Final Chapter: Epilogue and the Delivery

(4 months later...)

After the defeat and banishment of the god Herobrine, the land of Minecraftia slowly healed overtime. Though there was still damage to some parts of the world, some completely healed up and looked as if there were never damaged in the first place. As for Sky and the others, the newly throned god created an army, that will be famously known as Sky Army, an organized military force dedicated to the protection of the land of the cities built within it. Sky became the general of the army, and the Team Crafted members consisted of Jerome, Mitch, TrueMU, Deadlox, Ssundee, Seto, Husky, and Sky himself. Though not all of Sky's friends could join Team Crafted, they did become close friends. The army has over 6,000,000 members, including some Minecrafters that Sky recognized from before, such as Cupquake and Oceanus, who he assumed must have escape before Herobrine could get to them. But nonetheless, every recruit made a promise that they will stay loyal to the army, no matter what. The army lives within a giant ship, made of butter and known as the Butter Craft AirShip.

One day, after the formation of the army and the 4 months passed, the members of Team Crafted and everyone else wait anxiously outside of the clinic, where Dawn had been rushed into after she had gone into labor last night. Sky is within the clinic, so none of the Minecrafters could enter. All they could do is wait for the results.

"I hope Dawn is okay", Jerome said to Mitch.

"I hope the baby is okay. He or she could have possibly received some injures after all that we've been through to save the world", Mitch exclaimed. "Don't say that, dude. It might come true", Bashur argued to him.

Suddenly, appearing in the doorway is Sky, dressed in a aqua-blue uniform. Everyone glances at him.

"Dude, what happened"? Ssundee asked.

"Don't worry, guys. Dawn made it through the birth, as well as our new child", Sky told him.

"Is a boy or a girl?" Bashur quickly told him, his legs slightly shaking with anticipation.

"It's a small, beautiful girl, Bashur", Sky said to him with happiness. "You all want to meet her?"

Everyone nods. Sky opens up the doors and lets everyone through. Once everyone is through, Sky walks over to Dawn, who is resting on a bed, cradled in her arms is a blanket, wrapped in it is her and Sky's new child. The god kisses Dawn on the forehead, then glances at his friends.

"You guys ready?" He asked.

Everyone nods again. Then, Sky looks back at Dawn.

"Go ahead, Dawn", Sky told her. Gently, the female grabs a part of the blanket and moves it away. Revealing in it is a bundle of short, brown hair. Then, it moves away and a small, young face comes into view. The newborn has a buttery-colored streak on her bang, and beautiful shaded eyes with gold and green colors mixed in. Everyone stares in awe of the child's unexpected and amazing appearance.

"Oh my god...she's so beautiful", Jerome said in amazement.

"Did you give her a name yet?" Mitch asked.

"Yeah. Her name is Amity". Dawn told him.

"Amity?" Mitch questioned.

Then, Dawn said "Yeah. It's Latin for "friend", 'cause not only will me and Sky gain a daughter, but she'll be gaining quite a lot of friends".

"Can I hold her?" Bashur excitingly asked her. Dawn seemed reluctant for a moment, then she hesitantly agrees.

"Well...okay. careful". Dawn said as she gently moves the newborn from her body. Bashur grasps the bundle and lifts Amity.

"Relax. I'll be as careful as can be". Bashur said. Then, the melon gazes down at the newborn, who looks curiously at the figure above her.

"Hey there, Amity. Welcome to our world, and you were just born. We'll teach you everything you need to know about Minecraftia", Bashur softly talked to her. Everyone gathers around and gaze down at the their small, new friend. Dawn looks on happily, but Sky, he just looks down at the floor, his mouth falls in a frown. Dawn looks over and spots her husband, looking sad instead of proud.

"Sky, what's wrong?" Dawn asked the god.

"It's nothing." Sky responded. "It's just...I can't stop thinking about Butter and Butter Golem. Those two were the best mobs we ever had, but now, they're gone. I was...really looking forward to our child being able to socialize with them, but I guess it will never happen".

Sky sighs deeply, letting his wings droop down. Dawn looks at him with worry. "At least you still have Storm, though". Dawn said.


But then, a knock on a nearby window catches Sky's attention. The god and Dawn look over and spot a young woman flying in view of the window, her wings glowing a magnificent yellowish color.

"Regina?" Sky said to himself. He walks around the bed and gets to the window. He unlocks the window and pulls it up.

"What are you doing here?" Sky asked.

"I just came from the Aether to congratulate you, Sky. Not only did you defeat and banish Herobrine for good, but you saved the Aether from possibly being destroyed. Now, all the living souls within can live in peace and tranquilly", Regina explained. "Oh, and one more thing. Notch told me to give you this as a gift".

Regina summons in her hand a glowing ball of light. She gently hands it to Sky, who looks confusingly at it.

"What is it?" Sky asked her.

"Let it down on the floor, and it shall reveal itself. Notch knew how much your mobs meant to you. He...he was only able to save one of them, though", Regina said. "Farewell, God of Minecraftia".

Regina takes off towards the welkin. Sky glances out the window, seeing her glowing form disappear through the clouds. Sky sticks his body back in, the glowing sphere still in his grasp. Everyone looks at the floating item in Sky's hand.

"What is that?" Jerome said.

"I'm not sure. Regina just gave it to me. Well, might as well find out what is really is". Sky exclaimed.

The god lets the sphere gently descend to the ground. Then, once it touches the surface of the floor, the ball ignites in a array of colors, which fly around and shaped and form into something. After the lights die down, a large box, wrapped in a glowing golden wrapping, stood right in the middle of the room. Sky cautiously approaches the present and carefully lifts up the lid. When he looks inside, a small puppy is seen sitting on the floor of the box, panting happily with a buttery collar around his neck with a golden tag that said "Butter". Sky looks at the lid and spots a note. He rips it off and reads it.

"Sky, may I present to you your canine friend. He was reincarnated and reborn as a puppy. So now, you can have him longer. Enjoy." -From Notch.

Sky glances down at the puppy, shocked and amazed to see his dog again.

" that really you?" Sky said, his voice breaking a few times.

The puppy lets out two short barks. Sky drops the lid and gently picks up the young dog. Butter excitingly starts licking his face, tears erupt from behind Sky's sunglasses.

"Oh my god, I can't believe it, it's really you, Butter", Sky sobbingly said, his friends gather around near him and Dawn. Bashur moves Amity near the puppy. Sky glances down at the excitable canine.

"Butter, meet Amity, our new daughter". Sky told the puppy. Butter glances at the newborn across from him. He sniffs the blanket, curiously from the scent. Amity reaches a small hand out and pets Butter's head. The puppy lets the child stroke his head. Sky and Dawn look at each other, so happy that everyone is getting along with each other again, and their world had been saved because of them.

Later, into the afternoon hours, Sky walks to the podium of the ship. He walks on top of it, and is greeted by cheers and applauds from all of the recruits. Amongst the crowd, Sky spots Einshine, Fredi, and Martyn, who smile and cheer on for him. Then, Team Crafted shows up on his side and glance out in union. Once the applauds and cheers die away, Sky steps up to the edge and speaks up.

"Attention, recruits. I would just like to say...I never thought...I would make this far with my friends. After everything that we have been through, to be who we are today, I just want to congratulate every single one of you, joining Sky Army. Not only will you make new friends and venture through new lands, but you have dedicated yourself to protect others from the possible dangers that lie ahead in the future. And I would like to congratulate my friends, for being there for me and encouraging me to keep going when times were rough", Sky said as he turns towards his friends.

"Thank you, guys. I wouldn't know what I would do without any of you". Sky sincerely explained to them. The Minecrafters greatly smile, but then, he spots Husky with tears threatening to fall out of his eyes.

"Dude, are you gonna cry?" Sky jokingly said to the Mudkip. Husky shakes the tears away.

"No, I'm not! They're just...manly tears! Yeah! It's a...completely different thing". Husky said, chuckling weakly afterward. Sky looks playfully at the Mudkip.

"Sure..." Sky slyly told him.

"I'm serious! I just...I...ugh! Whatever!" The Mudkip said, crossing his arms across his chest. "Why don't you just kick off this celebration with a song?"

"Great idea!" Sky said. Einshine runs in front of the crowd and throws a microphone, Sky immediately catches it and takes off into the sky, his buttery wings sending off rays of light. Martyn and Fredi drag jukeboxes on the podium and turns them on, a song starts playing and Sky starts to sing.

-Sky: Let's have some fun in Minecraft

Let's have some fun in Minecraft

Let's have some fun in Minecraft

Let's have some fun in Minecraft

Sky flies down on the podium. The rest of Team Crafted move away, leaving only TrueMU and Deadlox as they start dancing in the background, Sky lands in front of them and continues singing.

-Sky: Switch on the game, I've got it for you. Explore the world! There's so much to do! You can't just build, but you can also go and mine! This game ain't no waste of time. Sky takes off into the air again, releasing pluses of buttery magic. We gotta get up and shine!

Below Sky, Jerome is sobbing over a broken diamond axe while Husky sadly looks down the gunpowder in his hand. But then, the buttery pulses fly over them. The axe is repaired and back into Jerome's hand, making the Bacca smile with glee. Husky's gunpowder is turned into TNT. We can't be afraid to go and fight! We can do whatever's in your mind.

Sky's last sentence echoes as TrueMU and Deadlox dance around in the back, at the same time.

-Sky: Well have fun until we got to go! Use your equipment like this budder hoe! We can take over this endless world! Come on let's go, right now! Let's have some fun in Minecraft!

-Deadlox: Oh Oh! Oh, oh!

-Sky: Let's have some fun in Minecraft!

-TrueMU: Oh Oh! Oh, oh!

-Sky: Let's have some fun in Minecraft!

-Jerome and Husky: Oh Oh! Oh, oh!

-Sky: Come on, let's go! Let's have some fun in Minecraft.

Sky flies off the ship and glides over the land below, the ship following close behind him.

-Sky: Sit on a cliff with your house behind you. Your world is there with arms open for you. Look all around at the biomes with stuff to hide. This game ain't no waste of time. We gotta get up and shine! We can't be afraid to go and fight! We can do whatever's in your mind!

Sky lands back on the ship, Deadlox and TrueMU start dancing wildly in the back. Sky takes off towards the army and lands right in the middle of the ship. The recruits form a circle around him and cheer for him as he sings on.

-Sky: Well have fun until we got to go! Use your equipment like this budder hoe! We can take over this endless world!

Come on let's go, right now Let's have some fun in Minecraft!

-Einshine: Oh Oh, Oh oh!

-Sky: Let's have some fun in Minecraft!

-Fredi: Oh Oh, Oh oh!

-Sky: Let's have some fun in Minecraft!

-Martyn: Oh Oh, Oh oh!

-Sky: Come on, let's go. Let's have some fun in Minecraft!

Suddenly, several screams are heard in the distance. Sky hears them and takes off. Right below him, he sees a group of travelers about to be attacked by zombies, creepers, skeletons, and an Enderman. Sky flies towards them and lands within the group.

-Sky: You can't just build, but you can also go and mine! This game ain't no waste of time, we gotta get up and shine!

Sky flies above the travelers and extends his wings, shedding light upon the mobs. One by one, they dissolve away into particles.

-Sky We can't be afraid to go and fight! We can do whatever's in your mind There's no more mountains we can climb!

Lets have some fun in Minecraft!

Suddenly, more mobs appear. But Einshine, Fredi, and Martyn show up. They lead the travelers away to safety as Sky pulls out his sword and starts beating the mobs.

-Chorus: Oh Oh, Oh oh!

-Sky: Let's have some fun in Minecraft!

-Chorus: Oh Oh, Oh oh!

-Sky: Let's have some fun in Minecraft!

-Chorus: Oh Oh, Oh oh!

Then, Einshine and the others show up and join Sky, defeating the mobs using their parkour skills and their swordsmanship skills. Once all the creepers and zombies have been killed, a skeleton shows up from behind a ledge and starts firing arrows at the Minecrafters. Luckily, Sky and the others dodge the incoming arrows. Then, Noah flies toward the skeleton from the side. He punches the mob, then sends out a fury of punches and kicks, then punches the skeleton into oblivion down a deep gorge. Noah lands at the ground and glances at the men. Einshine smiles and gives Noah a high-five. Then, he and the others stand in victory of saving the travelers.

-All: Let's have some fun in Minecraft!

Moments later, the men arrive back on the ship as the song finishes. Sky looks with great pride, millions of recruits cheer for their new general and commander. Sky looks over as the Squid Army appear on the podium. The leader of the squids slithers up to him.

"Hey Sky. We just wanted to say...thank you for saving our world", the squid said with honesty. "Ruling the world isn't worth it, so I guess we'll go back to being annoying".

"Well, that's better, I guess". Sky said at the squid. The two figure stare into each other's eyes for a few minutes.

"There' possible way that we're gonna be friends, right?" The squid questioned.

"Absolutely not". Sky said firmly. The squid moves one of his tentacles awkwardly around. "Well, I guess we better...mosey off this ship and...find a new place to live in. Arrivederci, Sky". The squid said.

The group of Squids start slithering off the podium and make their way off the ship. Sky looks back at the recruits, then he glances up at the now night sky. He sees the stars magically move around and form the body outline of Notch.

"Well done, Sky. You are truly the Butter God", Notch said to him in his conscience. The starts spark brightly, showing off the bright moon above. The world of Minecraft...had finally been saved...peace had been restored...for good.

Hey everyone, KittyJen here! I just wanted to say thank you all for reviewing this story. This has got to be the biggest (That's what she said) story I have ever worked on in my life. But it's finally complete. And I couldn't have finished it without the supportive and caring reviews you guys leave for me! Now that this story is complete, prepare your lungs for my brand-new upcoming story, SkyShorts Season 5, this time, with a new style of writing, more humor, and possible musicals and parodies to come. Recently, I've wanted to get into song-writing, so once and a while, a character will sing a song. So, with that covered, make sure to keep on reading and reviewing. I will see you later, my faithful friends! :)

By the way, I DO NOT own this song! Einshine and Fredi animated the music video, and Sky sang the song! I love the music video, though. It's absolutely amazing!