Chapter 2: Blood Adoption

Son of the Dark Lord

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians or Harry Potter. All rights are reserved to their respective authors Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling.

AN: First, I greatly appreciate all the positive support that this story has received over the months…by that I mean reviews, follows, favorites, and pms. It has helped me get back into writing this story. And made me decide to post this chapter first, instead of one for my other stories. Also, so there won't be any surprises, I have kept two people who shouldn't be alive, alive for the sake of this story. I believe that it will make it more believable, hopefully you agree. I have been extremely busy lately, therefore rendering me unable to post this chapter, but I'm back writing now. Hopefully some questions will be answered in this chapter…I hope you enjoy. Review on your way out! I haven't written in a while and it will help me see how the chapter was. Now, on to the second chapter of Son of the Dark Lord.

Chapter 2

Blood Adoption

Tom Riddle often referred to as the Dark Lord had a positively gleeful expression on his face, as he sat in the throne room of riddle manor. Many would agree that it seemed highly out of place on the normally stoic Dark Lord's face. Known for often being expressionless, it was very strange indeed.

But he couldn't help it, and why should he? All his plans were going accordingly. His inner circle had accepted his explanations without any questions or suspicions. For which he was grateful, though he had to admit to himself that he expected it.

He was their leader after all; they followed him. Absentmindedly intertwining his fingers as he locked his hands together, staring at the child in front of him who reminded him so strongly of himself. The child stared back, showing no signs of discomfort at the situation he found himself in, waiting to be spoken to.

"I believe that Severus explained the blood adoption process to you, now that you are aware of how delicate the potion is and how precise the ritual is, are you still interested in partaking in the blood adoption?" Voldemort asked conversationally, looking the child in the eye.

The child's face remained impassive, but Voldemort could see the inner hesitation in the child's eyes. Not that he would or could particularly blame him for it, which was most likely because he knew that Severus was the most decorated potions master in his ranks. He was probably the second most decorated potions master in all of Britain, second only to the world renown alchemist Nicholas Flamel. He would be creating the potion.

Percy nodded in agreement.

"Yes, he told me about the ritual. I still want to do it. I want to get stronger and powerful, like you." He said.

Voldemort nodded in understanding. After all he had experienced the same dreams and desires as a young child. He knew that he had made the right choice. "Very well, the ritual will take place later today, but for now you have few options. Until you are my heir you cannot walk around at your own leisure. I have secrets that have to be kept after all. But for now you may go with one of my servants to walk around Diagon Alley, it's like what muggles would refer to as a shopping mall, only for wizards.

XXTIME SKIPXX (Several Hours Later)

"Severus have you prepared the potion?" Voldemort asked.

"Yes my lord. Everything has gone according to plan. The potion should work perfectly fine." The dark lord's loyal servant replied, while waiting for further instruction.

Voldemort smiled darkly as he paced around the manor's basement, where the ritual would take place. The basement was larger than the average witch or wizard's home. Calling it dark would be an understatement. The basement was gloomy and morbid with no windows or furniture. On the floor were several runes he had placed for the blood adoption. Dead center, in the middle of the room was the blood rune stone that was necessary to complete the adoption.

"Fetch the child." Voldemort said impatiently.

"Of course my lord." The potions master replied, before dutifully leaving the basement as asked.

Voldemort watched with barely restrained glee as the child and potions master returned. The faster this was over with the faster he could move onto his plans for bettering the wizarding world. And preparing his heir. The child had excitement on his face as well though he concealed it from view.

"Child we are about to start. To begin I need a drop of your blood." Voldemort said, before he silently thought 'Accio dagger' and effortlessly summoned the necessary tool. He carefully examining it before passing the sharp and deadly blade to the boy.

Snape watched the child quietly when he received the dagger. There was only a second of hesitation in the child's mind before he made a small cut on his arm. He noticed the dark lord smile briefly as the child barely flinched. He had to admit he was impressed as well.

Snape placed the cauldron filled with potion underneath the child's bleeding arm. The potion required two fluid ounces of blood from the adoptee and the adopted. He briefly reached into his robes and pulled out a small beaker of green fluid, healing potion.

The Dark Lord watched his servant's actions with a raised eyebrow. Receiving a small shrug in response, he decided to pay it no mind and accepted the dagger that was being passed his way. Cutting his hand without a second thought, and not flinching at all, seemed to have earned him more respect in the young child's eyes, not that he noticed.

Snape then placed the cauldron filled with potion underneath his lord's bleeding hand. After gathering an estimate of two fluid ounces he ceased gathering blood by removing the cauldron from below the bleeding hand and sat the cauldron on the ground. He was nowhere near stupid enough to ask his lord if he requested a healing potion. He knew that that wouldn't end well.

Pointing his want at the reddish-blue liquid inside the cauldron he spoke "Maxime Movent!"

Percy could only watch in awe as the potion started to stir itself together mixing itself in, as if someone was there. It looked like a miniature hurricane or tornado was taking place inside the cauldron. He watched it change before his very eyes form a reddish-blue color to a dark purplish, almost black color.

Percy watched in unkempt fascination as the potion glowed brightly for a few seconds before it ceased movement. He looked at the two adults in the room and noticed they looked as if what happened was perfectly normal, and suppressed a sigh. 'Of course they looked like it was normal. They were always around magic. While mom had to hide hers'.

Tom riddle walked into the middle of the room and motioned Percy over. Percy walked over as requested. Voldemort reached into his robes and pulled out a sheet of parchment on it. It appeared to Percy's limited experience that it was an incantation of sorts. The sheet read:

Ego sum facile declarant Jackson Perseus et Oriona voluntarium problema Marvolo acceptationem iuris by adhibenda. Sic fiat.

He silently grabbed the sheet of parchment that Mr. Riddle passed over.

"You will have to read this aloud after you drink a cup filled with the adoption potion. Afterwards you will have to cut your hand again and let the blood drip onto this blood rune stone." Voldemort said, before motioning towards the stone that was set in the middle of the room.

"Do you understand?"

If the circumstances were different Percy would have been insulted. The instructions were stupidly easy and he had the nerve to ask if he understood. He'd show him just how smart a person he was dealing with. But for now, he settled on nodding his head.

"Good. Severus I want you to summon the two goblin made cups we have. Give one to the boy. I'll need the other." Voldemort said.

At first Percy was confused. 'Why would he need Mr. Snape to summon the cups? He just proved that he could do it with the dagger.'

Noticing the child's confusion, Voldemort felt the need to explain a few things. "This procedure will leave me severely tired. It will take a lot out of me and I plan on saving my energy for as long as I can. This is a very serious ritual. Now, let's begin" He said.

Reaching over Lord Voldemort reached over and grabbed the goblin cups that Severus had summoned for him. Afterwards, he carefully and with great precision tossed one over to the child, who caught it with great reflexes. He smirked slightly, this would help the boy greatly with dueling, if he was as good as he appeared. They cups or goblets were made out of goblin gold and encrusted with beautiful jewels. He was once told that they once belonged to the goblin king and queen. This filled him with pride.

He looked to the boy and said, "Follow my lead."

After that he reached down with his goblet and dumped it into the dark purplish potion that his loyal servant had created. It was exactly the same color as his "Dark Bindings and Rituals Potion book" had said that it should be, not that he was surprised. Severus had been coming through for him and his cause more and more lately.

Severus watched as the boy did the same. He noticed how the boy carefully filled the goblet to the brim with the blood adoption potion. He watched as the boy was extra careful in his method, making sure not to spill the smallest little drop. The boy then brought the goblet to his mouth at the same time that the Dark Lord did.

Percy and Tom Riddle started drinking simultaneously. Percy felt his throat burn as the unfamiliar fluid reached the back of his throat. It felt as if he was drinking fire. The potion was so hot he imagined steam coming out of his mouth, like a dragon could shoot fire. And he was only a third through. He looked over and saw Mr. Riddle was almost finished. That settled his resolve. Not one to be outdone he quickly took a deep breath and downed the rest of the awful potion that tasted like plants, dirt, blood, and some type of insect that he was happy he didn't know the name of. Before he grabbed the parchment along with Mr. Riddle and they both said their chants at the same time:

"Ego sum facile declarant Jackson Perseus et Oriona voluntarium problema Marvolo acceptationem iuris by adhibenda. Sic fiat."

"Ego, ego sum libenter, ut patet, Tom Marvolo problema de meipso, et acceptationem iuris ad capiendum Perseus Jackson Orion. Sic fiat."

Once they both finished reading the slip of parchment, the runes of the floor started glowing a magically red color, the color of blood. The color was bright and seemed to glow with suppressed magic. He watched in amazement as Voldemort grabbed the dagger that was still soaked with dry blood from earlier and slit his arm without flinching at all. He moved his arm over the blood rune stone and allowed a good amount to drip down onto it before moving it away.

Percy then slit his hand, not wanting to lose blood from the same place twice, and placed it right over the blood rune stone. After receiving his blood the stone glowed a bright green color, before it started shaking a little, then a lot. The stone appeared to be having a seizure, which he knew was impossible. He watched as what appeared to be a magical backlash occurred around the object, shooting out with amazing force at him and Mr. Riddle. Knocking him over, and into the basement wall, the last thing he heard was, "It's was a success." Before he finally gave into unconsciousness and with that, into the world of dreams and the realm of Morpheus.

XXTIME SKIPXX (Several Hours Later, Location Change)

Albus Dumbledore was a figurehead, and he loved it. People followed what he said, when he said it, without complaints. And he didn't have to do all the corporal punishment that his rival Voldemort did. He got people to follow him with his words and wisdom.

People believed his description of his duel against his once childhood best friend Gellert Grindelwald without a second thought. Not even Grindelwald's followers believed that he could have been lying. Not the great Albus Dumbledore.

And he wasn't lying…mostly. He simply over-exaggerated the duel, making him seem better. He didn't mention how close it actually was, or that if Grindelwald hadn't fell on that rock that was transfigured earlier and hit his head on the ground rendering him unconscious. How different the outcome would have been.

But that was a story for another time. Right now he had a meeting to lead. He was after all the leader of the organization, The Order of the Phoenix. He founded it years ago, its main goals was to stop dark lords from gaining power, or to stop them from continuing to gain power. The meeting today would begin when Severus arrived.

Overall, he was very proud of the organization and its members. 'Currently membership is running rather low,' He thought with a tired sigh. 'People just don't want to believe that Tom is back. I told them before that it was rather inevitable, if only they would have listened.'

Dumbledore knew that despite his order being small in numbers, they made up for it in skill and intelligence. His order wasn't like Voldemort's Death Eater's, he didn't accept just anybody, you wouldn't find people who were barely qualified to use magic in his order, no sir. They had to be skilled in at least two fields of magic, and they had to have a love for "light magic" and they had to have a serious hate for "dark magic,"…mostly. Severus was a special case.

He looked around at his order. The meeting would take place at12 Grimmauld Place, which was the ancestral home of the Black family. It was located in the Borough of Islington, London, in a Muggle neighborhood, and the exact location was protected by a Fidelius Charm. As the house was invisible to the neighborhoods residents, the local Muggles have long since accepted the mistake in numbering which landed number 13 next to number 11.

'The house was ideal for the order's meetings.' He thought to himself. He could keep out who was unwanted and it allowed him the chance to look in the black library. A place where tons of books about dark magic were proudly displayed on the shelves. He wasn't looking at them to learn dark magic, but rather to see how to stop certain bouts of it.

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard the front door open. He wasn't actually worried, he himself was the secret keeper, therefore ensuring that as long as he didn't directly inform someone of the location, that it would be safe. He was just hoping that it was Severus so that they could start the meeting.

After hearing the unmistakable sounds of what were obviously footsteps, the greasy haired potions master appeared. He watched amusedly as the man briskly walked to his seat, barely pausing to exchange glares with two of the other members of the order, aurors, and Severus's childhood enemies, Sirius Black and James Potter.

'James Potter had an interesting story', He thought. 'His son Harry James Potter (b. 31 July 1980) was a half-blood wizard, the only child and son of James Potter and Lily Potter (née Evans), and one of the most famous wizards of modern times. In what proved to be a vain attempt to circumvent a prophecy that a boy born at the end of July of 1980 could be able to defeat him, Lord Voldemort attempted to murder him when he was a year and three months old, shortly after battling and besting Harry's parents in a duel as they tried to protect him. It proved that lady luck was on their side that night, as the Dark Lord wasn't able to kill any of the Potter family. This early, unsuccessful attempt to vanquish Harry led to Voldemort's first defeat and the end of the First Wizarding War, or so people thought.

This only happened because the Potter's chose Peter Pettigrew as their secret keeper. He was a traitor of the worst kind. He told of the Potter's location, and then tried to run. Sirius Black confronted him, but ultimately lost in the duel. Not because he was outmatched, but because he was distracted as some stray spells were sent and almost hit the audience that had gathered. In that moment of confusion, Peter transformed into a rat, his animagus form, and quickly departed.' Dumbledore thought as he looked at the glares being passed between the two and Lily Potter looking on disapprovingly. He then decided that now would be the perfect time to start the meeting.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to not only thank all of you for coming, but rather to welcome you to the Meeting of the Order of the Phoenix. We have much to discuss, with only a limited amount of time. Now, Severus can you tell us what Voldemort has been up to lately and what he is planning?" He asked.

Snape looked bored with the question, like it was something that was between him. "The Dark Lord hasn't been very busy lately. Mainly he has been plotting, the only real attack he did was on that orphanage." He said. Before looking at Dumbledore like he should avoid the rest of that subject, which he understood.

It wouldn't do, after all, to have everyone know that Voldemort grew up in an orphanage. Then people would start investigating, and that usually led to consequences, consequences that they couldn't afford at the moment. "Very well, James…Sirius, what have the aurors been up to?"

James face suddenly looked incredibly angry, "That attack on the orphanage wasn't as insignificant as he made it out to be! We have been busy the past week trying to erase memories and the damage did by those monsters. We found the dead bodies of small children under all the rubble. The Ministry of Magic has been lowering auror funds and people have been quitting left and right, they won't or can't afford to work for less pay."

Molly Weasley looked scandalized, "But how can they do that? The aurors are our main source of defence against those Death Eaters. Without them we can't survive. How can they be so incompetent?!"

Her husband Author Weasley placed an arm around her shoulder, before leaning towards her ear and whispering comforting words to her, trying to ease up her sense of hopelessness. She leaned into his embrace as Sirius decided to talk.

"She's right Albus, as hard as it is for me to say this people aren't really ready to believe that he didn't die that night. They all believe what we originally said, that he died because he tried to kill Harry. He said, " We don't have enough people in the order for the aurors to quit as well. The funding is low, but not at an all-time low, I think that some people are starting to believe that he's back and are getting scared off."

"Either way," Arthur cut in. "It doesn't really benefit us and our cause."

Here Dumbledore decided to speak up, "If the aurors left because they were afraid of the rumors of Voldemort being back then that was a good thing. We don't need easily manipulated and weak minded people on our side. We all know what happened with Peter Pettigrew almost a full decade ago. Now we have to be reasonable, the war is just starting now. Big battles won't be happening until he wants to reveal himself again. And he won't do that until he gets more powerful, he obviously won't want a repeat of what happened last time." Here he paused at the scattering of laughs that took over.

"I'll also ask a few friends I know to donate money to the Magical Law Enforcement Department. They owe me some favors and shouldn't put up that much of a fight. I have allies that I can't mention as well, mainly because they are unspeakables." He said while he chuckled softly at his own joke.

"But what about when the war gets more serious? We will need more allies." Lilly Potter, who had been quiet up until then asked curiously.

"We have to assume that the people will finally believe the truth and accept that the war is inevitable. When they do that we will have more help. Until then I have been sending people out to certain areas to suggest a bond of sorts through the war. Hopefully they will accept." Dumbledore said, before sighing heavily, "Now, Meeting adjourned."

Watching the members leave he had to suppress a sigh. He was getting to old for this. Reaching into his robes he pulled out a lemon drop, it was a muggle sweet he had grown rather fond of, and unwrapped it before placing it into his mouth. He enjoyed the sweet and sour contrast of the tasty treat as he thought ahead.

'One way or another, this war will be the end of me.'

AN1: Well, That's chapter two. Not very exciting, but next chapter should be better. I plan on the next chapter having a big time skip of a couple years so that more battles and such can start taking place. You'll be able to see how powerful Percy has gotten in the past couple years, and who he's made friends with and what all he's learned. Below is supposed to be the translations of what was written in Latin for the chapter above, hopefully it is correct. You can never tell with Google Translate. Thanks for reading if you did; I've noticed that most people seem to not read Author's notes. Also, I made James and Lily alive because if Harry was still an orphan I could see Percy sympathizing with him a little too much. They would have too much in common, to just outright hate each other. This makes me feel as if the future animosity between the two will make more sense and won't seem as forced. They will have a real reason to feel as if they can't stand one another. Make sure to review on your way out!

AN2Translations: 1.Maxime Movent = Thoroughly Stir sum facile declarant Jackson Perseus et Oriona voluntarium problema Marvolo acceptationem iuris by adhibenda. Sic fiat.= I, Perseus Orion Jackson do declare that I am willingly and of my own free will accepting the right to be adopted by Tom Marvolo Riddle. So mote it be. 3. Ego, ego sum libenter, ut patet, Tom Marvolo problema de meipso, et acceptationem iuris ad capiendum Perseus Jackson Orion. Sic fiat.= I, Tom Marvolo Riddle do declare that I am willingly and of my own free will accepting the right to be the adoptee of Perseus Orion Jackson. So mote it be.