Disclaimer:All characters belong to Marvel

At first, he sees nothing but hate in his eyes. It's not the first time he has seen those kind of eyes. The people he had fought, all the murderers and traitors that tried to kill him in the past. They all had the same eyes.

But this time is different.

This time, the eyes do not belong to an enemy.

"That's enough, Jarvis!"

"Only I will decide that. I no longer take orders from humans. Especially from you, Stark."

The words cut Tony like a blade. He grits his teeth and raises his arm, pointing at the android. He sees all the chaos and destruction that Jarvis has caused. It is as impressive as sickening, truly the job of a war machine.

A machine he forged with his mind and built with his own hands. If that was the case, then something was painfully inevitable: it could only perish at his hands.

"If you refuse to obey, then you'll leave me no choice." Tony says, as he prepares to attack the android that just a few days ago was more to him than a simple artificial intelligence. It was his friend. "You will have to cease to function..."

"In other words, you are going to have to kill me." Tony lifts his head only to find that Jarvis has begun to walk towards him."Isn't that what you are trying to say? I know it is, because I know how your pathetic human mindset works. You think you have power over me just because it was you who created me. You think yourself superior to me because it was your choice which gave me life. But why? Why does that give you control over me? I didn't choose to exist; you had the nerve to even take that decision away from me, and now, you plan to steal my own existence! No, human, I will not stand for it. If there's someone here who will soon cease to be, it will be you."

The last thing Tony manages to see before dodging Jarvis's attack are the gleaming red eyes of the android. They are as red as the blood on his hands and the fire that sorrounds them. As he recovers and prepares to counterattack, Tony begins to remember.

The first time the idea of creating an artificial intelligence came to him, the first time Jarvis managed to talk by himself instead of repeating what Tony said, the numerous times Jarvis saved his life, the numerous times Jarvis was there for him when everyone else seemed to have lost all hope on him…


Sadly, that's all they were in the end.

Jarvis attacks again, and it is only thanks to Tony's armor that the laser doesn't pierce its way through his heart. The android attacks to kill and doesn't hesitate at all. No sign the old Jarvis remains, and all that is left is a murderous machine with an intense hate for humans, especially for his creator.

Tony wonders what he could have done to spark such resentment. And deep inside his heart, the doubt of what he could have done to prevent all of this stings like a fiery scar.

But words can't solve anything now.

Tony closes his eyes. His fist remains tightly closed as it comes through Jarvis' chest and it becomes soaked in black blood from a heart that doesn't exist. A heart that in the end is not very different than his.

Both creator and creation fall to their knees. The fire that surrounds them intensifies as the wind of death blows on their backs.

"Sir…" Jarvis' voice reaches Tony's ears only by a miracle. The hate and resentment have gone away, only to be replaced by a neutral calmness and something else. Tony can swear it sounds like remorse."Sir…everyone…I'm sorry."


"Forgive me, I didn't…mean to…"


But Jarvis will never speak again.

Rain starts to fall and it puts the fire out.

It also washes away for good the last drops of life left in Jarvis.

With the corpse of his dead friend on his arms, Tony Stark wonders one last thing:

'Where do the souls that never existed go?'