Disclaimer: I do not own Darkest Powers but I wish I do

Chloe's POV:

I woke up to to the smell of pancakes, I turned to my right, Tori's bed was empty. I heard the water running, she must be in the shower. I breathed out.

Being in a safe house and actually being safe was a big difference. I can only imagine what it must be like for Derek... Derek.. A smile spread across my face, thinking of the first day we were safe, when we kissed for the first time. How I could stay there forever and ever. I snapped out of my faze to see Tori wrapped around in an indigo towel.

"You were thinking about Derek weren't you?" Tori asked smugly

How did she know?

"Don't look at me like that, Chloe, you were thinking about him admit it" Tori said

I did tell Tori that I liked Derek but I didn't expect her to be nice about it. But Tori and I have history together, over the past two months, Tori and I became really good friends, like sisters. Simon? Simon and I are really good friends, he realized that Derek and I were "together", and he respected that. I don't know what I would do if he didn't.

I got into the shower, the water soothing my back

Over the past time when we all came to this barn, we learned to love it. Back up? Okay, yeah, it's a barn with no animals. We live in the red big barn... Yep, and we have some property of the yard, but not legally, this place been abandoned. We been home schooled to. I got out of the shower and shivered in my towel, I looked at the mirror, my blonde hair came out over the month. But the red streaks are gone. But I don't look little anymore, and I definitely don't feel little anymore.

I went to the room Tori and I shared. Tori was changing. I threw on an purple shirt and jean shorts. Tori wore an USA shirt and jean shorts. We went downstairs together.

The pancake smell strengthened. (A/N, I couldn't think of any other describing word... Hehe... Strengthened...)

Derek was by the stove flipping pancakes, Simon was nowhere to be seen.

I skipped over and kissed Derek on the cheek, he smiled,

"Good morning" We said at the same time

I laughed, Derek chuckled

"Where's my brother?" Tori asked

"Simon is upstairs, dead to the world, wake him up" Derek said

"Yes Sir!" Tori said, she ran upstairs, the only reason she didn't talk back on Derek for ordering her was probably because she got to wake Simon up

Derek and I heard some in understandable (A/N, not understandable... I'm not good at spelling)cuss words and Simon yelling at Tori, and Tori laughing. Derek and I laughed, Tori skipped into the kitchen

"Done!" she said

"Did you kill him?" Derek asked

I cracked out

Tori gave him a glare, "quiet Wolf Boy"

This made me laugh even harder

I loved being with these people, I would die for them, everyone, not just Derek, Simon, Tori, Kit, Aunt Lauren... Wait a minute? Where are THEY?

"Where's Kit and Aunt Lauren?" I asked

Derek shrugged, "they never came down"

I looked to Tori, she shrugged as well

Footsteps thudded on the stairs, my heart lifted for Kit and Aunt Lauren

Simon came in grumbling, everyone sighed in disappointment, Simon was confused

"You woke me up and now you don't want to see me?" Simon said opening the fridge

Derek shut the fridge, "Kit and Aunt Lauren are... Missing"

Missing... Missing... Missing... I shuddered, I glanced over at Tori, she seemed to be freaked too.

The doorbell rang, my heart jumped

We all froze, we heard Kit's voice telling us to open the door, and we all relaxed

Derek opened the door, Kit and Aunt Lauren were on the porch. They were quiet all the way into the kitchen until we started asking them questions. They waited until we were silent.

"You all are going to school" Kit said

Cliff hanger! Haha! Okay.. Sorry, please R&R! I beg you!