Disclaimer: Remus and Sirius belong to JK Rowling. The song Madness belongs to Muse.

A/N: Because I'm bored and I found it on my laptop, so I thought I'd do something useful and upload it. Enjoy.

The door swung open before Remus could reach it and there he was, drenched from the thunderstorm currently tearing through the skies of London. There, with his hair plastered to his face and neck, rivulets of water streaming through the folds of his leather jacket and eyes wide and imploring, was Sirius. There was no need to hear his words, no need to explain or apologise. Remus leapt forward and engulfed himself in Sirius, in his scent mixed with the rain, in the realisation that he needed him, needed his love. Madness. That's what it was.

Come to me, he thought, come on and rescue me. All of their fights were pointless after hearing about those deaths on their wizard wireless. Madness had evolved between them, war and paranoia cracking through their exteriors and swallowing them whole. But Remus had seen the light. He had realised what the other man meant to him.

Mouths met in a frenzy of silent apologies and violence promises to keep them afloat above the ocean of crazy fights and thoughtless comments. Above the world taking control of them, coming between them and stopping them from feeling this. Hands grabbed at clothing as Sirius reversed him back into the house and in another moment, the door was closed and skin was sliding against skin, the earthy taste of rain beneath tongues, a tear falling between them. Remus closed every gap he could, making a solemn vow to never let this man go.

No matter what, they would never be torn apart.