Goodbye To You

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or any of these charactors.

Authors Notes: Remenmber that I told you these chapters would be short... newayz, don't worry, eventually they will all get back together, It'll just take A LOT of time, she is really disappointed in them.

CHAPTER 2: The Decision

I've been searching deep down in my soul

Words that I'm hearing are starting to get old

It feels like I'm starting all over again

The last three years were just pretend

And I said, I arrived on the porch of the Outer-Senshi's Mansion about an Hour after battle. My back by then had made the back of my school uniform red with stains (AN: The battle was after school), my face tear stained as I was searching in my soul, trying to figure out why the inners and tuxedo kamen would betray me like this. I rang the doorbell... Michiru answered. "yes," she answered. Then all she could muster was an "Oh No!" as she looked at my tear stained, scratched face. She hadn't even sen my back yet and was flipping out. You see, She was sailor Neptune. Ever since we had discovered them Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus (Haruka) had been VERY over-protective, like second Parents, even though they were only about two years older than I. She immediately called for Haruka and I fainted from exhaustion in Haruka's arms. After all I had been bleeding profusly for about an hour and running, while being a sobbing reck, down the streets of tokyo to get here. When I woke up I had a throbing headache and major back pain.I was laying, on a very comfortable queen sized bed, on my stomach so that I wouldn't injure my back any farther because it was so badly burt and blistered. I groaned. It wasn't a dream, it had all happened. The Inner Senshi and Tuxedo Kamen had betrayed me and I was now at the Outer Senshi's Mansion. I hoped that they didn't call the Inners and Tux. Kamen or Luna and told them about me. Thats just what I need, there pity. HA! A few minutes later Haruka came in holding a load of bandages and ointment. She had a worried look written across her face. I tried to move, but I had bandages across my back and front and it hurt my back A LOT to even breath, and moving made it worse. Haruka had seen this attempt and placed the bandages and ointment on the counter next to my bed. "Good, your awake, we were all starting to get worried about you Usagi..." she said. I moaned again. "How long have I been out of it?" I asked sleepily. "About three days," she answered. "What about my parents??" "Don't worry I called them and told them you were going to stay with us for a while," replied Michiru as she walked in with Setsuna. "Thanks you guys," I said. "So Usagi-chan, What happened? why were you so hurt? How come Mamoru or the other Senshi didn't help?" Haruka asked, worry still clearly written on her face. At that moment I could feel the tears wealing up in my eyes again as I explained the whole thing out to the Outers (minus Hotaru who was sleeping, it was about 6:30 am), abot how the Inner Senhi and Mamoru had betrayed me and thought that I attacked MArs and wouldn't let me explain and about the 2 different youmas. They couldn't believe it. After about a half an hour of them comforting me I stopped crying and Setsuna replaced my bandages. 2 hours later Hotaru (who was about 7 now, because of her growing quickly to catch up on the years she had missed from becoming a baby again) came to visit me. She said she wanted to know how her 'Princess' was feeling. I smiled and told her I was fine and asked her how she was. She sat and talked to me for about an hour. She had lightened my mood with her child innocense and not quite grasping what had happened or why her 'Princess' was hurt. About a week or so later I was able to get up and move around again. I hadn't left the house since the night I arrived. I couldn't risk letting the Inner Senshi know where I was. I couldn't face them, not yet. The Outers weren't too happy with Mamoru and the others and had been completely ignoreing them. I had to talk to the Outers though. I had made a discesion. I was going to leave, to move FAR away from tokyo, and all of my FORMER friends... End Chapter 2.

Remember to Review, and thank you to all the people that have reviewed so far... feel free to flame me. I think they make a good read. ^(OO)^