Never go to the forest when night comes. Never try to wander into the depth of the lost wood. Never look back when you feel like you are being followed.

There is a dangerous beast that lives in the forest.

It was an urban legend that was very well known in Old District Village. Aoba remembered very well that he heard it for the first time when he had just moved to the village, from his grandmother Tae whom he lived with until this very day. They lived simple, happy lives together.

The urban legend was more well rooted in the village than the blue haired boy had imagined though. It started as rumours when he was still a little kid, but the effect was instant. The villagers made sure the children were not near the forest when evening came, and that they only went to forest during the day to work (be it hunting animals or collecting weeds). They made a warning sign informing how far it was safe to go and ensured sure no one ever ventured beyond by surrounding the perimeter with barbed wire fencing. Truthfully, Aoba thought it was all a bit ridiculous.

There is a beast living in the forest,they had said.

He hates humans more than anything, and he is not afraid to show his hatred, howling every single night.

What started the rumour Aoba would never know, he wasn't born in the village after all. A couple of travellers found him near a church around 30 miles from Old District Village, and they had brought the little kid and adopted him as their son, at least until they went travelling again and left Aoba with Tae. When Aoba started living there, the rumour had already started long before, developing into an urban legend over the _ years.

Aoba first asked Tae about it when he was six after his very first friend, Koujaku, warned him not to go to the forest. In curiousity as Koujaku didn't give Aoba a detailed explanation, Aoba went to seek his grandmother's answer. And so Tae told him about the urban legend.

The beast that was living in hatred for the humans.

"Of course, I don't actually believe it," Tae huffed an annoyed sigh, and Aoba's eyes widened in surprise as his grandmother went to the kitchen and continued to check over the oven. "It was a real good lie to scare your children with, some fabricated little story about a scary beast rather than outright telling them about how it's just wolves."

Aoba furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he swung his legs under the table, waiting for Tae to finish baking his favourite doughnuts. "Aren't wolves also scary?"

"Of course they are. But kids your age are full of energy and curiosities. They may think, 'ah, it won't hurt to actually take a peek and then run away.' And I swear to heavens that if you're thinking about that right now because I am telling you this, these doughnuts will NOT end up inside your stomach."

Though the little blue haired boy wanted to whine, his strong grandmother's glare was more than enough for him to slowly nod and shut up. His ever strict, yet patient grandmother sighed at her surrogate grandchild's antics. "The wolves are scary things and they are real. Beasts however, are not. They are something unrealistic... something without an image to be imagined, something you should pay no mind to. For naughty children who know no boundaries, what's a more effective way to scare them?"

"…So there actually is no scary beast that lives in forest?" Aoba dragged his words on purpose, afraid that Tae would shoot back in anger about his developing curiosity.

"With how the logic stands, no, I don't think so." Tae huffed again and brought the basket that was now filled with Aoba's favourite doughnuts to their dining table—a sweet aroma quickly filling the room. She quickly slapped Aoba's hand away and glared a look that could kill when Aoba's hand pried to reach one. "It's still hot."

Aoba pouted as he took his hand back and sat with his knees pressed against the edge of the dining table. His eyes sparkled with bits of energetic curiosity that young kids usually have over new knowledge, listening as Tae continued with a scary grin.

"There is no urban legend and fairy tale kind of thing such as scary beast. However, there are still wolves that will eat young children and shred them into tiny pieces of flesh. Oh, and they will feed you to the little wolves to be consumed again and again then swallowed up into nothing, like how I will feed you these doughnuts."

The flash of curiosity in Aoba's hazel eyes was gone, replaced by a dull look of horror and mortification.

And it might be just his feeling, but Tae never looked this satisfied at his reaction before.

"So, which is scarier? The beast or the wolves?" The old woman grinned.

Aoba lost his appetite and his childhood curiosity was destroyed that night.

But after years and years living with Tae, Aoba started to understand what she had meant more, and he had never been more thankful. When you become an adult, you start realizing things you never wanted to admit before, and it becomes hard when you have to overcome new, harsh realities over sweet childish dreams. Tae had never spoilt him. She had always been strict _ yet caring to Aoba, and the once little kid had now grown into a fine young adult without many problems. She never lied or told Aoba unnecessary things. And though her sarcastic behaviour and stubbornness might have rubbed off the now long blue haired man a bit she always taught him to believe in himself and never give up on what he thought was right.

Aoba was really, really thankful for his grandmother's care and tough love.

And because of that, now he could see why the once scary urban legend had become a very ridiculous and childish thing to keep the children away from the forest.

The forest might have been really dangerous, but to tell of a hideous creature taking the form of a beast was pushing it. He was surprised when he learned that not only children, but most of adults also believed in it. It was ridiculous each time he heard a worker that came home at evening "because the beast will be back at nights," or talking about some foolish accidents like how they were injured in forest which they blamed on "The beast's curse."

The beast, huh? If you have time to spout nonsense, why don't you first reflect on your actions before blaming it into some kind of fake nonsense?

Living with a stubborn woman like Tae made Aoba became a cynical, yet positive natured person. He really believed that the urban legend was just some sort of a way for the villagers to run away from their mistakes in life and to blame it on something else. Of course, he had never seen the wolves himself, but had heard them alright. Those howls… made him doubt his own beliefs.

There is a beast living in the forest,

He hates humans more than anything, and he is not afraid to show his hatred, howling every single night.

The urban legend did say that, but personally… Aoba thought their howls sounded so sad and lonely.

But Aoba had no time to indulge the issue further. He had other more serious matters he had to take care of.

Because with each year passed, Tae's health gradually dropped. She was still the same stubborn old woman he knew, but by the time he turned twenty, he could no longer miss the increasing coughs and the visible tiredness reflected in her eyes.

He tried not to think about it, but he knew that Tae was no longer a young woman, and it was obviously affecting her body.

It was one of the realities Aoba wanted to run from—but had to accept as an adult.

For the last two years, Aoba had been taking Tae for frequent visits to the medical centre of the village, though Tae was strongly against it at first. Aoba was able to convince her somehow, and finally Tae gave up after seeing how much Aoba worried over her. Even with a body that was falling behind, Tae seemed as fine and energetic as her stubbornness.

He was living such normal, yet happy days.

Then it happened—on his birthday too, no less.

"Yooo, Aoba! Happy birthday!"

"Happy birthday, Aoba! I brought some cakes for you and Mrs. Tae!"

"Aoba! Happy birthday to you!"

"Koujaku…! Clear! Mizuki too!" Aoba smiled and looked at his friends who had been waving presents to him. "Thank you!"

Koujaku had come with Clear—his other dorky and kind-of-weird but good natured friend—and Mizuki—leader of a gang but with a really fun personality—to his house to congratulate him and celebrate his twenty-third birthday together. Noiz, the new brat that just moved here few years ago and seemed to like to pick a fight with Koujaku, came briefly to Aoba's surprise and Koujaku's annoyance to give Aoba's a present.

"Punk, what the hell you're coming here for?" Koujaku glared at Noiz, in which the blond gave him a small annoyed glance before he huffed.

"It's not your business is it? I came to see him, not you." Noiz moved his thumb over Aoba and the blue haired man sighed at the small impolite gesture. While he's thankful for Noiz's concern, the guy definitely was still a childish, impolite brat.

"Why you—" Koujaku was about to grab Noiz's collar but thankfully Clear was there to stop him from starting another fight. Aoba thank him inside—he didn't want his house to be a new field for them to fight in.

"Shut up you brats!" Tae's angry voice could be heard from the kitchen and all of them quickly shut their mouths at the sudden shout. "You want me to smack you again?!"

A familiar scene where once Koujaku fought with Noiz in this house replayed in their minds, and the boys promptly stayed silent and obedient. No, they really didn't need to be reminded about the day Tae smacked all of the young adults and stopped their fight with only a spatula in her hand and the veins in her forehead.

"Oh, by the way, that guy said to give this to you." Noiz handed him another present and Aoba raised one of his eyebrows. "That guy? Who—"

When Aoba saw the present and the familiar aborigine native pattern of the wrap though, he knew almost immediately who Noiz meant.

Mink didn't come, but Aoba was also surprised to know that a rough looking guy that seemed to be very distant to people like him to go all the way to give him a present. Inwardly Aoba smiled. He knew from the start that Mink was rough, but soft natured deep inside.

After dinner, some bickering from Noiz and Koujaku, some smacks and some shared laughs, everyone finally came home. Aoba softly smiled as he closed the door. Tae came from behind him as she noticed his melancholic expression.

"Tired?" She asked. Her grandchild let out a laugh.

"It was a tiring day, but I am happy. Everyone come to celebrate my birthday and I got so many presents!" Aoba then approached Tae and hugged her. Tae could see his soft hazel eyes brimming in happiness before the warmth of her grandchild's arms enveloped her. "And you're also still here too, Grandma. Thank you."

"Hmph. Of course I am here. Where do you think I'll be going?" She scoffed in an annoyed tone, noticing the underlying implication of Aoba's words. Aoba laughed as he earned another smack on his head. Tae released herself from the hug, then looked up at Aoba with a sad, yet proud gaze.

"You're taller than me now. Time passes so fast." Her voice was notably softer and frailer than her usual rough tone.

"…yeah." Aoba nodded. "I used to be a really short and whiny kid huh?"

The pink haired old woman only chuckled. "You've turned into a fine young man."

"All thanks to you."

Tae smiled and this time was the one initiating the embrace.

"Happy birthday, Aoba. I'll always believe in you and your choices. Remember to never give up, always."


"I will always wish for your happiness."

He could feel a painful tug in his chest along with the warmth of happiness as he tried to choke down a sob. "Yeah…"

Aoba released Tae and they smiled at the quiet peaceful evening, until he faintly heard it again.

The howl. The wolf's sad and lonely howl. It pained Aoba to be able to feel how almost human that voice was.

"It's the howl again…" Aoba approached the window and unconsciously brought his hand to put the curtain away, eyes gazed to the now dark forest that seemed to be forgotten. For some reasons, even though he knew it was not possible, he felt as if he could at least comfort the source of that sad howl just by being there—as if he could tell that they were not alone.

As he thought of that, the bitter howl slowed before finally blending with the silence of the night.

Of course there was no way those wolves could hear or feel what Aoba thought, but it still felt as though Aoba succeeded in comforting them and that thought strangely warmed Aoba.

"They really went overboard to make this urban legend story real, didn't they?" Aoba chuckled as he closed the curtains. "Howl filled with hatred for humans, huh? How's this kind of sad howl comes even close to that, right Grandma?"

Aoba furrowed his brows as he expected some kind of snarky comment as usual from his grandmother. It confused him as silence was his only reply in the room.

"Grandma? …!"

He turned his back—only to find his grandmother already lying on the floor, unmoving.

No… no…!

It was too much to take in–too many emotions competing for his attention. Shock, fear, pain, worry; all were blended into one as he rushed over to his grandmother's side and checked on her. She was breathing heavily, face flushed red and sweating. Aoba could only shiver in horror as he felt her rising, hot temperature.

"Aoba…" She tried but Aoba cut her off, carefully moving her onto his back so he could carry her.

Doctor… they needed to see a doctor…

"Don't talk, okay? Just don't talk! You'll be okay!" Aoba shouted and he was disappointed for not being able to hide his panic tone in his voice, he kicked the front door open, and flinched as he felt a strong wind hit his body. He cursed inwardly, sensing a storm was to come.

Dammit, could this get any worse?! A storm… tonight of all days…

He couldn't dwell on this too much. He had to get Tae to the medical hut. It was pretty far but Aoba had been working in a junk shop as a delivery boy. This distance was nothing compared to that. Finding his resolve Aoba started to run, fighting against the strong wind, hoping he could at least get into the hut before it rained.

Aoba could feel his heart clenching and something burst in his heart. His vision started to blur, battered by wind and tears. How could he have not realized this sooner? Tae was always a stubborn and strong old woman, but she was also a hard working person. From this morning, she had not stopped cooking and preparing things for Aoba's birthday.

She loved him and cared for him that much… that she pushed her limits even though she was supposed to know her body couldn't take it. And everything was because it was his birthday. She wanted to make him happy.

My fault… It's my fault…

Aoba gritted his teeth as he ran. He could feel drizzles of water splashing his face and he cursed, picking up his pace while trying not to let Tae fall from his back.

Happy birthday, Aoba. I'll always believe in you and your choices. Remember to never give up, always.

I will always wish for your happiness.

No. His happiness was his life with Tae and his friends. Her words ringing in his head and he knew that she was the reason why he could live his life like this.

"Don't worry Grandma… I won't give up. Just like what you said…. You'll be okay."

He reached the hut on time, just as the rain was unleashed from the heavens. Bursting through the doors he screamed at the nearest nurse and begged her to look at Tae. Responding quickly the nurse called a doctor, bringing Tae into an emergency room while they waited. Aoba's chest heaved, his back hitting and sliding down the wall until he slumped to the ground.

He had been running from his house while holding on to Tae's weight without stopping, fighting off an oncoming storm as he went. While Tae was not heavy, it was still tiring to carry another's lifeless weight that distance. His legs hurt from the exertion and his body was exhausted. The panic and worries were still clinging to him, and he was sure it would never truly go until he knew Tae was alright.

The sound of footsteps broke his reverie and he looked up to see a man, dressed in a white overcoat and a plastic name tag around his neck. It must be the doctor.

"How's Grandma?" Aoba quickly stood up and tried to be calm… to no avail. The doctor's face looked haggard and Aoba could feel his heartbeat begin to accelerate in his chest. That kind of expression was never good news.

"She has a high fever. It seems like she overdid her work and was hit by exhaustion. Normally this would be okay, but she is already an ageing woman." The doctor sighed and Aoba bit his lips. He knew it. Tae was working too hard, pushing herself too far.

…because it was his birthday…

"Will she be okay?" Aoba murmured, and he could even feel something akin to pleading tone in his voice. The doctor hung his head and knotted his eyebrows.

"I am so sorry, but I can't be so sure."

Aoba could feel his shoulders drop in horror and it even hurt to breathe as the voice of the doctor continued to ring in his ears.

"Usually it will be okay, but her body is too weak, so it really depends on her strength of will if she can make it through. We've run out of the herbs we need to help in stabilizing her body temperature. It's too late to fetch them tonight. We will try in the morning."

Aoba's hazel eyes flashed as a small ray of hope sprung inside his heart. "I will find them."

At that exclamation, the doctor and the nurse's eyes went wide in horror and mortification.

"No you can't! It's dangerous! There's a storm outside that shows no sign of stopping until at least morning! It's too dangerous going into the forest with this kind of weather." The nurse quickly explained, and Aoba could feel her concern for him. Normally Aoba would be very thankful for her thoughts, but right now he was too angry and too scared, and he was not unable to think very clearly when his grandmother's life was at stake.

"I don't care about the storm! I can't let Grandma suffer like this without doing anything, right?!"

"Can you just calm down?" The doctor grabbed Aoba's shoulder. "You do realize that in this kind of weather, there's no light to help you to differentiate between regular plants and the herbs we need. It's already night. It's dark, it's raining, and it will be slippery and dangerous to wander around the forest. Not to mention the story about the beast living in there…"

The blue haired man flashed an angry glare and pulled his arm free of the doctor's grasp. "I don't believe in that stupid legend, okay?! I will be fine, so just tell me what herb I have to find and let me go!"

I won't give up. Not now… Grandma…

His hazel eyes were full of absolute resolve. The doctor, seeing this, slumped his shoulders in surrender. He knew he could not stop this boy from going. In defeat he told Aoba the details; the herb's name, how many they needed and what it looked like.

After uttering an apology, Aoba took off and ran to the forest, not caring for the rain or the strong wind that hit his thin body.

When he reached the forest, he replayed the information the doctor gave him over in his mind.

The forest was dark—really dark. He almost could not see anything here at all. It was also very cold, and the path is very slippery because of the heavy rain. Not to mention, he didn't bring anything to protect himself, so he was definitely dead meat once he encountered wolves here.

Never go to the forest when night comes.

All of those thoughts however were gone in a blink of an eye as he remembered his grandmother's condition, and he gritted his teeth as he started to run. The doctor had mentioned that the herb was really hard to find, and they could only be found near the fence border lining the 'beast's' nest. So Aoba ran. Ran deeper into the forest. Ran deeper into a whole new level of fear.

He was freezing, his legs numb from the cold. He slipped several times, and he groaned in pain as he felt the blood seeping out of his grazed knees, yet still he tried to search for the herb—with only sheer motivation fuelling his every movement. He cursed because he could not clearly see it beneath the thick darkness, only imagine what it looked like from the description. Though he searched and searched he could find nothing like it, anywhere, adding to his desperate frustration.

The doctor had said it could be found near the perimeter…

Then could it be there must be more beyond the warning sign?

Aoba swallowed the lump in his throat. He had heard those howls at night alright. He knew that it was dangerous.

Never try to wander into the depths of the lost wood.

Cold and injured, bleeding and numb—He needed to get back fast. If he had to be here for another hour, he was certain to lose consciousness, if not worse. He could not return with nothing; he hadto get back, and soon. Aoba didn't care about himself truthfully, but Tae….

She's a strong woman, she will find a way to hang on until I come back.

He tried to comfort himself, then after finding his resolution once more, he tried to walk around the fencing, trying to find a loophole so he could get passed to the inner side of the forest.

To the beast's home.

It didn't take long for him to find an old and rusty part of the fence, destroying it with a small plank of wood.

Aoba forced himself in, kneeling down to examine the plants there. The sound of rain was reverberating in his ears and he could feel his lips surrendering to the kiss of the chill air. He could feel the encroaching haze of unconsciousness dancing at the edges of his mind, so he bit his lips until they bled to stay awake. He rubbed his wet hair from his face as it obscured his vision. Even without any light, his eyes were now adjusted to the dark and he could see the form of the plants better.

He wondered if he was the first person to pass this barricade since it was made. The path was noticeably filled with more roots and grass. The blue haired man forced his body to move despite the cold, and then the hazel eyes finally found something. That plant… could it be…

He was right. Aoba grinned in triumph as he felt the flower petals with his shivering fingertips. This was the herb. He quickly picked some—more than he needed to just in case.

His relief was short lived, washed away by immense fear as he heard a growl that was definitely not human.

No way. Could it be… the wolves?

Thinking it should be enough, Aoba quickly pocketed the herb and ran as quickly as he could back to the barrier. The rain had dulled his senses and he was almost out for good.

And now the wolves are coming for him.

Yeah, today was definitely not his best birthday.

He could feel his heartbeat quicken as fear enveloped his body, interlacing with the frosty storm of the night. He could feel the wolves—or whatever they were—following him… stalking, circling, running to catch him.

To kill him.

The thought made his body tremble and in that moment he tripped over his own feet. Aoba moaned in pain as he fell to the ground, mud and dirty puddles slashing and staining his already drenched clothes. He gritted his teeth and tried to get up, to run away from the terror that was looming still, somewhere behind him…

Never look back when you feel like you're being followed.

The overwhelming fear managed to make his over pushed body get up and run. It didn't matter where; he moved blindly in the night in what he could only hope was towards safety. His body hurt like hell, and he was freezing and drenched from head to toe. He could taste blood in his mouth from his fall and his head was throbbing as he tried to grasp onto something, anything. Aoba heard a rustle behind him and he gasped as he slowly turned his face—eyes widening in horror and mortification.

When lightning struck, he saw it briefly. A flash, illuminating the terror that lurked in the night.

It was not wolf. It was definitely not a wolf.

It was bigger than a wolf… with gnawing fangs… and thick fur…

"No…" Aoba unconsciously said as a sense of dread washed over him. "No…"

Never go to the forest when night comes. Never try to wander into the depths of the lost wood. Never look back when you feel like you're being followed.

There is a dangerous beast that lives in the forest.

Hearing a low growl echoing across the dark, Aoba snapped out of his fear, remembering WHY he had come here.

…Remember to never give up, always.

Wolf or beast, or anything it was, it didn't matter. He had known the risks of coming here. He wouldn't give up. He would never give up. Screaming out all the air in his lungs to momentarily distract that beast and lurching forward, he ran in a desperate bid towards the barricade—towards his home—towards his waiting grandmother.

It was not to be. Suddenly feeling as though he had stepped on air, a moment of weightless overcame him before gravity returned and he started to fall.



It took him a while before he realized that he was actually falling from a cliff.

And the path towards his home was just before his eyes too…

Aoba closed his eyes slowly, teeth biting into his lips as he silently cried out.

Am I going to die?

Not from the urban legend's beast, but because I am falling from a cliff…

No, I don't want to die now… Grandma is waiting…

He reached out a hand, trying to grab on to something, but he could only feel the strong wind and rain rushing passed his fingertips as fell to his death…

Would he die just like this? All alone in a freezing, cold and stormy night…

"Grandma…" Aoba felt a sudden tiredness as he slowly closed his eyes, waiting for the shivery embrace of death to come for him as he fell.

…Weirdly and ironically enough though, the last memory he could remember before he fell unconscious was that death felt like a warm embrace of a gentle being, keeping him safe from the harsh reality of the night...

The first thing he felt when he woke up, was warmth.

Weird… wasn't he supposed to be in the depths of the forest, lost to the caress of a frigid tempest?

Aoba's eyes blinked open, his head was ringing with pain at the sudden light fulfilling his eyes. When his hazel eyes finally adjusted, he examined his surroundings. He was in a small cabin with the only source of the light was the small fire burning in the hearth. The cabin seemed like it was in no state for any humans to live in—it was very messy, the walls were littered with cracks , and there was not many furniture you usually found on one's house. However for some reason—aside from the fact that someone had lit a fire in this cabin—Aoba could tell that someone had been living in this cabin, which didn't seem like a good place for habitation at all.

Yeah right… if it even was human.

Aoba remembered it now. He was being chased until he fell from that cliff. Honestly, although he didn't want to give up, he had shamefully thought he would definitely die and had abandoned all hopes to still be alive. That's why the young man was surprised to find himself to be still alive. Aoba could hear the faint sound of strong rain outside, and turned his head towards a broken glass window.

The storm was still rampant it seemed.

With his condition, and everything that had just happened, it seemed like he could not go home now. Desperation and worry overcame his thought as an image of a certain old woman showed up in the blue haired man's mind.


Aoba wondered where he was now. The biggest possibility was he was still in the forest, but if it that was the case…

Didn't that mean there was a person who had been living in the forest, despite the dangerous animals and the urban legend that surrounding it?

Aoba moved, only to feel a stinging pain in his legs and he cringed. Right, he had fallen over tree roots and tripped over his legs several times. He looked over to check himself, and blushed when he saw the condition he was in.

He was naked. Fully naked with only a thick blanket covering over his fair skin.

He had been unconscious for quite a long time, so he didn't know what exactly happened, but the man with the royal blue coloured hair could guess what happened with checking his surroundings. Someone… someone had saved him and brought him to this unused cabin. He could see his drenched clothes hanging on an old chair near the couch he had been sleeping on. His saviour apparently noticed that Aoba was freezing from the storm and had undressed him, ensuring he didn't get sick, and covered him with a blanket to warm him up.

It was kind of strange and embarrassing to think an unknown person undressing him while he was unconscious, but Aoba was grateful for this person to have saved him.

Aoba heard something. Outside. And then he saw it.

A shadow of a person.

Feeling curious, and also overwhelmed by feelings of gratitude, Aoba tried to stand and approached the room next to his. The rooms' doors were already broken down, so Aoba could hear the sound of the fire very clearly, as well the rustling of the man. The moment he stood up, electric bolts of pain shot him in his head and in his legs, but after some time, it became bearable and Aoba started walking, bringing the blanket to at least cover himself in some kind of decency.

The old floor creaked as Aoba walked and by that, the blue haired man was pretty sure this really was not a normal cabin humans usually would live with. A small, but growing suspicion came to nagging in the back of his head about who his saviour really was. Could it be he had been living in this cabin that's no longer suitable for humans to live in for a long time?

When Aoba peeked into the living room, concealing himself behind the door frame as much as he could, he saw his saviour sitting on the floor across the fireplace, as if trying to warm himself up. He could tell by his back that he was quite a muscular guy with eerily pale skin and dark, spiky hair. And as if to add to his already growing suspicion, this man's body hair… seemed unnatural.

Despite all of that, Aoba approached the man carefully while keeping his distance with the pale brunette. A small grunt of surprise and twitch of his shoulders told Aoba that the man finally realized his presence, and Aoba felt his heartbeat quicken in a mix of fear and excitement.

"…Are you the one who saved me?" Aoba started off, slowly. He could tell by the wary sigh that the man heard him, but for some reason the man flinched in something akin to… fear? Aoba stared at his back in confusion as he saw the dark haired man move farther from Aoba, as if trying to avoid him.

… He was not going to have any of this. To the other man's surprise, Aoba took a step closer and approached him, hands tightening on the blanket that had been covering his body.

"Don't be scared." The blue haired man tries to soften his voice as he came closer carefully, although inwardly he was confused why he had to treat this man like some… some kind of little, scared animal? "I just want to thank you."

To Aoba's surprise the man growled. It was the kind of growl no human usually would spout on and it gave shivers to Aoba's body, but he also realized despite the heightening intensity, the taller man refused in any way to show Aoba his face.

"… Stay away." His voice was deep, and Aoba could hear tone of pain beneath that masculine voice.

…now this was weird. Why would he have saved him if he was afraid to look at the person he saved on eyes?

Feeling his own stubbornness leading him on, Aoba followed his actions through his own instincts as he approached the man even more boldly, and grabbed his shoulder to turn him face to face.

—He didn't expect him to roar angrily and push him onto his back.

They fell with a loud thud, and the blanket slipped over a bit, revealing Aoba's white chest as he stared in shock at the amber eyes that was glaring from above him. If the situation had been different, Aoba would have been embarrassed with the… enthralling position they were in. However the time Aoba took a good look on the man's face, he could feel shock taking over his embarrassment quite quickly.

The source of the light in the cabin was only from the fireplace, making it difficult to see the dark haired man's features. But it was more than enough for Aoba to understand why he had been refusing to show his face… and why Aoba felt the growing fear each time he took a step forward to approach this… this…

What was he actually? He took the form of a human… but he had unnatural body hair from his hands to near his shoulders and his legs were covered in much the same way, that when Aoba looked closer, it was actually fur. He also had some of the fur on his face, though not as much as on his body. He constantly growled and grunted as if he was getting ready to catch his prey, just like an animal would. The slits in his eyes were also more beastly, not the circular pupils of a human. He had really unnatural fangs that were bigger than humans had. He looked like…a...

…beast, a small voice in the back of Aoba's brain called to him. He looks like a beast.

He is the beast that is depicted in the urban legend.

This confirmed his suspicion, if the trembling of fear from his body didn't tell him enough.

As if the man—the beast—realized his fear, his expression changed from that look of an angry animal into something akin to shock, before avoiding Aoba's gaze as his face contorted as though in pain.

"…I told you not to get closer," Aoba could feel his warm breath on his face, and in a momentary of confusion and fear, Aoba could even tell that the amber eyes of the man above him seemed so… so sorrowful. "You humans hate me."

He then sat up, leaving the shorter of the two who was still on floor, paralysed with confusion and dissolving fear swirling in his head. The man proceeded to scoff and showed an expression filled with not only disgust and hatred, but also pain and desolation.

"What's wrong? Aren't you scared?" The pale skinned brunette taunted him, still with the same expression he wore from earlier, and it started to sink in Aoba's head, the situation he was in—the situation they were in—as each word of empty threat came out of his lips. "Go on. Scream. Try to hurt me, then run away in fear. Just like they did. Just like everyone did."

Aoba sat up as he looked at the man in front of him—who now already closed his eyes dejectedly, expecting Aoba to do any of what he had just said. And after a while, only the sound of the fireplace could be heard inside of the cabin.

Aoba was scared, alright. It was a lie if he said he was not scared at all in this kind of situation, but...

But despite it all, the blue haired man could feel his sorrow, and in turn, it also pained him to hear those kind of words from him. He remembered those howls he heard at night at his home sometimes. Those howls which are depicted as howls filled with hatred towards humanity… those howls which sounded so sad and lonely…

When Aoba looked at the man in front of him again, he noticed he was trembling. It could not be because of the cold—the fireplace was warming the room up.

It was easy to tell though. He was scared. What he was scared of, Aoba didn't know, but with such a sorrowful expression from his face Aoba felt he understood something. And it also pained him to know it.

"No… How could I? How could I run away? You… you saved me." Aoba softly answered with a melancholic voice, and the pale skinned brunette quickly turned his face back with a surprised look, as if he never heard those words for his life.

How long… how long he had been living here, all alone? How long had humans abandoned him in this place?

When Aoba first moved to the Old District Village, he was still six. When he first moved there, the rumor of the beast in the forest had already become an urban legend of the village.

Almost two decades… and could even be more…

Thinking of that made Aoba pity the dark haired man and he could feel a painful tug inside of his chest, as he carefully reached his hand towards the man's pale skinned face.

He knew the feeling of being lonely. It felt so painful and sad and Aoba could not stop crying back then after he realized that his parents would not be going home soon as they bid their farewells. But even so, he had Grandma. Grandma had always filled his loneliness with all her love and care. Not only her… he also had met Koujaku, Clear, Noiz, Mizuki, and Mink. He had met wonderful people in the village to fill his loneliness. But this man… the beast as what they called him…

He was alone. He had always been alone.

In this forest… in this cabin… with no one there to comfort him when he's sad… with no one there to show him love…

With no one else to fill his void of emptiness he would howl at night… waiting for someone, calling out anyone…

It hurt so much that even Aoba held his breath to hold his voice from wavering.

When the dark haired man realized Aoba was reaching out his hand, he flinched and growled, amber eyes squinting in a glare. Even though Aoba was scared, his stubbornness won over and he knew that this man had no ill intent, so he leaned in, closing their distance more and more.

"Don't worry… I won't hurt you."

When the brunette made no move, slowly—carefully—Aoba placed his hand on the taller man's furred cheek.

It was warm. It was as warm as his grandmother's cheek when he embraced her.

…it was warm just like how he touched a human.

The taller of the two looked confused and surprised, and by his expression, Aoba could tell he had never felt a humans touch for a long time. It even pained Aoba _ more to think of that, and so he proceeded to stroke his fur, to the other's surprise.

"Thank you… for saving me." Aoba then said softly, and boldly turned his face to stare right into the man's eyes, trying to show that his words were sincere, from the bottom of his heart.


When the man felt that hand stroking his fur, he flinched, afraid that somehow, the blue haired man was going to hurt him. But after some time, he felt that feeling disappear, replaced by a new feeling he had almost forgotten. A new feeling other than sadness, pain, and misery.

Wasn't this what those humans called by 'happiness'?

It felt so warm. It felt so suffocating.

It felt like he was going to cry.

It was the first time he felt the warmth of a human against his skin.

It was the first time someone welcomed him not as a beast, but as a person.

By his pained, surprised expression, Aoba could tell the man with this beast appearance like had never even heard 'thank you' before. So he continued to stroke his fur to comfort him, trying to fill the gap of loneliness he had been forced to face for those years of being alone.

Aoba let out a surprised yell when suddenly the man beast in front of him pulled him into a tight embrace, as if trying to suck in the warmth of Aoba's body. To convey his happiness and his gratitude. To feel more. His expression looked like he was in pain, but Aoba could feel his heart beating in sync with his own, and he could understand how touched, how relieved, how happy this man was.

He let out a laugh as the spark of fear that came when the man-beast launched at him dissolved into a warm, sincere gladness. He might have beastly features, but rather than a scary beast the urban legend depicted him as, he looked more like a big puppy.

"What's your name?" Aoba asked as he felt said big puppy nuzzle his cheek to his bare shoulder—it was a bit embarrassing and ticklish at the same time. "Do you have one…?"

"Ren." The brunette breathed with his deep voice, this time with a relieved tone.

"Ren…" Aoba tasted the name in with his lips, and smiled as he patted Ren's hair—feeling the soft dark blue locks with his fingertips. "It's a really good name."

He felt Ren shifted, and nudged Aoba with his nose, before proceeding to lick him, to Aoba's surprise.

…what, he really WAS just like a big puppy with human form.

"What, me?" Aoba chuckled at the animalistic, yet playful gesture from the taller man. To return the affection, he caught Ren's face with his both of hands—no longer have any trace of fear left—and brings their foreheads closer until they bumped. "I am Aoba."

"Aoba," Ren tried the name. It felt foreign to let out another name rolled out of his tongue after living for years without having anyone to talk to. Aoba smiled proudly at his effort before went full out grinning.

"That's right! I am Aoba. Nice to meet you, Ren."

Ren stared at Aoba for a long time, before slowly—to Aoba's own surprise—let his lips tugged upwards in a smile.

"Nice meeting you… Aoba."

Wow. Aoba could feel himself blush for a bit.

It was the first time Aoba saw Ren smile since he was saved by him.

To the blue haired man's amazement… He looked so beautiful when he smiled.

Never go to the forest when night comes. Never try to wander into the depth of the lost wood. Never look back when you feel like you're being followed.

There is a dangerous beast that lives in the forest.

It was the urban legend Aoba had learned when he was still a kid, and never believed in until now.

In this cold, stormy night, for the first time, he encountered the dangerous beast of the forest.

…or rather if he could personally say, a lonely big puppy with a beautiful smile.

What he didn't know yet was that, his normal, happy days he had been living were going to change because of this fateful meeting.

Chapter 1: Boy meets Beast. END.

This story is beta-ed by hentaidesuyo. If it's not for her this story will never be finished. Thank you!

The herb plant Aoba has to search in order to save Tae is blue rosemary flower if anyone is wondering. The meaning of the flower also have meanings that will (probably) be revealed in later chapters.

Also, I will probably draw some scenes for later chapters (You can look at them in AO3 or under junjoupureheart username after I updated) , depending of the readers' response. Please tell me if you want me to do some illustrations for later chapters^^

Thank you for reading!