Just something I thought of while on my vacation in Scotland.
Quick lesson:
The Lewis Chessmen are a set of 70 some chess pieces made from walrus tusk ivory. They were found on the Isle of Lewis off of Scotland's northern coast in the 1800's. Historians suspect that they come from the Vikings that settled the area in the 1100's, but are presumed to be even older. About 10 are found in the Edinburgh Museum, the rest are kept in the British Museum in London. However, a new museum is opening on Lewis and the British Museum is donating some of their collection to that museum. I went to all these places on my trip, so that's my source.
On to the story!
Explanation of setting:
This takes place in the same 'verse as Dumb Ways to Die (if you can call it a 'verse). The Avengers are on the Isle of Lewis touring the new museum.
Disclaimer: I don't own the Avengers or the Lewis Chessmen, but you will find out who owns the latter soon!
"And these are the famous Lewis Chessmen, found not far from here in a city called Uig." A tour guide said as she led her group towards the glass case. The Avengers, though not in the group, stalked it in the hopes of gaining some behind-the-scenes access.
"Brother, look!" Thor shouted as he approached the case. "It's your old chess set."
Loki, baffled, rushed over to where Thor was standing. "You're right," he agreed, "I wondered where it turned up."
"Woah woah woah, back up." Tony said. "Are you saying the famous Lewis Chessmen belonged to Reindeer Games?"
Loki rolled his eyes at Tony's nickname for him. "Yes, I came across it at a trader's market and took an interest."
How could you lose something like that?" Bruce asked.
Thor shrank down. "I believe that I have something to do with that."
"Boy, do you." Loki muttered.
"When we were young...er, Loki and I would venture down to Midgard often in search of adventure. The Vikings of Norway were a good source. One of the friends we made, what was his name...?"
"Leif, I believe" Loki supplied.
"You don't mean Leif Ericson?" Clint asked.
"Why? Do you know him?" Tony procceeded to face-glass case, receiving odd looks from the aforementioned tour.
"Just continue." Bruce suggested.
"So friend Leif liked playing chess, he was very good at it, so I convinced Loki to bring his chess set down with us the next time to play with him." Thor resumed.
"Long story short, Thor and I were caught up in a raid and had to depart on short notice, unfortunately without my chess set." Loki finished.
"And thus the Lewis Chessmen." Natasha remarked.
"So I guess you found your lost chess set then." Steve said.
"Yes, but there's only one problem." Loki replied. "It's stuck inside a glass case."
Just a little one-shoter, a bit of an Omake for my current story
Hope it gave you a peek at what Scotland has to offer!
Reviews always welcome!