Updated: July 1st, 2015

OK, everyone, are you ready for this? After nearly two years left untouched, I am FINALLY giving Shattered the revival it deserves! I've loved this story since the day it first popped up into my head. Unfortunately, I was still a novice and jumped in without any sort of plot or even an ending in-mind. However, that's more or less fixed now! I've spent the past few months of free-time in my cluttered schedule to completely go through and revise, edit, and rewrite the current four chapters, as well as write out two more future chapters for this story! You all have no idea how excited I am to finally continue this one! Actually, as I type out this A/N, I'll admit my heart's pounding a little bit with anticipation. *fans self*

God, I'm so excited! I really, REALLY hope you guys enjoy this!

Now, for anyone who decided to stick with this story, let it be known: I've added, taken away, and changed a lot of things for this story, plus my writing has improved immensely since I first started this. So I'd be forever grateful if you all went back to reread the first four chapters. To any newcomers - welcome! Thankfully you didn't have to deal with this story's ridiculously long hiatus!

At the start I'm going to do monthly updates. Now I know that seems like awhile, but I only have two new chapters written, and one of them is being posted today. So I'll need some time to write so I can keep up with and actually finish the story this time around! Also: because I'm a dork, I've chosen a... theme song, if you will, for the chapters/emotions in this story. I don't know if you'll like my personal tastes in music, but if you want, feel free to give the song a listen as you read.

Anyways, that's all! PLEASE leave a review or send in a PM, and tell me how you like the new Shattered? Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated!

Song: Nattöppet - Detektivbyrån

~ Chapter I ~


The heart was a fickle little thing.

They all knew that. Because they were his Emotions. They were controlled and powered by his heart. It was hurting, so very, very badly. And that, in return, hurt them, too. It was why they were even there, in the first place.

Separate beings, with thoughts and emotions of their own. Not separate bodies, so to speak, but as spiritual entities within their master's mind. It left him little to no control over them, and they all were well aware of that fact. That being, his Emotions were becoming split personalities within the confines of his chaotically scrambled head. Not that it seemed to bother any of them too much.

Happiness glanced around his little room, blinking blandly. It was bright, and cheerful, as he was meant to represent.

The walls were painted in a bright, but pale golden-cream shade, with stark white carpet that was soft and comfortable beneath his bare feet. The room was filled with fun things to play with, and lots to do and keep his time occupied. Toys, board games, video games, a television set, a large variety of paints, pencils, and sketchbooks... It was like walking into a kindergartener's classroom! A bed that stood from the center of the wall, opposite to the white, golden-handled doorway, was covered in a thick comforter. The sheets, following a theme, were pearl white, made-up with a custard-yellow quilt. The bed set was completed with the addition of fluffy, snow-shaded pillows, stacked at the head of the mattress. Large plush toys of Kuriboh, Marshmallon, Dark Magician, Dark Magician Girl, and the three Egyptian Gods were stacked neatly at the foot of the twin-sized bed. They had been set there and stacked with care, signifying their deep importance to the room's inhabitant.

Most, if not all, of the room's furnishings were crafted of pale birch wood, decorated with engravings of rather cliched depictions such as flowers, suns, smiling faces, and other happy-to-lucky images. There were small shelves, painted white, and in one way or another, attached to the walls in even, symmetrical rows. Dozens of elegant frames – made of either warmly-colored wood, or earth-toned metals like copper or gold – littered the furniture in cluttered groups. They clustered upon desks and dressers, and lined on shelves neatly. They were the images of memories, belonging to Happiness' master, so to speak. They were of the most joyful moments in his life that he could remember. Photographs of Yuugi's – and therefore the Emotion's, as well – friends and family. One, in particular, was held in bronze frame, and placed on the nightstand next to the spirit-shard's bed.

Yuugi was sitting on a glass display counter in the Game Shop, with his grandfather standing behind it. A leg caught in mid-swing, and he had been leaning back on his hands with a carefree poise that made something in Happiness' heart both warm and tug, almost painfully. Sugoroku was grinning, while Yuugi was beaming cheerfully, eyes bright. And, if looked close enough, they would be able to see the faint, transparent figure of someone who looked incredibly similar to him, standing at Yuugi's side. His eyes were red, and strikes of gold shot up into his hair like lightning amongst a dark, ebony storm of spikes. He had one arm wrapped over the shoulders of Joy's conduit, with his head resting on Yuugi's arm. He was looking over at whoever had been taking the photograph curiously.

It was his – and Yuugi's – favorite picture.

Happiness smiled, true to his namesake, despite not having been tended to in so long. Yuugi never felt Happy anymore... not since Love had been so badly damaged. Even now, behind the other's shielded mental connection to him, Joy could feel the grief and torment the other, sweeter, calmer Emotion was experiencing. It made the smile falter, if only for a moment.

The boy was a spitting image of Yuugi, with only a few exceptions. For example: rather than amethyst and maroon, his eyes and the ends of his hair were a bright, dandelion yellow. The color was a lot like that of his crooked bangs, only more vibrant.

He sat down on the side of his bed, reaching around to grab the plush Kuriboh. He held the brown, green-clawed fuzzball in his lap, fingers of one hand absently playing with the faux-wool hairs sewn into the little monster's form. He gently brushed the earthy fluff from the monster plush's large, yellow-and-purple eyes, smiling at the toy as if it were the real thing, sitting in his lap like a contented cat.

He was wearing a plain white T-shirt, which was so pure and unmarred that it looked as if someone had painted light, itself, onto the fabric. Happiness' tan cargo shorts hung down to his knees, their color warm-looking in a way the he found reminiscent to the sands of a desert at sunrise.

He gave a tiny sigh. For being the embodiment of Yuugi's joy, he was actually quite bored.

Could Emotions even have emotions of their own? Maybe Knowledge could tell him...

Happiness looked up from his peripheral vision as whom he had mentally come to refer to as, simply, 'the Visitors', cautiously peeked into his Room. They were Yuugi's friends, and therefore his own, in a sense.

Jounouchi Katsuya, Mazaki Anzu, and Honda Hiroto.

The blonde one, Jounouchi, beamed with his own joy radiating around the room like a ray of sunlight. It made Happiness smile again.

It had been a very long time since he had felt his... element, of sorts, being conducted.

"Yuugi!" the male called out excitedly, walking in quickly to greet his friend. He acted as if he hadn't seen another human in months, with the pure excitement and elation that filled his tone. Still smiling – albeit this time with sympathy – Happiness shook his head slowly.

"I am not him," he informed gently, making a befuddled look cross Jounouchi's face, "I am simply a small piece of him."

The four stopped with confusion in their eyes as the door swung closed behind them. "What d'ya mean... you're 'a piece of him'?" the blonde questioned, rubbing his neck in a subconscious translation to his discomfort and confusion. Happiness just grinned at him, white teeth gleaming in the cheery lighting of his room. A lighthearted giggle escaped him, as if he'd just told a funny joke. Only, something about the supposed lilt in his tone... seemed a little bit... forced?

"I'm sure you could tell by the contents of my Room," the golden Emotion continued, motioning widely to the four, bright walls around them, and the contents that they enclosed within them, "but I am a manifestation of the Master's Happiness, Joy, Enthusiasm, or whatever you wish to call me by." The information was done with another, almost excited chuckle, and Happiness practically felt like dancing his way over to them as he approached.

Honda raised a brow, arms crossed. "'The Master'," he quoted with a huff, "Sounds like some kinda superiority complex to me." Whether the comment was made in an attempt at humor to break the awkwardness he felt in the situation, or in some form of contempt, Joy wasn't sure.

However, he only smiled wide, and giggled. "Nope!" he said with a playful tone, "He's just our Master! He controls the Emotions he feels, does he not? Well, he used to, anyways. Before Love was hurt. Now everything's kinda confusing and scrambled up."

Honda eyed the cheerful Yuugi-clone, who only grinned more widely. "Love? You mean there's more of you?" he questioned incredulously.

He nodded, blinking, but remaining cheerful as ever.

"How many?"

He stopped, looking thoughtful. "I think... Knowledge told me there were fifteen or so of us before. Could be more, could be less."

"Knowledge is an emotion?" Anzu asked, her head tilting to the side.

Happiness laughed with his signature emotion, a hand pressing lightly to his lips. The brunette female eyed him strangely, one brow raised.

"What's so funny?"

The golden-eyed boy swung his arms in small arches at his sides. "You have a lot of Knowledge, or the desire for it," he replied cryptically. "Another name for it is 'Curiosity'. And you are very Curious."

"What's so funny about that?" Honda asked, rubbing his neck.

The Yuugi-duplicate shrugged, still grinning. "It just is. I manifest Joy. Do I really need a good reason to enjoy a little laugh?"

They glanced around uncertainly.

"Well," Anzu continued again, blue eyes filled with Happiness' opposite: sadness. "If you're Yuugi's Emotion of Joy, then..." her voice trailed. Happiness looked up to her, face adopted a more neutral expression. Earnest goldenrod locked with hesitant cerulean.

"Why haven't I been around?" he finished, though the question sounded more like a statement, than anything.

Three heads bobbed in a simultaneous nod. That... forced gleam started to return to Happiness, only this time it remained, rather than being hidden behind a mask of smiles. Something in his gaze appeared to be almost darker. It mad the three falter some, as Happiness brushed past them with light steps. He walked over to the far left wall, and reached a hand to it. "Because... he doesn't feel the way I do anymore. It's as simple as that."

The pads of his fingers flit over the cheerful color of the wall. Yuugi's friends gave small breaths when the pale yellow beneath Happiness' spiritual skin morphed into an ugly, brownish color, like a bruise. It quickly spread in a circular shape, expanding to create an unpleasant-looking splotch on the wall's surface. Beneath it, there were large, deep cracks. In some places, the drywall was completely torn away, leaving behind holes of multiple sizes. One or two even reached that of a softball. It looked as if someone had punched a whole straight through, into a never-ending darkness behind its protective structure.

The visiting consciousnesses of the three teens gasped in horror and surprise as Happiness' skin began to almost... darken. Blue-purple bruises and cuts appeared over his flesh, looking sore and unpleasant. The most gruesome of the injuries, however, was a long, trailing slice, made across his throat. Spiritual blood poured and trickled from the wounds, soaking into the Emotion's shirt with a sickening mixture of red blood, and odd, bright-yellow streams. It held an odd, luminescent quality, like sun rays had been haphazardly poured out of his body to dye his skin with their light. The overwhelming scent of rust, salt, and a smell that was suspiciously similar to something floral filled the air. It made their stomachs flip dangerously as droplets of red-and-gold began to seep into his clothes, starting to dribble and drop onto the soft, white carpet at their feet, staining it badly.

Shaded, now-mustard-colored orbs gazed over at them sadly. There was a dull, glazed quality to them, as if Happiness had suddenly gone blind with the literal blink of his eyes.

"What you are seeing is only an illusion," the teen continued, voice growing distant. "As a matter of fact, he has not felt my Essence in quite some time."

He withdrew his hand after a brief pause, eyesight still locked onto the trio of shell-shocked adolescents. The bruised hues vanished beneath cheerful color, cracks and holes mending over with it. The wounds tarnishing Joy's body vanished completely, like someone had taken an eraser and scribbled out the unsightly marks. However, the smell of blood still lingered in the air.

"But," he went on to inform, "he used to be Happy. Very much so."

Yuugi's Enthusiasm turned to them, smiling again, the mirth and excitement returning. "I can help you, you know," he told them, sounding rather matter-of-fact, but in a helpful sort of way. "I can show you his memories. The happiest ones of his life. And then, maybe..." He closed his eyes, trailing.

"Maybe what?" the three asked in a tense chorus.

Happiness' gold eyes shone as they flickered open again. There was a sort of wistfulness to them that made them almost feel... sorry for the Emotion. It was obvious that their friend had been through a lot, and now that they had all seen behind this apparent mask of his... Yuugi's manifestation of Joy sighed, almost dreamily. "Maybe you can bring us all together. Maybe you can help us feel happy again."

With Happiness' signature giggle, there was a flash of light, blinding them. A barrage of pictures and glimpses of memories appeared before the three friends, letting them see through their smaller friend's eyes, the most joyful moments in his life.

"Hey, Yuugi, I've gotta riddle for ya'," Jounouchi said to the other, weary-looking male, "What's somethin' that we've got, but can't be seen?"

Yuugi seemed to think for a bit, looking puzzled. Something that couldn't be seen? What could that mean? He murmured something absently under his breath, trying to solve the blonde's cryptic words.

Jounouchi grinned, giving a reassuring thumbs-up to the shorter teen. "It's yuujou, pal!"

Amethyst eyes blinked with surprise. It was quickly replaced with immense joy, and a disbelieving giggle almost left the tri-color-haired boy's lips, though he managed to hold it back. Jounouchi-kun thought of him as a friend? "W-We're friends?" There was a gleeful smile, and Yuugi's eyes shone like polished amethysts in his pure, unadulterated excitement.

The Millennium Puzzle had granted his wish, after all!

Relieved, disbelieving laughter left him. Yuugi broke into a dead run, feet pounding against the tiled floor of Domino City's hospital. He flung out his arms, and leapt into the embrace of an elderly man, relieved tears gathering in his eyes. "Jii-chan! Y-You're okay!"

A smiling face, drawn from black ink over the backs of four different hands. He gazed at it, almost in awe.

"Even if we're apart, this symbol will always be here connecting us. We'll always be there for each other, no matter what!" prompted a pretty, blue-eyed brunette confidently. The four teenagers grinned at one another happily.

He felt weak. His awareness was fading away. Yuugi knew that he had to return to the Seal.

And yet, he had never felt so proud of his other self than he did in that exact moment. He offered the distressed former-spirit, currently in control of their shared body, a soft, reassuring smile. Yuugi tried his best to keep his voice steady, despite the deep fatigue plaguing his soul. "It-It's alright... By defeating me, Mou Hitori no Boku, you've defeated the darkness in your heart..."

I'm so proud of you... Yami...

"Well, if that's how Honda-kun and Jounouchi-kun show they care for each other..." he said, chuckling fondly as a blonde and brunette exchanged light blows and insults to one another, "I hope they never care for me that much!"

"Well done, Aibou!" Yuugi couldn't help but to beam at Yami's praise. Something within his chest warmed at the glowing appraisal in the spirit's tone.

"Wh-What?! Yuugi! T-This isn't a duel – oh, uh... H-Hello."

Laughter, as Yuugi sat in his Soul Room, leaving a disgruntled Yami for his surprise date with Anzu. He hugged his stomach, the intensity of his laughs making Yuugi's abdomen ache. He nearly had to wipe mirthful tears from his eyes at the sight Yami beheld for him.

Seeing him so flustered, when he usually acted as if not a damn thing in the world could touch him – it was absolutely priceless!

Tears trickled down his cheeks, despite the burning effort the teen put into trying to hold them back. He couldn't... let Yami see him acting so weak. So... so selfish, for wanting him to remain without memories and without a name. Just so long as he didn't have to leave him...!

He started slightly, as ethereal hands ghosted over his own. The Puzzle shook within Yuugi's grasp, moonlight reflecting from the moisture upon his cheeks, as he looked to his taller look-alike in a sort of... disbelieving curiosity.

Yami smiled at him, red eyes gentle. "I don't care if I never get my memories back. I want to be here with you, forever..."

A figure retreated into the distance, giving a thumbs-up as he walked to a blinding wall of light. And even though Yuugi could feel the pain trying to cave in his chest, Yuugi couldn't help but to smile as the tears dripped down his face. He wouldn't have to suffer anymore, be it at the power of the Shadows, the confinement of the Millennium Puzzle, or... by anything, really. Because now, it was coming to a close, and now, Yami was free.

He was back where he belonged.

The scenes stopped, and Happiness gave the three, stunned teens another smile, though it was more hesitant and laced with an apology.

"I'm afraid that is all I am able to show you," he informed them with regret, "If you wish for more, you'll have to find the room of Yuugi's strongest Emotion. For the time-being, anyways."

They looked to him, dazed. "Which... Which one is that?" Anzu questioned quietly.

Happiness blinked at her, lips still turned upwards, though it seemed to have been drained of his aforementioned 'Essence'. Sunlight-colored eyes dulled to a less-saturated amber.

"My opposite," he told them quietly, "Sorrow."

DISCLAIMER: I do not own, nor am I affiliated with Yu-Gi-Oh! nor anything pertaining to Yu-Gi-Oh! This is a fan-made story made purely for entertainment purposes, and nothing more. Enjoy!