So. I was reading 100 Questions by InLoveWithFairyTail, and I am doing my own version. I may do more than 100 if I get requests for certain questions. Some of the questions I am using is from InLoveWithFairyTail, but all the responses are going to be different! I give credit where credit is due. Feel free to ask me questions to have answered by these bachelors! I will be having the follows men answer my questions:

Natsu, Gray, Laxus, Freed, Hibiki, Gajeel, Sting, and Rogue

I will also be having a female "room" where the females discuss the men's answers. Those women are:

Evergreen (Ever), Mira, Lucy (Of course. It's about who will be eligible for her!), Erza, Lisannna, Levy, and Juvia.


Question#1: Doyou think I'm pretty? (question from InLoveWithFairyTail)

Natsu: Well. I guess your pretty. But your sex appeal never works...

Gray: You dolt. How could her sex appeal work if you are there bringing it down?!

Laxus: You could be pretty if you worked out more. I mean. You need more muscles. You can't just depend on your large...~Gray and Natsu tackle Laxus and cover his mouth~

Natsu: Lucy will kill you if you say that... ~Gray nods fervently in agreement~

Freed: I think you are just fine the way you are.

Hibiki: I agree. Your beauty is something that never fails to astound me.

Gajeel: I guess. I have higher standards than you though.

Sting: You are cute. Not as hot as me, the Great Sting Eucliffe.

Rogue: Why am I even here?

Girl's Room:

Mira: Lucy! ~fangirls~

Lucy: Natsu's an idiot.

Evergreen: LAXUS! I can't believe he went as far as to say that your breasts aren't good enough! He doesn't know that I know his secret...ah never mind about that!

Lisanna: ~fangirls with Mira~

Levy: Am I not pretty enough? ~starts crying in Lucy's arms~

Juvia: Juvia thinks Gray-sama is protecting Lucy-san's honor. Why doesn't Gray-sama protect Juvia's honor?

Erza: If they disrespect you. They will face my wrath! ~Requips to Purgatory Armor~

Lucy: Erza. This is only the first question. After we get all the questions done, they will pay! ~smiles evilly~

Question2: Do you think I'm fat? (given by InLoveWithFairyTail)

Natsu: Yeah! You're so fat! Even Happy notices it!

Gray: ~face palms~ No, Luce. You're not fat! Happy's small so everyone seems heavier to him and Natsu's just an idiot.

Laxus: I have no clue. I never picked you up before...

Freed: You don't look fat, however, I have not lifted you before, let alone talked to you. So why am I involved in this?

Hibiki: No, you are as light as a feather.

Gajeel: Yer kinda fat. You look skinny, but when I had to carry you back when I was in Phantom Lord, you weighed a ton!

Sting: I dunno.

Rogue: No comment.

Girl's Room

Lucy: LET ME AT THEM! ~the girls all hold Lucy down~

Mira: Evergreen! Freeze her! ~screeches~

Over at the boys:Who's screaming?

Erza: Lucy, relax. Evergreen do not freeze her. I will knock her out. ~punches Lucy in the gut then summons Wendy to heal the damage.~

Others: They are so dead after this.

Question 3: If another guy was hitting on me, what would you do? (given by InLoveWithFairyTail)

Natsu: Huh? I'd knock 'em out!

Happy: Aye sir!

Gray: I'd tell them to get the hell away if they value their life.

Rogue: How am I going to answer this?

Laxus: Fry 'em. Simple.

Freed: I would grab your hand and lead you away. Then I'd hunt down the guy and...I refuse to finish that statement.

Hibiki: I'd flirt with you and make it known you are mine.

Gajeel: I agree with Salamander's idea. Knock the bastards out!

Sting: Make out with you right in front of them.

Rogue: I would kiss your hand then lift you up and go to a hotel with you and spend the rest of the night with you by my side.

Sting: Rogue? Are you okay!?

Girl's Room:

Mira: ~fangirls~ What would Freed do when he hunts the guy down?

Evergreen: He'd probably torture the poor guy and rips his ballsack off.

Lucy: Zzzzzzzz

Erza: ~chuckles~ Lucy is so cute when she's sleeping.

Levy: What Gajeel would knock them out in front of her? That's not appropriate.

Juvia: But Juvia thinks Lucy-san can take care of herself.

Lisanna: ~grins~ Well should we keep score to see who works well? ~pulls out a board~

Mira: We can let them know who has the right to be with her after! ~giggles~

Question 4: Would you let me get a pet?

Natsu: Why? We have Happy and Plue? Why get another?

Gray: Sure. If it makes you happy and as long as it doesn't try to kill me.

Laxus: If you take responsibility of it, then I guess.

Freed: I suppose it wouldn't cause harm, right?

Hibiki: If it makes you happy, then it makes me happy. I'd let you do anything if you were to smile.

Gajeel: No. Simple.

Sting: We have Letor.

Rogue: Uh...I don't feel comfortable answering this question...

Girl's Room

Mira: So sweet! Although some of these guys can be a bastard.

Lisanna: If Natsu won't let Lucy have a pet, then I'll let Lucy keep me as a pet. Not in a perverted way of course. Lucy deserves to be happy! And I'll do anything to make Lu-chan happy!

Levy: Gajeel's an ass.

Erza: At least Freed's nice to her.

Mira: ~fangirls~ Green hair brown eyes ~squeals~

Question 5: Why are you taking this survey? (given by InLoveWithFairyTail)

Natsu: Erza forced me.

Gray: Mira kidnapped me.

Laxus: I had nothing better to do.

Freed: Evergreen threatened to turn me to stone.

Hibiki: I came of my own free will.

Gajeel: Levy dragged me here.

Sting: Minerva forced me and Rogue to get out of the guild so we didn't destroy it.

Rogue: No. She sent us so YOU didn't destroy the guild and I was sent to babysit you.

Girl's Room:

Lucy: Did they really say that?

Mira: ~sweatdrops and hides~

Lucy: Did you guys really do that?

Everyone but Lucy: Next question!


Question 6: How would you comfort me if I'm sad? (given by InLoveWithFairyTail)

Natsu: I'd pull stupid stunts until you forget why you upset.

Gray: I'd beat flame brain to a bloody pulp. ~Gray and Nastu proceed to fight~

Laxus: I dont comfort people.

Freed: I'd let you cry then I'd buy you new books.

Hibiki: I'd let you hit me.

Gajeel: I'd leave

Sting:~tries to sneak out~

Rogue: ~Knocks Sting out~

Girl's Room

Lucy: At least Freed's nice ~sniffles~

Mira: He's the only one that gave a good answer.

Levy: Let me at Gajeel! He deserves to get hit!

Erza: ~knocks Levy out and has Wendy heal the bruises~

Question 7: Would you go grocery shopping with me? (given by InLoveWithFairyTail)

Natsu: If you buy me what I want, maybe.

Gray: Yes.

Laxus: I don't shop. You better do the housework too.

Freed: Yeah. I'd help you and I'd pay for the groceries so you can buy yourself something nice.

Hibiki: I don't think so. I don't want my fangirls to kill you. I'd go on my own.

Gajeel: Fuck No.

Sting: Nah. I have my own stuff to do.

Rogue: I shop on my own. You could spend time to relax from stressful missions or write or whatever.

Girl's room

Lucy: Rogue and Freed are my favorite answers. Honestly, they gave me some hope that not all guys are dicks.

Levy: ~curls up in a ball next to Lucy~

Mira and Evergreen: So, Lucy, who do you want to win this?

Lucy: Next question

Question 8: Would you rather watch t.v., read books and cuddle, or go out?

Natsu: T.V.

Gray: Go Out.

Laxus: T.V. My choice in the show.

Freed: Read and cuddle.

Hibiki: Whatever you choose.

Gajeel: Spend time with my friends.

Sting: T.V.

Rogue: Read and Cuddle.

Girl's Room

Mira: ~fangirls~

Lucy: I really like Freed and Rogue's answers! ~Squeals, waking up Levy~

Levy: Lu-chan. What's wrong?

Lucy: I have two people that would prefer to read and cuddle rather than watch t.v. or go out. Gajeel's still a bastard though.

Question 9: Would you hog the T.V.? (given by InLoveWithFairyTail)

Natsu: Yes.

Gray: Whatever.

Laxus: Duh. You are stuck watching what I watch, Blondie.

Freed: I prefer to not be sucked into something that kills brain cells. (A/N: Sorry for the people who do watch t.v. This wasn't directed to anyone specific)

Hibiki: No. I'd give you control.

Gajeel: Screw giving her control!

Hibiki: The girls always get what they want.

Gajeel: Not with me!

Laxus: That's because you'd loose em first!

Sting: They'd run at first sight of your face, Gajeel!

Gajeel: HEY!

Rogue: ~reads a book~ I have no comment.

Girl's Room

Lucy: Mira! ~cries~

Mira: ~goes into Satan Soul~

Lisanna: ~Turns into Animal Soul: Tigress~

Mira and Lisanna: They will pay ~says in a scary voice~

Question 10: What would you do if I was on my monthly? (This is something that all girls go through...)

Natsu: Happy! Let's go fishing!

Gray: Flame brain! Take me with you!

Laxus: I'm out of here. See you in one week.

Freed: Chocolate, massages, and other sweets.

Hibiki: I agree Freed-san. Girls are scary that one week a month.

Gajeel: Natsu. Let's set aside rivalry if you get me out of this.

Natsu: Aye sir!

Sting: ~hides~

Rogue: ~pulls out stock of sweets and starts munching on chocolate.~

Girl's room


Mira: Lucy, here's some chocolate.

Lucy: ~grabs the chocolate and eats it~

Mira: Better?

Lucy: Yes. ~looks at the other girls who are currently knocked out and giggles~