Sorry it took so long to post. I hope you all enjoy the second part.

"Alright, alright, less of the piss-taking," Josh snorted as Randy and the gang were cracking some of the jokes they did on-air. "Just because I haven't made it public, doesn't mean I don't."

"When was the last time you even looked at a woman when we've been out on the town?" Michael accused.

"When was the last time WE went out on the town?"

"Josh, even I haven't seen you looking; and we do head out together," Alex joked. "You've been stood next to a candidate for Playboy Bunny of the Year... and didn't look twice."

"Why am I even trying to defend myself? I know I'm straight, who cares what you think," Josh snapped a little.

"Alright, alright, time to lay off Matthews," Randy said, his shit-eating grin spread across his face. "How about we discuss those who are definitely gay; not to mention who have kept us entertained all evening."

"Okay, you know what I'm wondering, who's topping?" Josh commented looking entertained at the thought. Randy figured Josh's comment wasn't supposed to sound as intrigued as it had but he couldn't stop himself from joining in the laughter with everyone else.

"He even knows the terminology," Michael said, wiping his tears away.

Randy felt bad for Josh, for joining in the taunting. Here he was keeping the secret everyone was accusing Josh of doing. He wanted to tell someone, someone other than the man he had tied up on his bed.

"Hey, hey," Randy interrupted through his laughter. "We said no more at Matthews. Now the leave the poof alone."

"True, true," Michael said. "Actually, the one I'm wondering about is John."

Randy's ears perked up at the mention of John's name. The man tied to his bed, the man who made his cock swell, who made his heart race faster. The man he wanted to jump to defend if Michael said any more.

"I know, I know, he's dating Nikki, but truth is, I reckon it's a cover. One minute he's single, the next they're going to this reunion and he's dating her."

"Didn't you say the same thing about Randy?" Kaitlyn challenged.

Michael's back straightened and his eyes connected with Randy, fear at his comments being made known to Randy. Randy hoped his own fears didn't show as clearly Michael's as he tried to process Michael's thoughts. Did he know about his history with John? Did he know about why he kept disappearing upstairs throughout the night?

"Cole, seriously?" Randy said playing it off, hoping his gulp wasn't evident. "A guy gets divorced and automatically he's gay?"

"You haven't even looked at another woman since," Cole bit to defend himself.

"It's complicated with my daughter," Randy said admitting the truth. "What do you want me to do, have someone different around every week?"

"No one said you had to take them home."

"How about we stop before this turns into an argument," Show said stepping in trying to diffuse the tension suddenly building between the two men. "Besides, I need a drink."

"Geez, Show, you're knocking 'em back tonight," Kaitlyn joked. "What's that, your third in five hours?"

"And I'm not even remotely drunk," Show said with a grin.

All the talk of couples, and who might be fucking who, or isn't fucking in some cases, was making Randy want to shout from the rooftops that he was in love with the greatest man on the planet. But how could he do that without breaking John's trust. He held a big secret of John's, just as John held his secret. Still he wanted to run and hold John. Maybe talk him into showing everyone how good they can make each other feel.

With the conversation moving away from pairings and toward Show's drinking limits, Randy's mind easily couldn't stay focused on the chatter. Before long, he found an excuse to disappear and for the first time in at least two hours, Randy made his way upstairs, ignoring the moans starting up from his spare room. The very British moans. Randy let a small smile grace his lips as he now knew it was Wade who would be walking funny the next day.

Letting himself into his room, his heart quickened at the sight of his beloved. John looked amazing and beautiful lying asleep on his bed. He slipped passed his bed through to the en-suite and ran the warm water so he could clean the plug from earlier.

Once he was finished, he leant against the doorframe watching John as his chest rose and fell in his sleep. The man looked at peace, and Randy wondered if John needed him as much as Randy needed his champ.

Their relationship had always been focused on the physical, but with the nature of their sex like, a deep trust was needed between them, especially on John's part. Although they weren't fully emerged in the BDSM world, living a life of Dom and sub, they enjoyed the lifestyle in the bedroom. There was nothing sexier than seeing John crawl across the room to kneel in front of him, or seeing John fight to hold on as his orgasm threatened to explode from him before he'd been given permission.

Tonight though, something else stirred in Randy's heart and mind. When his lover woke up, when everyone had left, Randy wanted to lay down with John and make slow love to him. No more teasing him, no more only letting him speak when spoken to. He wanted John to be free.

Randy quietly walked across his room and tucked the plug away in its drawer, smiling at the sound of John's breathing, so steady and calm. When the creaking of his bed interrupted his peace, Randy turned around and saw John trying to stretch in his sleep.

He made his way over to the bed kneeling on the floor and untying the scarves from around John's ankles. He brushed his lips against the skin on both sides, making sure John wasn't bruised. He then silently went to the head of the bed and repeated the action on John's wrist. Sitting on the bed next to John he quickly undid the final scarf and almost instantly John was stretching and turning into Randy's side.

Randy couldn't resist a touch, running his hand over John's short hair and down the side of his neck causing a shiver to run through his sleeping form. Randy smirked at the reaction; he could hardly wait until he could take his time and hear soft moans from John as he touched every inch of his body. And he wanted to feel John doing the same to him, knowing the man's touch would make him feel things he hadn't before.

Sighing, he paced a kiss to John's temple, "Soon, Johnny."

He left the room knowing he had to find a way to get rid of the others, and his first stop was going to be his spare room.

"Randy; it was a good night," Show said clamping his big hand down on Randy's shoulder. "Next time we're in St Louis we'll do it again. Then again, you might not want those two going at it in your home."

Randy laughed as they both looked back toward Roman and Wade as they both looked sheepish. Apparently, both men had got caught up in what they were experiencing that they didn't think about where the room was. The small balcony wasn't clue enough that the room overlooked the garden.

"Damn straight; the shock at hearing them was bad enough; you didn't see what I saw," Randy joked looking pointedly at Wade as he shifted his weight.

"Leave him alone," Roman said speaking up in his gruff way.

"Aww, Wade's blushing," Show laughed as he turned and headed out the door. "See you tomorrow man."


Randy saw each of the men out, accepting apologies from Wade and Roman on their indiscretion. Randy didn't hold it against them and just tried joking it off. If he wasn't careful he would have been making his confession to them, and then knows what would happen. The locker room is one big gossip factory, and he didn't want his personal life becoming that gossip.

As the cab drove away, Randy closed the door and locked up the house. It was time for him and John to be alone and make things permanent between them. He would love it if he could persuade John to give him a chance. To have the relationship they should have had the first time around.

Randy took a deep breath and headed up the stairs slowly, trying to control his thoughts, his desires. He almost felt like he was panicking, so much like the old days when John use to help him find the control he needed. He took another steadying breath as he opened the door to the bedroom. John was still laid on his side, though his arm stretched out like he was trying to find something in his sleep.

"Johnny," Randy said gently, running the pad of his thumb along John's jawline. "Wake up Johnny."

Randy waited patiently as John stirred from his slumber and his eyes gradually opened. When his senses kicked in and he realised he was untied, John held his arms out, pressing his wrists together without saying anything, just pleading with his eyes.

"No, Johnny, not tonight," Randy said moving to lie on the bed next to John. He eased John onto his back and moved over him, pushing his leg between John's, the fabric of his pants brushing against John's naked body, causing his cock to stir. "I want to hear you moan when I touch you. Want you to call my name with that sexy voice. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Y-yes sir," John said quietly.

Randy leant down until his lips were almost touching John's. He wanted to look at John, look into those eyes and let John see into the depths of his soul, but Randy couldn't with the lush lips so close to his. The way they parted, the tip of John's tongue darting out to moisten the plump lower one. A mix of excitement and fear raced through him, unsure how to proceed. He wanted tonight to be different, but still his instincts drew him back to his domineering ways. But this was John. He needed to treat his man right.

John licked his bottom lip again and Randy forgot his inner battle. Lowering his head, pressing his lips to John's, he groaned as a heat sparked and burned, trailing down his spine and hardening his cock. John whimpered at the pressure of Randy's lips on his, wrapping his arms around the taller man's neck, his fingers trying to grip at the short hair. His tongue darted out again, brushing over Randy's lips, encouraging him to take the kiss to the next level and let him in.

Randy opened eagerly for John, shivering as his cock leaked pre-cum. He teased John's tongue with his own, and the taste of John exploded in his mouth. A taste he had missed for such a long time. A taste which had once been an addiction and Randy was sure it would be again.

John sucked on his tongue and Randy moaned remembering the way that felt on body parts lower down. Clutching at John's body, Randy chased John's tongue, repeating the action he'd just had performed on him. Imagining what it would feel like to have John's cock in his mouth. Something he hadn't done often in their relationship. He made a mental promise not to let that happen again.

Randy broke the kiss, gasping for air, before slipping slowly down John's body, planting kisses as he went. Keeping his touch light, Randy caressed John's skin as he learnt John's body once again. It had been so long, he needed to learn every inch. Where were his muscles, or more appropriately where weren't his muscles, what spots made him hot, what spot didn't, where was he ticklish. He wanted to learn it all.

He knew he was doing a good job when John was writhing beneath him, unintelligible murmurs slipping passed those lips he'd kissed. Just the thought of John enjoying it had Randy hard and he smiled to himself as his hands travelled the length of John's legs, revelling in the strength of them. John's writhing was getting stronger, his hands grabbing at Randy's shoulders, trying to get hold of any part of him.


That word sent a shot of ice through Randy's veins. In all the years they'd been together, on and off, even on their worst days. On the days when Randy would put John through the ringer, he hadn't heard that word. A word which was chosen by John for the reaction Randy was having. A safe word which dampen any desire in Randy.

He moved off John and scuttled away from the bed giving John some space.

"Are you okay? What did I do?" Randy asked, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion. "We weren't doing anything... wasn't even planning on doing anything like that."

"I need to get out of here," John said scrambling for his clothes. "This shouldn't have happened."

John darted for the bedroom door and for a moment, Randy couldn't move. He didn't understand what had happened to cause John to use his safe word. He shot after John, determined to stop him, at the very least long enough so they could talk it through. He needed to know what happened. Needed to make sure John was okay.

"Johnny, wait," he said catching the man at the bottom of the stairs, careful not to scare him. "Talk to me."

"I need to go."

"We promised, when we set down the rules years ago. If you use that word we would discuss what happened," Randy said, hoping his eyes conveyed his concern.

"I don't want to," John said not meeting Randy's eyes.

"We need to."

Randy hesitated to for a second but then, determined to resolve the issue, took John's hand and led him into the main room, sitting him down on the sofa, "Stay here for a moment." Randy knew he needed to make his lover feel comfortable and safe, and he knew just how to do that. He headed into the kitchen and headed to grab the tub of John's favourite ice cream. Every time he went to the grocery store, he always picked up a pot. For differing reasons it was both John's comfort and his.

He returned to John, placing the ice cream and a spoon in front of him, silently counting down from ten, knowing John couldn't resist. As if on cue, John reached the pot and dug in, still unable to meet Randy's eyes.

Randy let him be; John would relax and talk when he needed to.

"You've changed."

There it was, after five minutes of silence, John's voice rang out, crackling slightly as he spoke.

"For the better?" Randy asked, hopeful John had seen some changes which would mean he could stay.

"I'm not sure."

"Johnny, can you be more specific, we can work this out, figure out why you used your safe word," Randy said softly, desperate to reach out and touch John.

"Earlier tonight, when I was trying to leave, you were the same then," John said looking at something in the distance.

"What do you mean?"

"Soft," he said so softly Randy only just managed to catch the word being spoken, thinking there was one of two ways that could be taken.

"In wh-"

"You were treating me like I'd never been with anyone before, like I didn't know you enjoyed being dominant," John clarified.

"I was just-"

"And then suddenly you were the Randy I knew, making me hard just from the sound of your voice. Tying me up; making me cum so violently I didn't think I'd be able to ever get hard again," John continued.

"Okay, then why-"

"Because you came back and were doing the softly, softly approach again," John snapped at him.

Randy sat there for a moment taking in what John was saying, and making sure John was finished with his rant. He hated that John felt like he was being treated like a first timer. Randy was more scared than anything, he didn't want to dominate him. He said he loved it, but if he did then why did he leave. Randy never abused him, John had never used his safe word, until tonight, so why?

"I don't want to lose you," Randy said as quietly as John had spoken minutes before.

"What are you on about?"

"I don't just want you tonight. I want you every night. I want to be able to hold you in my arms every night when I fall asleep. I want to know I'm the only person you share a bed with. I don't want you leaving here tomorrow and I have to pretend I'm okay with it. If that means I have to treat you better when we're in bed, then that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make."

"You're an idiot," John spat at him.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. You're an idiot," John repeated. "If you think I left because of how things were in the bedroom; you're an idiot."

"Stop saying I'm an idiot."

"Well you are, I didn't leave because of the sex," John said, his voice rising with their anger.

"Then why?" Randy snapped. "You never told me."

This time John was the one to take it in. The look of shock on his face must have been like what John would have seen when he'd used his safe word. Randy was just realising it was a good idea John did so. Now, they were laying it on the line, just as they should have all those years ago.


"I need more than that Johnny," Randy said, his tone dropping down to a gentle level.

"... it couldn't work. We were together for three years... and no one knew."

"That's why? Because we were a secret."

"Yes, and because we could never be anything more," John said looking down at his feet. "And I'm sorry for those times we've been together since I left. I led you on."

"No you didn't."

"Yes I did," John challenged. "I shouldn't have come to you, I just needed you."

"Me... or sex?"


Randy forced John to look at him, holding his chin firmly, "Tell me the truth. Do you like being submissive?"


"Would you prefer me to go easy on you at times?"


"Okay... big question time... is there any hope for a long term relationship?" Randy asked. "I love you. I never stopped. I married Sam, and yes I loved her. But I would have left her for you, all you had to do was ask."

"I did ask."

"The night before you got married," Randy said nodding his acknowledgement of the moment. "I didn't want you to be with me because you were scared of the commitment."

"And if I asked you tonight?"

"I'd shout it from the rooftops. John Cena belongs to Randy Orton," Randy said. "And I would never let you get away."

John chuckled at Randy's comment, "The big bad Viper has a soft side."

Randy snarled at John's comment, hating it when he insisted on pointing it out. He wanted John, and he wanted him now. He gripped the back of John's neck and dragged him the short distance, slamming his lips on John's, taking his mouth.

As he fed from John's mouth, his tongue battling with John's, biting his lips intermittently just to catch the sound of John's whimper, Randy's hand trailed down John's back and gripped his ass firmly, squeezing the large globes, forcing their lower halves together.

John pulled back from the kiss to catch his breath, resting his forehead on Randy's shoulder. When his breathing was under control, John looked up at Randy with his dimpled smile, "You don't need to shout about it in interviews or anything. But I don't want us to be a secret."

"Something understated, then. I'll figure a way to let people know."

"Thank you," John whispered, looking tenderly into Randy's eyes. "Can we get back to how we've always been? How we were earlier tonight."

Randy went rigid, his hands clutching John's ass tightly as he thought about what he wanted to do to him, or what he wanted to make John do. His cock twitched and Randy knew John would be feeling the movement against his stomach.

"I want your assurance that you want this," Randy said, watching the glint in John's eyes. John's dimpled smile spread across his face and he sank down to his knees.

"I'm sure, sir."

"Follow me," Randy ordered, turning away from John. He led John along the familiar route to his bedroom and took a seat on the edge of his bed. John stayed a step behind, his hand held lightly by Randy. Once Randy was seated, his legs spread wide enough apart, John knelt down in between as though it was his natural place.

The vision of John, on his knees, his head lowered with his eyes fixed on Randy's hardening cock, was enough to turn Randy's shaft into a steel pipe. Whether John realised he was doing so or not, Randy watched as John's tongue darted out to moisten his lips. Randy lowered the zip on his jeans, letting his member free. He smoothed his hand over John's short hair and down to the back of his neck, holding his loosely, "Go on Johnny, I know you want to."

John didn't even look up at the words, he moved straight in to Randy's body, his hands going directly to the hard cock he wanted. John took Randy into his mouth and sucked hard.

"Oh god," Randy moaned. If he wasn't careful if was going to cum embarrassingly fast. As John bobbed up and down, he reached his hand into Randy's jeans and freed his balls. Pulling away from Randy's cock, John lowered his head slightly and mouthed Randy's balls, licking gently against the sensitive globes. "Fuck."

Randy grabbed John's hair, yanking his head back, knowing the heat was showing in his eyes. John understood his need, and readily opened for him, letting Randy sink into his mouth. Randy thrust deep, fucking John's mouth like he'd been starved of the man's attention. As he pushed deeper, the tip of his cock reaching John's throat, he paused as John swallowed around the shaft. A couple of shallow movements later, and Randy was shooting his load into John's throat and mouth.

"Thank you," John said licking his lips with his dimples set deep in his cheeks.

"Stand up."

John followed Randy's orders and stepped back slightly giving Randy space to stand. Randy grabbed John, lifting him from the floor. Knowing exactly what Randy had in mind, John kicked off his shoes and dragged his shirt off before Randy threw him onto the bed, still wearing the dimpled smile throughout.

Randy stripped down to his underwear and crawled along the bed, stalking his boyfriend. He pulled John into a sitting position and engulfed John's mouth with his tongue, the pair moaning into the kiss, feeling skin on skin for the first time in years. Randy nipped and licked at the skin on John's neck and neck suckled on the tender flesh, raising a mark for everyone to see.

His hands worked their way across John's ample body, revelling in the feel of his muscled chest and abs. Where his hands went, his lips soon ventured, kissing, licking and nipping at any part he could, biting hard on John's nipples, eliciting a sharp intake of breath followed by a sultry moan. With each moan, Randy worked John's nipples harder, either biting or pinching until John's back bowed up from the mattress.

"Don't stop," John breathed, his words almost lost in the air.

"My decision, Johnny," Randy said sternly. To take the slight sting out of his words, Randy reached down and fiddled with John's zipper, releasing the straining cock. It sprang hard from it's confines, moisture already glistening on the tip. He returned to his torment of John's upper body, as John opened his legs wantonly. "I only want you to cum when I tell you."

Randy slowly rubbed his thumb over the tip of John's cock, teasing him, making his touch as gentle as he could, and watching the reaction. This was what he'd missed most; knowing how to push his boyfriend to the limit. Once he was done with the tip, Randy dragged a nail down the length of John's shaft before rolling his tight balls in the palm of his hands. The moans and whimpers escaping John's kiss-swollen lips.

He held two fingers to those lips and John readily accepted them, anticipating Randy's next move. John suckled them, treating them as though it was Randy's cock once again in his mouth.

"Turn over," Randy said; wishing the words sounded more like an order than him begging. "Take off the jean shorts."

John followed the orders perfectly, taking up their favourite position. Randy slid his boxers off, his cock once again eager for his lover. He rubbed his damp finger over John's opening, watching intensely as he pushed the finger deep within John. Exploring John's tight channel, Randy sought out the sensitive spot inside.

"More," John begged, pushing back against the finger.

"Need to feel you wrapped around me," Randy murmured as he slicked up his cock with lube. "That plug made you ready for me."

"Excited and frustrated more like it," John mumbled.

"Maybe that's how I wanted you," Randy said thrusting into him without any warning.

"Oh fuck, sir, that feels good... so full."

Randy kept his thrusts slow, letting John's channel caress his hard cock. Damn it, he'd missed this. And even though John had confirmed he loved the sex they had, Randy was still keen to keep it slow. Not because he was worried John didn't like being treated in such a hard manner, but because the exquisite feeling of John wrapped around alone was enough to want to make him shoot his load.

"Harder," John pleaded, sounding worried.

"Patience. I'm just appreciating what I've missed," Randy calmed John by running a palm down his back. John's impatience caused him to concede the point and he Randy started to piston his hips into John.

Soon the sound of skin hitting skin as he drove his cock deep into John was the only sound which could be heard. John's moans were caught in the pillows as his hands twisted the sheets, pleasure taking over his body.

"What?! No," John complained as Randy withdrew.

"Get on your back, I want to see your face when you cum."

John flipped over and Randy raised John's legs to rest on his shoulders, pushing forward to penetrate his opening once again. As he drove deeper he pinned John's arms against the mattress, adding just the amount of pressure he knew John enjoyed.

"Fuck... oh god... pleaaase... ohhh godddd... please... please," John whimpered as Randy drove him to the edge. His desperation causing John's head to thrash and his hips to buck.

"Cum for me," Randy said breathless and so close to his own climax he wasn't sure he could last.

John came hard, spurting his release over his abs and up onto his chest, his muscles spasmed and clenched around Randy's shaft, ripping the orgasm from the younger man. Randy erupted into John's channel, filling him up, and then collapsed against his lover. Both bodies recovering from their highs, their lungs gasping for the air they needed.

Randy softened slowly in John before slipping out of his new home. Randy pushed himself up on his forearms, leaning down and capturing John's lips in a kiss he hoped would signify how much the man meant to him. He slipped away to fetch a warm cloth, cleaning them both before climbing back in bed with his lover.

"Sleep," Randy said sweeping his lips against John's temple as the older man moved in to rest against his chest.

Next morning

"...okay... you mean so much to me, thank you for doing everything you have... I know, I didn't think it would happen... okay, fine, I admit it, you were right... and you're the most amazing woman I know... and I should; wait what?! I'm not doing that... no, it's crazy... Nicole, no, I won't... yes, I will take you to dinner, but I'm not putti-"

"Tell her that I'm going to pinch your phone and throw it out the window soon if-"

"Nicole says stop being a grouch and to... Nicole... you have seriously got the dirtiest mind on the planet... alright, thank you for everything and really will be buying you dinner. Take care, Nicole."

John hung up his phone, placing it on the nightstand before turning back to Randy, "We should really be getting on the road, we have to a show to do."

"What did Nicole suggest?" Randy asked intrigued from John's conversation.

"Just some position she thinks we should try," John chuckled. "Oh, and a way we could come clean."

"Maybe an interview with TMZ," Randy said with a smile.

"Actually it was this," John said reaching over Randy and taking his phone.

Bringing up the camera, John took a picture of himself leant against Randy's chest with Randy's distinctive tattooed arm draped over his shoulder. He switched apps, opening twitter and typing away on the screen.

"What do you think?" he asked Randy before hitting the Post button.

"Maybe, out of respect to Nicole, YOU post a comment, so people don't think she doesn't know about it," Randy suggested.

"Okay, here goes," John said posting his comment.

John Cena JohnCena 5m

I would like to say a huge thank you to Nicoleandbri for your help and support over the last year. You are amazing & beautiful #TrueFriend

Randy Orton RandyOrton 1m

This isn't Randy! Pinched his phone to announce BIG news for everyone. #ConfessionIsGoodForTheSoul Check it out NVEbp7zlnp

I hope you all enjoyed. Please review.

Update next... when I get a chance to write... will be the next chapter in Life if Good