***A Lost Gurdian of Yakumo***

Fire, Earth, Water
Mushra, Kutal, Sago.

The three element entteras that
Protect the last human on Enterra.

But whats seems to missing?
For there is only,
Fire, Earth, Water.

There should be one more, but who is it?
Who is it thats missing?
The answer lies within the dreams of Yakumo.

The blazing Fire,
The damp Earth,
The cool Water, and
The feirce Wind.

That is whats missing
A Wind Entteran.

She is missing for she has been put to sleep a long time ago
For she was the first protecter of Yakumo.

For she was made by Yakumo father when the Entteran War came.
She was grown in a tube and was given a specail ability.

But she is not only a Entteran, but
Also Yakumo half sister,
For she has some Yakumo's blood running through her body, as
She has the power of the Wind running through her.

She was put too sleep with Yakumo, but
Has woken up to stop the Dark King from destryoing her.

She had split the Dark King apart and,
She went to sleep in another city for another Fifty years.

But soon the Wind awaken.......

For a Human appoarches and shall resurrected Wind once more