A/N: Hey everyone! I am so sorry it has been like two months since I've updated. My summer suddenly got very busy and I haven't had time to sit down and write until recently. Thanks for your patience and all the previous reviews. There are only five chapters left of this story so if you have any last suggestions for me let me know! Enjoy the chapter!

Disclaimer: I do not own the Twilight Saga that belongs to Stephanie Meyer however I do own the original plots and ideas used in this story so please don't copy. Be creative!



"Hey, would you two like to come with to pick up Charlie from the airport?" Mom asked Jake and I, poking her head into the room.

"Sure," I said, looking to Jake to make sure he wanted to come too. He nodded.

"We should go then. I don't want to be late in case his plane is early," Mom said.

Mom always got really nervous when family came to visit, especially her dad. She was more relaxed around Grandma Renée because she had spent much of her life taking care of her and her mother was much more open to the unknown than her dad. Grandpa Charlie always tried to convince us to tell him the truth, the whole story, and I knew it hurt my mom to not tell him. Mom had once admitted she felt embarrassed around her father because he had been there for the worst months of her life and saw her when she was at her lowest. It seemed to me that she felt like she owed him something for that. She just put so much unnecessary pressure on herself whenever he visited. Jake and I rode in the backseat while Mom drove, leaving the front passenger seat open for Charlie. I could tell by the way Mom was anxiously tapping her fingers on the steering wheel that we were getting close.

"Mom, I'm the one getting married this time, the pressure is on me right now not you," I tried.

"Renesmee that doesn't matter. I hate lying to him, about anything. Of course he thinks you and Jake getting married is weird, but he isn't over the fact that he has no idea what the hell happened to me so many years ago," she said, her pitch heightening with stress.

I reached forward and put a hand on her shoulder. "Mom."


"Grandpa is just going to have to accept that he will never know the things he doesn't understand about us. I think for the most part he has, but of course he will always question. It doesn't change the way he looks at you Mom, he still loves you the same as when you were human. I can only imagine how you feel, but all I know is that he loves me a lot even though I'm probably the strangest creature he's ever seen," I said.

That at least got a laugh out of her. She did seem to relax a little and the tapping stopped. Too bad Jasper wasn't here to manipulate her emotions, which would definitely make things easier. We waited in the pick-up lane near the baggage claim doors and searched the crowds for Charlie.

"Good thing you're pulled over Bella, because here comes a cop!" Jake said when he spotted Charlie.

I barely had enough time to roll my eyes at Jake's terrible joke before Grandpa rapped his knuckles on my window. I opened my door and jumped out of the car to hug him.

"How are ya granddaughter?" he greeted me. "Wow, you look more like your mother every time I see you."

"I'm good, it's nice to see you again finally. How are you?" I asked.

He gave me a goofy smile. "Great, now that I'm here."

"Long flight?" Mom said as we got back into the car.

"Hell yeah, jeez. Did you have to move to another continent?"

"I'm sorry Dad, but it wasn't entirely my decision," Mom said apologetically.

"Carlisle must've gotten a nice offer from the hospital here then to pick up and move everyone," Grandpa said.

"Yeah, they gave him one he couldn't refuse," my mother said. It sounded rehearsed.

"How's everyone on the Rez doing?" Jake asked.

"They're getting by. It's pretty rough with your dad gone, but they're managing. Oh that reminds me, I'm supposed to ask you to move back for them, I guess they really miss you out there," Grandpa said.

Pain flashed across Jacob's face, instantaneously making me feel bad. The only thing stopping Jake from moving back home was me. I had a change of heart and decided that I could make this sacrifice for him. He deserved to be with his people, and because we were about to be married they were now my people too. They all needed a new leader, Sam was buckling under the pressure and with a baby on the way with Emily he needed to lighten his workload. It was time for Jacob to step up to his rightful place as Alpha, and I wasn't going to hold him back anymore.

When we got back to the house everyone was calm and life was going smoothly. Except Alice. Alice was running around like a chicken with her head cut off checking that everything was set for the wedding. She was obsessing over tiny details and changing things that were already perfect. The weird thing was she was happy about it. Alice liked the challenge of being pressed for time to get things done. Plus she loved anything to do with design, whether it be clothing or houses or weddings, she threw herself into planning. Esme and Rosalie enjoyed this too, and so did I to a point, but Alice was simply made for these kind of events.

"Alice! It's nice to see ya again," Grandpa said when she and Jasper came to greet us.

"I've missed you Charlie! How was your flight? I booked you first class so they took good care of you?" she asked.

"Most comfortable flight I've ever been on," he assured her.

"Come on Dad, I'll show you to the guestroom," Mom said.

"Jake can we talk for a second?" I asked once they left the room, beckoning him to follow me out the back door.

"What's up?" he asked, his forehead crinkling.

"I've decided I've been a bit selfish lately. You've made sacrifices for me over and over throughout the years, and it's time I start making some for you. If you want to move back to Washington, then let's go. The Packs need to be reunited and you need to take your rightful place as Alpha. My family won't be happy about it but they'll get over it. Let's go home, Jake," I said.

I could tell from the expression on his face that this was not what he was expecting me to say at all. "You sure?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm sure," I said.

His face broke into one of the biggest smiles I'd ever seen. "We're going home."

As expected, my family wasn't thrilled about the news of our upcoming move. At first Dad said he and Mom would move back too, but Carlisle shot that down for it would be too risky. Jake and I had changed enough to bar off any suspicions, but my parents looked exactly the same as they had eight years ago. That would not bode well in the human community. We promised to come back to Brazil for holidays and for a month in the summer, and we promised to keep in touch with them on a regular basis. The more we talked about it the happier I became about changing my mind. It would be a nice fresh start for Jake and me as newlyweds, yet we already knew what our responsibilities would be when we got there. Grandpa Charlie would be living close by so we'd get to see him more frequently as well. We'd still have to lie about some things of course but for the most part we could live a normal life. We wouldn't have to hide. I would miss my family like crazy, but that was a sacrifice I was willing to make for my soon to be husband. He'd made that exact sacrifice for me for eight years now. And my family was eternally immortal, so really I didn't have anything to lose.

Jake and I celebrated our new decision by spending some very personal, good quality time together. Kisses on top of kisses, tongues swirling together, and neither of us could keep our hands to ourselves. The plan was to abstain from sex until our wedding night, but lord did I want him right now. I wanted him so badly.

"We could always just stop at third base, right?" Jake suggested. "I mean technically that's not breaking any rules."

"No we should wait," I breathed in his ear.

"But I don't want to," he said.

"Neither do I."

"So why do we even bother?" he asked.

I sat up before things could go too far. "We bother because even though it may not mean anything to us, it would make my parents happy. And right now I'll do whatever makes them happy since they just found out that we're moving back home without them."

"I suppose we'll have to look for a house on the Rez," Jake said.

I smiled. "Or we could buy a lot of land and build one. Then it would really be ours."

"You mean a dream house?" Jake asked skeptically.

"Something like that. Think about it, we could plan out every room, format it just the way we want it. Everything from windows, to furniture, to room size, to floorboards," I said.

"A dream house," Jake repeated.

"A dream house."

"Where will we stay until it's done?" he asked.

"We could stay at the old Cullen residence. I bet we could get the Pack to help us with the building and have our house done in no time," I said.

"Will we ever have children?" Jake asked.

"I hope so," I said. "Nothing would be funnier than making twenty-three year old Carlisle a great grandfather."

"How many?" Jake asked.

"As many as my body will allow me to have, I suppose. I'm sure we'll end up with some pretty interesting combinations because of our genetic makeup."

Jake began to snicker.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"I'm picturing your dad's reaction when we tell him you're pregnant," he laughed.

"WHAT?! SHE'S PREGNANT?! JACOOOB!" Dad yelled from downstairs. He was standing at the door in less than a second.

"Yep, all knocked up with nowhere to go," Jake teased. I slapped his arm and shook my head. My poor father.

"When did this happen?" Dad demanded.

"About forty-eight hours ago," Jake said.

"Oh my God!" Dad yelled. If he was human his face would be beet red with rage.

"Relax Dad, Jake's just joking around like the jester he is. I'm not pregnant," I said.

Dad glared at Jake while he laughed his head off, completely unfazed by my father's temper. Jake may be a full grown man, but I swear some days he had the mental maturity of a teenage boy.

"Keep your pecker in your pants until after the wedding," were Dad's last words before stomping back downstairs.

"Thank you for that Jacob. Thanks so much."

A/N: I know it's a short one but I thought it would be a good idea to end it here. Once again, I apologize for taking so long. Please leave a review and give me some feedback or ideas you have for the remainder of the story. Also I would like to mention that if you are a Vampire Diaries or Originals fan you might want to go check out my newest story, Always & Forever. Thank you so much for reading and I will update as soon as I can! Have a good day or night!