~Band of Bonds

Chapter 15

The crowd erupted into cheers seeing the two most popular teens of music kiss in public. Natsu and I soon broke apart.

"Thank you Natsu. I have decided to forgive you." I said as we stood in that same position. He then faced the crowd and raised a fist in a victory position.

"My plan worked guys!" He screamed making me confused. What 'plan' was he talking about?


"See my plan to get you to forgive me was to hold a dance and singing competition. Which apparently worked." He stated with a smug smile.

"Natsu you are so weird….. But I guess that is a good thing. Come on lets go home." I said taking his hand and intertwining our fingers.

We walked back to the car and I remembered that I rode her with the girls.


"What is it?"

"I got a ride from the girls to get here…."

"Come on. I'll give you a ride." He said as he led me to where his Fire Red Lamborghini is. And the coolest part about his car? His doors open vertically! Not horizontally! I really need to get a new car….

And soon the days passed and it was finally time to do the shoot on Sunny at Midnight's newest video that I will be stared in.

"Come on Lucy! We are about to be late!" I heard Natsu yell from outside. I would already be there but I couldn't fine my good luck charm.

"Ah! I found it!"

I then ran outside and slid into the front seat of Natsu's car. Since there were six of us we had to drive separate cars meaning Loki is riding in the back seat and Gray and Jellal are riding in Gray's car.

"So what took you so long? Gray is going to beat to the studio and I can't let that ice freak beat me! You know this!" Natsu said right into my ear making me flinch.

"I am sorry Natsu. I couldn't find my good luck charm." I said looking at the dainty gold chain around my wrist with diamonds going around it.

"Good luck charm?"

"Yes Nastu my good luck charm. My mom gave it to me before she died and it has always brought me luck. I wear it every time I go onstage. Do you not pay attention to me anymore?" I teased with a fake pout making him start sweating.

"N- n-n-no! I mean-"

"Natsu! Why don't you pay attention to me anymore?!" I teased again trying not to show my enjoyment in this.

"L-L-Lucy! I-I-I-"


"I will do anything to just get you happy again."

"Okay." I said as I immediately stop whining leaving Natsu with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"Dude you are so whipped!" Loki said in the back seat making Natsu turn around and glare at him.

"Natsu! Keep your eyes on the road!" I scolded seeing as he almost lost control of the car and headed us strait for a ditch.

"Phew! That was close." He exclaimed with a sigh making the anger boil up in me. Don't get me wrong, I love Natsu very much but sometimes he can be a complete idiot.

"I have fallen in love with an idiot." I muttered under my breath making Loki hold in a giggle.


"Nothing Natsu. Just keep driving." I said making Loki's face turn redder from not breathing.

"What are you guys talking about?!" Natsu yelled not understanding.

We soon got there and I was practically shoved into a dressing room where they did my make-up, hair, and worse….. Dressed me.

"Lucy-sama you may wait for the director in this room right here." She stated opening the door to a room that was being decorated with fake walls and other things for the video.

I walk in and sit down in an open chair before realizing that I was thirsty.

"I thirsty…." I said quietly getting up to find a drink machine somewhere. Since I have never been to this studio I am probably walking in circles.

Finally after what seems like hours I find a machine and put in three quarters to get me a Dr. Pepper. I slowly walked back to where I am pretty sure the studio room was. I remember some of these doors…. Oh what am I talking about? All of these doors look the same!

After minutes of peeking in doors and walking in circles later I finally find the studio that I am supposed to be in. I knock lightly on the door and walk inside only to see a worried Natsu run a hand through his hair.

"Lucy! Thank god you are here!" Natsu said as he let out a gasp of breath that he apparently had been holding in.

"I'm sorry I went to find a drink machine and got lost." I said feeling guilty about making him feel worried.

"Anyway we have to start now so let's go!" He said grabbing my hand and practically dragging me. I looked down at our hands and gasped in horror.

"Lucy what's wrong?"

"My bracelet."

"What about your bracelet?"

"It's missing. My bracelet is missing!" I screamed looking all around to see if it had fallen off.

"Come down Lucy. We will shoot a little bit and then we will look for it afterwards."

"Natsu you don't understand. I can't sing or dance or do anything without that bracelet. Like I told you earlier. It is my good luck charm and one of the only things I have left from my mother. It is like my life connection to music. If I can't find it I won't be able to ever perform again…."

"Well then lets look for it!" Natsu said running out the door. Natsu was always doing stuff like this.

The only problem: We don't have time.

"Natsu I can't find it anywhere! What are we going to do?"

"We are going to trace back your steps."

"That's the problem! I don't even know where I went!"

"Okay well we can try asking around?"

"Okay…." I said defeated.


It has been a while and we are running out of time. We can only rent this place for about four hours and we have about two left.

"Natsu I think we should just give it up. This place is way too huge to find such a little bracelet…."

"Lucy if we give up now you will never be able to completely fulfill your dream!"

"Natsu I don't want you to lose your chance at fulfilling yours either!"

"Lucy we won't stop-"

I was waiting for Natsu to continue in our mini argument went I felt someone behind me. I turned around and instantly froze. Under normal circumstances I would yell and scream and punch or kick. But this wasn't a normal circumstance.

I looked at the man behind me and noticed he had a gold bracelet. My gold bracelet.

"Sting! What are you doing with my bracelet?!"

"Well look what we have here. Little Miss Lucy Heartfilia in the flesh."He said with a semi smirk. Then he did something I would of never expected him to do.

"Look Lucy I didn't steal your bracelet. I found it on the ground and remembered the day you showed it to us saying something like,' Look! Look! My Mama just bought this for me! Isn't it beautiful?!'" He said mimicking my child voice. He then turned serious aga9in anad looked at me dead in the eyes.

"Since I found it I thought that you were here either recording or shooting so I decided that I would try to find and return this to you." He handed me the bracelet and turned around and started walking. That is until he suddenly stopped.

"I know that I am probaly getting on your nerves right now so I will try to hurry with this…. I am sorry Lucy. I never meant to hurt you so bad. So please… just try to forgive Rogue and I." And with that he finally walked out of my sight.

But even so I just stood there in shocked.,


I then realized where I was and came back into reality.


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine Natsu." I said giving him a huge smile making him retirn one.

"Then let's go shoot the video!"

Oh yes I do.


The music ended and I could finally give my cheeks a rest from smiling. I put my thumb on one cheek and the rest of my fingers in the other smashing my lips together in the process trying to make my cheeks fill at ease.

It was 6:45 and we were finally done! I saw Gray, Jellal, and Loki walk out apparently going to some laser tag place. Don't even ask.

"Good work today!" The director called out before walking into the editing station.

"Ready to go?" Natsu asked as he came up and grabbed my cold hand.

"Yeah let's go." I said smiling.

We walked to the car and got in. I looked at Natsu expecting to see him cranking the car but instead he had a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Want to go somewhere?" He asked taking me by surprise.

"Sure?" I said even though it came out more as a question.

He then cranked the car and pulled out of the huge parking lot.

We drove for awhile until we came to yet another parking lot. What surprised me the most was when he pulled into the lot and turned the car off.

"Lucy I need you to close your eyes."

"Natsu what if I fall?"

"Don't worry I will guide you." He said with a toothy grin as usual.

"As if that makes me feel any safer." I muttered under my breath. I am pretty sure he heard me though because I heard him give a light laugh.

"Don't worry I won't let you hit a pole like last time." He said grabbing my hands.

From what my feet could feel through my hills, we went over a few hills and holes making me lose my balance some.

"Natsu are we there yet?!" I half asked half whined. I had been on my feet almost all day, excluding the car ride, and my feet were killing me.

"Open your eyes Lucy." He said taking his hand over my eyes. I opened my still closed eyes and saw a breath taking site. We were on a beach and it was sunset.

"Natsu…." I said with a loss of words. The site was breath taking. It almost reminded me of- Oh snap…. Was that today?!

"Happy one year anniversary."Natsu said sitting down on the ground.

"I am so sorry Natsu. I did not mean to forget about-" I shut up feeling something warm on my lips. I closed my eyes feeling familiarity to it. Suddenly that warmness was gone and I opened my eyes.

"Don't worry about it Lucy. You have been busy with interviews and radio shows and all of that stuff about your return and you forgot. I am just glad that I could spend it with you." He said capturing my lips once more.

This was perfect it was just like our first kiss back in California on the beach. The only difference is that we have been through so much together now and have experienced heart break and love in the last year. It feels like just yesterday I hated him and slammed the door in his face but here we are celebrating our one year anniversary.

This kiss soon broke and he rested his forehead against mine.

"Isn't it funny how we created a band of bonds?" He asked only to seal my lips with his yet again as the sun went down behind us.

And this is the last chapter! I hope you liked the ending. I feel like it was better than my last story's was :/ Anyway I would like to give a shout out to Annie Blackheart XD reading both of my stories. Also to Mimichan55 and Kitty2013 for reading and reviewing on almost every chapter. You guys have no idea how much it means to me when I check my story and see that I have more reviews. Thank you to everyone else that read my story and especially the ones that either, favorite, followed, or reviewed. Hank you for your support! I will be writing a new story so here is a preview:

"I was raped and abused as a child. I was scared. Scared that it could happen again. I hid myself behind baggy clothes and glasses. I dont know why I am telling you this because I haven't told anyone before but you make me feel safe."

Here is a link- s/10033594/1/Once-In-a-Blue-Moon

Review Please! Over and out~
