
Length: 344 words

Robin is curious.

She knows history like the back of any of her hands. She can tell you, off the top of her head, all of the major world events from the very beginning until the present, save for that blank one hundred years. She'll know those one day. She knows most of the smaller events as well. In the library, most of the books are hers, and almost all of them contain the histories of various islands. If she doesn't know the history of an island they visit, she'll find it out. Robin knows history.

But there are things Robin does not know.

She knows the basics, but not the details of navigation, and she knows next to nothing about map making. She doesn't know a thing about machines or how to make them, and she has no idea how ships are built. She doesn't have the cleverness for creating useful inventions, or the patience to learn how to make them through trial and error. Swords are just fancy strips of metal to her, but the discipline their masters exercise is fascinating. She has mastered the art of coffee making, but she can't cook a meal to feed a crew and keep them healthy. She's never been able to make an instrument sound like it should. Medicine is a useful practice, but not one she's ever found the time for. She thought she knew how to read people, but she's discovered she still has a lot to learn about that as well.

Robin knows history, but she's always been curious about the things she doesn't know. History is constant, never changing, the last remnants of people and places that are no more. History is always in the making. Robin has found comfort in the present by being lost in the past. For her, history is valuable and important. But that doesn't mean she doesn't like to learn. There are always things she's wanted to know, always things she'd been curious about.

Now she's finally found the friends she can learn about them from.