Author's Note: Hi readers. This is my first Avengers fic, centered around my own character, Ariana, Captain America, and Loki. I don't own anything but my own superhero: Ariana! Thank you & hope you enjoy it.
Chapter One: S.H.I.E.L.D
"Ariana Visser..."
The voice called out my name. Where was I? Looking around, I checked out my surroundings. A dark sky filled with lightning, and me...on a big empty field somewhere in the desert. I looked at my hands. They felt numb.
It called again. I looked up, and a figure fell swiftly, with grace and elegance, if that was even possible. Quickly approaching the ground, there was no way in hell that the person could survive the massive fall. Finally, a few seconds passed, and it hit the ground with such a force that the earth under me shook with ferocity. I rushed over to the body, and as I ran, I could feel myself being slowed down by something unexplainable. My legs felt heavy, and my head turned groggy.
"What!?" I screamed back. I awoke in terror. Why... What was my dream about? I unfortunately had no time to answer my own question for a man dressed in a black and white suit was hovering above me. He was strange, and I had never seen him before. "Who are y-"
"I am Agent Phil Coulson, of S.H.I.E.L.D, here to address you about-"
"Wait," I interrupted him. "You can't just wake me up just because you want to ask me-"
"No. You're the one who decided that it was a jolly good idea to get drunk and end up almost completely wasted and now hungover on one of Mr. Stark's yachts."
"Oh..." I remembered. It was my best friend's cousin, Pepper Potts' twenty seventh birthday party. We boarded the yacht at around ten p.m the previous night, and I guess my drinking antics got out of hand. I looked around. I was clearly sleeping on the cushiony seat with an aztec throw on top for little warmth. I looked back up at the man, "Um...Sorry?"
"All is forgiven Miss Visser. Now if you'll just come with me, I have much to discuss with you."
"Wait...Come with you? Hello? I've never met you before."
"Well then I guess I'll have to come with you too," another voice said before emerging from the downstairs cabin.
"Tony! What's going on?" I asked the other man I barely even knew. We met last night. I didn't know Pepper very well either except for the fact that she was close with my best friend, Jane.
"Phil here just wants to talk to you about the S.H.I.E.L.D initiative. Nothing too big. Come on Ariana, it's nothing to worry you about, I promise," Tony winked. For some reason I guess he had more charm, because I agreed to go.
We got off the yacht to be waited for by a shiny black sedan. Before I got in I asked, "Where is Jane? And Pepper?"
"They're already at headquarters...They didn't want to leave you, and believe me, we wanted to wake you sooner. But you were in such a deep sleep, and your movements towards your dreams were questionable..." Tony explained.
I got in after him followed by Coulson. "What do you mean, questionable?" I asked, thinking of the strange dream I had, with the figure falling from the sky.
"We thought it'd be more interesting to see you sleep it out," Tony smirked. I rolled my eyes then gave Agent Phil a questioning glare.
"We'll discuss it shortly." Coulson stated, saying no more.
Honestly, I felt really uncomfortable here in the sedan. My long dark auburn hair was unbrushed, along with my teeth. I was only in the clothes I wore the night before, which were a pair of chino-shorts and a flowy green tank top. I wasn't wearing any shoes.
As soon as we pulled up to the building, I felt a little more relieved. Soon I would hear of some big news and then it would be over, back to my tiny one-bedroom apartment, back to work.
I got out, with my bare feet touching the ground. It was hot out, and they burned. "Ouch." I bit my lip.
Two men were awaiting us at the door, one, with combed to the side blond hair, was tall and muscular, the other, with brown hair, a little shorter and more nimble looking. Both appeared to have the physique of WWE All Star wrestlers.
"Ah, Clint, Steve," Tony remarked with a grin as he saw them. "Working hard, or hardly working?" He joked with the two men.
"Oh you know me Tony, just hitting the gym. Nothing too fancy," The blond one, Steve, smiled. He was cute, with a sweet smile and still looked like he could fight any man who'd have the guts to mess with him.
Clint just smirked without saying anything at all. Steve walked towards me and held out his hand for me to shake it. "Hi, I'm Steve, and you must be..."
"Ariana," I smiled. "Ariana Visser."
"Ariana here is our new project," Phil stated, and before I could say another word, Clint walked up to me to say hi.
"Nice to have you on the team, Ariana," He smiled.
"Wait- What team!?" I exclaimed. I was totally not prepared to fight alongside these two men, whatever the sport may be. "I did not agree to be on any team!"
Obviously, I was ignored. Tony led the way with the other three men behind me. This did not look like it was going to be an ordinary meeting. We headed inside the building and walked down a hallway where Tony pressed a button for the elevator. Steve, Tony, and Clint seemed to be joking and talking, like this was just another ordinary day. Coulson was silent, with his hands together behind his back. The elevator dinged as we got out onto a spacious floor. We started to proceed again, down another hallway, until we got to a room. Steve opened it and gestured for me to go in, as a gentleman would. I smiled. He was the most charming of them all if I had to choose.
In the room was a long oval table, with a large black man with an eyepatch at the head of it. Along the table were a woman with striking red hair, a man in glasses that looked fairly nerdy, Jane, and Pepper. I smiled, finally some people I knew.
"Jane!" I exclaimed. "What's going on?"
"Take a seat, Miss Visser." The man at the head said with a commanding voice. I didn't hesitate to listen.
The other three followed me and seated themselves along the table as well. Once everyone was comfortable, the man at the head of the table spoke.
"My name is Nick Fury. You are probably wondering why I have brought you were today, Miss Visser, and that is to discuss the S.H.I.E.L.D initiative, and why all these people here are key to it. You have gifts, do you not?"
"Gifts? Sorry but I wasn't given the tip that I should have brought wine or something." My cheeks reddened. I didn't know what else to say.
"Not those types of gifts, Ariana. We mean your powers," The nerdy man spoke. "My name is Bruce Banner. I am a scientist here at S.H-"
"He's an extremely great Hulk too if you ask me," Tony smirked.
"Stark!" Bruce glared.
"Enough!" Nick Fury demanded. "Jane here has told us of your...ability to see the oncoming future. We believe that in times like these...grave times, that we may put your abilities to good use in the world."
Jane...She told. I thought I trusted her. I had asked her not to tell anyone of my visions. They were scary, they scared me! I hated them. I wished I could get rid of them all together. "Jane...Why?" I muttered.
"I'm sorry Ari. I thought that you could maybe appreciate them if you could help others with them, and that's what this is about," She said. Her face explained how sorry she was, and I understood that.
"You're not the only one with powers, Ariana," Steve smiled. "I was injected with a serum seventy years ago, by Tony's father, Howard Stark. I wanted to join the army, but couldn't, for I was too weak. "Howard made sure that with my super strength I could save others, help them, and join. Frozen in time, I've come back. I resented it at first, being in the future, but now I realize that I can help people."
Steve's words clicked into my head. Super strength, something they only spoke about in movies. Well it was true.
"And me, Howard's son. Stuck in a place where it was either life or death I created a suit that helped me get out. With some improvements and adjustments, my genius and charm," he winked, "has now saved countless around the world."
Pepper blushed at her boyfriend's sarcasm. But I took note.
"And us," The girl with red hair pointed at Clint, "We are two highly trained assassins-
"And lovers," Tony suppressed his laugh as Clint glared.
"-that are skilled in the art of killing for the cause of good."
"We notice you have a skill as well. We could put that to good use...if you're willing to help," Phil noted.
I didn't know what to say. Super strength, killing, the "force of good"? What did all that have to do with me. I am none of those things. Of course I'd want to use my strength for good but...couldn't they just help me oppress it and become normal?
"Okay. What's my first task?" I smiled. Jane and Pepper smiled back. They seemed happy about me agreeing.
Nick spoke to the group as a whole, "First, she will need basic training."
"I'll help with that sir!" Steve volunteered. I smiled, he seemed like the perfect one to do the job.
"Erm, yes...Then we will all focus on Thor's return. There has been much speculation on the return of Thor as a golden helmet was found 7.8 kliks from here. Focus on finding him. We all know that when Thor comes, Loki follows, which mean destruction."
These strange names almost felt too familiar. "Who is Thor?" I asked Fury.
"Thor is a god from the realm of Asgard. He agreed to help protect earth with the Avengers. Loki, his brother, sent the Destroyer a few months back to attempt domination over Midgard."
"So we're not really going to need to fight Thor then?" I asked.
"I speculate not. Miss Foster here is"
"I'm his girlfriend, Ari," Jane said. My eyes widened. She hadn't told me about this either! "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but I couldn't! He was from another world and that was too much...I'm sorry."
"Theres no need to be sorry Jane. I understand." I said as I smiled at my friend. There were so many things revealed to me now that I don't think even the worst could leave me surprised.
"Well then. Miss Visser, you will begin your training here tomorrow. Nine a.m sharp," Fury stated.
"What about my other job?" I asked about the small laywer's office I worked for as a secretary.
"We have already notified them of your resignation."
Surprise surprise. I guess I'm the newest Avenger.