The Future Guild
Chapter 21
The Letter Written to Mum and Dad
To Mum and Dad,
A lot has happened over the last month. I have so much to tell you, it's hard to know where to start. First of all, don't panic or come rushing out. Everything's okay now, though there's a lot of rebuilding to do in Magnolia. I'm not sure if we did more damage than the bad guys, though.
You might see it in the papers, but we saved the town! It was so cool! Me and the other kids. I've made a lot of friends. They're all cool in different ways. Most of the girls are scary, though. But, they're all great friends and I'm glad that I met them. They've taught me a lot.
I also met a dragon! His name was Igneel, though I guess you knew that. Natsu asked him to adopt the baby dragon the guy used as a weapon. We all felt bad for her. I hope I can see her again, when she's bigger. Dragons are amazing animals. I'm glad that Igneel is a friend because he's so scary, and I hope Corundum will be too. It makes me angry that she was mistreated.
I managed to use the charms that you gave me. I've become stronger. I have to thank you for sending me to Fairy Tail. I've learned so much and grown to become a better person. Everyone here is amazing. From the very big to the very small, the scary to the kind, the strange to the absolutely bizarre, everyone here is strong in their own way. I can see why you love this place so much. Thank you for making me come here.
I'll be home soon. I promise that I'll visit, and I know that you'll visit from time to time. I promise that the next time that you see me that'll have grown a bit more. I'll make you proud of me. Fairy Tail should have a Scarlet in it – I want to carry your legacy now.
On that topic, there's been some rumours that because the eight of us were so instrumental to defending the city, that we're shoe-ins for the next S-class exam, because it has eight participants. I don't know if that is true, but I'm really excited! Though, it does mean that I'll have to fight against Laura and Aiko, which is kinda frightening. And Tacks is pretty strong. Hell, they all are! It'll be great!
I can't cook for myself, but Laura's been coming round to help me learn. It's surprising, but I guess that her mum taught her a lot. Using swords a lot means that I've turned out to be pretty damn skilled with a knife! Every time I say or do something stupid, she hits me. I've been hospitalised twice. Kidding!
How are you? Is New Rosemary dull and quiet without me? I was the lifeblood of that village, after all. I bet you must miss me a lot. You know, because I miss you guys a lot. But I can't come home now, because Ignale wants to go on this mission tomorrow, and he's roped me and Tacks in. I'll be going out first thing in the morning. It's gonna be great!
It's late. I have to get some rest. I'll post this on my way to the guild.
Love, Gabriel
P.S Can I send my clothes home for washing? They're starting to smell.
==Author's Note===
Short and to the point! In fact, I think this may be the shortest chapter I've written, ever. Sorry.
With that, 'The Future Guild' comes to a close. If you've enjoyed the tale of Gabriel Scarlet and the new generation of Fairy Tail, I hope you'll look forward to 'Broken Heart', a fic that I'll start soon, telling the tale of the youngsters taking on their first S-class exam.
I feel that this has been my best fic ever, with strong plot advancement and character development. I've also fallen in love with some of my OCs, and look forward to developing them more in the future. As promised, Gabriel x Laura is coming. More Tacks x Nashi. Never Aiko x Ignale, except to kick ass.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to read and review this story.
===Replies to Reviews===
SakuraIchigoDark: Yes, you're making sense in your crazy, incoherent way, like the ramblings of a mad, homeless woman drunk on pure Russian Vodka while wearing a tinfoil hat to protect your mind from the alien beams being transmitted to the fillings in your teeth while snorting pure cat urine to get a high that only cocaine can top. I love you.
Guest: Thank you for the suggestions.
Playgod: Merry is THE hero! Also, don't worry, I think I have a quite compelling story for the return of Grimoire's master…
Tomoyo10798: Sorry that it's not much of a chapter…
Fire Girl 108: I've been loving writing these last few chapters. The action seems to have flowed very well.
Lexie loves anime: I believe that Lucy is strong, but she can't express it very well with her magic.
Ulcaasi: Your references are not welcome here. Jinzo, obliterate his internet references!
Raejinnzxc: I don't know if anyone ever checks the gallery, but I hope that it helps people get an image in their heads of the kids better than just reading a description.