Hey guys! So after watching Future It Up, I just had to write a sequel! It was, hands down, my favorite episode on the show! So this story takes place two years after the high school reunion. Here's the first chapter, and I hope you guys like it!

24 Years In The Future…

Deuce point of view

Here I am at Crusty's, well of course I'm here I own the place. Me and Dina Are waiting for Ty and Tinka to show up. Let me explain. Rocky and Cece are in a Broadway show together and they got us tickets to see them this weekend. So we we're all going to go to New York City, meet up with the girls, hang out with them a bit, and then see the new show! The two girls are already in New York. So we were supposed to meet up with Ty and Tinka here and then the four of us will fly to New York together. Or should I say five of us.

Me and Dina are bringing our two year old baby girl, Erica, with us. We really don't have a choice since we couldn't find a sitter and none of our sons are responsible enough to take care of her. Mainly because she is almost impossible to keep in one place for two minutes. I turn my head for a second and she's gone! She's always running away and we're always chasing her! I am a little worried about taking her to New York, but we don't have a choice.

I looked at my watch. They were supposed to be here half an hour ago. And I'm pretty anxious to see them. Neither me or Dina have seen them since their wedding. Yeah you heard me. Ty and Tinka got married over a year ago. I never saw it coming. At least I was their best man!

"Hey, Deuce! Dina!"

I turned my head and saw Ty and Tinka at the entrance. Me and Dina immediately got up and ran up to give them each a big hug.

"Ty! Tinka! Long time no see!" I said.

And wow. They both look a lot different since I last saw them, especially Ty. He grew a lot more hair since the reunion, and he had a flat stomach, even a little muscle. Tinka pretty much looks the same...except for the fact that her stomach was sticking out! It was difficult to give her a hug since she's always been taller than me.

"Tinka, you look… are you…?" Dina started to say.

"Pregnant? Yes." Tinka replied with a smile.

"Really? That's great! Congratulations guys!" I say in a excited voice. No way! Tinka is going to be a mom? Ty is going to be a dad?

"Thanks, man!" Ty replied.

"Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?" Dina asked.

"Nah, we're waiting for when it comes to find out" Ty says with a smile, while putting his arm around his wife. "Which was supposed to be three days ago."

"Well, other than the baby, what else is new?" Dina asked.

"Well my new fashion line is more popular than ever!" Tinka says proudly.

"Yeah, and ever since I quit my job working for Flynn, I had enough time to join a gym and go on a diet. I even grew my hear back!" Ty says running his fingers through his hair.

"Wait, you quit your job?" I exclaimed in shock. "What do you do now?"

"Well you know back in high school I wanted to be a rapper? Well I actually just got signed to a record label!"

"No way! That's great, Ty!"

"What about you guys?" Tinka asks. "Anything new in your lives?"

"Well," I respond. "Our oldest son Dylan is going to college at the end of the summer, Crusty's business is going good, and Erica just turned two years old last week!"

"That's great! Is that her?" Tinka says gesturing towards the little girl hiding behind Dina's leg.

"Yeah, say hi, sweetheart!" Dina said to Erica.

"Hello!" Erica said in a high voice waving to them.

"She's so cute!" Tinka exclaimed.

"Thank you! Oh! I forgot to mention! We are weren't able to find her a sitter so she's coming to see the show too. Is that okay with you guys?"

"Of course!" Ty said with a smile.

"Well," Dina said. "You two are late so we better get going to the airport."

"Sorry about that. There was a lot of traffic." Ty explained.

"Well that gives us another reason to get going!" I exclaim. "Lets go Eri-" I look down and notice that she's gone! Again!

"Where'd she go?!" I yell looking frantically around the restaurant.

"Relax dude." Ty said with a chuckle. "She's over there." He points in the direction of the counter where I see Erica standing on top of it. Then she jumps off and runs into the kitchen.

"No wait! Erica! Come back sweetheart!" I yell as I run into the kitchen.

How are we going keep an eye on her in biggest city in the world? I eventually catch her and the five of us get a cab to the airport. In an hour or so, we were flying to New York to meet up with Rocky and Cece.

Well that's all for this chapter! Sorry if it's to short! I will try to make the next one longer! But other than the length, what did you think? Let me know in your review. I can take constructive criticism, so don't hold back. Do you think I should continue? Well bye guys!