Draco: Holy Meteor, I'm actually writing this.


Alright, now that that's out of the way...

First things first. I am not averse to homosexuality. I myself am not homosexual, but I have no prejudice against homosexuals of any gender, be they fictional or real. The reason I dislike yaoi fanfiction for Kingdom Hearts (among others) is the fact that the characters themselves are heterosexual and can be verified as such both canonically and by word of their creators. Before you hate on me for pointing out yaoi and not/rather than yuri, let me inform you that I have yet to come across any level of yuri fanfiction for Kingdom Hearts or complaint of such, and that is most likely due to how much yaoi fanfiction there is in contrast.

I'm probably going to get more flak for this one, but I have very good reason to point out the above information first.

Next on the list. I don't know half a bag of Mulch about Japanese history and I don't give half a bag of Mulch about Japanese history. I do not mean any offense to the Japanese by that, and let me explain why I say that. I'm Canadian and our history classes focus on rererererererererereretelling the Nazi story and boring the class as much as possible. I do not mean any offense to the Germans for that, I know full well that "Nazi" and "German" mean two very different things. As a result (of the class point, smart guy), I have come to hate history class with a vengeance that puts me next in line to become Ghost Rider.

Okay, the Mulch part is a slight exaggeration. I know Oda Nobunaga was a total badass. He's the biggest name on the Sengoku period, he called Hideyoshi 'monkey', he was killed by Mitsuhide, he was married to Nō, he was in a sexual relationship with Ranmaru. I know Hideyoshi was married to Nene, I know Ginchiyo was married to Muneshige, I think Oichi was married to Azai but I know they were Sengoku's Romeo and Juliet and I'm not sure they lived long enough to get to the chapel. ...That's about all I know. Nope, I don't think that would fill half a bag of Mulch.

The point is, I'm a hopeless romantic that would show Selphie up like a perfect attendance record and it's hard to do that with married couples. Although I have a copy of Samurai Warriors: State of War and am going for the rest of the series, don't count on any historical accuracy. (Why does that sound oxymoronic?) The character relations are going to be... 10% historical fact and 90% Pokémon Conquest interpretation. That ten percent is going to be who and I'm not even going to be on the straight and narrow for that, either. I saw a very blatant relief on Ranmaru's face when Oichi showed up in Dragnor and a very blatant nervousness on Ramnaru's face when Oichi said "I'm fighting for Lord Draco!"

So, bottom line is, don't call me out on sexuality and don't call me out on relationships. I'm writing what I want how I want and I don't want to hear anyone complaining about it. This is my story. You are not part of it. Haters will be counter-hated. Flamers will be Glaciated. Have I made myself clear?

Wow, this is already longer than some of the fanfiction I have read.

Anyways, on to my usual-style author's comment. For some reason I am incapable of working on a single fanfic at a time. However, I need to practice pseudo-literation before I start FinalMixing my dAmn work, and since my emulator hates me, I can't do that with Infinite Zero [FINAL FANTASY]. Yes, I have to write it that way every time I bring it up. Regardless, I acknowledge I am a total moron for this and I apologize for readers of my other works.

I have had this idea in mind since I pressed START on the title screen of this thing; however, for some reason the idiots in charge of broadcasting Wi-Fi events decided to shut down all Conquest events but only for North America. Thus, I would not be capable of resetting my save file and playing The Legend of Ransei when I got the writing done without losing several very important pieces of gameplay and damn that thing is hard without Motochika and Motonari.

So, I am resorting to a second copy of Conquest and an Action Replay. Now, before anyone calls me out on that Action Replay: I have been resisting the urge to buy that thing for years now and everyone I know has been calling me out on it. Also, I can tell you for a fact that I am what they call a 'benevolent hacker' - I don't cheat all crazy Primape Mulch. I only cheat for conditions that I can not use otherwise. That's what sucks about being Canadian - they've only just recently started running Canadian events like they have American. I missed out on 80% of the GenIV events! Plus, there was no reason for them to shut down the Conquest events in North America and yet keep them going in Japan.

On a different but not completely unrelated note, Two Heroes Of Ransei is scary, damn it! I think that has something to do with the fact that Nō and Nene are a pain in the rear to get their requirements for Warrior transformation and those wings on Nene's outfit are kinda sorta creepy.

Back to my writing habits. I thought that 'Warrior Skills and items' were not sufficient to consider battle 'as much about the Warriors as it is the Pokémon', so I decided to rectify that. This is where Samurai Warriors comes in. We are talking Warrior-to-Warrior combat alongside Pokémon-to-Pokémon combat and all Warlords will be engaging in weaponized combat. Not lethal weaponized combat, mind you, but weaponized combat nonetheless. I will be taking some - read: some - weapons from Samurai Warriors, but many of those things are weird as Antimatter and I most certainly am not using firearms in Ransei. Got it memorized? {Axeltap}

I am normally rather averse to writing Pokémon fanfiction because of the series' constant evolution (no pun intended), but this sucker is too good to pass up and I decided "You know what? Screw it."

Copyright shenanigans? Copyright shenanigans.

Pokémon and protagonist © Nintendo. Character designs © Koei. Ransei © somewhere in the middle.

Aurora: New Warlord

The region of Ransei...

A land of Pokémon, Warriors...

...and the ties that bind them.

In the kingdom of Aurora, situated in the corner of this land...


The kingdom was filled with commotion - and with good reason. Aurora's Warlord, a man by the name of Rukar, had been missing from the kingdom for years. Without a proper Warlord to hold the kingdom together, Aurora had grown unstable - but finally, Rukar's daughter - a girl by the name of Evia - had decided to take her father's place and ascend to Auroran Warlod.

Evia was still rather young, however - and she could only do so much.

At the moment, she was wandering the kingdom, familiarizing herself with the different places near the castle. Her long brown hair, which nearly reached the back of her knees, was drifting around her, and her voltic blue eyes shimmered with a powerful bond. She tried not to draw attention to herself, but her Warlord Crown - two bright silver horns that rose from below her hair - stood tall for any passers-by to see.

Her Eevee dashed at her feet - an uncommon Pokémon in Ransei as a whole - as Evia neared Aurora Castle's battlefield. It was a simple setup - several logs were scattered about, but all in all, the arena was unobstructed. As the young lady glanced around, she caught sight of a figure - a girl, hidden behind a nearby tree - but no sooner had she seen the girl than Evia was approached by a trio of figures - children, they seemed to be.

"So, this is Aurora's new Warlord...?" The first of them had what seemed to be a massive white hairdo, with two large spikes protruding through it. However, on closer inspection Evia could see a strand of brown hair dangling in front of his face - the hair must have been a stylized hat.

The second child glanced towards her feet. He had slick black hair and a kind of 'reckless abandon' face. "Hey," he mused, "is that an Eevee?"

The third set a hand on his chin. "That's a Pokémon you don't usually see around here," he admitted. His silvery-white hair was spiked to his right, and his expression was kind of a balance between his friends.

Evia heard their observations, but said nothing. These children weren't causing her any trouble, there was no reason to flee from them. All they wanted was to meet their Warlord - there was no reason to stop them from that.

The 'reckless' child raised his gaze with a "Hm?" as though he heard something. Both of his allies turned towards the battlefield gates, and Evia followed their gazes to see two figures marching towards the area.

Held above them was a massive red flag, displaying a flaming white feather.

The horn-hat child narrowed his gaze. "Ignisans," he muttered.

"Aw, man!" the one with the wild face protested. "There's already Warriors clambering for the castle now that we've got a proper Warlord!"

The two figures stepped up to the gates. One of them had a snack cake in his hand and a Tepig at his side. The other kicked the gates open, letting his Bidoof tumble in ahead of him. The two stepped inside, looking between the four of them.

"Which one's the Warlord?" the kicker asked, propping the flag against his shoulder.

"Come on, just look for their Crown," his friend prompted quietly. He glanced around. "That one, the kid with the big poofy hair." The two of them stepped forward, and the snacker pointed accusingly at the child with the horned hat. "Are you Aurora's new Warlord?"

The child huffed, turning up his nose. "Don't look at me," he snapped. He beckoned to Evia. "This is our Warlord." He turned away, stepping out towards the castle.

The kid with the black hair quickly followed suit.

The last of them glanced at the men before turning to Evia. "They're all yours."

Evia gulped as the Warriors looked to her. "So, you're the Warlord," the Warrior with the Bidoof mused. "Eh, I suppose that explains the armour."

It wasn't much armour - a pair of segmented pauldrons, two plates that dangled from her waist, a metal collar on her shirt, and a pair of half-cuffs without gauntlets, bound to her wrists with black cord - but it was still armour, and her confrontor sighed like he saw himself as an idiot for not noticing. "Anyways, glad we found you. We're from Ignis. Just up north."

"And we're here to challenge you for the kingdom of Aurora!" the Tepig guy added. "So put 'em up!"

The Warlord stepped back, bracing an arm before her. Eevee growled lightly as the brute with the banner took an offensive stance, his Bidoof chattering at the Aurorans. The one with the Tepig glanced around before stopping his friend from throwing a punch. "Uh, I think we're supposed to start the fight at the gates."

"Oh. Right." The flag guy started jogging backwards until they arrived at the gate; then he whirled the massive banner between his hands like a quarterstaff and drove it into the ground. His friend with the snack cake stepped up next to him; then he crushed his snack in hand, letting the pieces fall as their Pokémon took positions.

Evia grit her teeth, taking an offensive stance with a determined glare.

The Warrior with the Tepig gripped his knuckles silently. "Just one of you, huh?" he mused. "This is gonna be too easy!"

"Please, wait!"

Evia turned towards the edge of the battlefield. The girl she had seen before - a girl in bright pink and white, with long brown hair - stepped out from behind a tree. In her hand was a long, almost arcane staff of shining cobalt - the head of the staff was a glass casing, and within was a shining white crystal. At her side was a Jigglypuff, who quickly stepped forward and took an offensive stance.

The girl braced her staff carefully in hands, turning to Evia. "I'll fight with you!" she called.

The Ignisan Warriors glanced at each other. "Well, the more the merrier," the one with the Bidoof mused.

"Go ahead and join forces," the Tepig fighter sighed, turning towards them, "it won't make a difference!"

They both dashed forward, their Pokémon leaping after them as they charged. The brute with the Bidoof launched straight for the girl with the staff, who expertly caught a straight-arm punch on her staff and leapt away. The Bidoof tried to run into her legs, but her Jigglypuff quickly caught the blow and lashed out with a series of open-hand strikes.

Evia waited as the other Warrior's Tepig shot forward, spitting flames towards them; Eevee only leapt around the Embers before launching forward with a Quick Attack that sent Tepig tumbling sideways. Evia watched the battle, her hand flowing with her Eevee's movements - not seeing the Tepig's Warrior approaching her until a solid punch landed on her back.

The Warlord screamed as she felt steel on the strike.

She fell forward, twisting as she hit the ground, and glanced towards the Warrior to see a pair of brass knuckles locked around his fists. "Come on," he taunted, "you can't let your friends do all the fighting. Let me see what you can do, Auroran."

Evia grit her teeth, getting to her feet and lashing out with a straight-arm blow. The Warrior beat it away with his left hand before lashing a roundhouse punch with his right, but Evia only caught his arm against hers, careful not to let the steel on his fist connect with her.

She lashed out with another punch, this one landing true on his stomach and causing him to stumble back. Evia turned towards Eevee; her partner was not faring well, and quickly, Evia spread her fingers, prompting her Eevee to lash out with a spinning blow that knocked the offending Tepig into a sideways tumble.

Movement from before her caused Evia to turn forward to have the Warrior from Ignis slam an elbow into her stomach. The Warlord gave a yelp of pain as she fell backwards, skidding across the dirt; as the Warrior shot towards her, Evia skidded her feet against the dirt and stumbled back, letting his falling fist strike the dirt. She kicked his arm, causing him to tumble to the ground as she got to her feet, but he quickly recovered, slamming his knuckles into her leg.

Evia gave a shout of pain, falling to one knee as the Warrior shot up. Another punch landed on her side, causing her to stumble back, and as she tried to get to her feet the Warlord lashed out with a solid punch that landed right on her Warlord Crown. A scream shot through Evia's lips, and she started to fall before the Warrior struck her with a kick, not even letting her hit the dirt. Evia flew back, rolling across the ground, her Crown striking the earth until she collided with one of the trees at the edge of the battlefield.

The Warrior stepped forward threateningly.

"Wuh... One moment, please..."

Her words were weak, but they reached the Warrior's ears. A grin rose on his face. "I'm in no hurry," he taunted. "Aurora's as good as ours!"

Evia glanced towards the quarrel between Eevee and Tepig. The flames were starting to wear Eevee down, and Evia knew that if her partner fell, the kingdom was lost.

She closed her eyes and let her hand drift across the earth.

As Tepig shot forward to finish her off, Eevee quickly pawed the earth and launched himself skyward. He hit the Ignisan's Pokémon with a falling Quick Attack, and Tepig gave a shout of pain, causing the Warrior to spin. Evia took the advantage and shot to her feet, driving an elbow into the Warrior's side and then arcing her knee into his back. As the Warrior spun around, she lashed out with a knifehand strike on his stomach; as his fist flew towards her, she ducked under the strike and landed a straight kick that sent the Warrior falling to the ground.

The Warrior groaned as he tried to get up. "One... moment... please..."

Evia grit her teeth, her gaze flitting to her partner's fight. Tepig had recovered and was now spitting Embers at Eevee again; Evia swirled her fingers into a circle, prompting Eevee to dash rings around Tepig. The Ignisan's battle shout caused her to lock her attention on him again; as a menacing two-fisted punch flew towards her, Evia moved fast.

Her right hand connected with the Warrior's arms.

Her left fist connected with his stomach.

The Warrior flew back onto the ground, and Evia arced her hands towards the sky as Eevee landed a final knockout blow on Tepig, causing the Pokémon to fall to the ground.

Evia glanced towards the other Warrior. The mystery girl with the staff was struggling to keep her staff in her hands and out of her opponent's hands, and her Jigglypuff was struggling to avoid his Bidoof's attacks. With a sweep of the Warlord's hand, Eevee shot forward with a Quick Attack.

The staff girl lashed the Warrior out of the lock.

Jigglypuff raised her hands to strike.

Bidoof tried to land a Headbutt and found himself knocked out from the side.

The Warrior spun towards his Pokémon to find his ally on the ground before the rookie Warlord.

Whoever the staff girl was, she had a look of shock as she watched Evia, who stood there with her hand outstretched towards the combat. She narrowed her gaze and turned towards the brass-knuckled Warrior before her, who stumbled to his feet and stepped back.

"You're... strong," he gasped. "A lot stronger than they said you'd be..."

The brute who had carried the flag picked up Bidoof under his arm and started towards the gate. "Lord Hideyoshi's gonna be mad!"

The knuckled fighter hoisted Tepig over his shoulder and started running. "Never mind that!" he insisted. "Just grab the flag and let's get out of here!"

As the two of them took off, Eevee made his way back towards Evia. The Warlord glanced at the little Pokémon, and a soft smile rose on her face as she knelt down and held out a hand. Eevee stepped on, walking up to the young lady's shoulder as Evia turned and started out of the battlefield.

Draco: Damn, this sucker is going to be longer than I thought.

I figured that inheritance was the only way that the player could have become Warlord and have the Ignisan attack be their first battle. Sue me.

I acknowledge you may find it strange that I am using the female Warlord rather than the male. There are several reasons for that - some of which I can and will be smacked upside the head rapidly for - but the biggest reason is that the female playable Warlord is the only female character who can Link with a legendary Pokémon and that's been pissing me off for long enough that I might make a fanfic out of it. Also, I have been writing fanfics with more female characters than male characters for a long time and I don't know how to kick the habit.