I don't own any of KFP characters or locations.

"Why didn't you go with them?" Shifu asked Po, who was making his favourite noodle soup in the kitchen. "I thought you liked weddings and parties". It was late evening, but they weren't tired at all. The Five had gone to attend to the wedding of their old friends.

"I do, but I'm not in the mood today." said Po, serving Shifu a bowl of delicious soup. They sat down at the table.

"Yes, you've already said that, but... you train all day, and read the Scrolls, you cook for us... what about your free time and friends? Don't you think you're getting very lonely lately?" the master asked, although trying not to show his worry.

Po swallowed another mouthful of his meal and smiled slightly. "Not exactly. In fact.. I'm in love with someone whom I see everyday. So I don't feel very lonely..."

Shifu wasn't sure if he should continue that topic, but something in the panda's tone had intrigued him. "But...?"

Po's face began to sadden. He sighed. "It's not too fortunate love..."

"Why? Is she married?"

"Actually it's not 'she'. It's... 'he'."

There was an awkward silence between the two pandas. The Dragon Warrior loves... a male?.. Po loves some guy?! Quite.. unexpected. Shifu thought stunned. "Oh.. I understand."

They were eating in silence for several minutes.

Po stared into his bowl, his expression unreadable, but deep inside he was shaking in fear. Why did you tell him, idiot?! Why?! Now he's gonna think I'm a sick perv-

"Does he know?" Master Shifu interrupted his thoughtfulness.

"No." Po stated quietly. "He would never love me..."

A strange feeling sneaked into the master's heart. He had never suspected Po of being in such a difficult situation- to love unrequitedly, hiding his suffering behind the always sincere, happy, carefree mask that everyone knew.

And he felt sorry for the big panda. No wonder he didn't want to go to that wedding. Shifu heard his students approaching, and soon Monkey, Mantis, Crane, Viper and Tigress entered the kitchen, filling the room with joyous noises, chattering about the funny and touching events that had happened during the party.

"Aww, they are such a lovely couple." Viper sighed dreamy.

"Now newlyweds!" Crane corrected her.

"Let's drink to their health and happiness!"

"Mantis, you've already drunk too much." Tigress scolded the insect who was looking for another bottle of wine.

No one (except for Shifu) seemed to notice Po's dismal expression. A lone tear ran down the panda's cheek. Suddenly he stood up and left the kitchen.

"What happened to him? Is he angry?" asked Crane.

"Oh, I think he's just sleepy, it's pretty late." Shifu reassured him. "I see you've had a good time." he added, looking at Mantis especially. "You may sleep two hour longer tomorrow. Good night." He said and went down the corridor.

Drunk Mantis hiccuped. "Whereez tha real Master Shifu?!" he exclaimed. "He doesn't sound like my merciless mastaa!"

"Shut up, Mant, you'll wake everyone up!" Monkey scolded him.

"I heard that, Mantis!" Shifu answered.

The Master made his way towards his students' quarters. He noticed sounds of muffled sobs coming from the panda's room. Shifu realised that he had unintentionally revealed Po's hidden pain. He didn't have to confide in me, yet he did it. That trust was touching. He sighed and knocked on his door.

"Po?..." No answer. After a short moment he entered the room and closed the door with his back. Po was sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall, face buried in his arms.

"I'm sorry, Panda. I shouldn't have asked about that."

Po sniffled. "It doesn't matter."

The Master felt sudden need to comfort the heartbroken panda. What's happening to me? He asked himself, as he approached his student and wrapped his arms unsurely around the panda's neck. What the hell am I doing?
Po flinched with surprise, when the little paws embraced him. He could clearly feel the red panda's rapid heartbeat. "Everything.. will be all right." Shifu said quietly, although certain it wouldn't be.

"Thank you, Master." Po whispered after a long moment of silence. If you only knew...