Jason's POV:

I sat in the back of my lecture hall history class. I pulled out my laptop ready to take notes. It was my first day in this history class, but not for the other students. I found out late that I needed this class to graduate. While other kids were grabbing their pens, pencils, and sitting up eagerly to take notes I just slouched back in my chair waiting for class to begin. Finally an old man came into the room he laid only a few papers on his desk and he started writing on the board and started his lecture on problems in U.S. History, and boy there were quite a few. I was half way asleep until a girl stormed through the door catching everyone's eye. She had a huge stack of papers in her hands and she stumbled to the professors desk giving him his papers. Man was that girl beautiful, I've never seen her before, but I didn't come to school much. She didn't look like any other girl either, with long purple hair, violet eyes, and such pale skin. She was beautiful... I was shaken out of my daze by all the students scurrying out of the class. Must of dozed of longer than I thought classwas being dismissed...

"Oh good Jason you stayed after. Here are some notes you need to catch up on." He handed me a stack of papers. "If you need any help Rachel here can help you." He turned to Rachel who gave a small smile and grabbed her bag and left the class. I couldn't let her leave so I went after her.

"Hey, Rachel!"


"So ummm do you think you could help me with all this. Its kinda overwhelming." I gave out a little laugh, but her emotion did not change and she kept walking toward the parking lot. She sighed and turned to me.

"Here's my number if you have any questions you can just call me, I work alot so I can try to find time in between then, but I'm pretty busy."

"Oh yeah that fine I understand." I took the piece of paper with her number and smiled at it and when I looked up she was gone. I shrugged and walked to my next class. For the first time ever I was excited to get to my wood shop class, I spotted my friend Wally who was the fastest guy on campus. When I walked into class he was already working on the project.

"Hey dude whats up?" We greeted each other.

"Man I just met the most beautiful girl ever."

"Whoa whoa whoa slow down. Since when does Jason Todd ever use the word 'beautiful'" I laughed "Dude who is she?" Wally asked.

"Rachel" I pulled out the paper and smiled again. "Rachel Roth." Wally busted out laughing. "Dude shut up why are you laughing and better yet so loudly?"

"Sorry, but you do know Rachel is best friends with my girl friend Jinx right?"

"I had no idea! Since when?"

"Since always. She even lives with Jinx, cause she can't afford a dorm or place on her own." My eyes open wide and was intrigued. Wally laughed again, "You look shocked."

"I am, so you know her then?"

"Yeah kinda."

"Do you think I have a chance with her? Is she dating anyone? Have you ever seen her, she is so..."

"You need to relax. I don't think she is dating anyone, and I have no idea if you have a chance, and yes of course I've seen Rachel she's pretty fine."

"Shut- Up" I pushed Wally teasingly and he began to laugh.

"I'm just kidding she is all yours." Wally said and I began helping with the project after a few minutes passed class was dismissed.

"Hey you wanna grab a bite to eat?" I asked Wally

"Nah, I got to hit the track. Are you going to go to the diner down the street."

"No, I've never been there why?"

"Cause that's where Rachel works." Wally said with a wink and turned and left.

So then I left to this so called diner across the street which wasn't in the best neighborhood but when I walked in it reminded me of an old diner you would see in movies. I entered in and a little bell from the door, and I was greeted by a lady right away who guided me to a stool seat instead of a booth. I looked around and no sign of Rachel, but then I heard some laughing and clinking of glasses and I turned to see an obnoxious group of guys making a mess of their food and drinks. I shook my head and turned back to the menu.

"Diana thier making a mess, please don't go." I heard someone plead.

"Sorry hun I have to pick up the kids from school I will see you tomorrow."

"I have to manage this whole place without you till closing... I can't."

"Hush baby girl you can do it, you will be fine." Diana said and hugged the girl bye. Diana came out of the kitchen doors and left the diner to her car. Then the girl who she was talking to came out, and it was Rachel. I saw her and put my head back down behind the menu. I have never been so scared and nervous around a girl before I don't know what was wrong with me.

"Can I get you anything?" Rachel asked. Her eyes are just so beautiful like a mix of purple and blue, I have never seen anything like it before, and her long purple hair, that was so strange, but it fit her well, then her skin was flawless and pretty color like a porcelain doll..

"Excuse me sir, is there something I can get you?" Rachel said louder. I snapped out of my thoughts to face the beauty that was making me nervous and I looked up at her face. "Jason?" she said in shock.

"Yeah, hi can I get a cup of coffee" I said fast.

"Sure." She said and left. I face palmed myself. I am such an idiot. All of a sudden I heard a crash of a plate, and feet scurry away. I turned to the back table to where the obnoxious boys were and they were gone, but they left their mark. There was a smashed pate on the floor and ketchup splatter all over the table, and the worse part of it all there was no money for the food they made a mess of or a tip. I turned to look at Rachel who was at the coffee pot and she just put her head on the wall with a look of 'why me' I felt horrible. Rachel came over to my stool to give me my coffee then she walked over to the mess with a broom in one hand and a washcloth in the other. She sighed and began cleaning. I went over to her, I just had to help. so knelt down to the floor next her and started picking up pieces of the plate.

"Oh, you don't have to do that."

"I want too, those guys are jerk." Rachel nodded and cleaned up. We both reached for piece of broken plate at the same time and I touched her soft delicate hand and looked up to meet her beautiful eyes. We locked eyes for just a second and she cleared her throat and looked away from me, I swear I thought I saw her blush. I stood up and leant a hand to help her off the ground, and she took it. We stood there looking at each other again.

"Thanks" She whispered so quietly I could barely hear but I heard, and she walked away. I smiled knowing I was making progress. I went over to my stool and finished my coffee and seeing that it was almost closing time and Rachel was in the back I took a $100 and put in the table and wrote her a note. This is for the guys who made a mess and for my coffee - jason

please review :)