a/n : i don't own KnB,i just own the plot and Tsuichihara Sakura
To Reach You
SUMMARY : Meet Tsuichihara Sakura,15 years old and she's the 1st girl who changed Aomine Daiki
It's morning already,the sky looks beautiful and the breeze it's cold..it makes a certain girl wake up from her beauty sleep then she grunted and muttered
"It's morning already..*sigh* how boring" she muttered as she step on the floor and it makes her spine chill
"brrr! What a cold morning today..damn it why the hell did school have to started in the morning!?" she growled as she slam her bathroom door
After taking a long 10 minutes warm shower she hurried grab her sailor Uniform
"I knew it! Japan is better than America!" she squealed at her sailor uniform,it's a cute sailor uniform
We can hear a footsteps coming into her room as her door room spread wide open
"SAKURAAAAA!" squealed the person who come to her room
She sighed for a millionth time.. "*groan* what the hell? Can you just first knock at the door,Satsu?" she groaned at her cousin,Momoi Satsuki as her cousin pouted
"Mou,sakura~! You're my cousin so i don't have to knock the door am i?" she grin playfully as sakura rolled her eyes
"Yea yea whatever" she said while comb her hair then tied it into 1 side half ponytail (a/n : not good at describing so see the photo up there)
"Anyway Sakura i'll be waiting downstair with mom,dad,and Ryuto so hurry,kay?" she smiled as she hoping down stair
Sakura P.O.V
"...what a naive and cheerful person she's" i yawned again as i comb my hair once more and check the inbox on my iPhone
To : TheSakuraFeather
From : YayaChanTheGreat
YayaChanTheGreat : Sakuraaaaa! XD HOW ARE YOU!? I Miss you alreadyyyy!
I Smiled as i remember the clingy Yaya back then at america i replied her
TheSakuraFeather : I'm fine and stop clingy yaya i just leave you yesterday -"
I open another message..it's from my senpai
To : TheSakuraFeather
From : Nekomimimegane
Nekomimimegane : sakura how are you? Did you manage to get to japan? You're safe not dead right?
i sweat dropped at her mail..how can she be so phobia in the airplane?
TheSakuraFeather : i'm fine senpai and btw what are u doing now in America?
I smiled at the next message..it's from my onii-sama
To : TheSakuraFeather
From : IkemenYuuto
IkemenYuuto : Sakura-channnnn my baby! Did you manage to get there safely? Even thought i told you to message me after you arrive you didn't *pout* anyway how's Seirin? It's a fun place to go? Please call me after you go back from school..anyway i've to go now so bye-bye! Have fun,sweetie! *chuuuuu* :D
TheSakuraFeather : Yes i arrived here safely,sorry i forgot,dunno i haven't go there yet cuz i'm about to go now,i hope it's a fun place to go..hn and it's not a promise 'kay? Cuz i wanna play basket after school as i pick satsuki in touou..i'm going to play it in basket cage around 2 meters from there anyway bye
My smile grew even wider..i suddenly remember something
"...SHIT,SCHOOL!" I yelled as i go downstair satsuki already scolding me
Oh? FYI my name's Tsuichihara Sakura 15 years old..i love basket! It's because my first love introduce basket to me..i can't remember his face but i got a necklace he gave me..it carved in A word with number 5 on it because it's his fav number..he's so handsome and awesome! I can't believe my eyes! I move to this country just because of him! I met him when i first visit satsuki and he asked where she is..i really want to ask satsuki about it but..it seems..she doesn't want to talk about it now.. the only reason i go to seirin it's because i heard that the school basketball club accepted a girl to enter...i'm really looking forward to it!
"Okay! Now guys introduce yourself please! Your full name,dad and mom name,middle school,hobby,and what things you want to achieve here in Seirin?" smile the teacher
(skip to the 3 person before sakura)
"kagami taiga,Kagami Ryousuke and Kagami Emilia,Fortox middle school America,beating a stronger people than me,be number 1 player in Japan" smirk the tall hair guy
Then the next guy is..
"I'm Kuroko Tetsuya,my dad name's Kuroko Kousaka and mom name's Kuroko Chiharu,Teiko Middle School,Basket,and be a shadow for Kagami Taiga" i surprised..all the people in class now whispering..geh? is kuroko-kun even here before?
"I'm Kougura Mariko! My dad name's Kougura Kyouichi and My mom name's Kougura Yurika! I'm from Teiko Middle School,I love to check the lastest fashion update and watch anime..for short i'm an OTAKU! A goal to achieve here is..maybe made a lots of new friend and go to collage?" she smile..how naive,i rolled my eyes
Next is me..
"I'm..Tsuichihara Saku- "WHOAAA! THAT RICH FAMILY!? THE SUPER RICH! RANKED 1 IN THE WORLD!" Yelled some student as i glare at her she shut up "Okay my name's Tsuichihara Sakura..my dad name's Tsuichihara Kazuto and my mom's name is Tsuichihara Maon,my school is in..*sigh* i'm home schooling in America because it's for my protection,my hobby's playing basket and singing,a goal to achieve here's..made Seirin basketball team number 1" i smirk..i see that kagami taiga's smirking and kuroko-kun is smiling at me
Basketball Club
"Okay! Now i'm your coach,Aida Riko..oh and you're the only girl who applied for our basket team right *smile*?" said the coach as she smiled at me
"Yes,*kantoku (coach) i'm Tsuichihara Sakura" i smiled as she stood that dumbfounded
"EHHHH!? TSUICHIHARA!? THOSE WHO GOOD AT SPORTS AND THE MOST RICHEST COMPANY IN THE WORLD!?" shout all of the people there except kuroko-kun and kagami-kun
"*sigh* Okay now the boys..STRIP!" she said
The boy strirp and she can see their abilities
Except for me..i'm on the girls changing room
"Okay Sakura-chan now strip your clothes" she smiled as i strip
She widen her eyes and speechless at my body
"w-what?" i ask
"...why you don't have boobs? It's only A cup?" she said while examine my body
"s-shut up! I-it's not like that i'm a guy!" i shierked
After done i went to Touou and found the basket cage there
I smirk as my violent side grow more high..i smirk towards the ring and toss my ball from the three point line.. it go in
I started to practice my skill..fade away and practicing my street basketball trick...*sigh* arghhhh! i want to play with someone a lot stronger than me!
"oy" some husky,sexy,and not too deep voice called me
"yes?" i ask
"what are you doing here?" he said
He got a tanned skin,dark blue eyes,dark blue hair..so hand-BLEHHH! I JUST MET THIS GUY!
"Isn't it obvious? Playing basket" i answer cooly as he smirk
"basket..huh? then beat me,gaki" he smirk.. i twitched at the last part as a vein popped in my head
"i'd be honour..one-on-one" i smirk as i threw a ball to him he just grin evily and start dribble the ball
His speed match as mine..and.. his skill so much like me..even thought i'm more clumsy than him..i smile in satisfied manner i laughed manically
"what's wrong? Are you crazy?" he asked
"no! It's just..i'm too happy to played with someone strong like you!" i smile as i appeared in front of him i smirk
He stood there dumbfounded as i threw the basket ball and it got a 3 point
"yahoo! Yes yes! I beat you!" i smirk as i see the timer goes off
He widen his eyes,dumbfounded then smirk
"the one who can beat me is me...huh? then i'd be wrong" he shakes his head
He walk to me and he stood 5 inches infront of me
He lean his head as he smirk
"you're the first who beat me little girl..congratulaition.." he smirk
"w-wha.. o-oh i'm sure it's just a lucky for me since today is a lucky day for a virgo like me!" i smile
"you followed oha asa too? You're like midorima 'ya know?" he said
"midorima? Who's he?"
"nah he's just my mate from team in the past" He smirk
"Anyway the name is Aomine Daiki..what's yours?" he smirk AGAIN! Arghhh! How i wanted to wipe that smirk for making my heart beating so loudly
"tsu.." 'no wait! If i say tsuichihara..well i just said tsukasa so i can see if he wanted to be friend with me even if i'm not a rich person'
"I'm Tsukasa Sakura,nice to meet you" i smile as i offered my hand and he accepted it
"Sakura huh? Nice name"
I see the time and it's already late
"Crap! I late for picking Satsuki!" i said
"Satsuki you know he-?" "i have to go,Aomine-kun! Bye!" i smiled as i waved at him
"Wait!" he said but i don't want to be a corpse tonight sooo i don't wait for him
End of Sakura P.O.V
Aomine P.O.V
That girl..she's crazy..her ways of play is like..is like..That Tsuichihara Kazuto..come think of it? Her eyes is dark blue like him
"that damn girl..she even forgot her own basketball"
Huh? This ball.. why's it.. writen "T.K.?"
Cliff hangerrrr! Sorry guys i just love cliff hanger! XD Anyway this is my first story so no flames! Anddddddd Keep Reading and Review,Guys! Thanks!