Sakura POV

[I think I favor Sakura's POV...]

Today was my last day at the hospital and I was excited to get out. My shoulder was healed, and there was a small scar there, which I didn't care for. I got up from my hospital bed and walked in the bathroom, I smiled at my reflection as I ran my fingers through my hair, as it went past my shoulders only to end around the start of my arms. I turned on the water to the shower as I began to strip from my clothing, folding them and putting them on the toilet seat as I climbed into the shower, feeling the warmth of the water hit against my skin as I reclosed the curtain. I lifted my hair up as the water damped it, as I lowered my head letting water hit my head and pour down my body. I grabbed the shampoo and conditioner that was placed in there and began to wash my hair, not worrying to when I was going to get discharged, as I was only waiting for my team to pick me up. I rinsed off my hair and body as I climbed out of the shower, grabbing the towel off the wracket and began to dry my hair towel-style until it wasn't dripping to bad, and dried off my body. I brushed through my wet locks and shook my hair, as I fixed my bangs. I put back on my underwear, the same underwear that I wore to Tazuna's and pulled over my yellow T, and grey pants that ended at my calves, and tied my headband around my neck. I put the towel in the hamper, and walked back in the hospital room over to my shoes, I slipped my black sandals on and grabbed my bag that I brought with me to Tazuna's and slipped it on. I walked over to the door and opened it as I walked out into the hallway. Passing Nurses as I walked into the lobby and up to the counter, "Hello, I'm being discharged today." I said to the lady, with a smile on my face as she smiled at me, "You ready now?" I nodded in response as she grabbed the sign in paper, "Name?" she asked, "Sakura Haruno" I said smiling as she crossed my name out, "You can go now." I nodded to her and walked out of the hospital, to almost be glomped by a blob of orange. "Naruto! Careful!" I yelled at him as he hugged me, "Sorry Sakura-Chan!" He laughed as Sasuke just stared at us, "Where's Kakashi-Sensei?" I asked as Sasuke looked away, "He was busy.." I nodded and smiled at Naruto, "Ramen?" I asked, causing his eyes to widen, "YES!" He yelled joyfully as he grabbed my hand and Sasuke's wrist and started dragging us down the street, me laughing as Sasuke just looked annoyed, causing me to laugh more at his expression.

We got to the Ramen shop in no time due to Naruto basically dragging us half the way as we sat down on the stool and ordered, "Large bowl of Miso ramen with roasted pork fillet!" Naruto yelled happily as Teuchi smiled at him, then looked at Sasuke, "Chicken.." he stated as Teuchi nodded once more and looked to me in the middle of them, "and the lovely miss?" I smiled at him, "Beef please." [She doesn't have her favorite ramen on the wiki, so I used my favorite. ] He smiled at nodded, "Comin' right up!" He yelled as he started cooking the noodles, "Where's Ayame, old man?" Naruto asked as Teuchi laughed a bit, "Went on a date." Naruto did a 'o' face and grabbed 3 pairs of chopsticks, passing one down the table to Sasuke and handed one to me, as we waited for our Ramen.

Teuchi passed us 3 bowls, "Enjoy!" We nodded as we broke our chapsticks and began eating, 'Today's been a good day so far..' I thought happily as I slurped [Had to stop it here.. Typing about food made me hungry for ramen myself.] Naruto finished his bowl in no time and was on his second as Sasuke and I were finishing up, "Hey Naruto, I'm going to go now, alright?" I said as I stood up, placing some money on the table that I had with me, "Mmfh, bye Sakura-Chan!" He muffled out through his noodles as I left Sasuke and him there. I walked down the street as I passed by people walking down the street. My eyes following a particular person as my footsteps slowed in pace as I completely stopped walking as the blonde man passed by me, his head turning to look at me as I saw his blue eyes, his bangs waving away to reveal his right eye as he showed me a grin as he cotninued walking. My mouth gaping as I snapped my head to look at him, to only see him gone. A memory playing in my mind..

''W-Whats your name?'' the blonde she-male giving her a smile, ''Deidara! Nice to meet you Cherryblossom! un.'' Not wanting to ask about his.. catchphrase, 'un' as she'd just tilt her head, ''Your a boy?'' sounding a bit dissapointed as the fish dude started to burst into laughter, the blonde man frowning at this, ''YES I'M A BOY OKAY!?'' Glaring his blue eyes over at the fish dude as he'd look annoyed.. ''O-Oh.. Sorry.'' Scratching the back of her head as she'd blush at him. Deidara seeing her blush as his gaze softened, being intrigued into the pinkette as he'd simply walk over, plopping down next to the child. Sakura looking up at him curiously as she'd tilt her head, the male reaching a hand in his pocket as he'd extend his hand infront of him, Sakura's jade eyes widening at the hand that had a 'MOUTH' looking completely shocked as the hand chewed on some clay, Deidara noticing her expression as his gaze lowered sadly.. ''Thats so cool!'' exclaimed the Pinkette as Deidara's eyes widened abit, ''Eh? you think their cool?''

"Deidara?" I spoke out-loud as I raised my hand to look at my palms, 'His hands.. Was that guy.. Deidara?' I asked myself as a headache was forming, "Ughh.." I groaned as I placed my palm on my head, 'How do I know.. Deidara?' I asked myself again as my head ached, people around me looking at me weirdly as a man stopped and placed a hand on my shoulder as I was gripping the sides of my head, "Young miss?" Asked the elderly man, causing me to jump out of my thoughts as my head snapped up, my eyes alarmed and widened as I snapped my head to look at him, my breathing sounding shakey, "S-Sorry.." I said as I turned away and started fast-walking down the street, 'Why does.. My head hurt this bad?!' I thought, my thoughts racing as I stumbled a bit, walking off the road onto the path as I walked into the training grounds, shaking my head as I knew I didn't want to be disturbed as I walked into the woods and collapsed against a tree, clutching my head and bringing my legs up to my chest, 'It was probably something to do with that Blonde guy!' Inner yelled as I lowered my gaze, 'How do I know him?' closing my eyes tightly as I tried to remember more, thinking of the man's face as my vision flashed to black,

''U-Uh.. whats your name?'' tilting her head a bit, ''Kisame.'' Simply stating as he'd observe the child, blinking abit as she'd close her eyes in an anime closed eye smile, a grin on her lips, ''Nice to meet you Kisame-Kun!'' The fish-man looking over at Deidara as he'd give the blonde male a toothy grin, Deidara still having a smile as they'd look down at the Pinkette that was playing with the heart-object.

Her eyes snapped back to her normal vision as she trembled abit, 'The traveler! From the mist! Why is he in my memory?!' I yelled as my head snapped up in realization, 'The heart object..' I paniced as I grabbed my bag and opened it, digging around as I pulled out the clay heart, rubbing my index finger across it as I remembered it from my vision, 'So this.. Wasn't a gift from my family?...' I frowned as I laid the object on my lap, stareing down at it with sad eyes as my head ached horribly. A twig snapping as my eyes snapped to the noise to only be met with blue eyes as Deidara was standing there, his eye widening as I made eye contact with him, "Hey there, yeah." [Just realized I switched from Un to Yeah.. xD ] He greeted as I stared at him, "Y-You! How do I know you!" I yelled as his exposed eye widened again, "Hmm" He began to walk over as I backed up against the tree, "Stay away!" I yelled again as he just simply plopped down beside me, causing me to scoot away from him some. "I won't hurt you, yeah." He said, his eyes being hidden as I could only see a frown on his lips, my eyebrows furrowed as he turned his head to look at me, my eyes meeting with blue that looked saddened as he stared at me, before he turned away. I was confused.. Why was he showing such an emotion? I asked as I then got a good look at him, he was wearing a grey shirt, and black ninja pants, with black sandals with white guards, and he wore a cross out forehead protector with the Iwa symbol on it over his forehead. 'Ex-Ninja?..' I thought as I kept my back against the tree, stareing at him as he as sitting criss-cross, stareing at his own lap sadly. "Uhm.. Are you alright?..." I asked as I scooted over a bit to look at his face, the heart on my lap falling to the ground as I looked at it as when I went to reach it he grabbed it instead. He brought it over to his vision as he got a good look at it, rubbing his thumb over the base like I did with my index as I stuttered, ''That object.." I began as he looked at me, only one of his eyes exposed as he looked sad, a frown on his lips, "I made it." He stated simply. My eyes widened again as I went to speak,

''Eh? you think their cool?'' he asked as he'd watch his hand chew on some clay, ''Yeah!'' leaning over a bit to watch his hand's mouth as he'd grin at her, taking out the clay as he formed his hands together forming a clay heart. Handing the clay heart to her as he'd harden the clay with his chakra, keeping it in solid form. The Pinkette's eyes would be wide as she'd blush, taking the solid object from him, ''Thank you Deidara-Kun!''

I yelped as I gripped my head once more, my body trembling as my head was aching, as I was able to hear my heart pounding loudly in my ears painfully, feeling warm hands grip my shoulders as I snapped open my eyes to look at the man infront of me, crouched infront of me as his face was closed to mine. A tear I didn't know formed had slid down my cheek as I stared at him in shock, he had a serious expression on as he pulled me to him, my eyes widening as he brought me into his embrace, his longer arms being able to completely wrap around my form as I was brought into his chest. Looking up at him as his face was shaded out, but a frown was still seen on his lips. I hesitantly moved my arms over and gave him a small hug.

The hug only lasted a moment as I realized my position, me in the middle of his legs.. and we were hugging .. but why did I feel this way? Like.. I feel safe, I feel warm .. My cheeks burned as I put my hands on his chest pulling away as I struggled, "Deidara! Let me go!" I yelled as his grip would slowly falter, as his arms dropped to his sides as I stumbled back, my back hitting the base of the tree as he was still sitting closely infront of me. "I-I'm going to go..'' I said as I jumped to my feet and went to hurriedly walk away as a grasp on my wrist stopped me, my eyes widening in alarm as I timidly turned my head to look at him, "Can you stay for just a little while, yeah?.." he asked as my eyebrows furrowed abit, "Why?.." I asked as he had a saddened look, "Just cause.." I shook my head fast, "I'm sorry.. but I really need to go, my p-parents.. are waiting for.. me.." I lied as his eye widened a bit, before his gazed fell to the ground, his grip slowly loosening as he released my wrist, I took a few running steps as I slowed down and turned my head to look at him, my eyes looking over his saddened form as I felt guilty. 'Why do I feel guilty for someone like him?..' He still held the clay object in his hand as he stood up, walking over to me as I turned away from him, back away as my eyes were widened, "Uh.." I spoke out as he raised the heart object out to me, "Its yours.." he said as he had a small happy look on his facial features, as I shook my head a bit, ''You made it.." I said as he smiled, "For you.." My eyebrows furrowed, "I know you know that to.. Yeah.." He said as I raised my arm up to grab the heart, "Who are you?.." I asked as he smiled at me calmly, "Deidara." He stated as I frowned, "Not what I meant.." I said as he just snickered, "I've already told you more than I should.. I shouldn't have even spoken to you.." He said, his expression turning sad again. "Why can't you?" I asked, taking a step foreward as he shook his head, "Can't tell you that either.." He said, as I bit down on my lower lip, "One day you'll understand." He said calmly as he walked closed to me, my eyes widening as I felt his lips press against my forehead, as I backed up a bit, almost stumbling as he smiled, "See yah.. Yeah." He waved as he turned away and jumped into the trees. "Wait!" I called as he was already gone. I frowned as my eyes widened, 'My headache's gone..' I placed a hand on my head as I turned away from the spot, gripping the clay heart in my hand as I walked through the forest to the village.

Deidara POV

I frowned as I sat down on a tree branch in the Konoha forests, her face showing in my mind as I let out a sigh, leaning my back against the tree as I closed my eyes. 'She's grown.' Smiling to my thoughts as I stared towards nothing in particular.




"Owww!" I whined as I fell on my butt, whining as I then snapped my head to look up at Sasori standing on the branch where I once was, having a emotionless expression on his face. "Danna! Yeah!" I whined as I stood up once Sasori jumped down on me, his eyes glaring at me. "You did more than just watch her.." Sasori commented, as my cheeks turned a small scarlet, "What do you mean! All I did was talk to her! Yeah." Sasori was obviously not buying it as he crossed his arms, "I was there I know what you did." he said, as my eyes widened, "You spied on me!?" I yelled as Sasori looked away, "You went against Leader's orders, and instead of watching her, you talked to her, and made physical contact with her." He stated as I frowned, "Your making it seem like I tried to do things to her.. Yeah.." I bluntly said as Sasori's eye twitched, "Wait a minute, Yeah!" I yelled coming to a conclusion, "Your jealous!" I yelled, laughing as his head snapped to look at me, his glare reading death as he frowned, "I followed you because I knew you were going to do something stupid, brat!" He yelled as I stopped laughing, "Sure, Sure!" I said, "Anyway, I have her for the rest of the day, and I don't want you around, yeah!" Sasori scoffed, "If I leave then you would do something to her.." Sasori said as he looked away, "It's my turn though! I won't do anything, yeah!" I yelled as Sasori turned away completely, "Fine." He stated as I smiled in my victory, "Bye, yeah!" I said happily as I jumped off to the village once more.

I looked around as I headed into the village, the same way Sakura exited as I caught onto the glimpse of Pink hair and followed it. I got to say, I looked pretty normal, not like people are gonna squint their eyes to peek at my headband.. I smiled as I traveled on the roof tops, which took awhile before she stopped at a apartment complex. She walked in as I jumped over to where I got a good view of all the windows, and waited till I saw pink, and headed over. I tugged on the window, and let it slide open, 'Man.. She has to start locking these windows..' I commented as I closed the window behind me, looking around the room which seemed to be a small, very small living area as I heard footsteps, panicing as I jumped on the ceiling, using my chakra to stick to the ceiling like spiderman. [Yes, Spiderman is a real person in the Naruto world! ] I can watch her this way a lot easier! I bet none of the other members thought of this , smirking to myself as I watched her sit on the small couch, wearing what seemed to be a set of wear pajamas thought was a low cut shirt, and puff shorts [The ones she wears in Road Of The Ninja!] as she was reading a book on taijutsu.

It was around sunset when she headed off to bed, seeing she probably was going to train in the morning with her team or something which was understandable. I jumped down from the ceiling and peeked in her bedroom to see her asleep as I smirked to myself, 'Mission accomplished!' I said smiling as I opened up the window once more, jumping out of it as I closed it behind me.

Sakura POV

All 3 of us got to the meeting area in the training grounds at 7:04, Naruto though arriving around 7:30 as we waited unpatiently for our sensei, who was obviously late AGAIN. Naruto was chatting away to us, and more to me as Sasuke was trying to block him out of his mind using his, Uchihaness which was obviously failing him at the moment. Sensei appeared infront of us waving a apologetic hand towards us, "Sorry I'm late everyone, I was held up by-" Naruto and I cut him off as we both yelled at him, "LIES!" Causing him to jump back and scratch the back of his head. "Anyway you 3.." Catching our attention as we all looked at Kakashi, "Today's mission is a D-Rank, just scoop up the trash around the streets and report back here under 6 hours, and you'll have completed your mission." We nodded as he handed up trashbacks and those dumb sticks with needles at the end of them. We began to walk away the training grounds as Naruto ran up to me, "Sakura-Chan! Teamwork 'ttebayo!" He said with a goofy grin on his face, as I smiled, "Sure Naruto" Looking for Sasuke as I already saw that he vanished. Shrugging my shoulders as we began to pick up trash littered among the streets, "Boss!" Yelled Konohamaru as he ran towards us, "Hey Kono" Naruto greeted as Konohamaru and his little team smiled at him admiring him. Konohamaru turned to look at me, and raised an eyebrow, "Say Boss.. I get it now!" He said excitedly as Naruto raised an eyebrow, as did I, "Get what?" asked Naruto, "You and her are.. together!" raising his pinkie finger for some reason as Naruto blushed, scratching the back of his head, "Well you can tell she's kinda in to me, right?" He laughed nervously as I glared at him, "I'm NOT his girlfriend!" I yelled, knocking Naruto over the head with my fist as Konohamaru gaped, "Well good! Your to ugly for the boss anyway!" he yelled back, glaring at me as my eye twitched, "You got away from that tragedy boss! Did you see her forehead!?" Naruto and Konohamaru's team all shrank back in fear as I gritted my teeth, turning to them as I had a scary expression on my face, "YOU.. LITTLE PUNK!" I screamed as Konohamaru screamed, so did his team and Naruto as they ran for it, I ran after them in pure rage, my fist dying to beat that brat to a pulp. We ran for awhile as I rounded the corner to catch them but almost fell over on my butt as I hit Naruto, "Ah!" I yelped as I got a good look around me, seeing Konohamaru being held up by his scarf but a weird painted-face man with a mummy on his back, and a lady with a huge fan on her back and 4 pig tails. "Konohamaru!" Yelled his team as Naruto glared at the man, "Let him go!" The man smirked, "Right after I beat some manners into this brat.." He said as he lifted his fist, "No wait! It was my fault he crashed into you!" I screamed as the man looked at me, "Kankuro! We're going to get into trouble" said the woman as the man scoffed, "He isn't here yet.. Lets have some fun." Kankuro said as he threw his fist at the kid, I began to run foreward as I stopped my tracks as Konohamaru felt to the ground, the man holding his hand as he backed away from the kid, to look angrily up at the tree, "You.." He said, as I turned to look at Sasuke, bouncing a pebble in his hand. "Sasuke!" I said happily as he didn't give me a glance. I grabbed Konohamaru's arm and pulled him away from the man over to Naruto as Sasuke was glaring daggers at the 2 newcommers. "You 2 are idiots.." Said a new voice as I looked over to see a red headed boy standing upside down next to Sasuke, 'When did he...' I watched as the 2 newcommers seemed kind of.. afraid? The one named Kankuro waving his hands at the redhead apologeticly, "No no Gaara! It wasn't us it was these Konoha ge-" He was cut off as the redhead appeared next to him, "Shut up.." He said as he began to walk away, the other 2 following him as I took a few steps foreward, "Wait! You 3! Where are your passes?" I yelled, realizing their headbands as they turned to look at me, "Right here, missy." Said the woman, holding her pass up, "We're here for the Chunin exams." She stated proudly as Naruto spoke up, "Chunin-Wha?" They turned away to leave again as Sasuke spoke up this time, "Wait!" They stopped to look at him, "Whats your name?.." He said as the woman spoke up, "Me?" She said, he scoffed, "No.. The one with the guard on his back.." He stated as she rolled her eyes as the redhead spoke, "Gaara Of The Sand.." He said in a hushed voice, his gaze turning to meet mine as I raised an eyebrow and backed up a bit, he turned away and started walking as the other 2 followed.

"Konohamaru you should apologize to Sakura-Chan 'ttebayo, if you weren't so mean you wouldn't have almost been hit.." Naruto said, catching my attention as Konohamaru pouted, before looking at me. My eyes widened as he did a small bow, "Sorry Sakura-Sempai.." I slightly blushed at the 'sempai' , "It's okay Konohamaru" I said with a smile as he nodded before running back to his team, light blush on his cheeks as they walked away from us. "Thanks Naruto." I smiled at him as he scratched the back of his head, "I'm sorry to Sakura-Chan.. I was just wanting to impress them.. hehe." I blushed at that as I giggled, "Its okay.. Just don't do it again." He nodded quickly as I looked up to Sasuke who jumped down to us, "Thanks for saving him, he should of thanked you to.." I said as he shrugged, "Don't care.." He said as I still smiled, "Lets hurry back to Kakashi-Sensei, alright guys?" They nodded to me as we began to walk back to the training grounds.

PeinSaku - 5

SasoSaku - 6

DeiSaku - 4


TobiSaku[Madara] - 8

ItaSaku - 10

HidaSaku - 1

KisaSaku - 8

Woo! BTW, [ Erza Scarlet Of Fairy Tail ] I might use the disguise idea, I'll make sure to credit you! Thank you and all of you for your support!