Hey guys! Sorry that it's been a while. I'm going to try to update my stories more often from now on! Well, here's the final chapter of "A Hessenheffer Sweet 16 It Up". Thank you guys for reading and supporting this story. It means a lot. And be sure to check out my other stories! I even have a challenge for you guys that needs more competitors! So, here's chapter eight! Enjoy!

No point of view

"Maybe." Rocky said, looking at her watch. "Ty and Tinka should be back from the movies in one hour, so-" She was interrupted by the sound of the door opening up behind her. The group all turned around their heads in the direction of the door, and their eyes widened in horror as to what they saw there in front of them!


There, still in the door frame, stood the two teens, back from their date early. Rocky was partly freaking out on the inside, and partly wondering why they are back so early! Ty and Tinka both had the same shocked look on their face. Except Ty soon went from shocked to angery.

"What happened in here?!" Tinka said, looking around. The blonde, completely unaware of what was going on, looking around, horrified of the state Crusty's was in. There were tables knocked over on the ground, some type of decorations were dangling from the walls in ruins, and the walls were covered with some type of food that seemed to be some kind of pastry. Cake, to be exact. It was also what cover Deuce from head to toe.

She wondered how this could have happened. Her and Ty were just going to go get pizza for an early dinner, but then there's this!

"Ummm…" Cece said, trying to come up with a reasonable excuse.

"Yeah, what did happen in here! What did you guys do?" Ty yelled. He was very angery to come to see that what was supposed to be a party for his girlfriend, was nothing but a disaster!

"Let us explain!" Rocky yelled, but still had fear in her voice. "I promise that this isn't as bad as it looks!"

"Not as bad as it looks? It's ruined!" He yelled, while him and his girlfriend walked inside, and down the steps with the rest of the group.

"What are you guys talking about?" Tinka asked, now totally confused.

Everyone was in silence, not knowing what to say.

"Um… well, uh, we were just, uh… playing a new game!" Rocky said cheerfully, trying to sound convincing.

"Uh, yeah!" Cece agreed, playing along. "It's called…um… 'Smash Cake On Deuce'!"

Everyone turned to her with a confused look. Though Deuce was both confused, and slightly insulted.

"What type of game is that?" Tinka asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Yeah, what type of game IS that!" Deuce exclaimed, annoyed and a bit angery.

"Well, uh, you see," Cece explained. "the goal of the game is to smash as much cake on Deuce as you can in ten seconds! And as you can see, it kind of got out off hand." She gestured her arms around the room. "Right guys?"

"Yeeeaaahhhh…" Deuce, Dina, Flynn, and Rocky all said, their voices a bit high, trying to go along with it, while putting on fake smiles.

"Really? That's the best you can come up with?" Flynn whispered to her harshly.

"Okay guys! I'm not buying it!" Tinka exclaimed. "What's really going on here?"

The group shared glances with each other, looking for an answer.

"Let's just tell her." Dina said. "It didn't work out. We failed. There's no point in hiding from her anymore."

They all nodded in agreement. It was about time Tinka knew the truth.

"Tell me what?" Tinka asked.

"Well," Rocky said. "We knew that your birthday was coming up, and we noticed that you were depressed that Gunther wasn't here."

"So we came up with a plan to throw you a surprise birthday party, you know to cheer you up." Ty explained. Tinka's eyes widened at what she was hearing. She couldn't believe that they would do that for her!

"Ty was supposed to keep you occupied for the day so we could set up." Deuce said. "Things were going great until Flynn ruined everything."

"Hey! I said sorry!" Flynn complained.

"No you didn't!" Rocky said. "Anyways, the entertainment Flynn ordered were two MMA fighters."

Tinka begins to open her mouth.

"Don't ask." Rocky said. "Anyways, they got into a big fight, and pretty much destroyed everything."

"We thought we'd have enough time to fix everything, but then you guys came back early." Cece said.

"Why did you guys came back early?" Flynn asked.

"Oh, the projector broke during the movie, and they told us to go home." Ty explained. "I texted Rocky, telling her that we were coming back early, but she never answered."

"Oh yeah, my phone died." Rocky explained, pulling the useless phone out of hee pocket as proof.

"Anyways," Dina said. "We were hoping to help you feel better, but that clearly didn't happen."

"Yeah, sorry we let you down, Tinka." Cece said, a bit sad.

Tinka stood there for a few seconds, flabbergasted by what she just heard. They went through all of that trouble, just to make her feel better. Then she spoke.

"That's really sweet of you guys, and I really appreciate your effort. Nobody has ever gone done anything like that for me before!" She smiled at her friends, who smiled right back at her. Then she frowned and looked down at her shoes.

"It's just that,… I miss Gunther. He's my twin and nothing can replace that." She walked over to one of the tables that were still standing up right, and sat down.

"It's just that, you guys don't understand how it feels. None of you guys are twins, Cece, you and Flynn never get along, and Rocky, you and Ty get along occasionally. Believe me, I understand that you guys were trying to help me, and that means a lot, but to be honest, even if the party wasn't destroyed, it wouldn't have made me feel completely better. Maybe a little, but not a enough." A tear went down her face as she spoke, and she began to quietly sob. Talking about the topic was not easy for her at all. In fact, it was like a stab in the heart.

The gang nodded and looked at the ground. They understood what she meant. Her and Gunther were so unbelievably close, they used to almost never be without each other. It was like they were two halves of the same person. They tried there best, but there was nothing else they could do. A party can't replace something like that.

Then, the door to Crusty's opened up, and someone entered. Tinka didn't notice because she didn't move an inch, or turn around.

But the gang didn't have to turn around to see the door. Their eyes widened and jaws dropped a the sight. They didn't say a word as the figure slowly walked down the stairs towards the crying birthday girl, as she continued to talk.

"It's just that, a party would only remind me more of the fact that he's not here. It's his birthday too. And we're supposed to celebrate them together."

Now the figure was right behind Tinka. But nobody said a word. They were all just completely silent, but with smiles very slowly growing across their faces.

"I just can't handle it. It was hard when he first left and it's no easier now." She continued. "I really appreciate your support guys, but it just isn't the same. To be honest, I want to spend the rest of my birthday by myself."

"Are you sure?"

She lifted her head at the sound of a familiar voice behind her. That's when she noticed the shadow standing over her. She slowly turned around in her seat and looked up. She found herself with her eyes locked with another pair of blue eyes staring down at her. A large smile grew across her face when she realized who it was.

"Hello Bay-beee." He says with a smile.

"GUNTHER!" She exclaimed, right before she jumped out of her seat and into his arms. She felt his embrace around her. Tears continued to fall down her face, but this time, they were tears of joy.

"No way!" Deuce exclaimed with a big smile. The entire group was shocked to see Gunther Hessenhefer in Crusty's with them again.

"I missed you." She whispered, right before they pulled apart.

"I missed you too, Tinkabell." He said with a kind smile.

"Gunther!" Ty exclaimed, right before the whole gang ran up to him, and showered him with 'welcome back' hugs.

"It's been so long!" Rocky said, after they all pulled apart.

"Yeah it really has." Cece agreed.

"What brings you back?" Deuce asked.

"Well, great news!" He exclaimed. "My grandmother is better, and I am moving back to America!"

"That's great man!" Ty exclaimed, slamming Gunther on the back.

"Yeah, it is!" Gunther agreed. "I would have called, but I decided to come surprise you guys and then celebrate my birthday with my twin."

"Well we all missed, you Gunther!" Tinka said with a smile.

"Yeah, but how did you know that we'd be in Crusty's?" Rocky asked.

Gunther reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone.

"Ty tweeted on his Twitter and Facebook page that he was heading to Crusty's with Tinka." He said. "So I knew this was my first stop."

They all smiled and shared one more big group hug. And right as they pulled apart, the door to Crusty's opened up again. A tall man wearing a uniform and caring a few pizza boxes, entered the restaurant.

"Excuse me?" He asked. "Did anyone here order three pies?"

"Hey look! The pizza from Toni's is here!" Cece exclaimed.

"Well," Tinka said. "Now that Gunther is back and the gang is back together, why not make the most out of what is left of this party?"

"Yeah!" The group agreed. Deuce ran over to the pizza delivery man, played for the pizza (while slipping in a few extra bucks in exchange for him not telling anyone about the deliver, mainly his uncle) and ran over to the counter with the pies.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Deuce said. "Let's dig in and get this party started!"

The gang cheered and ran over to eat, but Tinka stopped short.

"Uh oh." She whispered to herself.

"Tinka, what's wrong?" Rocky asked, who's the only one who stopped, while the others dug through the boxes, eating their pizza.

"I just remembered something." Tinka said in a scared voice. "I never got the chance to tell Gunther that Ty and I are dating."

"Ooohhhhh." Rocky responded, while looking over to the birthday boy, who was chatting with Cece about everything he missed while he was gone.

Rocky understood why Tinka would be scared. Knowing Gunther, knowing that the biggest player in school is dating his sister, isn't something he'd take lightly.

"You know what?" Rocky said. "It's your birthday, and his, so why don't we just enjoy today and tell him tomorrow?"

"Good idea." Tinka said.

And with that, the two girls walked over to their friends and enjoyed themselves. The gang hung out at Crusty's for the rest of the day, and caught up on almost everything thing that's been going on. They enjoyed the fact that Gunther was now back and wasn't going anywhere, and that was enough to keep the night going. Deuce even called his his cousin Rico (who's a DJ) to come over, and they danced their hearts out. So maybe things didn't go as planned at first, but it all worked out in the end. They talked, they laughed, they danced, there was an insult here and there, but that's just how it goes.

That's how you rock a Hessenheffer sweet sixteen!

Well that's it! I hope it was worth the long gaps between updates. And if it isn't, I'm sorry! Thank you guys for reading this story and supporting it! It means a lot! Thank you for all the sweet reviews, because it wouldn't have been easy to continue with no reviews! Be sure to check out my other stories, like "I Don't Get It Anymore", and PLEASE check out my first challenge, called "The Alternate Ending Challenge"! I really need more competitors in it! So far only one person has entered, and that's sort of depressing.

So once again, thank you guys so much for reading, I love you guys so much, and I'll see you later! Bye!