This is the epilogue, hope you like it. This is the last you'll read of New Beginnings, and I hope you'll read the last story in the trilogy.

Raven's POV

It's been two years since Jack and I became mortals. We've been living together since and shortly after the change we started officially dating. It took Jack some time to get used to things in the modern world, but I helped him, and now life is great. I have a job as a fashion designer, and Jack is an author for children stories. We also bought a house near Jamie and Sophie's, the kids picked it out and we moved in about a year ago, I filled the place with what we needed for furniture and it suits us both fine.

Today is our two year anniversary, Jack said he has it all planed out. Toothette came over and helped me get ready, it seemed everyone knew about tonight besides me. "Can I at least get a hint Tooth?" I begged my fairy friend. She was brushing my long hair, even though I had gotten it cut the other day, my hair still reached my waist, and the tips were still white.

Tooth started pinning my hair up and curling it. "I promised Jack, but tonight will be one you always remember!" She giggled and finished my hair with a spritz of hair spray. "Do your makeup and I'll pick out your shoes." I stood up and straightened out my red dress. Its neck line is lower than I would like, allowing some of my chest to show, and the dress ends just past me knee, with a slit on the right side that starts halfway up my thigh. In other words, this is not my first pick on clothing, but Tooth insisted.

I finished my makeup and headed to the living room to see Tooth with a pair of strappy three inch heels. "Tooth I have a few comments on those shoes. First off, wearing those I'll be as tall as Jack. Second, do you want me to die?" Tooth rolled her eyes at me and handed me the shoes.

I put them on and stood up carefully, "See you look great, don't worry Jack will hold you up so you don't fall." I smiled at her and she followed me out of the house and to the car. "I'm driving, you need to put on this blind fold, Jack want's everything to be a surprise." I went over to the passenger's side and sat down, Tooth handed me the blind fold and I hesitated before putting it on.

The drive took twenty minutes, when we stopped Tooth got out and helped me out of the car. "Can I take this off now?" I asked her. She pulled my hand and I was forced to walk forward.

"No, you can't, not yet." She led me into a building where we were greeted by a man. "This is Ms. Eternity, Mr. Frost is expecting us." I don't really get what's happening but soon I was pulled further into the building. There was murmuring, but it stopped as we got closer. After a quiet pause I was guided to sit down and someone finally took off the blind fold.

The first thing I saw was Jack's smiling face, "Happy anniversary Raven." He kissed my cheek and sat down in the chair next to mine. I looked around to see all our friends sitting at the table, smiling at me. "I wanted them to be here for this, it's an important day after all." I nodded but I didn't fully understand what he meant.

I smiled at everyone and turned back to Jack, "So why was I blind folded?" He smirked and I heard Tooth giggle again.

"That was all her, I only asked her to get you ready and bring you here." We shared a laugh and a waiter brought us our meal, Jack had ordered my favorite. I started getting nervous, was Jack doing this to break up with me? Did he bring all our friends and get my favorite to lighten the impact of the breakup? I ate in silence as everyone talked amongst themselves, when we were done Jack stood up and held out his hand, "Let's dance."

I paused, but looking into his soft eyes, took his hand and walked with him to the dance floor. "Did something happen, or are you breaking up with me? I mean, I don't get why else you'd go this far for me, other to lighten bad news." Jack smiled at me and held one of my hands with both of his.

Jack then got down on one knee and reached into his back pocket and pulled out a velvet ring case. "Relax Raven, you couldn't be more wrong." He opened the ring box revealing a golden ring with a large sapphire surrounded by diamonds. "Raven Eternity, I've loved you for the last two years, and have been saving up to get you this ring because you deserve the best. I know I might not be the best but I hope you'll say yes anyway. Raven, will you marry me?"

At first I was speechless, but when I finally gained my voice I answered him. "Oh Jack, I love you more than anything, so yes, I'll marry you!" I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him. I could hear the others cheer, but I ignored them. Jack took my left hand and slid the ring onto my ring finger, I admired it and hugged him again.

Tooth was right, this will be one of the most memorable days of my life. "I love you Raven." Jack kissed the ring then he kissed my cheek, and finally he kissed my lips. I won't ever forget this night, it is the best anniversary we've ever had.


I'm so nervous! We've been planning for months, and the day was finally here, December 25th, Christmas day, also known as my wedding day. I looked in the mirror again, fixing my dress and veil. I was wearing a pristine white dress, with a sky blue sash around my waist, and the veil was white and blue. "You almost beautiful." I gasp as North says this and look to see what I need to fix. He turns me away from the mirror and holds out a box. "Open now."

I took the box from his hands and opened it carefully, inside was a silk bag. I pulled out the bag and opened it, inside was a silver tiara with sapphires. "It's beautiful North, is this really for me?" he smiled and placed the tiara on my hair, just in front of the veil.

"You now ready, are perfect bride." He hugged me and left the room, I smiled at my reflection in the mirror. I have something new, barrowed, and blue, but I still need something old.

There was a knock on the door and Toothette walked in, "I have something for you, this was left for me by the original Tooth Fairy, its three hundred years old by now," She clasped a necklace around my neck and I examined it. The necklace had white stones, and at the center was an emerald.

I looked back at her surprised, "Are you sure about this, it must be very important to you." Toothette smiled at me and kissed my cheek, she left quickly but I could tell she was crying.

Soon the music started and it was time for me to walk down the aisle. I watched Sophie, Toothette, and Laura, my best friend from work, walk down the aisle. Bunny, Sandy, and Jamie were standing beside Jack. North took my arm and we began down the aisle, Manny had allowed The Guardians to be seen by all just for today, so they could take part in my wedding. My eyes locked with Jacks and he was the only person I could see, it was just the two of us together. "You look beautiful." He whispered as we stopped in front of him and the priest.

"Who gives this woman away?" The priest asked.

North smiled at him, "I do." He handed me off to Jack and took his seat. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the joining of Jack and Raven. Before we begin, is there anyone who has reason these two should not be wed?"

I smiled at my friends and then looked back at Jack, the priest started to continue when a voice spoke out. "We object!" There was a conjoined gasp and I turned to see who had spoken. Two people I had thought dead walked towards Jack and I. They both looked angry, and Jack moved in front of me. "I will not let my daughter marry that man!" Pitch glared past Jack and straight at me. "She shouldn't even be alive, she was a mistake. My wife and I are here to stop this monstrosity you call a wedding." All of The Guardians stood in between us and Pitch.

Toothette spoke to all the humans. "He lost custody of Raven when she was sixteen, now he wants to get back at her. Get out of here Pitch, you're ruining the wedding." Pitch smiled and so did Shadow.

He took one last step closer, "This isn't the last time you'll see me Raven, if you marry Jack Frost I'll come back for you." Then they both left and everyone was quiet.

I spoke to the crowed, "My Father is mad at me and he doesn't get a say in my life. I love Jack and we're going through with our wedding."

The priest smiled at me and continued. "It is now time for the vows."

Jack read his first, "Raven, the first time I saw you was when you were skating on the ice. I was captivated by your beauty, but you didn't seem to like me much. It was after a great deal of persuading that you finally agreed to be friends with me. Then you came to love me, but a truly sad thing happened, and you were taken away for a great deal of time. When you came back you had no memories of me or any of our friends, and I knew that I loved you anyway. I was surprised when you came to love me, but then you had to leave again, and for a time I forgot my love for you, but you brought me back. I never want to let go of you again, and after today I'll never let you get hurt." He smiled and I put my hand on his cheek.

Now it's my turn, "I love you Jack, and even though I had forgotten my feelings for you at one point they came back. You are my reason to smile, and the time I spent away from you caused a hole in my heart only you could fill. I've only ever felt complete when I was with you, and now I can spend the rest of my life knowing I married my soul mate. Life might get hard in the future, but I know that I'll get through it as long as I'm with you."

We said our 'I do's' and exchanged rings, then kissed. The rest of the night I was by Jacks side, even when dancing he was always nearby. I felt safe knowing he was protecting me, and at the end of the night we left to go on our honey moon in Hawaii.


We had gotten back from our honey moon a month ago, and I'm late. I haven't told Jack yet, instead I went to the pharmacy and picked up a few different kinds of pregnancy tests. The female clerk smiled at me, "Hello Mrs. Frost, good luck with your situation." I smiled back at her and paid for the tests. When I got home I locked myself in the bathroom and used all of the tests. After ten minutes I checked them, and they all said positive. So it's true, I'm pregnant.

I threw the tests away and washed my hands, Jack wouldn't be back until six, it was three now. I started cooking his favorite meal, and I put on my red dress from when he proposed to me. What if he doesn't want kids, what if he leaves me, or what if he stops loving me when I get fat? All these and more ran through my head. I didn't have time to think of anything else because Jack came in as soon as I put dinner on the table. "Hey Raven, how was your day?" He kissed my cheek and went to put his things away. When he came back down stairs he smiled at me, "You made my favorites, thank you sweetie." He held my chair out for me and then took his seat next to mine.

We talked small talk until I finally couldn't keep it in, "Jack, do you want to have kids?" I asked him.

He smiled at me like it was a silly question, "Of course I do, most of my life was spent making kids happy, I'd love to have a child of my own to care for and make smile." I took his hand and squeezed it.

Smiling brightly I let out the happy news. "I'm pregnant Jack, we're going to be parents."


Jack and I are with Dr. Richards, he says there could be difficulties with the pregnancy due to my small frame. He said there is a good chance I will die shortly after giving birth and Jack asked if I wanted to go through with it after all. I smiled at them and told them I was having this baby and I will live to see it grow up. Today we're learning the gender of the baby. My stomach is swollen and the doctor is prepping it for the ultra sound. The gel feels cool on my bare skin and I smile at Jack as we wait.

"Are you both ready?" Dr. Richards asks. I nod and he starts the ultra sound. For now the screen is only facing him so he can study it, he then looks at us, "I have good news, and bad news, which would you like first?"

I look up at Jack, who frowns, "Good news first." He answers.

With a small smile Dr. Richards tells us, "You are having twins, a boy and a girl." He then sighs, "This will raise the risk for Raven, and she now has a greater chance of dying right after giving birth."

I give the doctor a satisfied grin, "This just means I'll have more to live for, my babies will have their mother and father looking out for them. I won't die doc, that's a promise." Jack squeezed my hand and looked at our kids, it was hard to believe there are to living things growing inside me. Jack and I made them, and I know we'll love them forever.


Jack's POV

We had just finished setting up the babies' room when Raven went into labor. I flew her to the hospital and rushed her inside, startling the nurse at the front desk. "My wife's in labor." The nurse got a wheel chair and I gently placed Raven in it.

"Follow me, I'll show you to her room, Dr. Richards will be there shortly." As we neared the room the nurse pointed it out and headed back to the front desk. I helped Raven into the gown and then onto the bed.

I took her and hand she squeezed it, suddenly there was a contraction and she whimpered. Dr. Richards came in and asked Raven some questions, I left to call the others. Raven had manifested a cellphone for every one of the Guardians. It didn't take long for them to arrive, and we went back to the room. "I understand that you want a natural birth, but with your stature I must insist on you getting a C-section." I walked into the room and took Raven's hand.

Staring into her eyes, I saw all the pain she hid, "Raven, I love you, and I think you should listen to the doctor. He knows what's best for both you and the babies, please." She looked at me and then the doctor. Placing her free hand on her swollen stomach she nodded. I walked beside her as they moved her bed through the halls, this is it.

T-t-t-time S-s-s-skip… Last one…

Raven's POV

Today is the twins' birthday, their first birthday. Jack and I invited everyone over, the Guardians, Sophie Jamie and their mother, my best friend Laura, and Jack's new friend Mark. When I look at my friends and family I'm reminded of the fact that this never would have happened without Pitch. If he hadn't made me in the beginning, I wouldn't have met Jack , and we never would have fallen in love. The next time I see him I'll have to thank him, after all pitch in my father.

And that's it, even Silver didn't know about this, I hope you like it!