Disclaimor: I do not own Batman Beyond or Justice League or Justice League Unlimited

An unnatural rush of wind whips through the sky its speed beyond any natural hurricane. Clouds stream past like long trains of smoke all heading to one site. A flash of black streaming through the clouds was the only sign of something fighting against the unnatural weather.

"Bruce do you copy!" Terry McGinnis yells over the noise of the wind, holding onto the steering wheel of the plane with an unwavering death grip, his face unmasked for once, sweat sliding down his brow.

"I'm here." A gruff voice answers from the console.

"I was too late. There was nothing I could do." Terry yells towards the dashboard.

"Are you certain? Was there a focal point to the black-hole?"

Terry keeps his gaze fixed towards the horizon not looking towards where he knew there was a camera. "No there wasn't one."

"Then you couldn't have done anything anyways." Somehow Terry could hear the almost soft reply over the buffeting wind. "I've managed to counter act the interference with the plane's tracer. About 30 miles ahead is a valley. Land in it."

"Have you gone off the deep end!" Terry glares at the console, teeth clenched with the strain of holding the plane steady.

"Land!" Bruce barks sharply allowing no argument.

"Fine! Not that it matters." Terry struggles with the steering wheel for a moment as the plane fights the overwhelmingly strong wind but reaches the ground safely. "I'm on the ground." Terry barks back at the console.

"There's a switch under the console, directly under the forward missiles Button. Flip that switch. Quickly!" The elderly man orders.

Reaching under he grabs ahold of the near invisible switch, "Got it" he flips it.

Terry's eyes fill with a near blinding light blue and white energy as an odd almost tickling sensation surrounds him. As soon as it appears it's gone. Blinking rapidly to adjust to its abrupt absence. To Terry's surprise he's met with the sight of the inside of the bat cave. Opening the hatch of the plane he quickly moves towards the Main computer which Bruce was quickly typing away at.

"What was that!?" Terry asks a little shocked over the abrupt move over multiple time zones.

"Old League transporter system. The satellites are still in orbit, just not used." The older man states, not even looking away from the computer's screen.

"I thought the government tracks stuff like that now." Knowing the old man enough, Terry didn't even bother to question if it was legal or not.

Bruce pulls up multiple video feeds onto the computer screen. He was looking at what seemed to be over two dozen old radio towers. "Yes they do. It doesn't matter anymore."

"Does this mean they'll be able to track us down now?" Terry says coughing slightly, it was getting harder to breathe.

The retired Batman grunts and points towards a nearby cabinet, "Your loosing sight of the real problem. Unless you can build a machine as complicated as a plane in mere minutes there will be no government to track us down. Even as weak as this black hole is, the atmosphere is going to be gone within the next ten minutes." He left unsaid what was going to follow.

Terry listens and opens the small metal doors. Realizing exactly why he was directed towards the cabinet, he pulls out two oxygen tanks, places a mask from one over his face, turns the valves of the two tanks and hands over the other mask to the elderly detective.

"Computer Protocol number 91939, authorize!" The old man barks at the machine.

"Protocol number 91939, engaged. System at 10%... System ready in 2 minutes 3 seconds" comes a nondescript artificial female voice from the terminal. Bruce gaze flits across multiple screens watching surging power readings underneath seemingly corresponding video feeds of the old radio towers. Flashes of blue electricity race across the almost invisible metal cables attached to the towers.

"What is all this Wayne." Terry was a little tired of being kept out of the loop even if it was almost a common occurrence when it came to some of Bruce's old tech.

"It's a last line of defense." Bruce says grimly, "It's for a situation where the end of the world is inevitable. I created this system around the time Powers was trying to takeover Wayne Tech originally so I wasn't able to implement it in other locations. I at least was able to insure I could save MY city when and if a day like this would come." He finishes with a possessive simi-growl.

A whine catches the teenager's attention, looking around quickly he spots Ace on the ground his head between his paws. He was panting weakly. At the sight a quick thought occurs to the young hero, everyone is in a similar condition "Mom, Matt, Dana, Max!"

Almost as if to answer him the computer states "Estimated full power in 30 seconds."

"If they're in the city they'll be fine in a minute." Bruce says as he continues to reroute power to the towers. "I suggest sitting down. This is going to be disorienting."

"10...9...8...7..." the female voice begins to countdown.

Terry sits down into the usually unused chair nearby and looks at the video feed that was front and center on the massive screen. It was old Wayne tower in the historic district.

An arc of what seemed like Blue lightning was shooting directly into the heavens from the metal peak of the building. On the other screens something similar was happening with the radio towers. As each second pasts the light was getting brighter. "... 5.. 4..."

"Here goes nothing..." Bruce says under his breath.

The Sky suddenly lights up with what looks like a giant crooked spiderweb made of blue lightning. "2... 1..."

Everything around them becomes near blindingly bright. Something shifts ... then everything becomes dark.

Author's Note: Originally I was ONLY going to have them save Matt. If I remember correctly he was kidnapped at some point and a character like Batman (both of them)would probably have a tracer placed on him from that point on just to be on the safe side. I was going to have them teleport him directly to the cave and Bruce would try to get them to go through a portal. Terry would have of course realize he's trying to stay behind because of guilt at not predicting the disaster, he'd grab Bruce and literally blast into the portal with the two. Then I remembered Ace the dog. Terry can't grab all three at once and I just couldn't let them leave Ace to die. Who can resist those puppy eyes? Then there was the little acknowledged thing known as Batman's boy scout moto (of course no one really calls him a boy scout, since Superman has the more obvious gee golly personality that fits a boy scout better and batman has anything but). He's always prepared... so wouldn't he have something like a doomsday failsafe protocol? Yeah, I thought he would too.

I'm not going to stick to some timeline when it comes to the Batman Beyond universe. I'm just going to use the (It's AU) excuse because I'm not going to look up every tinny tiny detail when it comes to something as timeline.

As for the black hole thing in this chapter well I recently watched the JLU episode 'The greatest tale never told' and I was thinking ... what if the black hole wasn't centered on some guy's stomach but in the middle of the air somewhere? What if there wasn't a convenient device that could fix everything in time or even a scientist 'in the know' that wasn't already sucked up in it? Yeah the JL world would be gone, no if ands or buts.

Anyways like all my stories consider all updates a miracle. (*looks up* I think I over did the AN *shrugs* *walks off*)