Hey! As promised, here is the sequel to Along for the Ride, What Happened to Goodbye. Enjoy!
Clary's POV
I opened the door to the backseat of Jace's Volvo. I put in my third box that was filled with stuff. My suitcases with clothes were in the trunk, and all the boxes of books and other stuff were in the back seat.
"Is that it?" I turned around to see Jace looking at the boxes.
"Yeah," I said. Jace smiled and kissed me. I felt like it was only yesterday that I'd met him, but actually, it was three years ago. Jace and I had just graduated from Yale Law School. I was in advanced placement in high school so I graduated at sixteen, while Jace graduated at eighteen.
"Come on, we have to go," I said, as I broke away from him. He gave me a butterfly kiss on my lips.
"Five more minutes," he said, before giving me more butterfly kisses. I laughed.
"Jace, I don't think graduates are allowed to kiss in front of the gates. We have to go. Everyone's waiting for us back home," I said. Jace reluctantly broke away.
"Fine," he pouted as he got in the driver's side, "But this isn't over," Jace said.
"Fair enough," I said, as I got in the passenger's side and closed the door. Jace drove away. I watched Yale, the college I've been studying in for three years got smaller and smaller until it disappeared. How had time had passed by so quickly, without me noticing it?
Jace stopped by my apartment first. It had been Simon's, but he gave it to me, after I'd left my parent's house. It had become Jace's and my apartment now. I walked in, opening the door with one hand. I put down the boxes on the floor. Jace came in with his boxes.
"We'll need to get the suitcases," I said. Jace laughed, and kissed me deeply.
"I told you this isn't over," Jace said, kissing me again. I laughed and broke away a bit.
"Fine, five more minutes," I said, before I captured his lips in a kiss.
When Jace and I walked in my adoptive parents' house, it was dark.
"Why is it so dark in here?" I said, as I groped for a light switch. I found it and opened the lights.
"Surprise!" Everyone jumped out and yelled. Carrie came to me and hugged me. Joshua did the same with Jace.
"Hey," I said, as she let go of me. She smiled.
"Welcome back!" she said. Two little children walked to where Carrie was. It was a little boy and a little girl. They were the twins that Carrie had given birth to. They were both three years old, since Carrie had given birth to them about five months after her wedding. They were both three years old. The little boy's name was Josh Carlyle Herondale. The girl's name was Arriyanne Jeraldine Herondale. Josh had Joshua's features with the blonde hair and tourmaline green eyes, while Arriyanne, or Ariya for short, had Carrie's silky blonde hair, but Joshua's green eyes. Carrie and Joshua also had another new addition to their family. It was a little baby boy that Carrie had given birth to two years after she made the twins. His name was Cedric Liam Herondale, and he looked a lot like Joshua.
"Mommy," Josh said, as he yanked on the tip of Carrie's dress. Carrie smiled and lifted her son up.
"Hi, sweetie," Carrie said. I smiled.
"Hey, you gonna eat cake or what?" I turned to see my friend, Simon smiling. Isabelle, his girlfriend, was beside him, smiling.
"Sure," I said.
The party was wonderful. Everyone had celebrated and we all had nice time. After everyone had left, Jace's parents had set him down for a talk. So did my parents.
"So, Clary," my dad said, "We have something to tell you," I looked between my parents.
"What is it?" I asked. My parents looked at each other.
"Clary, your mother and I are getting divorced," my adoptive dad said.
"Oh," I said. I didn't say anything. My adoptive parents started talking about how this won't really affect me, but I was only half-listening. I know, it's rude to that, but my mind was spinning.
"So, what did your parents want to talk about?" Jace said, as we drove back to my apartment.
"My parents are getting divorced," I said. Jace looked at me, strangely.
"Mine too," he said. I put my hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry," I said. Jace smiled.
"It's not your fault," he said.
Two days Later
Jace and I sat down at our apartment cozily, eating pizza and watching movies. Next week, Jace would have to go to work and so will I. Jace and I got one of the top scores in the board exam and a lot of law firms offered to give us jobs. We went to the same work place, but the firm wanted to give us a rest till next week Monday. I heard the phone ring. I picked it up from beside me.
"Hello?" I said.
'Hey, Clary? Um, this is Carrie. I know you and Jace just got back, but do you mind if you could babysit the kids for me?" Carrie said.
"Um, sure," I said.
"Cool, I'll meet you at our house in a few minutes," Carrie said and hung up.
"I have to go," I said to Jace, who pouted, "I have to go babysit for Carrie," I said. I got up.
"I'll go with you," Jace said. I nodded.
"Okay," I said.
After Carrie left, I put Cedric to bed. Josh yanked at the bottom of my jeans.
"Cat," he said, gesturing at his drawing. It didn't look like a cat, but it was a three year old drawing, so you couldn't exactly judge it.
"Yes, what's the cat's name?" I said, as I lifted him and carried him to the sofa. Jace was there, with Ariya, who was playing with her dolls.
"Jacey," he said, looking rather cute. Jace looked up. I laughed.
"Did I just hear my name?" Jace said.
"Yep, you're his cat," I said, as Josh showed Jace his cat drawing. My phone started ringing again. I recognized the caller ID immediately. It was my mom, Jocelyn.
So, there is the first chapter. I know that I said Carrie had triplets, but instead, I decided to change it so now she had twins and a baby two years later. If you're lost, then check out my author's note in my story Along for the Ride. Anyway, tell me what you thought. Also, I've written a drabble called Isabelle Goes Shopping. You can check it out after this if you want. Okay, I've talked too much. BYE!