Hey! This is a story of the new generation of W.I.T.C.H called P.O.W.E.R! Just read to find out. I'm so excited!

Chapter 1: Penelope's experience.

Normal POV
It was a normal day at Heatherfield. It was the start of another semester at Sheffield institute. A car was driving up and coming to a halt as new girl Penelope Brooks stepped out of the car.

"Okay Penelope. Make sure you have a great day at school and make lots of friends." her mum said.

"okay." Penelope said

"ooo and just to be sure. Take this cookie basket with you. Give it to your new friends." her mum said

"If I get any" Penelope replied

"Don't be like that. I'm sure you'll make lots and lots of friends. Well, I have to go. I'll see you later" her mum said

"okay bye!" Penelope said.

Penelope's mum drove away as Penelope entered the school. The halls of Sheffield were streaming with people as they were coming inside. Penelope walked around,feeling shy as she was new here and didn't know anyone. Due to her gazing from one place to another, she accidentally bumped into someone. They both came crashing down with books falling on the floor.

"oh my gosh. I'm so sorry." Penelope said while getting up. "Here let me help"

"it's okay. Mistakes happen. I'm Emily." she said while picking her books from the floor.

"I'm Penelope. I'm new here."

" a newbie eh? Nice meeting you." said Emily

"I feel so clumsy right now" said Penelope

"Don't. It happens most of the time. So, what classes are you in?"

"I don't know. But, I was just about to check." said Penelope

"Great! I could come with you." said Emily

"that'd be awesome. Let's go!" exclaimed Penelope.

~A few minutes later...~

"Okay. First chemistry, then math, then lunch, then biology, physics blah blah blah" said Penelope

" what class is blah?" joked Emily

"ha ha ha. Very funny of you."

"thank you. Thank you very much."
"time for class. Let's go" said Emily.

" Chemistry, here we come! Exclaimed Penelope.
~Later at chemistry class~

"Come on. Let's find a seat" said Emily.

~1 hour later~

"Some of the equipment used in a chemistry lab include such as Bunsen burners. Now, they have the capability to..." Said the teacher. All Penelope could hear was blah blah blah. She had no idea why she wasn't listening, as much as she wanted to. All of a sudden, she heard a voice.

"get me out of here!" the voice said.

"what the...? Who said that?

"please, for the love of binary codes and micro chips, let me out of here!" the voice said again. She searched her pocket and brought out her phone.

"Did you say that phone?"

"Miss Brooks!"
Penelope looked up to see the teacher standing in front of her.


"Miss Brooks. I know you're new here, but using a phone during class Is unacceptable. Please put it away at once!" yelled the teacher.

"y-yes ma'am." said Penelope.

"Good! Now back to the lesson. As I was saying..." the teacher said

"Look what you did you stupid phone!" Penelope whisper yelled. "you did your job perfectly getting me into trouble on the first day!"

"Hey! I don't get paid for it!" the phone yelled,mbut only Penelope had the power to hear it.

"EEEPP!" yelled Penelope.

"Miss Brooks, is there a problem?" asked the teacher.

"um... I need to go to the bathroom." said Penelope. "please?"

"alright but make it quick." permitted the teacher.

"thanks" said Penelope as she made her way to the bathroom. As soon as she stepped inside, she yelled. "THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE! FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL AND I GET INTO TROUBLE...BECAUDE OF MY TALKING PHONE?!" as soon as she said it, the lights went out. "Oops! I didn't mean to." she said an dthe lights came back on.

' Weird. I've Got to pull things together.' Penelope thought.

"how you holding up?" a familiar voice said. Penelope turned around to see Emily standing at the door. "I was asked to check on you."

"I'm fine. Thanks for asking." said Penelope.

"well, we should probably get back to class." Emily said

"yeah. Come on. Let's go" Penelope said as they walked out. Today was really strange for her. Almost seems...magical.

And cut! One chapter down, only plenty more to go. Try to stay tuned for the next chapter.