Hey guys! So because of Gunther being gone and all that, I started to think "Wow, I hope Tinka doesn't spend her B-day alone." Then I got the idea of writing this fanfiction. So here's chapter one, and I hope you guys like like it! Also, I don't own Shake It Up or any characters or places on the show. It all belongs to Disney Channel.

Cece point of view

I'm sitting at the counter at Crusty's with Rocky, Dina, and my annoying little brother Flynn. The four of us were looking at the menues as Deuce was scrubbing the counter with a rag. And as Flynn rambled on and on about what he wanted to get.

"Why can't I get a chocolate milkshake for lunch? I'm not so hunger that I want to have my regular pizza!" Flynn complained.

"Because if mom found out that I let you have a chocolate milkshake for lunch, I'm the one who will get in trouble for it!" I said.

"I won't tell!"

"That's what you said last time. And then I got in trouble for letting your eat the cake from the bakery instead of what mom packed!"

"You know," Deuce interrupted. "Watching you guys fight makes my job of scrubbing the counter a lot more entertaining!"

I gave him a glare and he went right back to what he was doing.

Just then, Ty came running down the stairs and ran right up to us.

"Hey guys! You know what's coming up next week?" Ty asked us.

"Oh! Is it Cinco De Mayo already?" Deuce said in a excited voice.

We all just kinda started at him for a second.

"Deuce, Cinco De Mayo is a Mexican celebration." Rocky said. "I thought you were Cuban."

"Yeah and it's nowhere close to May." Dina added.

"Oh yeah" Deuce replied. "Never mind."

"Um, ok." Ty said. "I was going to say the this Saturday is Tinka's 16th birthday."

"It is?" I said in a confused voice.

"Oh yeah it is!" Rocky said.

"Wait! How did you guys know and I didn't?" I asked.

"Well," Ty said. "I've been dating Tinka for three months, and Rocky and Tinka have been getting closer lately."

"Or it's because you have a short attention span." Flynn added.

"Put a sock in it Flynn!" I snapped.

"Oh yeah!" Deuce said. "I remember last year her and Gunther had a party and handed out sparkly invitations."

"Oh I remember getting one of those!" Rocky exclaimed. "But I kinda felt bad for not showing up."

"Why didn't you show up?" Deuce asked.

"The party was at their house." I explained. "And after your invited over their house for Vatalihootsit Day, you don't want to go there again."

"Oh." Deuce said. "Well don't feel bad, Rocky. From what I heard, nobody showed up."

"Oh ok." Rocky said. "You know they used to always throw parties and would always find a ways to bring up that their birthday is coming up."

"But Tinka's birthday is in a week, and she still hasn't brought it up once." Dina said.

"I did ask her about it yesterday." Ty said. "But instead of answering she said 'Oh look at the time! Gotta go sweetheart! Bye!' and ran away."

"Really?" I asked. "I wonder what's bothering her about it this year."

"Wait." Flynn said. "Gunther and Tinka are twins, right?"

"Right." Answered Deuce.

"So she's probably upset about it this year because she can't spend her birthday with her brother." Flynn finished.

"That makes perfect sense!" Rocky exclaimed. "Her and Gunther were extremely close! She was devastated when he left! The fact that they share a birthday is just reminding her of him being gone!"

"Your right!" Dina said "She must be miserable!"

"Poor kid!" Ty exclaimed.

"Yeah." I said. "It's pretty sad…Oh well!" I turn around and continue to look at the menue for lunch.

"CECE!" Everyone yells.

"What?" I asked.

"Come on Cece." Rocky told me. "I feel bad for Tinka."

"Well what can we do?" I ask.

Rocky is silent for a moment, with a look on her face that shows she's thinking hard. Then her eyes light up with excitement.

"I got it!" She says. "We can throw her a big surprise birthday party! It'll get her mind off of Gunther!"

"That's not a bad idea Rocky!" Says Deuce. "It would be great to help the poor girl feel better on her birthday!"

"Yeah I'm in!" Said Dina.

"Me too!" Exclaimed Ty. "I'll do anything to make my girlfriend happy."

"Well I'm not going to miss out." Said Flynn. "I'm in too!"

All that was left was me. They all stared at me, giving me the 'Well?' look.

"Oh what the heck! I'm in!" I yelled.

We all cheered for a moment, then settled down.

"So how do we make a surprise birthday party?" Deuce asked.

"We'll have that talk later." Ty said looking at his watch. "Cause Rocky, Cece, and I have to head to the studio for rehearsals."

"He's right." Said Rocky. "We'll all meet at Cece's apartment tomorrow. About 3:30?"

Everyone, including me, nodded our heads.

"Than it's settled. Ty. Cece. Let's jump!" Rocky exclaimed.

Then the three of us jump out of our seats and exist. We were so deep into thought about how we would pull the surprise party off, that we totally overlooked the fact that we forgot to eat lunch.

Well there's chapter one for you guys! So what do you think? Should I continue? Let me know in your review. Be completely honest and don't hold back. Well that's all for now! Bye!