i57 months later/i

The three Oodie brothers walked out of the federal prison, finally free after fifty-seven months of hard labor. McQueen looked over at Brick, who had been handed a letter as they left the prison.

"What's that letter they gave you?"

Brick shrugged, opening the envelope. "Some work release bullshit...wait, nah." He paused as he unfolded the paper inside, reading it aloud to his brothers. "Brick, I told ya I'd settle up. The truck's from Rob, and turns out more people could use ya help. Check the bed and enjoy the toys. Celeste. P.S. There's somethin' special for McQueen." Once he finished, he folded the letter back up, looking at his brothers to say that was it.

McQueen spoke up. "What truck?"

His question was answered a moment later when the prison bus pulled off, revealing a jacked up Chevy sitting there waiting, gleaming in the sun. There was a simaltaneous whistle from Brick and McQueen, Lincoln silent as usual. As they started towards the truck that was now theirs, McQueen stopped again.

"Now wait a damn minute, what's the somethin' special for me?"

"That would be me, cowboy."

The familiar voice made them all look around, and after a moment Jenna stepped around the truck, smiling widely. She looked mostly the same, the only difference being her hair was longer now. Brick was the first to speak. "Well well, look who it is, boys. When'd you get out of prison?"

Jenna smirked. "Two years ago. Apparently me killin' the whore clan wasn't so bad when I said it was self-defense."

That broke the ice, and Jenna hugged Brick and Lincoln, then turned her attention to McQueen as the older two brothers hopped in the truck. She threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. "I waited four and a half years to hug you again, McQueen."

McQueen didn't reply, more focused on holding her tightly. Here she was, still here in Alabama, waiting for him. He'd been afraid that he'd get out of prison only to find that Jenna had up and left, running off somewhere to forget him. But no, here she was, in his arms again after four and a half years.

Their moment was broken up by Brick, who rolled down the window to yell at them. "Get your asses in the truck or we're leavin' y'all here!"

McQueen and Jenna laughed, getting in the truck while never letting go of each others' hands.

It had all been worth it.