Could it be? Ginny whirled around. No, no, of course not. He had left her long ago. The bastard. Ginny bent over her patient, her brow furrowed in pain. How much longer could she take this? The world around her was falling apart. Her father and brothers were away at war, the horrible war. Every day she lived in fear of losing one of them…and Draco.

" You're gonna be ok. Have faith." She smiled at the wounded man, smiling at him reassuringly.

Ah, Draco. She couldn't deny that after all those years, she still dreamt of him late at night. That she still longed to tell him. She still wished that she had never let him go. It didn't help that she knew he was in danger. Voldemort had torn many families apart, as he had done to Ginny and Draco. Whispers of rumors that Draco was Voldemort's heir and most powerful servant spread like wildfire, of course reaching Ginny's ears. She knew it was no rumor. She knew it was a fact. She could still remember that day vividly, the day when Draco had told her he would join him. He had not been lying.

'Why?' Ginny wondered. It was the question she had asked

herself a million times a day. Perhaps she was the reason why. It all made no sense; it only brought pain to Ginny's heart, and tears to her eyes. Ginny nodded at the healed man and peeked out of the tent to stare at the battle scene, unfazed. The world was so cruel. The day outside had grown cloudy, and sure enough, small raindrops began to fall.

Ginny walked briskly out into the raining autumn day. She had no time to let her mind tarry on the past. Not on memories. She had been down the road many times before. It did no good. Each minute she wasted on Draco, another life may perish. With that firm belief, she boldly went into the next tent, yet unknown to her, tears brimmed her brown eyes full of pain.


Draco panted tiredly as he walked through the field of corpses. People were dying, fighting for what they thought was right. What was right? He leaned against the bark of a tree, closing his eyes for just a moment. He opened them again, regaining his senses. As he stared straight ahead, he saw her. She looked so sad, standing over the wounded man, pain etched so clearly in her eyes. It took his breath away, how beautiful she was, how much it pained him to just stand there and stare. Draco hid behind the tree, as she turned to look his way. For a moment, there was hope, but it was immediately washed aside with anger.

" You're gonna be ok. Have faith." She whispered to her patient. She smiled at him, telling him everything would be alright. She looked like an angel, an angel that had fallen from heaven, to help this place of so much need. Her flaming red hair falling in front of her face, her cinnamon freckles that gently caressed her cheeks, her chocolate brown eyes that could melt his heart. He had forgotten what it was like to see her smile, and he felt regret well up inside of him. He would do anything to keep her smiling. How could he have hurt her? Smiling bitterly himself, he tore off the black armband on his right arm. He would die a good man, to keep Ginny smiling.


Ginny walked among the dead corpses, hoping to find some sign of life. She was so used to this. So used to blood among people. Loud noises, gunshots, shouts of pain, of glory, of defeat. The world was in turmoil, and day by day, Ginny desperately searched for peace. A tranquil time when all was right, and everyone knew one thing; love. Sighing with sadness, she looked around once more, ignoring the shouts around her.

She hissed in pain as a hex hit her. She told herself that she should have been more careful and withdrew a shaky breath. She should have known better, than to just stand there amidst a battle field. She looked around once more, when a flash of silver caught her eye. She looked ahead, at who was lying on the ground. She froze. Steely gray eyes smiled back at her, twinkling like they used to. She stumbled as she walked over to him, her face as blank as ever. She dared to look down at him. He smiled at her toothily, lovingly. Her stomach wrenched and her heart tore apart as she saw the condition he was in. She looked away from his piercing gray eyes and looked up at the evening sky. He was a bloody mess. He was pierced straight in the heart. As calmly as she could, she looked back down, then slightly gasped as she covered her hand with her mouth.

" How long have you been down, sir?" Draco looked at her, ignoring her question.

" I'm sorry if I look horrible." He murmured. Ginny let out a whimper as she looked into his pained eyes. She felt a single teardrop roll down her cheek. He frowned. He took one of his beautiful hands and wiped it away. Ginny looked away from his face, gazing over his body once more. Her eyes landed on his bare arm. She looked into his eyes questioningly, and he smiled once more.

" Smile Ginny. I wanted to make you smile." He sounded like a child wanting to please his mother. Ginny's lower lip quivered as she inhaled. She shook her head slowly, and bit her lip, hot tears brimming her eyes.

" You idiot… So you went and killed yourself?" Ginny whispered to him, her voice so full of remorse." Draco grinned even more, almost insanely.

" I killed my father Gin. I killed the dirty bastard." Ginny nodded. Draco stopped smiling.

" You're not smiling Ginny." Ginny wringed her hands together, looking away from him.

" I'm going to die." Draco mumbled, more of a question than a statement. Ginny let out a cry and looked away completely, unable to look into those intense eyes that made her feel so guilty.

" Ginny, sing for me." Draco was looking up at the brilliant stars above him, his eyes filled with awe. Ginny gasped slightly as she looked up also. The evening sky was beautiful, so peaceful, yet so sad. It made you wonder of things you never usually do. Those questions that will never be answered. How far did it stretch? Ginny looked back down at Draco. She took his hands into hers, and smiled sadly.

*May it be an evening star,

Shines down upon you

May it be when darkness falls

Your heart will be true

You walk a lonely road

Oh, How far you are from home

Mornie utulie

Believe and you will find your way

Mornie alantie

A promise lives within you now

May it be the shadow's call

Will fly away

May it be your journey on

To light the day

When the night is overcome

You may rise to find the sun

Mornie utulie

Believe and you will find your way

Mornie alantie

A promise lives within you now

A promise lives within you now*

Ginny's voice rang out into the empty darkness, sounding like an angel. Draco had his eyes closed, breathing softly, in and out. Her voice caught in her throat at how beautiful he looked. He was her hero.

" Draco, I—"

"Shh…" Draco hushed her, opening his eyes once more. Draco reached up and stroked Ginny's fine hair, soothing her. Without thinking, Ginny leaned down and kissed him. The kiss was soft and gentle, just like a good-bye kiss should be. It tasted sweet, yet bitter. Ginny let out a shaky breath as they drew apart. Draco whispered into her ear.

" I'm sorry." Ginny let out a sob, as fresh tears ran down her cheeks. She felt anger towards the people who hurt him, she felt anger toward the world.

" You asshole. You can't leave me now." Ginny felt like she was burning in agony. She had never felt this way before. Never had she been this much in pain. Draco groaned slightly. Ginny hugged him close to her as she knew he was dying soon.

When he opened his eyes, they were distant and blurry. She felt empty, and the surroundings around her disappeared. All she could feel was love for him. Her chest burned and she had trouble breathing as she looked at him. With each breath she took, he grew weaker. Sighing in defeat, Draco kissed her tearstained cheek, and whispered, " I'm sorry, Virginia." Then he closed his eyes for the last time. Ginny stared at his emotionless face. He wasn't in pain any longer. He wasn't in pain. Not any longer. Not like he had been in this world. In this world where no force on earth would push them together. They would always be driven away; it was the way things were. Perhaps it was fate.

Ginny got up and started to walk away, the cold night's wind blowing her hair. She found she couldn't cry. This was beyond crying. Only a single bittersweet tear managed to escape from her broken heart.


A/N: R/R