's good to see you teaching love, I am so pleased, oh do you fancy coming over this weekend think the guys have some of their wrestling friends staying, and from what I heard there are a few single ones"
"You Mel are nothing but a matchmaker of course I will. Thank you" Mel knew just the wrestler who would be perfect for Claire, she wasn't the loud mouth person parents had known. She had changed into a wonderful, considerate woman, kind, and great with the children. Her dress sense was strict and neat, yes she knew a certain Mr Reigns would be able to look after her and protect her. Now she just had to get the guys to sort it out. The school bell rang as the children exited the class giving Mel a big hug and saying bye to the twins.
"You still here darlin?" Mark came to find his family pulling her into his arms he kissed her softly on the neck
"Well hello there pumpkin" Picking Lilly up in his arms he turned to see his sexy husband walking down the corridor
"well baby are we all ready to head home"
"Yes daddy!"
"Yes darlin"
"Oh yes baby, I can wait to get out family home" as they headed out, all couldn't believe how wonderful their life was, good friend and family. She was their daughters teacher, but in time she became their student a thing Mel would never regret. Waving bye to her work friends she jumped in the car, looking at her men and her three children. It couldn't get any better than this, ok maybe another few children. Smirking to herself, she hadn't broken the news yet, she wanted to try for another. Mark and Glenn caught her smirk, knowing what was going through her mind.
"One more that it is darlin"
"Nah two baby"
"It's my body I decided" she stuck her tongue out at them, oh she would be punished for that. Remembering back to that dark time when Mark and Glenn punished her. She hadn't meant to warn Grahame it was for him to leave her men alone, but he took it meaning she still loved him. Mark had still been in his darkness and smacked her backside over and over. He didn't stop, not until the tears fell, and then more. Yet the sex after was wonderful, just like it would be once the twins and Lilly were asleep
"Three" was all she said, as her partners faces had shit eating grins. What Mel wanted, Mel got, there wasn't anything they would not do for their little student.