Just a little thing I thought up randomly one day.

Okay, so you weren't pleased with how I ended things. I wasn't pleased with how I ended things. So, here's a little wrap up. Please remember this isn't a team fic. It's just Callen and Deeks. I might do the rest of the team in the future, but I'm not sure. This is the end though. I hope it's better than before.

I own nothing. Please, review?

"Callen," Deeks muttered his voice empty.

Looking at the younger man I wondered what he was thinking. Hetty hadn't told me what she was doing or what was in that envelope. Now I was wishing that I did. Maybe then I'd be able to help the younger man.

That was when I started to think about what he said. He didn't' trust himself. How had things gotten so out of control that he thought he was that far gone? It was my job to keep my team safe and Deeks was my team. I let him down.

I couldn't tell why Hetty had taken to the detective as quickly as she did. That was her business and I knew better than to deal with Hetty's business without her permission. But she had put Deeks on my team. In my care.

I didn't like failing people. It was something I had happen to me too many times. When it came to my team I did everything possible to keep them safe. Deeks might have been new and I might not know him all that well, but I always protected my team. My protection was just a little late this time.

Deeks said he couldn't be trusted. Why exactly was that? Had something happened to the younger man in his past? Or maybe with LAPD? Or maybe even something with NCIS? He had no reason to trust us though he had done everything to get us to trust him. We…I had completely screwed this up and I had to fix it.

How was I supposed to do that? I didn't know Deeks. Or I knew very little about him. Nothing I knew would help him right now. I had three years to get to know him and I did nothing. All of this was happening because Deeks had no idea that he could lean on the team.

What needed to be done needed to be done as a team. Something that wouldn't happen without Deeks permission. All that I could do was try to guide the younger man, but he needed a support system. I would help with that. I would do everything that I could, but I couldn't do it alone.

My eyes went back to Deeks when I remembered that everything that had to happen was for him. He was the one that had to lead the way. I knew that. He knew that. I just wasn't exactly sure what he was going to do with everything.

"Does the letter help, Deeks?" I questioned taking a step towards him.

"I don't know," Deeks answered quietly, "I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

"Talk to me. Then we'll go and talk to the rest of the team."

"I don't think I can talk to them."

"Why not?"

"Callen, I don't do the talking thing. I don't know why I'm talking to you now."

"Because you're at your limit, Deeks. You need to talk to someone and right now I'm here and I'm willing to listen. You have to realize that you can't do this alone. Lean on me. Lean on the team. It's what we're here for."

"I've never worked on a team before."

"I know and so far we haven't shown you a good example."


"This is up to you, Deeks. I can't do anything without you. In fact, the only one that can do anything is you. So pick. What do you want to do? Are you willing to try?"

"Okay. Yeah…I'll try. Just don't leave me alone?"

"I won't. We'll work through this together. One step at a time."