Blizzaga Saga: That awkward moment when you realize you wrote a 60,000-word story with Malon as a main character and forgot to add Talon to the story. Oh well, too late to put him in now, lol.
Still trying to post a new chapter for one of my fics each week. This week's new chapter comes early, because guess who's joined the ranks of workers deemed "nonessential"? This guy!
Dear Lord, did this chapter take forever. I won't claim that it's great or that it's worth the wait, so I'll just say sorry to those of you who were wondering what happened to this fic. Thank you to everyone who's reviewed and encouraged me! I hope an update after such a long hiatus will make some of you happy.
Makalov glared at the entrance to Malon's house. What was his woman doing? The only one who had a right to be with her behind closed doors—preferably in bed—was him. The ache in his jaw from where Malon had punched him stoked his anger, but her temper proved that she still had feelings for him, so how long did she intend to play hard to get?
The door opened, revealing the princess with her so-called hero, and Makalov panicked as he remembered that the boy could still accuse him of assault. Fortunately, the boy seemed too busy to notice him. After sharing a smile with Princess Zelda, Link held hands with the Forest Sage from Zelda's failed coronation, and Makalov's frustration boiled over when he saw Malon holding the boy's other hand with a smile.
Makalov paid no attention to the other nobles around him, but Link looked at them with wide eyes, not having expected a crowd. "Is the meeting ready to begin again?" Skulltula asked, his peers watching Link and Zelda expectantly.
Resisting the urge to stutter, Link stood to his full unimpressive height. "We've decided to celebrate more first."
"What? After all that waiting?" complained Lord Vance.
"I want to spend time with the people important to me."
Feeling Link squeeze her hand, Saria grinned bashfully. She remembered telling him that if she were his girlfriend, she'd shout it to the world, but having him show everyone instead was just as nice. Wanting to thank him for saving her from the argument she'd started, she kissed his cheek, letting her lips linger there so everyone could see that she was his girl.
Link blushed horribly, the memory of her, Malon, and Zelda pressing their warm bodies against him just moments ago still fresh in his mind, but he smiled at her as well. Before anyone could ponder the political significance of the Forest Sage kissing the Hero of Time, Link released her hand and wrapped an arm around her waist. Turning to Malon, he did the same with her, and the ranch woman let him pull her closer in front of the shocked crowd. As cute as she found Link's shyness, seeing him take charge was a welcome change.
Zelda wore a mask of regal indifference, even as her heart ached. "I apologize, but the Hero of Time thinks we should wait with our loved ones, and I agree."
Skulltula seemed outraged for a moment before an unctuous smile formed on his face. "That is most wise, Your Highness. If the Hero thinks so, then who are we to argue?"
"Miss Lon, is Sir Link courting you?" Vance blurted.
All eyes turned to her. Sensing the change in atmosphere, Malon took advantage of the opportunity to assure Link that she was serious about their relationship. "Yes, he is."
Makalov grew so angry that he had to resist the urge to march up to Link and hit him again, but Saria had no desire to hide her feelings. "We're Link's girlfriends!" she said excitedly.
No one spoke for a moment. Embarrassed, Link nevertheless tightened his grip on the two women. Malon thought to correct Saria's assertion that he had more than one girlfriend, but she was too happy about the awed expressions Hyrule's nobility regarded Link with to care. This recognition was what she'd wanted for him ever since she agreed to host the celebration.
"Both of you? Sir Link, are you taking multiple wives? Is that why the lady of the ranch and the Forest Sage wear the Spiritual Stones you collected?"
Malon touched the Goron Ruby hanging from her neck happily, but Zelda noticed that Saria didn't bother playing with her Kokiri Emerald. The green-haired girl gazed adoringly at Link, as she had ever since he ended the argument and suggested they go outside. Wishing she were beside him as well, the princess placed a hand on the Zora Sapphire Link had given her, but her silk glove prevented her from feeling it.
"Hold. Princess Zelda, you are also wearing a Spiritual Stone? Is he courting you as well?" Skulltula began shaking. "Is he to become king? Is that what you were discussing in Malon's house?"
Zelda's determination to fight for her love returned. Her royal duties and initial disregard for him may have given someone else the chance to claim him first, but she refused to make any more mistakes. "Yes, if he will have me."
Link's cheeks darkened further, as did Malon's expression. Before she could send the princess a warning glare, she continued talking.
"It appears that the festival is coming to a close. We will resume our discussion on Hyrule's future once everyone has returned to Kakariko. Please excuse us."
Link started walking, still holding Malon and Saria with Zelda following behind. As they neared Makalov, the knight opened his mouth to vent his rage at last, only to watch dumbfounded as they walked right past him.
"M...Malon?" They kept moving, and he fumed silently. There was no way Malon hadn't noticed him, no way she was actually interested in the kid. This was obviously her and the boy's way of getting back at him.
"Wait! Sir Link, you should meet more people before you pick wives!"
"Have you met my daughter yet?"
Link's group paid no mind to the nobles who suddenly found their voices. In the corral at the heart of the celebration, the musicians seemed to have noticed that people were leaving the ranch and decided on one last round of songs. Even so, Darunia's deep laughter allowed the hero to find him and his son easily.
"Hello, little brother. Are we ready to continue the meeting?"
"Once the music stops, we will be."
"In that case…" He grinned broadly at Saria. "When Link and I first met, he played a song for me that you wrote. I must thank you for writing something so amazing! Our musicians in Goron City love it. Join me for a dance, little sister?"
Saria leaned away as the giant leaned excitedly toward her before calming herself. She'd already spoken in front of the whole crowd on stage, so there was no need to be shy with someone who was just being friendly. Saria nodded and then shrieked as Darunia lifted both her and his son and placed them on each of his shoulders.
They joined the crowd, and as Darunia bounced on his feet, Goron Link's delighted laughter caused Saria to laugh as well. Hylian Link separated from Malon and held her hands. Neither said anything, but the sparkle in his eyes told her that he had plans for her later.
Princess Zelda swallowed. If she wanted to fight for him, she had to act now, before he asked Malon to-
"Zelda, I haven't gotten to dance with you yet," he said brightly and took her hands.
Surprised, she felt her anxiety melt away at his touch...until he pulled her into the crowd. "Wait, I only know the formal dances of Nayru. I've never…" she protested weakly, but one look at Link seemed to give her the courage to dance in this unrefined way. With him and everyone around her so happy, how could she not celebrate with them?
Seeing her transformation, Link wore a grin that nearly split his face. "During the war, you were so angry that I thought you'd never smile. I'm really glad I get to see you like this, Zelda."
Her heart swelled with gratitude. "This is what I've always wanted." He didn't need her to explain that she meant the peace and life around her. "This world is so beautiful. I want to watch over it and protect it with you."
"I want to protect it too! I was too scared to appreciate it when the war started, but now…"
She squeezed his hand to show him she understood. "I was scared too. I was too scared to care about you at the beginning," she admitted, ashamed. Before she could beg his forgiveness, he squeezed her hand back to tell her it was okay, and she found herself falling for his boyish grin all over again.
Malon watched as the two blondes danced. Hyrule's citizens gave them a wide berth at first, seemingly awkward around royalty, but as the princess moved with the rest of them, they gradually seemed to accept her and stopped staring in favor of enjoying the moment.
Malon found herself doing the same. Despite the Harkinian's stiff movements, there was no mistaking her joy in being around others, in being around Link. It took the redhead a moment to realize that she was no longer angry at the princess. How did Link calm her so easily? Less worried now about her man dancing with another woman, she took Saria's hand when the Fire Sage returned her to the ground, and the excited girl led her into a dance Malon recognized from her forest trip as a new song began.
Nabooru beamed as she watched her king, sensing with her powers as Spirit Sage that the spirits of Saria, Zelda, and Malon had grown lighter. It wouldn't take long now. With just a few small nudges, they'd all give themselves to him. She could already see Link, red-faced and trembling with pleasure as his faithful concubines sank to their knees and worshiped his throbbing arousal, thanking their hero with their bodies.
A disapproving presence behind her interrupted her daydream and she smirked, not needing her powers to tell who it was. "I told you not to involve the princess in this harem nonsense," accused Impa.
"I didn't do a thing. Link stopped an argument between Princess Zelda and Malon, and now they want to spend more time with him. And they're not the only ones."
"You should be more focused on protecting everyone than surrounding him with women. You heard Darunia. The seal on Ganondorf won't last forever. Strong negative emotions in Hyrule can strengthen him and bring about his return. He will do anything to escape the Sacred Realm."
Anger flickered in Nabooru's eyes; she was the last person who needed to be reminded about Ganondorf's nature. She turned to Impa, who with her arms crossed looked every bit the spoilsport she was. "I am protecting people, starting with my king. And he's making the women around him very happy. Look at Princess Zelda."
Skeptical, the Sheikah did just that. Her charge appeared to be showing Link how the upper class danced. Zelda's greater height made the dance a bit awkward, but it also made it easier for onlookers to see the smile she directed at Link, and Impa realized with no small amount of shock that the smile was real. For a moment she looked just like her late mother in the paintings in the royal garden, and Impa's heart stirred, stilling her tongue.
Nabooru saw the intimidating red in Impa's eyes dim and knew that her words had the desired effect. "Perhaps if Zelda spent more time with him, you'd see her like this more often," she suggested innocently.
Impa's scowl softened. She held nothing against Link—he'd saved her, he'd saved Hyrule, and he'd saved Zelda—but until now she'd dismissed the princess's affection toward him as a fleeting crush. Could she have been wrong? Was he the one who could ease the heart of the girl who always carried the world's problems on her shoulders?
"Perhaps you're right."
"You agree?" Nabooru asked excitedly.
"If he makes her happy, then they will be married. I will...dissuade the other girls trying to claim him."
Nabooru's smile fell. "What?"
Impa continued as though she hadn't heard the question. "Ganondorf destroyed the royal armory, but I believe we still have some torturing devices. I will begin wedding preparations for Her Highness and the Hero of Time immediately. Thank you, Spirit Sage."
"Wait!" Nabooru blurted, but Impa was already striding away. Cursing, the Gerudo went to find Aveil and tell her they had no more time for subtlety. It seemed Rauru had the right idea earlier about speeding up the formation of Link's harem.
Once sure that Nabooru was out of earshot, Impa laughed. She stopped quickly, looking around to make sure no one had seen her.
"Hurry up!" a Gerudo girl snapped at a Hylian boy who was trying to catch his breath.
"Come on, Abia… I don't want to play anymore."
"Have you no pride?" she demanded, putting her hands on her hips. "Men are supposed to be strong, and they're not supposed to whine as much as you have!" The boy sighed and walked off, and she huffed before perking up at the sight of a green-clad dancer in the crowd. "Link?"
She stared for a moment, unable to reconcile his dancing with the deadly fighter she saw earlier. He'd been so brave, so powerful. Here he was carefree. Abruptly she considered his dancing partner, the green-haired girl who led her and the other children in a game of chase earlier. She was nice enough, but for some reason it bothered Abia that Link was so close to her.
He'd been on Abia's mind since the fight against the moblins. The least he could do was think about her too, she thought angrily, and her golden eyes burned with determination as she walked toward him.
Hyrule's nobles watched her go. "Sir Link seems quite popular," mulled Vance. "The Gerudo Sage suggested in the meeting that Link be made king of all Hyrule. Do you think the Sages will actually try that?"
"Link saved each of them in combat and single-handedly restored peace to their homes. I'm sure the thought crossed their minds."
Grunting skeptically, Makalov thought to demand if Skulltula seriously believed any of those stories, but no one noticed him, so Makalov remained moodily silent.
Skulltula continued. "Princess Zelda knows that Hyrule's next ruler will require approval from the other races. We can't rebuild Castle Town without their help. I doubt that anyone other than Sir Link is liked by every race."
"You seem to care quite a bit about him," a new noble noted. "Looking to marry your daughter to him if he takes the throne?"
"He already tried and failed," another said with a laugh, and Makalov looked in shock to Skulltula's suddenly furious expression. "Besides, our princess already seems smitten with him."
Makalov gritted his teeth, not wincing as his loose tooth ached in protest. Surely the princess was only taking advantage of the hero to secure her throne. She and Malon couldn't possibly have a romantic interest in him, especially when men such as Makalov were available. Link clearly only pretended to be a hero for attention, and to Makalov's annoyance it seemed to be working, for the mass of people freed from war gradually drifted toward him.
Saria was delighted when Link held her by the waist, but she squeaked when he suddenly lowered her. Nevertheless, his arm kept her from falling, and after a dramatic dip he lifted her back to her feet. They laughed, and she linked her arms behind his neck before dancing closer to him, cherishing his smile and the feeling of his hands on her.
The song ended all too soon, but the former Kokiri's eyes lit up when a slim redhead approached them.
"Anju!" she cheered, hugging her. She hadn't forgotten Anju's attempt to cheer her up in Malon's bedroom. It had only been a few hours, but so much had happened since then that it felt like a lifetime ago. Thanks to her and Link, she was no longer afraid of starting a new life in Hyrule, and she wanted to share her happiness with them.
"Hello, sweetie," Anju said, hugging her back. "I'm glad you're feeling better."
Link smiled tenderly at the sight of his best friend making friends and learning to love the world beyond the forest. When Saria caught him staring at her, he stammered nervously and she giggled, eyes shining with affection. Scowling to get over his embarrassment, he embraced Anju as well.
"H-Hello, Link. You're going to visit me in Kakariko after this, right? My father gave you his blessing to see me whenever you want, after all. And even though you found all my cuccos and fixed my fence, I'm sure there are other things I could use your help with."
He told her he would. For some reason she seemed shy about the hug, touching him tentatively, but Link didn't mind. He was just grateful that he'd made friends in Hyrule and that they all had so much to look forward to.
When the song changed, Saria and Anju danced, and Link pulled away to look for Malon. For not the first time he grew annoyed with his height, for it made seeing over all the adults difficult. Unfortunately, Malon wasn't terribly tall either, but she eventually tapped him on the shoulder from behind, giggling when his eyes lit up for her. They held hands, but didn't start dancing right away.
"It's been a long day. Did you enjoy the festival?"
He nodded emphatically. "Do you think this many people will ever get together again?"
Warmth filled Malon; after stopping the yelling match between her and Zelda, it seemed that Link had grown bolder in his love for everyone. He didn't shrink away from all the noise, and it occurred to her that every smile on the ranch was because of him. She doubted she would have let go of her anger at the princess this quickly without him, and now she wanted to make sure he never stopped smiling. He beamed as he saw all the happy people around him, but Malon's attention was all on him.
When he noticed her gaze, he started to sweat, but Malon flashed the angelic smile that made him melt the first time he visited the ranch, and he relaxed, letting thoughts of uniting with her tonight darken his cheeks.
Saria laughed as she tried to hold onto Darunia, a task made difficult by the fact that he was trying to teach Zelda how the Gorons danced. From atop the giant's shoulder, however, she saw that Link and Malon had broken away from the group to sit down. Flashbacks to the party in the forest flitted through her mind, and worried that Link was hurt once more without her noticing, she called for an end to the chieftain's erratic motions.
"Malon and Link aren't dancing. And Zelda, people are staring at you."
The princess turned to see Hyrule's nobility wearing expressions of impatience and astonishment at her behavior. "Ah. Thank you, Saria," she said, alarmed at how quickly she shifted to a formal tone. She fixed it immediately. "Darunia, it looks like they want to continue our meeting."
He chuckled. "Honestly, I do too."
"Thank you for indulging me this long. If it's alright, I'd like to spend a few more minutes with Link first."
The Goron had no objections, and the princess led him, his son, and Saria through the gathering.
Zelda greeted Malon and Link with a genuine smile rather than her polite one, and Malon realized that the Harkinian was yet another person Link had brought happiness to. Perhaps that was why Zelda was so taken with him.
"If you're tired, maybe you should go back inside."
"Right now I want to enjoy my time with all of you," answered Link. "Besides, it seems like bad things happen every time we try to relax. I want to be outside in case moblins attack again."
Zelda's cheer vanished instantly. "You've already risked enough," she said so fiercely and quickly that it surprised Malon. "If we're attacked again, their numbers won't be as great as they were last time. The knights will be able to take care of it."
To the Harkinian's surprise, Malon smiled at her appreciatively, and Zelda remembered how the ranch woman had rushed to the injured boy's side after the fight with Ganondorf. Was Link right? Was Malon using him, or did she truly care for him?
"Why are you sitting? Are you hurt?" asked Saria, and Link rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
"I'm kind of tired, even though I'm the one who asked you all to come out here. Sorry."
Saria took the open spot beside him and shook her head. It was so like him to apologize right after saving her. "You're tired because you've been working so hard to keep us happy. It's okay. I don't have much energy after walking here from the forest anyway."
When Zelda smoothed her royal skirt and sat on the dusty earth as well, Malon pursed her lips thoughtfully, but said nothing. Darunia plopped onto the ground, and his son stumbled toward her, mesmerized by the Goron Ruby hanging from her neck. She chuckled when he started batting at it with his small arm.
Despite Zelda's assurance, Link was ready to fight should the need arise. He was almost scared by how much he was willing to risk to keep his friends safe and happy. Still, as he looked around at all the people he met gathered in one place, content and smiling despite all the hardship they'd experienced, he couldn't help thinking that this was happiness. This was peace.
"LINK!" an angry voice shouted, startling him out of his serenity, and he turned to see Abia glowering at him, her arms crossed under her small breasts. "Shouldn't you be training instead of spending time with these girls?"
He blinked. "What?"
"I've never seen anyone fight like you did against the moblins. I want to know how you defeated each of them with one attack. You...You'd better tell me everything about you!"
"I beat them quickly because I was using the Master Sword. I've gotten a lot stronger since I left the forest, but that's because other people have helped me. Big Brother helped me become more confident, and Great Fairies gave me spells." His eyes held a rare competitive gleam. "I do want to keep getting stronger, though."
"Then train with me."
"Right now we're celebrating, but I'd like to train with you and the other Gerudo later. I want to learn how to use two swords!"
Abia gave a satisfied smile, but it was gone as soon as it came. She noticed with some irritation that he still held Saria, but to her surprise he had an arm around another woman, and Hyrule's princess sat close to him as well. Abia's eyes darted to the Spiritual Stones around the women's necks, and she recalled the jewels her sisters used to wear to look good for Ganondorf while he was king.
"Are all of you in his harem?"
Zelda and Malon stiffened and shared a look, each hoping the other wasn't going to start an argument again after all Link had done to keep them happy, but Aveil saved them from having to answer as she approached the group with Nabooru, both of them hurrying for some reason.
"If you've accepted that he has a harem, then that means you acknowledge him as your king, correct?" Aveil said with a smirk.
Nabooru neared Abia and whispered to her from behind, grinning against her ear. "Our king has pledged his life to these women. He has already pleased one of them, and I suspect that the others aren't far behind. You can join him later if you want."
Abia would have protested—she was a warrior, not someone's plaything—but her face was on fire, her body in shock. She had no experience in these matters and never would have expected that Link did, but then she never expected him to be a good fighter either.
Aveil played with Saria's hair. "Your hair is an unusual color. You are very pretty. I can see why Nabooru chose you to be the leader of Link's harem."
Saria beamed. "Thank you, Aveil! Yes, I'm in his harem." It didn't matter what "harem" meant. She wanted to be with him. "I'm Link's girl!"
To Malon's surprise, she was more offended that she hadn't been chosen than by the fact that people couldn't get it through their heads that Link only had one girlfriend. Before she could say anything, though, Zelda spoke as well.
"I'm Link's girl too." From behind him, Hyrule's princess circled her arms around him and caressed his stomach. Link's face erupted into flames, but he calmed sooner than he expected. For not the first time that day, he felt like the luckiest man in the world.
Malon thought to argue their claims as she had all day. She was Link's girlfriend, not them. Nevertheless, he looked so happy, and at the moment she wanted nothing more than to keep him that way. Link worked so hard to show how much he cared. Part of her wished he only cared about her, but seeing him care about others after wanting to belong his whole could she not be happy for him? Plus, it was cute to see him blush.
"So am I," the ranch woman added, and the stunned Darunia at last spoke.
"So the necklaces Link made were for the three of you. It's good to see that he is as important to you as you are to him." The Fire Sage smiled at all of them—even Zelda, to her surprise. "I don't quite understand Hylian tradition, but...little brother, are you courting all these women, including the princess? If so, are you willing to lead Hyrule as its king?"
Saria looked at her best friend excitedly. She didn't know much about what royalty did, but if being a king would extend his ability to help people like he wanted, then it was perfect for him. Zelda held her breath as she waited for his answer, and Malon fought the urge to be mad at her since she hadn't technically done anything wrong.
Link mentally sighed. He should have known he couldn't put off this romantic and political discussion forever. His feelings on all of it were still a mess, and his stomach growled.
"I'm sorry, Darunia, but can this wait for just a few minutes? I…forgot to eat at our picnic," he admitted sheepishly to Zelda.
"Sure, Little Brother, but I don't think your kingdom's nobles are going to let us wait for long."
"I cooked a special meal for you for after the ceremony," Malon said to Link. "It should be done simmering by now. There might even be enough for all of us."
Link felt warm and fuzzy inside like he did every time Malon did something just for him. "I'll go get it and bring it here for us," he offered. It was the least he could do since his girlfriend spent most of the day cooking. He took off running while the rest of the group stayed, laughing at the sight of Goron Link, who was now trying and failing to eat the Goron Ruby.
Makalov was so focused on maintaining his anger that he hardly noticed when a noble ran up to him. "I just overheard that Princess Zelda, the Forest Sage, and the lady of the ranch really are in Link's harem!" Skulltula said breathlessly.
That got Makalov's attention. "What?!"
"That's not all. The Sages are trying to make him king! Makalov, have you seen my daughter?" Skulltula asked hurriedly.
"You make me sick, falling over yourself to get the boy's attention," spat Makalov. Why wasn't everyone fawning over him instead? He may not have fought in the war, but he was strong, well-known, and good-looking, even if he didn't smile for fear of his tooth falling out. "Didn't you already fail to marry Fira off to him?" he added nastily.
"That was before Link started taking multiple wives," Skulltula responded hotly before smirking. "And at least I didn't lose my woman to him."
"Malon's not really with him. She's just trying to anger me."
"Really? They were seen kissing earlier." At the knight's stunned expression, Skulltula's sneer grew. "You didn't know? How be cuckolded by a child!"
"Shut up! You don't know what you're talking about," Makalov fumed, yet as Skulltula ran off, Makalov abruptly recalled Malon's stuttering when he asked if the boy was her new romantic interest. "Wh-What? Of course not!"
Makalov's eyes widened. His fist clenched, and before he even knew what he was doing, he started toward Malon, only to be stopped by the only woman he'd ever been intimidated by.
Impa looked him up and down, trying to place him. "You. You are Sir...?"
"Makalov," he answered, not bothering to hide his irritation.
"No matter," Impa said just as dismissively, and Makalov gritted his teeth. "Help me ensure that the other knights are staying alert." Raising an eyebrow at his aggressive stance, she added, "Unless you think you have something better to do?"
He forced a smile. "Of course not! I am Her Highness's sword and shield."
"Good. As you saw from the moblin attack, Ganondorf's minions could attack at any time, so there is nothing better for you to do than stay alert. I will not risk the princess's safety because her servants are complacent. Is that clear?"
Despite their conversation, he looked past her. Impa was already looking away from him, eyes scanning the ranch for other knights, and he allowed his fake smile to fall and his eyes to widen as he saw the "Hero of Time" running toward Malon's house. Despite how quickly he moved, the little green shit was smiling the whole way, like he had any right to be happier than Makalov. Skulltula's laughter echoed in his head. In his mind, the boy pointed and laughed at him too, and even Malon laughed before kissing the child right in front of him.
They would pay. They couldn't escape his wrath by staying close to the princess forever.
It seemed the goddesses were on his side, for when Link disappeared inside, Makalov realized that the boy was most likely alone in there.
"Yes, it's clear what I need to do," the knight answered Impa. "I'll go see if anyone in Malon's house needs to be reminded of their place."